《Keeping up with Kamila》• boats and ice cream •


The next morning I woke up to Sebastian drawing shapes with his finger on my back, I turned over and smiled at him "morning sebby" he smiled back at me before leaning down to kiss me "morning. your mom asked us if we wanted to get breakfast with her in an hour" I smiled moving closer to him, wrapping arms around him nestling my head into his chest "well aren't you two a pair of besties"

Seb laughed shaking my head when he did "your phone was ringing and it woke me up so I answered for you, we even had a little chat"

I looked up at him confused "What about?"

Seb smirked before rolling over to get out of bed letting me fall off of him "what I talk about with your mom is between me and her"

I groaned "omg you sound exactly like mackie" Seb snapped his head and turned around to look at me offence covering his face, "Jesus kam don't ever say that again" I smirked "then tell me" Seb rolled his eyes throwing a pillow at me "she told me about your fear of butterflies" I frowned at him pushing the pillow he'd thrown at me away "I'm not scared of them I just don't like them their creepy"

Seb laughed walking around the bed to pull me out, "come on we gotta get ready" I nodded "I know I know"

Seb and I both got ready, I left Seb in the room to go into the bathroom to do my makeup I sat down cross legged on the counter so I could be near the mirror to see what I was doing. Seb walked in to brush his teeth and laughed "why are you sat like that" he came over and picked his tooth brush and toothpaste up looking at me as he brushed his teeth, "so I can see what I'm doing obviously" he laughed. I finished up and spun around so I was sat with my legs dangling off the edge of the counter, Seb spat out his toothpaste wiping his mouth before he stood between my legs smiling at me. I wrapped my arms around his waist pulling him closer, he leant down and kissed me "mm minty" Seb laughed stepping away so I could stand up.

We made our way down to the in hotel restaurant to meet my mom. She was already sat at a small table when we got there, she took her glasses off smiling at us as we walked over sitting down with her.


"Nice of you to join me" she said with sarcasm covering her tone as she laughed under her breath. I rolled me eyes playfully at her. The three of us ordered our breakfast, while we waited my mom started talking with Sebastian getting to know him more. It made me extremely happy to see the two of them getting on all Sebastian's nervousness from yesterday seemed to have completely disappeared, but he is an amazing actor so I guess I can never really be sure.

After about ten minutes the waiters came over filling our table with our breakfasts. We began eating my mom looked up from her plate at me "so what are you two planning on doing today?" I looked at Sebastian and he shrugged, I looked back at mom "I don't know"

She smiled at us "well it's supposed to be a nice day so I'm sure you'll find something to do" I nodded, the three of us finished our food before my mom patted her legs "I should be off now booked myself into a spar for the day"

Of course she has, I smiled and the three of us stood up I hugged my mom "you have fun with that mom" she nodded before hugging Sebastian "I will" she smiled one last time before leaving. Seb and I walked back up to our room were we stayed for a while until we decided what we were going to do for the day.



Sebastian and I decided to just walk around and explore New York together for the day. We walked around the city talking and laughing for a while, I did find it annoying that we couldn't hold hands or be us incase there were any paparazzi around waiting to catch us out.

We walked around the lake in Central Park, people were rowing past us in little boats looking like they were living their best lives. Seb saw me looking at the people rowing past "you wanna do it" I looked at him and frowned "do what"

"Go rowing the hire place is right there" he pointed in front of us at the small building with rowing boats stacked all around it. I smiled at seb "can we" he nodded and we both walked over to the building.

We hired a boat for twenty minutes the worker helped us put the boat into the water and helped us get in. Seb took control of the oars rowing us into the centre of the lake. I looked around seeing the ducks swimming around on the opposite side of the lake to us. Seb let the oars rest on the side stopping rowing so we could just sit peacefully in the middle of the lake.


Seb looked over at me and grinned "theoretically if we fell in can you swim" I frowned "don't you dare" Seb smirked before swaying side to side making the boat rock and the water splash beside us I gripped the edges of the boat and Seb laughed. He stopped swaying as an older couple rowed past us giving us both weird looks. We laughed as the couple shook their heads rowing further away.

"I don't think that couple appreciated that very much" seb said through his laughter I nodded agreeing with him "neither did I" I said flicking the water that had splashed up onto my hand when Seb was rocking the boat at him.

I looked back over the edge of the boat to see the family of ducks had moved closer, the baby ducklings trying to keep up with their parents. "Aww Seb look how cute they are" I looked up to see Seb smiling adorably at me, it was killing me that I couldn't lean over to kiss him.

We waited for the ducks to be out of the way before Seb began rowing again, we did a circle around the lake reaching the rental building just as our time was up, the worker helped us out we thanked him.



After walking around Central Park for a little bit longer we both were getting hot so we found some ice cream and sat down under the shade of a tree.

"They had so many flavours and you got vanilla, how boring can you be" I teased Seb as he laughed rolling his eyes, he raised his cone "can't go wrong with a classic" I shrugged "I suppose, here you want to try mine" I offered my cone to Seb and he licked a bit off before grimacing "that is awful" I frowned "no it's not your being dramatic" he shook his head "what flavour even is that"

I thought for a minute trying to remember "I don't know I only picked it because the colour looked pretty in the picture, I'm pretty sure it's cotton candy though"

Seb smiled before looking back at his ice cream which had began dripping down the sides slightly "I'll stick to my vanilla thanks"

We sat eating our ice creams together while doing a little bit of people watching, people watching in New York was never boring. Seb and I watched a group of people in fancy dress walk past and a man running to try and catch up with his dog which I'm pretty sure could count as a small horse.

By the time we had finished our ice creams it was time to head back to the hotel so that I could get a car to the venue for the show tonight.

We reached our room and I went into the bathroom to quickly freshen up, Seb went and laid down on the bed. Once I'd finished I walked back into the room and went over to Seb kissing him "sorry I have to leave you for a few hours" he smiled sitting up wrapping his arms around my waist making me stumble forward into his arms, Seb rested his chin on my chest looking up at him as I tangled my fingers into his hair "well it's not that bad I can watch some Netflix without you picking bad movies" I smiled and he stood up kissing my forehead, "you liked coraline"

Seb smiled "maybe I did maybe I didn't" we were interrupted when sebs phone rang he picked it up "it's Mackie, I should probably tell him about us" I laughed and nodded Seb answered his phone he started talking to Mackie when my phone buzzed.

"I got to go but I'll see you later" I mouthed to Seb, my car was waiting outside so I gave Sebastian one last kiss goodbye, I walked outside the hotel and found my car waiting for me I got in and the driver took me to the venue.

Just as I was about to get out of the car I received a text from Mackie, I didn't have time to answer but I took a quick look and laughed, Seb must have told him about us.



A/n: I have no idea why it says 10 months ago on the notification.

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