《Servamp Kuro X Mahiru》Chapter 66
"Ah~ all of us are here~" Koyuki said.
"Then lets look around then." Ryusei said.
"This is the first time that I wear a Yukata. It really felt different." Misono said.
"Hm~ The clothing is not bad for an Angel Like me~" Licht said.
"How about we check some of the food out there? Since its the first time that Misono-chan and Licht-chan come into a festival. Let me guide you, if your okay with that?" Koyuki said.
"Wait!? What did you just called me!?" Licht said got annoyed.
"Lets Go then." Koyuki said and got their hands and drag them somewhere.
"Ah~ Koyuki should probably stop calling everyone a Chan." Ryusei said
"You should tell your future boyfriend about that." Sakuya said and Ryusei blush.
"Shut up man!" Ryusei said and folloe Koyuki behind.
"Nii-san, Good luck about your date." Lily said.
"Have fun." Lawless said
And the two servamps run away to their eves.
Mahiru was walking with Kuro on his side. Its already nightime so Kuro won't turn into a cat.
"In reality I really don't know how date works." Mahiru said and sigh. He never have a relationship before so everything is new to him.
"Me neither, I never dated someone before. Its too troublesome." Kuro said
"I know that. But I guessed I really didn't expect you to be a romantic person Kuro. Being you is enough for me." Mahiru said with a smile.
Kuro blush and look away.
"Your smile is really cute." Kuro said shyly.
Mahiru blush at that comment.
"Thank you I guessed." Mahiru said felt flattered with that comment.
"I suddenly got hungry though." Kuro said.
Mahiru chuckled.
"Your always hungry though. how about we check some food?" Mahiru said.
"Thats a great Idea." Kuro said.
And they have fun checking different food stand.
"Here Try this Kuro." Mahiru said and feed Kuro.
"Ah~ all of this food is good. But not as good as your cooking~" Kuro said.
Mahiru chuckled. "Don't be like that. All food have different taste, and there are foods out there than the once I made that had better taste." Mahiru said.
"Thats true. But, your food taste better. Everytime you made me lunch during the time we go to your school and back at home. Its like you put your effort on it."Kuro said.
" I really didn't put too much effort. Since cooking is one of the characteristic I'm good at. " Mahiru said.
" And cleaning, Basically a perfevt housewife. " Kuro said.
" Mou~ Stop with that stupid Housewife thingi. " Mahiru said and hit Kuro playfully.
" Your cute when your angry like this. Not that Nagging Mother mode. I like this version of anger. If I had a controller I'll set the setting of your anger in this mode. " Kuro said.
" You and your stupid game." Mahiru said.
"Ah~ Lets Check that too." Kuro said and held Mahiru's hand as he look at another stole.
Mahiru look at his hand where Kuro held and he interlock his hand gently.
Kuro felt that and silently smile.
The sloth pair have fun strolling around and enjoying the food stand mostly since the gaming stand, Kuro would just said that they are just a pain.
Mahiru isn't good at them too, so they didn't try to play.
The sloth pairs were having fun until.
"Ah~ Mahiru and the sloth~"
Mahiru look behind and saw Mikuni behind them.
"Oh, Hi Mikuni-san." Mahiru said.
"Too troublesome~" Kuro said as he he separate his hand from Mahiru. It seems he was annoyed that on their first date was just ruin.
"Enjoying the Festival I see. I'm surprise that you manage to bring the sloth to such crowded place." Mikuni said.
"Well it-" Mahiru said but was cut off by Kuro.
"Were on a date so don't disturb." Kuro said annoyed and grab Mahiru and walk away. But they didn't get any further when Kuro suddenly trip.
Since he was holding Mahiru, Mahiru landed on top of him.
"Ah~ Menduksei..." Kuro said.
"Itei..." Mahiru said and open his eyes.
Ruby ones met Honey colored ones. They got lost in each other eyes for a moment, but when they realize their position, Mahiru quickly got outbon top of Kuro and stand up. He extend his hand for Kuro.
"Sorry." Mahiru said and look away blushing cutely.
Kuro accept the hand and look away too. "Its fine." Kuro said.
But he realize something. What made him trip?
He look at the direction and he saw a child, no not just a child but a too troublesome one.
"So your the reason why I'd trip, Such a pain..." Kuro said. He guessed this date already ruin.
"Ah! Your the blind one stupid Sloth!" The child, well Old Child argued.
