《10 | Kuroo Tetsurō》| five x ten |


- he always knows when something is wrong

"Good morning Kuroo, Kenma. How do you still look so good in the morning..?"

He grinned and the blonde haired male sighed, "It's because of my ravishing good looks, I thought you knew that?" You couldn't help smiling, he watched your lips turn upwards and his heart flipped a little know that he'd caused it even when you were still tired from having to wake up at seven in the morning to get to school.

"How do you still look good- no, great in the morning [Name]-chan? You're so cute."

Kenma glanced away from his screen for a second to pull a face towards Kuroo but the raven-haired male had his attention solely focused on you when he saw a light tint of pink that he loved that grew on your cheeks. You had turned away with a pout that hid your smile and then he saw the tips of your ears that were pink as well, "It's too early, Kuroo."

He didn't know that you weren't sure if he was joking or not, "I'm serious [Name]-chan," He began walking the way towards Nekoma as you were all at the train station when you had been waiting for the boys to exit the train. You followed but your vision stayed to the ground while his words had been replaying in your mind on repeat.

"What level are you on, Kenma?" An instant after hearing your voice, Kuroo looked away from the street and to you when you walked in the middle of them, you didn't know that Kuroo was staring at you but Kenma did. He was way more perceptive than he let on off of the volleyball court.

"Uh, twenty-ei- no, twenty-nine now."

"Kenma, you got that game two days ago."


"Well, it's not that hard.." He answered Kuroo with a low voice, dragging his words when he began yawning. You saw this and also opened your mouth to yawn, furrowing your brows when small tears gathered in your eyes as a result. Kuroo smirked and put his pointer finger in front of your mouth before you could finish your yawn. After doing so, the yawn disappeared and your frown was even more prominent when he was snickering to himself, "Kuroo! Why would you do that, that's so cruel!"

You whined and almost smacked him lightly though he dodged you and jogged forward a bit to head into the school gates as the building was before you. The three of you went inside and you swapped your shoes for the ones in your locker, listening to some girls on the other side of the lockers as they spoke among themselves though they weren't being really quiet,

"I've lost four kilos recently, It feels so nice~!"

"Woah, that's amazing!"

"Yeah, It feels great to see myself in the mirror - way better than before.."

"I'm so happy for you, how'd you do it?"


Lunch came around and Kuroo had left the class only to re-enter with Kenma in front of him when a frown on his face. He didn't look at anyone but when he saw your eyes meet his, he sped up considerably and sat at one of the chairs that you had placed for him.


Kuroo tossed a large melonpan at you and you caught it quickly, looking from his satisfied grin and to the piece of sweet bread, you put it down rather than started unwrapping it, "I'm not really hungry, I'll have some later. Thanks though, Kuroo."

"Eeh? If you won't have it then I will, I bought it after all. And I'm hungry."


You couldn't help rolling your eyes when his ass met the chair before you after he snatched the bread back, taking off the plastic wrap as he did so, "Why wouldn't you buy it for yourself then.. Jeez."

His mouth was full and his cheeks had expanded, speaking slightly incomprehensible, "I'm borefh nuow [Name]-cha, you knuow wha I wannt."

"You know speaking with a mouth full is gross, right?"

"Then," He swallowed thickly and you frowned a little when he almost choked, smirking at his wide eyes, "Why aren't you eating?"

A glint in his eyes showed and you noticed that he only munched one half of the melonpan with the other half still in his hand, "Is it because you're gonna start eating less of what you actually like and start eating fruits and that stuff instead?"

His grin lowered a little though you caught him licking his lips a little as your eyes followed the act but he didn't miss the way your cheeks turned pink again when he knew he had you, "I know you're grumpy from waking up like five hours ago now and it makes you more sensitive to your surroundings but you don't have to listen and actually take note of what those girls said."

"Well.. I've started eating less foods that I usually do, like bread and lollies and I have more fruit now. It was slow but eventually the sacrifice paid off!"

"There's no way my [Name]-chan is insecure and actually listening to these people, right? She loves her food too much and when she's happy, I'm happy."

At first, you wanted to laugh. You were struck into silence when Kuroo spoke so confidently while his eyes never strayed from yours and you could feel your mouth moving like a fish out of water. He grinned and leant forward on his elbow as he nudged the bread towards you. You had slowly taken the food and without blinking, it was unwrapped so you could take a bite.

Kenma was watching you both converse but he noticed how he was becoming a third wheel faster than he originally anticipated. And then he spoke, drawing little attention to himself when Kuroo's eyes never left yours, yours never leaving his hazel ones.

"Tell.. Tell me more about that guy you like.."

You hadn't realised that the words had come out of your mouth when they were echoing in your mind and Kenma could actually slap himself and then Kuroo in the face if the third-year still didn't get who the boy that you were crushing on was,

"He always knows when something is wrong, he always helps me without me having to say a thing."

Half a smile grew on his face and all you could think was how damn sexy it was.

it wasn't supposed to be this long

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