《Meet the Kims》(Wedding Woes) Chapter 7


SVU Squad room, June 3rd, 3:45 PM

"I knew this time I had finally found someone who I could build my life around, be a lover and a friend! After all my heart that put me through, I knew that it was safe was you! What we had would never end! Wrong again."

"Haein, turn that channel," Jisoo pleaded as she sat at her desk, trying to concentrate on her paperwork. "And no country. It's... her favorite type.

"Why are you working here anyway?" DongGo asked as he looked up from his own paperwork to look at Jisoo. "I thought Minho gave you a few weeks off?"

"I didn't want to drink alone at Haein's," she muttered as she hastily flipped though her paperwork. "And can we please change the station?"

"Anything you want, Chu," Haein said with a heartwarming smile that was meant to comfort his best friend as he turned he radio on his desk to another pre set channel.

"Whoooa! You're a loaded gun! Whoooa! There's nowhere to run! No one can save me, the damage is done! Shot through the heart! And you're to blame! You give love a bad name! I play my part, and you play your game! You give love a bad name!"

"How about rap? There songs are hardly ever about breaking up," Fin offered as Haein hastily changed the station once more, ignoring Jisoo's scowl.

"Floss like you possess her, tellin' me to mind my business! That it was her life, and stay the hell out it! I tried and said just for him I keep an empty clip! Love is blind! And it'll take over your mind, what you think is love, is truly not, you need to elevate and find! Love is blind! And it'll take over your mind, what you think is love, is truly not, you need to elevate and find! "

"I'm going to go get drunk now," Jisoo said dryly as she got up from her desk and stormed off.

"Jisoo, wait!" Haein called as he ran after her.

He caught up to her just outside the station house, where she was taking shuddering breaths, hastily wiping the tears away.

"You alright?"He asked softly, getting a head shaking in reply.

"It'll take a while, but you'll get over it," he told her softly as he rubbed her shoulders.

Jisoo finally faced him and ran a shaking hand through her hair.

"It's not fair, though! I broke it off with Jennie! She's the one who is supposed to be feeling miserable, depressed, and pathetic right now! I should be feeling relieved!"

"You loved her, Chu," Haein told her. "I would be more surprised if you didn't feel like crap."

Jisoo was silent for a moment before she looked dead straight into Haein's eyes. "If I loved her so much, then why did I leave her?"

"Because you finally came to your senses. Okay, she didn't respect you, she could care less about what you wanted at your wedding, she didn't care about throwing out your only family member out of it, she hit you, she lied to you about running for the Senate, it took you almost dying-," Haein was forced to compose himself as the horrible accident that almost killed his best friend re entered his mind. "It took you almost dying in order for her to tell her parents the truth about your two's relationship. She's just not good enough for you, Jisoo."

Jisoo took a shuddering breath, each of Haein's accusations about her former lover cutting through her like shards of glass. "Maybe her not being good enough for me isn't the problem. Maybe it's the other way around."


Haein narrowed his eyes at the mere thought that Jisoo was even a hair below Jennie. "You're wrong. Alright anyone; man, woman, gay, straight, bi; would be unbelievably happy to be with you. What have you done to Jennie besides love her? Even when she didn't deserve it? You are a thousand times better than her any day of the week."

"Well think about it, Haein. I'm thirty five, she's twenty seven, she has that blond hair blue eyed look all girls would kill to have, I'm a brunette with brown eyes that normal people change to blond hair and blue eyes, she's rich, I'm working class, she's smart, funny, wonderful, amazing, and I'm just me. How the hell can you say I'm better than her?" Jisoo chuckled sadly. "How can you say anyone is better than her?"

Haein was silent at Jisoo's words for a moment. He looked at her for a moment before he turned her head towards him, forcing her to meet his eyes once more. "You are," his voice was now only a harsh whisper. "The most amazing woman I have ever met. You are completely and utterly beautiful, brilliant, kind, loyal, honest, brave... Jisoo, women would kill to be you. And if you were straight, I promise you I would not have given up until you said yes to going out with me after the divorce was final."