"I'm surprised you used your feet to walk on to the ground. You usually just sit on your eve's shoulder or be inside that coffin." Kuro said.
"It feels like your insulting me💢" Oldchild said and glare at Kuro.
"Hugh! I finally found you. I'm sorry if I lost you for a moment. I was distracted." Tetsu said and lift old child up.
"Its okay, Afterall your still a child! Festival like this excites you." Old Child said.
"Oh? Big brother mahiru your here." Tetsu said.
"Nice to see you again Tetsu. How are you? Its Hugh-san okay? " Mahiru said.
"I'm fine. Afterall I am the greatest vampire so I won't get hurt with a simple trip." Old Child said.
"Few Thats a relief. Your really are a cute child Hugh-san." Mahiru said.
"Don't you dare call me a Child!? 💢 I'm more older than you Human. But... With that gentle smile of yours you shall be forgiven." Old child said.
"I see." Mahiru said.
Kuro sigh. He then felt from his behind him someone pull his sleeve. He look behind and saw Doubt.
"What do you need?" Kuro asked.
"Explain to me what you just said earlier. That you two are on date." Doubt said looking at Kuro and Mahiru.
"Its too much of a troublesome..." Kuro said.
"Wait!? The two of you are on date!?" Old Child said surprised and look at Mahiru and Kuro.
"Well Yeah I guessed." Mahiru said.
"Date~ As in... Date? You know like two lovers do?" Mikuni said.
"Yes." Mahiru said blushing.
"You heard him, so don't disturb." Kuro said and got Mahiru's hand.
"Lets go." Kuro said.
"Ah- wait Kuro!" Mahiru said and stop.
Kuro look at Mahiru confused.
"Look, Isn't that?" Mahiru said and pointed in some stand they saw that the others were standing infront.
"Lets approached them." Mahiru said.
Kuro sigh disappointed that they can't continue their date. This is really a pain.
"Is that Lily?" Mikuni said.
"Yes, Misono is with them." Mahiru said.
"I see." Mikuni said and follow Mahiru and Kuro as they approach the others.
"Whats wrong you guys?" Mahiru said as they approach the others.
"You see, Misono manage to fall down and his Yukat got dirty." Ryusei said.
"Mostly its Koyuki's fault, so Koyuki brought Misono here." Sakuya said.
"Ah~ a Yukata's store." Mahiru said as he look at the store in front him.
"Yes, But Misono and Koyuki are taking so long~" Lily said.
"I see." Mahiru said.
"Where is Licht-san and Lawless-san?" Mahiru asked.
"The two were also having a date~ somewhere. " Lily said.
"Heh~ I didn't know those two are lovers." Mahiru said surprised.
"They aren't. But Lawless loves his eve and he still didn't confessed" Lily said.
"Oh...I see." Mahiru said.
"So Lawless and the delusional Angel is here too." Old Child said
"I didn't know that Old Child-nii san and Doubt-niisan together with there eves are here too." Lily said.
"I just came here to view the fireworks. I love seeing them anyway." Tetsu said.
"hm... I'm just strolling around. But I'm surprised that Misono manage to come to place like this." Mikuni said.
"Ah~ His friends invited him." Lily said.
"His friends?" Tetsu said.
"Your finally out! Wait where's misono?" Ryusei asked Koyuki as he was out from the sore.
"He'll go out in a minute." Koyuki said with a smile.
"This are Misono's friends. Koyuki, Ryusei and Sakuya." Lily said.
"Ah~ Lily-chan who are they?" Koyuki asked.
"This one is Mikuni, his the older brother of Misono, and this one is Tetsu. His a friend of Misono too" Lily said.
"heh? Your misono-chan's brother? Its nice to meet you." Koyuki said.
"Its nice to meet you too." Ryusei said.
"Its my pleasure to think that you guys are close with my brother. You even call him a Chan." Mikuni said and smile sweetly but behind his smile is isn't really sweet. His Jealous because Misono never allowed him to call him Chan, yet some stragers is fine with it?
Mikuni was annoyed.
" And this is The Servamp of Envy: Doubt Doubt or Jeje for short. And this is The Servamp of Pride: Old Child or Hug for short, and they are my brothers." Lily said.
"Oi! Is it okay to tell Those human who we are Love!?" Old Child asked coldly.
"Its fine." Lily ssid.
