《Save Me Kuro (Kuro X Reader)》-3-


My eyes flutter open from my sister yelling my name.

"(Y/n)! (Y/n)! Wake up! Wake up or we're gonna be late!"

I sit up and look at her in confusion. "What are you talking about? Late for what exactly?"

"Are you an idiot! We're gonna be late for school! NOW GET UP!"

"I don't really care about school so I think I'm gonna skip," I say as I throw myself under the cover. All of a sudden, the cover was thrown off of me. I sat up and gave her an irritated look. "Fine, I'll take you to school..." I hissed. Nanami gives me a smile and walks out. "Why does she even care," I mumble to myself, just in case she heard me.

I get up and walk over to my dresser and change into some grey sweatpants. Then, I walk out my room and head for the door. I slip on my shoes and put on my jacket, but before I got out our place, my sleeve was pulled on. I looked down to see Kuro on the floor staring at me. I look at him as if he's a weirdo, which from what I can tell...he is.

"What's wrong? I need to take Nanami to school or she'll be late."

"You can't," He says with his usual bored expression.

"And why is that?"

"Because we can't be separated during the temporary contract...It'll be troublesome."

"Okay then come with us," I suggest.

"I can't go into the sun or I'll die."

"But you're immortal," I deadpan.

"Fair point, but why can't she just walk by herself? Wouldn't it be troublesome for you if you go?"

"I guess... but I'm her big sister, I always walk her to school in the morning," I reassure him. "And if you won't come willingly then I'll just have to take you by force," I say as I grab him by his hood and start to drag him. Once the sunlight hits him, he turns into a cat and decides to hop on my shoulder.


"What a pain..."


"Have a good day at school Nanami!" (Y/n) yells at her with a big smile.

She waves back, "I will!" After that, they went their separate ways. (Y/n) and Kuro sat in an awkward silence...until (Y/n) decided to break it.

"Kuro." He hummed as a response.

"Can I ask you something?" He looked up at her and closed his eyes once more.

"What is it?"

"What are you gonna do if we don't make a permanent contract? Where are you gonna go?" She asks with an emotionless face. There was silence. Kuro didn't know what he was going to do so he answered with, "I'm not sure...it's a pain to think about." After that, both (Y/n) and Kuro stayed quiet for the rest of the walk.


Nanami and I were sitting on the couch while Kuro sat in my lap. I gingerly stroked his fur. His fluffy, soft, black fur. Then I thought that maybe we should go somewhere before Kuro leaves.

"Nanami. Kuro." They both hum in response. "Let's go somewhere," I continue. Kuro looks up at me with a tired expression and Nanami does the same but with slight confusion on her face.

"Like where?" She asks.

"Maybe...the park!" I exclaim. She nods and begins to speak, "Alright I'll go get on my shoes and jacket," I watch as Nanami walks into her room. Then, I look down at Kuro who seems to have returned to watching Tv. I sit him to the side and walk away to get my shoes and jacket on.

"Cmon Kuro, let's go," I say looking back at him. He sighs then strolls over to me and jumps onto my shoulder. I smile at his adorableness.



You've been at the park for awhile now and sat there, on a bench, while Nanami was putting on a small show for you and Kuro. He was in his cat form and sat beside you. You take your phone out your pocket and see that it's 9:30 pm. A sigh falls from your lips and you start to speak, "It's 9:30... I became your temporary master around 10 o'clock." You have your head back so you could stare at the stars. When the cool night breeze hits your skin, it makes you feel relaxed to the max. Nanami just looks at you and then says, "Do you like being his master?"

You just met him so you weren't really sure, but it was kind of nice to have him around. He didn't talk much but deep down you could tell that he was a nice guy.

"I haven't really done anything that extravagant to be called a master," You say. Nanami opens her mouth but doesn't say anything once she sees a car pull up.

"(Y/n), look," She whispers just enough for you to hear. You look over at her and follow her gaze. It was one of the people you despised the most. "Why is he here?" You ask yourself while standing up. Kuro looks over at him and notices that his eyes are a crimson red, just like his. You finally seem to notice the feature and questions him bluntly, "Are you a vampire?" He begins to laugh maniacally,"Oh (Y/n). My sweet sweet (Y/n)!" You look at him in disgust.

"Why can't you just say hi like a good girl," He says with a sly smirk on his face. "Because I dislike you. Matter of fact I strongly dislike you. I loathe you and if you don't know what that means. It means I hate you," You seethe. His expression completely changes into a serious mixed with a pissed off face.

"Is there something wrong?" You ask while crossing your arms.

"No, nothing at all babe now come with me," He says changing his demeanor back to a mischievous one.

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