"And if I was straight," Jisoo breathed. "I would have said yes the first time you asked me."

A moment of silence passed before both detectives looked away from one another and took a step away from one another, red hot blushes rising up in both their faces.

"Let's not do that again, alright?" Haein said as he looked straight ahead in front of him.

"Deal," Jisoo told him as she too looked dead ahead at the street in front of her. "Or tell anyone about what just happened."


There was another moment of silence that passed over the detectives before Haein spoke. "So do you want me to tell Minho we're leaving for the day?"

Jisoo shook her head, finally mustering the courage to face him again. "I need to work. Take my mind off things. Thanks though."

"No problem."

The two detectives smiled at one another before Haein and Jisoo walked back into the precinct.

They took their respective seats and Jisoo couldn't help but smile when she heard what DongGo and Fin had put on the radio.

"Next on ESPN radio!" the announcer read, "how the Bills completely destroyed the Steelers in last night's game with an end result of 67 to 14!"

"Figured there wouldn't be too many break up songs on here," DongGo said with an unusually kind smile.

"Too bad I lost forty bucks on that game last night," Fin mumbled.

"Gotta learn to bet on a winning team," Haein said with a smirk. "Speaking of forty bucks; DongGo, Chu, lunch is on me today."

"What about me?" Fin asked.

"Steelers fans don't get lunch bought for them," Haein said with another cocky smile.

Jisoo managed a weak smile, thanking the lord that she was with such good people.The two partners looked at one another for a moment before Haein looked over Jisoo's shoulder. "Can I help you?"Jisoo looked over her shoulder as well and her eyes widened at who had walked into their precinct."Jisoo?" the woman asked in confusion as she walked over to the desks.Jisoo forced a smile onto her lips as the woman who Jisoo thought she would never see again walked closer. "Hi, Soojoo."


"Oh wow, you actually remember me?" Soojoo said in amazement as she stood there in the middle of the squad room.

Her brown hair was pulled into a neat bun, with just the most subtle hints of makeup on her olive toned face. Her uniform fitting her perfectly and Jisoo scolded herself as she gave her a quick glance up and down.

"You're kind of hard to forget," Jisoo said with a smirk.

"Trust me, Jisoo, you're much harder to forget then I am."

"I highly doubt that."

The two women looked at one another before Jisoo cleared her throat. "So what are you doing here?"

"I have some reports from the 3-9 ordered by a Detective Totoola,"

"That'll be Minkyu," Fin said with a nod.

Soojoo walked over to him and handed him the files before turning back to Jisoo.

"Chu, you wanna introduce us?" Haein asked as he looked between the two women, and Jisoo could almost hear the gears turning in his head.

"Oh I'm sorry. Guys, this is officer Soojoo... I'm sorry I never actually caught your last name,"

"Hong and truth be told I never got your last name either."

"It's Jisoo."

"Kim Jisoo. It fits."

"Thanks... I guess."

Haein looked between the two women, raising his eyebrow in confusion. "So how do you two know one another?"

"We actually don't know each other," Soojoo said with a laugh that Jisoo was forced to remind herself to breathe. "We met once about six months ago in a convenience store, where I believe you told me that 'I'm perfect' but that I wasn't perfect because 'I wasn't Jennie'."

Soojoo's eyes were drawn to Jisoo's engagement ring that she still had on. "And judging by that ring, I would say that same excuse is going to be used again."

"She actually just broke up with her fiancée this morning!" Haein said with an enthusiastic nod, "so she's actually a single woman."

At this news Soojoo's eyes seemed to light up. "Really?"

Jisoo turned towards Haein and began glaring daggers at him. "Yes really." She turned back to Soojoo and forced herself to not look over the woman in her uniform, but then found it just as hard to turn away from the sultry gray green eyes. "And I'm... I'm sorry, Soojoo, but it's too soon."