"Your brothers that means they are brothers of Kuro too." Ryusei said.
"Yes." Lily said.
"Then Nice to meet you too." Koyuki and Ryusei said.
They look at Jeje weirdly though as they wonder why did he have 3 paper bags on his head.
" Kuro-chan have really a weird Siblings." Koyuki said.
"You know whats weird?" Sakuya said.
"Hm?" Ryusei said.
"His the second brother, The 3rd and the 7th one." Sakuya said as pointing the servamps.
"Your not kidding right!?" Koyuki said surprised.
"😅No wonder Lily called them as Nii-san earlier." Ryusei said.
"Right Sloth?" Sakuya said and look behind to see Kuro and Mahiru was gone.
Misono sigh as he went out. "Damn, Its really unlucky day." Misono said
Mikuni and Tetsu was surprised to see Misono.
Misono was wearing a girl's Yukata. Its a purple color with violet flowers all over. To match the outfit, Misono had a purple flower clip on his side of the head.
"See~ I know it will suit you~" Koyuki said.
"You look damn Cute Misono" Ryusei said.
"I agree." Sakuya said.
MIsono blush at that. "Thanks." Misono said and look away.
Misono look who called and was surprised.
"Relax Chibi-chan. You really lool beautiful tonight, so you shouldn't get angry like that." Tetsu said and Pat Misono's head.
Misono was surprises with that and look at Tetsu.
"Ahm.... Okay..." Misono said like he was dog that you just tame.
Tetsu blushed looking at Misono. His really cute.
"I think we just saw something like a dejavu~" Ryusei said.
"No, Its love~" Koyuki said.
"Right~" Lily said happily.
"My little brother is really cute~ I can't!" Mikuni said as he got his phone and attemp to take a picture.
"Oi! Bastard put that damn phone away before I'll get it out of your hand and throw it far away." Misono said glare coldly at Mikuni.
"Ah..." Mikuni was pretty scared. He already saw how his brother got angry at him. But this time its different.
"Can I take just one Picture. I promise its just one. I never saw you wear such a cute outfit before~ well your cute when you were a child~ but Still now is different. Pretty pls Misono." Mikuni said.
"Not a chance." Misono said glaring deadly.
Mikuni took one anyway.
Misono was surprised with that and got even more angry.
"Mi. Ku. Ni..."Misono said.
But his hand was suddenly held by Tetsu.
" Don't. How about we watch the Fireworks together? " Tetsu asked.
Misono's expression change. His like a puppy that you just tamed.
" Hm... " Misono nod while blushing since Tetsu was holding his hand.
Mikuni glare at Tetsu. Somehow he got annoyed in this giant who carelessly touch his little brother just like that.
He wanted to snap that bastard out og his brother.
"You and your brother complex." Jeje said.
"But... But Jeje...." Mikuni said and disappointed.
Jeje just didn't care.
"Ah~ its almost time. The firework show will start soon." Koyuki said.
"Come on Lets go!"
And they go.
Somewhere a little far away.
"Are you sure that its okay to leave them?" Mahiru said as he was sitting on the grass looking at the sky full of stars. Beside him was Kuro who was sitting too and was holding his hand. Both of them enjoy the peace since they are in the place where no one was in. Kuro bring Mahiru here since he hated crowds, and he just wanted to be alone with Mahiru.
Now that their date was ruin.
"Yes. All of them are nuisance. Its such a pain..." Kuro said.
"Your always say that to others anyway." Mahiru said.
"Because they are." Kuro said.
"You really don't mean that don't you?" Mahiru asked in concerned.
"I mean it. Its such a pain." Kuro said.
"Why though?" Mahiru asked.
"They ruin our first date." Kuro said.
Mahiru suddenly laugh. And that was music to Kuro.
"I didn't know your a jealous type of person Kuro" Mahiru said laughing.
Kuro sigh. "I'm not a jealous type. I guessed I just wanted our first date to be something special." Kuro said.
"Then let me asked you, did you enjoy today?" Mahiru asked.
"Yeah, It was fun. Without my siblings and their eves." Kuro said.
"Then don't be irritated. The most important thing is that you enjoy right?" Mahiru said awith a smile.
Kuro sigh again. "I guessed." Kuro said.
"Tell me kuro, Why do you actually love me? I mean whats with me that you fall for?" Mahiru said.
"All about you." Kuro said.
Mahiru look at Kuro surprised.
