《Keeping up with Kamila》• the morning after •


I woke up and my head was thumping, I groaned burying myself deeper into the sheets squeezing my eyes shut and taking in a deep breath.

This wasn't my bed.

I sat up opening my eyes blinking back the sunlight that poured through the windows making patterns in the wall. I looked around, I don't remember leaving the bar, I have no idea where I am. I looked down I was wearing a big hoodie that went down to the middle of my thigh.

This wasn't my hoodie.

I got out of bed finding the dress and heals I wore last night in a heap on the floor, i opened the bedroom door and instantly knew where I was,but considering I remembered nothing from last night I didn't know wether that was a good thing or a bad thing.

I walked into the living room but he wasn't there so I turned to go into the kitchen and there he was. He turned around and smiled at me he turned back around continuing with whatever he was cooking I hesitated for a minute but I needed to know because I remembered nothing,

"seb..did we"

Sebastian seemed to pick up on what I was suggesting and shook his head profusely "no no don't worry" I nodded, that's a relief, although looking at him with his bed head and morning voice made me wish otherwise for a few seconds but only a few and then my brain snapped right back to relief.

"You were pretty drunk so I brought you back here and gave you a hoodie to sleep in nothing happened I promise"

"Seb it's fine thank you" I smiled sitting at the kitchen island as he made breakfast, Sebastian turned around holding the frying pan "do you want a grilled cheese"


"Duh" seb laughed and turned around continuing to cook he used his spatula to point at a cabinet in the corner "there's Advil in there if you want some"

I got up and took a glass filling it with water reaching for the Advil "Thank you my head is throbbing" Sebastian nodded "doesn't surprise me you and scar seemed to have a whole lot of fun last night" I took the Advil washing it down with water "yeah if she ever tries to convince me to go out with her again please don't let me go" Sebastian nodded "got it boss..here its done it might be hot so watch yourself"

He handed me a plate with a perfect grilled cheese cut into two triangles, melted cheese slightly protruding from the sides. I took a bite and looked at seb "when were going to tell me you can cook so well" Sebastian shook his head leaning on the counter taking a bite of his sandwich "it's grilled cheese it's not that hard" I frowned "no..this is heaven, when I make them they don't taste like this" Sebastian blushed slightly, laughing to dismiss my compliments.


Tweeted by Kamila:

oh look at seb being all gentleman cooking for you and all how cute


shut up Mackie

I want to meet this Sebastian

omg that looks amazing

his momma clearly taught him well


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