Soojoo gave a sad smile and nodded. "Sure, I get it."

Jisoo forced herself to turn away from the pain in Soojoo's eyes and glared at Haein for making her hurt this woman.

There was silence in the squad room for a moment before Soojoo spoke. "Well anyway, I got to get going," Soojoo said with a hint of embarrassment in her tone. "The lieutenant will probably pitch a fit if I'm not back in time. Maybe I'll see you around in another six months, Jisoo."

"Maybe," Jisoo said with a smile that Soojoo returned, causing Jisoo to momentarily forget how to breathe once more.

With a quaint little nod, Soojoo left the squad room, and Jisoo allowed herself a tiny glance as she walked away.

"Go ask her out!" all three men snapped at her as Soojoo rounded the corner.

Jisoo shook her head. "No. It's too soon. Hell I still legally live with Jennie, alright? I don't want to go out right now. Maybe in a few months, but..."

"No, you're going out with her now," Haein told her using the same tone he used to get perps to confess.

"But I don't want to."

"Yes you do. You're just afraid of truly falling out of love with Jennie and of getting your heart broken again."

Jisoo groaned loudly and looked back down at her paperwork. "No, Haein."

"Jisoo, look at me."

Jisoo dutifully obeyed his wishes and looked up at him. "What?"

Haein was silent for a moment before he finally spoke. "You only get one try at a second chance, Chu. Don't let her slip away."

Jisoo looked at him for another moment before she got up from her chair and walked over to the elevators where Soojoo was still waiting for one to go down.

"They're slow this time of night," Jisoo told her with a weak chuckle.

Soojoo turned towards her and grinned at her. "Hey, Jisoo. Did you need something else?"

Jisoo took a deep breath and stepped closer to her, her hands suddenly clammy, finding it much harder to breathe then it had been two seconds before. "Kind of. Soojoo... do you want to maybe... you know... go out with me... tonight?"

Soojoo looked at her for a moment before she nodded, a beaming smile lighting up her face, making the thirty four year old woman appear ten years younger. "Sure. I'd love to.

Jisoo's whole face lit up in surprise. "Really?"

Soojoo laughed and nodded. "Don't look too surprised."

Jisoo still could not tear the look of shock from her face. "Alright. I mean it's just... okay."

Soojoo laughed once again before the elevator doors opened up. Soojoo gave a final grin towards Jisoo and stepped in them. "Meet me at Estate on 73rd, 8 a clock."

"Estate at eight," Jisoo repeated with a tiny nod.

With a final smile from Soojoo, the elevator door shut, leaving Jisoo standing there completely and utterly shocked.

Jisoo and Jennie's brownstone, June 3rd, 3:45 PM

"I called Taehyung a while ago," Chaerin told Jennie who was sitting on the couch in silence, tears still running down her face. "He's coming over. Said he has a surprise for you."

Jennie stayed silent, looking down at her engagement right, rolling it between her other hand.

Chaerin noticed and went over to her and held Jennie's hand in her own. "Its better this way, Jennie Ruby Jane," she whispered softly, "she doesn't deserve you."

"I think you got that sentence mixed up," Jennie sniffed as she wiped the tears from her face with a tissue.

Chaerin shook her head. "You're telling her what you want, and she left you. Just because she doesn't agree with your decision, she left. What kind of a relationship is that, Jennie Ruby Jane?"

"I was so horrible to her," Jennie whispered. "I love her, but I'm so bad for her."

"Well, darling, she's poor, old, a liberal... You're a thousand times better than her in every sense of the word. "

"How the hell can you say that? Jisoo's smart, funny, wonderful, amazing, and I'm just me. How the hell can you say I'm better than her? How can you say anyone is better than her?"

"Because it's the truth, Jennie Ruby Jane, you just don't want to see it that way yet."

