《Keeping up with Kamila》• spiderman really? •


Kourtney hugged me squeezing slightly "thank you for this" I let go of her escaping her embrace waving my hand dismissively at her "oh please you know I love hanging out with the mini man" I ruffled the small boys blonde hair as he stood beside me.

Reign was sick so kourtney had brought him over so that I could look after him while she worked, I didn't mind though I was getting bored of being alone in the house, well apart from pyro but he couldn't exactly talk back to me.

My eldest sister hugged me one last time before kissing Reign on the top of the head and leaving, I turned to the three year old "so mini man what are we gonna do" he looked up at me brushing his hair out of his eyes with his palm "pyro" I laughed leading the little boy into the living room where my dog was laid out on the couch.

I grabbed a couple blankets and watched as the sick three year old crawled up onto my couch cuddling up to the Doberman, who usually didn't like to be bothered while he slept but he seemed to make an exception today. I handed Reign the blankets tucking him in slightly he looked up at me with his big doe eyes "Aunt killa" I always found the way he said my name completely adorable he was only three so talking was still a skill he was working on.


"Can we watched Spider-Man" I smiled down at him "sure bud" Spider-Man is his favourite movie at the moment which meant he wanted to watch it pretty much 24/7. I grabbed the tv remotes and turned on Spider-Man for him, I sat and watched the movie with Reign, he left the side of pyro and was now snuggled into me, completely mesmerised by the back flips Spider-Man was doing. "Aunty killa, can you flip like spider man?" I laughed "no I'm not a superhero like he is"


Just so you know your nephew has no taste 🤮

Don't be mean he's three, taste comes with age my friend

You better hope it does


Uh oh has Anthony seen this

Oh yeah and he did not approve, no surprises there

You should make him watch a real superhero movie


Oh yeah like what...iron man


I was thinking something more winter soldiery

I'll run it past the mini man see what he says

As you should, I'm coming over after I've finished on set

Seb you can't just invite yourself over everyday

If I can't invite myself over to yours, that means you can't invite yourself over to mine either 😏

Oooh you play dirty Stan, you can't keep me from that couch of yours

Not you aswell, my couch is not that special you and Mackie need to chill


as much as I'd love to listen to your dramatics about a couch I just got called to set so I'll see you later 👋

Yeah yeah see ya later



Me and reign spent the day watching movies on the couch together, eating cereal and drinking chocolate milk. I honestly love being the only sibling without children it meant that they could hand there kids over to me for a while and I get to act like a kid again for a few hours.

I heard the door bell go and I knew who it was instantly, pyro jumped from the couch nearly waking a sleeping Reign as he darted around the hall to the front door. I slowly got up leaving Reign to sleep peacefully on my couch.

I got to the door and opened it pyro jumped up at Sebastian making him laugh, over the last couple of weeks since we'd come home from Hawaii Sebastian and I had grown closer we spent practically every free minute together. "I think he's starting to like you more than me" I frowned when Sebastian looked up at me as he stroked pyro.

Sebastian stood up grinning "well I am pretty amazing" I rolled my eyes shutting the front door "yea you keep telling yourself that" I lead Sebastian into the kitchen, he peaked his head into the living room as we walked past spotting the sleeping toddler. "Did he like it" I grabbed beers from the fridge as Sebastian sat down at my kitchen island, I turned handing him one "yeah although he doesn't like Bucky very much" Sebastian shook his head and laughed I took a sip of my beer and smiled "but he thought the metal arm was cool so at least you got some thing"


Sebastian laughed "that doesn't count everyone thinks the metal arm is cool" I smiled "how was set" Sebastian sighed spinning around on the stool "tedious we filmed the same scene like eight times, because everyone kept forgetting their lines or joe and Anthony didn't think it looked right" I Sat and listened as Sebastian ranted to me about his day at work.

We were interrupted when a small voice came from the kitchen door "aunty killa" I stood up and walked around picking up Reign "hey mini man you have a nice nap" he nodded yawning slightly as he brushed his hair out of his face. "Your mom will be here soon do you want some thing to eat quickly" he shook his head no,his eyes still heavy with sleep.

I walked around the back to where I was stood before sitting Reign down on the counter in front of me. He crossed his legs and played with a toy he had in his hands, i rested my palms on the counter either side of him to make sure he didn't fall.

Sebastian put his beer down onto the counter making a slight clink, Reign turned to face the noise he hadn't realised someone else was in the room. Sebastian smiled at him but reigns face dropped he turned back to me and looked me on the eyes, i furrowed my brow "what's wrong bud, this is Sebastian he's my friend" Reign shook his head standing up and grabbing my shoulders, I wrapped my arms around him resting him on my hip as Sebastian looked at me confused I shrugged at him.

Reign moved my hair away from my ear and whispered to me "he's the mean man from the tv" I smiled and looked back down to look at reigns face he was scared hiding himself from Sebastian.

I laughed slightly, "no he's not mean really he was just playing pretend"

Sebastian smiled realising why reign was acting weird, reign turned his face to look at Sebastian. The toddler frowned at him "see look reign he's not mean, mean men don't smile"

There was a knock at the door I put reign down and turned to Sebastian "can you just watch him for like two seconds" he nodded "sure I got to convince him I'm not Bucky though" I laughed and patted Sebastian on the shoulder as I walked past headed for the door.

I opened the door and kourtney was stood there looking fairly tired "sorry I'm late long day" I nodded "it's fine come on he's on the kitchen" I closed the door and walked with kourtney into the kitchen, Sebastian had clearly down a good job at convincing reign he wasn't actually the winter soldier, as he was now sat with the toddler on his knee looking at the toy that reign was excitedly showing him.

Kourtney elbowed me "not dating my ass, this ones a keeper" she smiled and I rolled my eyes, reign turned and his eyes lit up as he saw his mom, Sebastian lowered him to the ground allowing Reign to run over and throw his arms around Kourtney, she tutted "you don't seem very sick now" I laughed and defended the child who was clearly being accused of faking "he had a nap, naps solve everything" Kourtney shook her head and picked up reign.

Sebastian stood up from his seat grabbing the toy reign had left on the counter, "hey don't forget this little man" Sebastian handed the toy to him smiling. Kourtney looked at Sebastian and smiled "we haven't met yet I'm Kourtney, Kamila's sister" Sebastian nodded "nice to meet you I'm Sebastian" kourtney laughed "oh I know" she turned to me "thanks for looking after the little faker today" I smiled "I didn't look after him, we hung out" kourtney laughed "you are a child I swear" she said goodbye kissing my cheek before leaving.

Sebastian smiled following me onto the living room collapsing beside me on the couch "how did you convince him you weren't mean" Sebastian tapped the side of his nose "that is a secret between me and him" I laughed shaking my head.


: woah woah he likes me now it's fine


: he hasn't stopped talking about you

: so Sebastian is meeting the family now

: oh come on that is adorable

: yeah well your nephew likes Spider-Man so he should be scared


: did you really just semi threaten a three year old...real cool Anthony


: your just mad because Spider-Man is better than Falcon


: oh this is good

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