《Keeping up with Kamila》• would that be so bad •


The night before the six of us and had another pizza and movie session, and just like the first night we were here we had all fallen asleep on the couch.

I woke up as the sun leaked in through the windows beaming onto my face,I looked around me realising that my arms where wrapped around someone's leg. I sat up to see that I had fallen asleep in between Sebastian legs hugging him.

Sebastian stirred once I sat up letting go of his leg, Bella was no where to be seen she must have gone upstairs to sleep, Gigi was asleep sat on the floor with her head rested on the edge of the couch and Anthony and Chris were spooning down the other end still fast asleep.

I felt Sebastian sit up behind me "good morning" I turned around and smiled, his voice was thick with sleep as he rubbed his face trying wake himself up more. "Morning do you want some breakfast" i whispers trying not to to wake anyone else up.

He nodded "and a bucket load of water" I quietly laughed getting up from the couch and heading into the kitchen. I made myself some breakfast and then made Sebastian some toast the way he likes it.

While the toast was in the toaster Sebastian walked in looking at his phone, he looked up at me with a strange look "what?" I asked as the toast popped.

I plated up his toast handing it to him, he swapped his phone for the plate of toast, I looked down there was an article open.

I laughed handing him his phone back, "another one seriously E! News started a whole trend with one picture" Sebastian nodded laughing aswell, ever since we had got caught my the paparazzi outside the karaoke bar a few days ago there had been at least fifty articles speculating us dating. "This one is even worse they're saying we kissed which I know I was drunk but we definitely did not" I shook my head and laughed "we definitely did not"




: ily 🤍

: what I would give to be a jet-ski

: stunning 🤩

: it should be illegal to look this good

: I hate you


: no you don't ☺️

: did we all see the E! News article


: I hope they are dating they'd be so cute

: not to flex or anything but my photography skills are bomb

: proof my photography skills are better than yours


: that's not fair she's a model it's her job to look good for cameras

: a true goddess


: if she's a goddess then she's Hela for sure


: rude but proud of you for the marvel reference ☺️



: I- 🥺

: OMG their adorable

: they have to be dating

: we must all thank Mackie for giving us this absolute gem


After spending the day at the beach on jet ski's and out on the boat, we came back home and decided to have a small BBQ. Chris took the opportunity to show off his BBQ skills grilling us all up some food.

We all ate and drank beers together sat around the patio furniture, I leant over Sebastian to grab my beer from the coffee table and he placed his hand on my waist as I leant back so instead of sitting back where I was I just rested my head onto his chest which he didn't seem to mind.

I was laughing at Bella and Chris who were currently fighting over the right way to put cheese on a burger.

"I swear to god Chris you can't claim to be the best Barbecuer and then say you put cheese under the burger it's just wrong" she threw her hands on the air and Gigi and I laughed.

Chris shook his head "don't knock it till you try it"

Bella gasped "I will not try it because I'm like 300% sure it counts as a hate crime"


Sebastian took a sip of his beer before picking his phone up and scrolling through.

I decided to join in the food rage that Chris and Bella were having "Bella you can't say that putting cheese under the burger is a hate crime when you like pineapple on pizza"

Chris gestured to me while looking at Bella "exactly" he turned to look at me "thank you kam" i laughed.

I loved nights like these, I had only met Gigi Bella and Kamila a week ago but I'd never been happier than I was just sat outside eating BBQ and drinking beers with them.

Kamila leant over to grab her beer from the table dropped my arm from the back of the couch and onto her waist, I didn't even realise I'd done it until she laid her head on my chest, but I wasn't complaining.

I wasn't really paying much attention to the conversation around me but I'm pretty sure Bella and Chris were arguing about food. I was zoned out looking down at Kamila laughing, I looked up to see Anthony smirking I then clocked his phone I rolled my eyes at him but he just winked at me instead.

We all stayed sat outside for two more hours until the sun had fully set and the cool nightly breeze had began to tickle our toes.

I shivered slightly before standing up "I'm heading up to bed any of you guys coming" Chris Bella Gigi and Anthony all shook their heads no but Sebastian stood up "I'm pretty tired as well to be honest"

I picked my phone up from the couch to see a few texts from my sisters. I read them as me and Sebastian walked inside the house.

I stopped outside my bedroom door and laughed at the messages kourtney had screen shotted the picture Anthony had posted and put it into our sisters group chat. They were now all harassing me with messages asking if me and seb were together.

"Hey seb, just so you know all my sisters think we're dating" I looked up at him smiling as he stood on the opposite side of the hall he smirked "would that be so bad" I looked at him my eyes widened slightly we were both had had a quite a bit to drink but I didn't think he was that drunk, Tipsy maybe but drunk no.

"Okay goodnight seb your drunk" I said dismissing him, he sighed before chuckling and raising his hands in defeat "I'm not drunk but okay, night kam" and with that he disappeared into the room he shared with Chris.

I walked into my room and shut the door, "I'm not drunk" seb's words rang in my ears as I Laid down in bed pulling the covers over myself, did that mean he meant what he said, no he probably didn't right.

men are really confusing.

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