《Keeping up with Kamila》• Christmas Special •
A/n: Merry Christmas my loves this Christmas special happens a little in the past before anyone gets confused.
Pyro's head rested on my lap as I lay snuggly under Sebastian's arm, the Christmas movie playing was nearly finished but Stella hadn't been paying attention. She was to exited about the party and what was to come the next morning to sit still and watch anything so she was knelt by the coffee table colouring. Every few minutes she'd stop and ask a load of questions usually the same ones,
"Can we get ready now?"
"Not yet it's to early love"
"Is Santa coming?"
"He will be, you have to let him get ready first"
"What if I'm on the naughty list mom?"
"Your not stells don't worry he emails the moms of Naughty children and he hasn't emailed me so your fine"
As the movie ended I turned to look at Sebastian after realising how quiet he'd been, to no surprise I found him asleep with his head leant back on the couch his arm still loosely wrapped around my waist from when he'd reached around to pet pyro. I whispered his name and he slowly opened his eyes, sleepy smiling at me as he leant down and kissed the top of my head.
I carefully stood up nudging pyro's head of my lap, Seb grabbed my hip making me look back at him "we don't have to get ready yet" I smiled "I know but I got something to give you and Stella before we go" he looked confused but let go anyways. I walked over to the tree catching the attention of Stella as i crouched down and picked up a small present from under the tree that I'd left there a few days ago.
She quickly stood up and ran over to me pulling my hands away from the tree, "stop mom you said if we touch the presents they all disappear" I let out a small laugh standing up and smoothing her hair down. "I know but this one's a special one for you and dad"
Stella perked up letting go of my arm as she scrambled up onto Seb's lap as I sat down beside him again. I held the small gift out in my hand "who's opening it" Stella being Stella didn't give Seb a chance to speak as she took the box from my hand
She ripped off the wrapping paper and pulled open the little black box her brows furrowing tightly when she saw a pink and white stick. "Mom what is it?". I looked up to meet eyes with Sebastian who was already looking at me with the widest smile I'd ever seen plastered on face.
"Are you really?" Seb asked, I nodded quickly grinning back at him. That was all the confirmation he needed to leap out of his seat picking Stella up with him. He spun her around in the air "your gonna be a big sister" he practically yelled nearly falling over the coffee table. Pyro started barking at the sudden movement jumping up at Seb as he danced around the room with Stella in his arms. Stella fell into a fit of giggles as Seb dipped her down towards pyro letting him cover her face in doggy kisses.
I couldn't help but laugh at his antics, to be honest we'd never spoken about having another kid we both just mutually decided the Stella was enough. So seeing him so happy about a second really took a weight of my shoulders.
After a few more dance moves were busted Seb finally put Stella down and pyro calmed down. Although Seb's celebrating clearly wasn't over just yet, he moved back over to the couch taking my face in his hands planting hundreds of kisses all over my face. "God I love you" he mumbled between pecks. "Ewww dad noo" Stella squealed as she climbed onto my lap and pushed Seb away.
She then turned to me and grinned, "am i really gonna be a big sister?" I gave her a smile "you really are"
Stella pumped her fist in the air "yes" she yelled making both Seb and I laugh. "Is it in there?" Stella asked pointing to my stomach "is it a boy or a girl?"
"I don't know yet love, we'll find out soon though"
Stella nodded climbing off my lap, "can we get ready now Mom"
: beautiful
: the Kim k Xmas party is honestly one of my favourite things
: I refuse to believe she's nearly forty
: RIGHT she looks amazing for 37
: damn momma your looking fine
: I hate neon but this dress does bits
: Kamila stays serving
: bestie Santa is coming go to sleep
: 😍😍
: I don't know wether I wanna be her or be with her
: heyyy Kamila if your looking for a new dog I can bark
"Oh my gosh mom look at auntie kim's house" Stella gasped her face pressed against the car window as we pulled into the driveway of kim's house which had been covered in snow, Clearly fake but it still felt Christmassy.