"Its too troublesome to explain but I like all about you. Your optimisti, kind, understandable, lovable, and a perfect Housewife. You just didn't give color to my monochrome world, you show me what the world really is." Kuro said and look at the sky.
"I never interact with humans like this before. Like what I did with your friend, not even when My Creator was still alive. During those times, I always sray cope up, too lazy to do anything. But when his gone, I stayed as normal cat for those hundred years and keep living in the past that I regret. " Kuro said and look at his eve.
" But ever since I met you, everything had change. You change me, even my siblings said so. Your really are a miracle Mahiru. "Kuro said, but he suddenly look down sadly.
" The time you were kidnapped, I fekt so Hopeless and discouraged with myself since I blame myself for not protecting you prolerly. Your not just my eve that time, your my beloved. Yet, I can't even do anything. But I just think of you scolding me like mother who won't stop nagging and everything change. I stayed positive that you'll be okay and come back to my side again. Afterall, thats what you thought me. Be positive. Actually you thought me many things Its too troublsome to explains it all." Kuro said.
Mahiru smile lovingly at Kuro." For all the time I woke up until now, this is the first time I heard you talk to much. Maybe I did really change you to become more expressive. " Mahiru said.
" You did. Because I learn from you that keeping it inside will just bring more pain." Kuro said.
" I see..... So tell me, Do you still hate yourself Kuro? " Mahiru said.
Kuro was surprised with that.
" I guessed I don't anymore. After all there are people who accept me for who am I. Your one of them and there is yo- I mean our friends. When you guys can Accept me as I am, I should too. Even its too troublesome. " Kuro said.
"Thats the only thing I wanted to hear. I' m glad that you accept yourself, I'm really happy." Mahiru said.
"And thats because of you." Kuro said.
"I guessed so." Mahiru said and climb on top of Kuro and kiss him.
Kuro was surprised with this. But as Mahiru was kissing him, the fireworks suddenly started it was on Mahiru' s back ground.
Mahiru pulled away. "I love you kuro." then the another fireworks exploded behind Mahiru.
Kuro gave a small smile.
"I love you too." Kuro said.
Mahiru turn around and he started to view the Fireworks. His back was leaning to Kuro's chest, and Kuro was cuddling his eve.
He guessed this day wasn't that bad.
He doesn't mind dying like this. Feeling happy.
Kuro suddenly remember.
"Hey I'm not your eve!" Sakuya said as Kuro suddenly to Sakuya on his Cat form.
"I know, I just need to talk to you." Kuro said.
"What is it?" Sakuya said.
"Can you confirm something For me from your Master?" Kuro said.
"Okay. What is it?" Sakuya said and Kuro told Sakuya what he needed to confirm.
Then yesterday, after they all visited Mahiru's placed.
"I'll go outside, Just for a bit." Kuro said.
"Okay. Come back quick, Dinner will be ready soon." Mahiru said.
Kuro then existed the apartment and saw Sakuya was waiting outside.
"Did you confirm it?" Kuro said
"Yup." Sakuya said.
"Then explain" Kuro said.
"What he said to you is true. Before, I mean Your creator was gone Tsubaki was the last servamps who spend time with him so he knows more about you guys." Sakuya said and sigh.
"Tsubaki, explained to me that if the Eve and Servamp is strong enough that nothing could broke the two, then once the Eve will perish the Servamp will go along with the eve. Because they have an unbreakable bond." Sakuya explains.
"So, If Mahiru dies I'll die with him?" Kuro said.
"Exactly." Sakuya said.
"But why didn't it happened to Lawless? Lawless love his first eve before. Why didn't he died along with her?" Kuro asked.
"I'd also asked the same question to Tsubaki. He said that Lawless do love his eve, his eve at that time also love him back. But his eve loves her country more than Lawless. So there bond wasn't unbreakable. Tsubaki Can't explain this either but building a Deep bond between a servamp and An eve, a bond that you can call its unbreakable is the key. Afterall his sensei just stayed that *building a Unbreakable bond can lead to Servamps end* thats all he knew. "Sakuya said and Kuro look down.
" Your lucky that Mahiru is simple boy who had a simple life so he won't be focusing on any obligations but his friendship and his love for you. So you better take care of Mahiru as long as he lives. Mahiru trust and love you, you should know how to do the same. " Sakuya said.
"I know. Thank you fot your help." Kuro said.
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