"I'll never get over how extra your family are" Seb mumbled parking the car in the driveway. I rolled my eyes at him before laughing, he smirked at me taking off his seatbelt. Seb had offered to drive us all to Kim's after announcing that he would be going sober for the remainder of my pregnancy in solidarity. Which is exactly what he said last time but he only lasted a few weeks and then he was back to bar hopping with Anthony and Chris.
"You love it really" I teased back climbing out of the car and walking around to let Stella out as well. We didn't even get a chance to walk up the front steps when the herd of cousins came tumbling out the front door running towards Stella who was more than happy to join them, skipping off to cause mischief somewhere else.
"Hey Stella wait up" Seb called after her and she stopped spinning around to look at him, he grabbed three giant packets of marshmallows and handed them over to her. "Share them nicely and Don't let auntie Kourt see" Seb patted Stella on the head and she ran around the corner to catch up with the rest clutching the large packets.
Seb stood up and looped his arm around my waist pulling me into his side as we walked inside, "Kourtney is gonna have your head on a platter one of these days" I teased back, "don't be silly kam she loves me" he joked back nudging my side.
It only took my mom a few seconds to manoeuvre her way over to us picking two glasses of champagne off a tray on her way over. "Kam Seb it's so good to see you both where's Stella?" She asked handing me the glass.
"She's been taken by the herd already" I shook my head at her and she took it back confused "how come your not drinking" she asked taking a sip of her own drink, looking between Seb and I suspiciously. It never took her long to figure things out. Luckily Seb and I had already had the conversation in the car and we were going to tell people, so mom figuring things out wasn't a problem.
"I'm pregnant mom so don't think champagne is the best idea right now" I joked, her eyes almost lit up as I confirmed her suspicions. She wasted no time in pulling Seb and i into a hug nearly spilling her drink down my back.
"Oh I'm so happy for you, does Stella know oh I bet shes so exited"
I was sat with MJ when Kourtney made her way over with a frown on her face. "That husband of yours is gonna be the death of me" she complained taking a seat.
Clearly she'd found out about the marshmallows. I wasn't to sure were Seb was hiding but I assume he was somewhere giggling to himself.
"He's caused ten kids worth of sugar rushes again"
"Their kids they'll be fine a little sugar never hurt anybody" I said back trying not to laugh at Kourtney's over dramatic anti-sugar stance. MJ clearly thought the same as she shook her head "let the kids be kids, Sebastian included we all know he's one big kid"
"Ain't that true" I joked taking a sip of my water. "And speaking of" I said looking up to see Sebastian making his way over. When he reached us he kissed MJ on the top of the head, "looking lovely as ever Mj" he complimented her making her smile widely before he gave me a small kiss and then in his usual fashion opened his arms wide and grinned at kourt.
"Kourtney get over here girl" he teased pulling her into a bear hug which she didn't return. I laughed at the pair, loving their strange relationship, from the outside you'd think they hated each other but all their arguments were really just them teasing each other playfully.
"Is making kids hyper a hobby of yours Stan?" Kourtney asked accusingly as she pushed out of sebs hug.
"No but annoying you is" Seb shot back with a smirk. Before Kourtney could reply one of my favourite songs came on and I took it as an opportunity to end their little match of who will get the last word before it spiralled off and took a life of its own "ooohh kourt come dance with me"
"MOM DAD quick you gotta come see this, auntie Kim made a sledging hill" Stella grabbed onto my hand as I sat at a table with Sebastian and Kylie.
"Come on you gotta try it, it's so fun, dad come on" Stella excitedly dropped my hand and took Sebastian as he stood up. Sebastian was pulled away by Stella and the herd of cousins who were waiting for her.
Kylie and I both shrugged and decided to follow along neither of us really had looked around at all the decorations and fun things kim had organised.
Outside in Kim's back yard everything was made to look like it came straight out of the mountains. A slope of 'snow' stood in the centre of everything. By the time me and Kylie got outside Sebastian was already at the top of the slope with a sledge tucked under his arm a goofy grin plastered on his face. Stella, Stormi and True were all lining up their sledges with Sebastian, clearly trash talking each other before their race.
While we stood and watched from the bottom khloe came over to join us giggling to herself. "Seb is loosing the trash talking up there, pretty sure his best comeback was butthead" Kylie and I both let out a laugh just as the Seb and the kids came hurtling down the slope. Seb being the heaviest obviously won.
once he reached the bottom he lept out of his sled and pointed towards the three girls grinning "your all buttheads" he then stopped and looked over at me and my sisters "Kam you gotta try this doll"
"Alright stells you gotta sleep now love, Santa needs us all to be asleep so he can come" I whispered tucking in the clearly overly tired kid. "But mom I want to see him"
"That's not how it works Stella, he only comes if your asleep" I gave her a smile as she let out a huge yawn, her eyes beginning to loose their fight with sleep. Stella didn't bother arguing any more instead she got her self comfortable hugging pyro when he laid down beside her. I ruffled between his ears before kissing Stella's forehead and standing up ready to leave the room.
"Night mom" Stella mumbled burying herself deeper under the covers, "night stells" I whispered back pushing the door so it was almost shut, but open enough for pyro to leave if he wanted to.
Now that Stella was in bed asleep I made my way downstairs to were Seb was starting to put the presents under the tree. He looked up as I walked into the room and I shook my head, "where are you pyjamas?" I asked brushing a piece of fluff off his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me into him. "I'll put them on later, I thought I'd get a start on Santa" Seb muttered before kissing me softly, he pulled back and smiled at me before placing another tiny kiss on my nose.
"I'll finish bringing the presents in and you can do the footprints" he quickly said pulling away and getting back to his previous task. I quickly found sebs boots and the flour and began making the Santa footprints starting at the fireplace leading over to the tree and back. While seb made piles of presents for Stella to open in the morning.
Once everything was done Seb and I stood back and admired our work, "we make such a good Santa team" I said turning to look at Seb with my hands on my hips and a huge grin on my face. He nodded triumphantly before giving me a high five, which was louder than it needed to be.
"Right now, bed" Seb stated before scooping me up bridal style making me giggle. He carried me through the house switching of the lights with his elbow as we walked past. When we reached the stairs he took one look and put me down, "I'm not risking it, I'm not as young and sprightly as I once was many moons ago" Seb joked putting on an elderly accent. I shoved his shoulder trying to hold back my laughter "shut up" I whispered at him still trying to stop the giggles from breaking loose.
Stellas room was right at the top of the stairs so us making any noise held the possibility of waking her up and ruining the whole Christmas surprise. Seb nodded smirking at me while he took my hand and lead me up the stairs towards our room. Both of us nearly burst into loud laughter as we heard stella's snores coming from her room. "She gets that from you" Seb jokingly pointed back at me knowing he was the one that snored all night long.
I climbed into bed tucking myself under the covers as Seb disappeared into the closet to find his pyjamas i'd left out. Matching ones of course. It was a Stan family tradition that Seb had growing up and we had no intention of stopping it now.
Once he was dressed he walked back into the room with his hands on his hips strutting around like a model. "What do you think kam" he spun into a pose, "think I could give you a run for your money"
"Oh definitely, you look like the prettiest princess I've ever seen"
A/n: and that's the end of that. Kinda sad that this is the last time I'll get to write about Kamila and Sebastian their relationship is one of my favourite things and I love them all so much. But all good things must come to and end. I hope you all enjoyed this book and had a happy holiday season or if you don't celebrate anything I hope you still had a great time. I love you all and thank you for your continued support for this book.
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Apparently, even heaven had the odd clerical error. Which was not something Nathaniel Miller would have expected, and yet, that seemed to be exactly what had happened to him. The collector of souls seemed to have been given the wrong address, and instead of taking one Nathaniel Miller of the earth apparently right next door, he took Nate. As recompense for this small bit of error Nate was placed in the body of the Nathaniel Miller that had supposed to have been taken in the first place, and seeing as he now had an opportunity to try to live his life a different way he planned on taking advantage of this chance. No one, however, had specified how different this world would be from his, sure they had said the tech would be a little older, and there were other small anomalies. But no one had seen fit to let him know that older meant medieval, and those small anomalies mentioned? They probably referred to all the fantasy elements and magic that seemed to be part of this world. Still, he was determined to do better this time around, after all, chances like this were next to unheard of...
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