Jennie shook her head, biting her bottom lip, tears gathering in the corner of her eyes. "I screwed up so many times, but she always brushed it off. She always forgave me. I just never thought that 'this' fight will be the next one. I always thought she would always forgive me."

"And you deserve her forgiveness, Jennie Ruby Jane. Alright, Jisoo doesn't get the right to say, 'I'm leaving you' every time you mess up a little. That's wrong of her to do, and deep down, you know it's wrong. But she's convinced you for so long that it's her fault that she acts like that, and then tells you it's her fault she hurts you."

Chaerin placed a finger under her chin and turned her towards her, forcing her to look in her eyes. "That's abuse, Jennie Ruby Jane. And Jane Kim women are far too important and powerful to settle for abusers."

With the slightest touch, Chaerin tugged at Jennie's engagement ring, and Jennie was too surprised that it came off that easy to do anything to stop her.

Chaerin held up the ring to Jennie's face, the sunlight shining through the heart shaped diamond, leaving tiny rainbows on the blonde's face, the brown and blue sapphire glistening in the light as well, causing cascades of color to be reflected onto Jennie. "Jisoo doesn't get the privilege of having you wear this. She no longer has that control over you."

Jennie stayed silent as Chaerin slid the ring into her pocket and smiled at Jennie.

Jennie nodded and took a shuddering breath, finally looking away from Chaerin's face, looking down at the floor, the colors blending together before her.

The sound of the doorbell ringing caused Jennie to look away from the floor and look towards the door.

Chaerin got up from the couch and went over to it and opened it, a huge, beaming smile on her face.

"Taehyung, please come in."

Jennie withheld a groan, him wanting to be the last person on earth she talked to him right now.

Taehyung brushed by Chaerin and sat down next to Jennie, unable to conceal the grin on his face. "Oh, Jennie Ruby Jane, I'm so sorry about what happened."

It took all of Jennie's strength not to roll her eyes at his words. "Thanks, Taehyung."

"But look at the bright side. Now you'll be able to concentrate on your political aspirations, and you'll be able to find a man who won't hinder you unusable."

"That's very true, Jennie Ruby Jane," Chaerin said as she sat down in the arm chair nearest Jennie.

"I'm still a lesbian. I'm just not with that particular woman."

Taehyung's face fell, but almost just as quick, it was back to the grin that was on his face.

"Oh come now, Jennie Ruby Jane, don't be like that. Look... you've just lost the 'woman' you say you loved right? So what's the difference if you date another woman, or another man? It'll just be for publicity in any case, right?"

Jennie stayed silent, trying to find the most polite way to tell him to shut up

But Taehyung took her silence as her agreement, and his grin grew even wider as he pulled out his cell phone and dialed a number on sped dial.

"I knew you would see it my way."

"I'm not seeing-"

"Yes, it's fine to come in now," Taehyung told the person on the other line.

He hung up the phone just as quick as he had dialed and turned to Jennie, still smiling.

"Jennie Ruby Jane, I have found the most perfect man for you! He's a graduate of Harvard with a MA in Political Science and law, he's twenty seven, very good looking, and has political aspirations as well. He's very wealthy and comes from a long line of wealth, and he's a conservative republican. He also doesn't know you're gay, so if you could just sweep that little miniscule detail under the rug, that would be amazing. "

"Taehyung, I don't want to date anyone right now. And you mentioned nothing about his personality. "

Taehyung scoffed and rolled her eyes as if Jennie had said something unintelligent. "No one cares about personality when they're dating someone. Do you honestly think that Jisoo looked at you and saw 'oh there's a nice, funny, kind woman who I could have fun with on a date and eventually grow to love because she's so amazing.' No, she saw NYU graduate, rich, good looking, with a great law career with political aspirations."

"You're wrong," Jennie growled, narrowing her eyes at him. "Jisoo didn't care about-"

"He's here!" Chaerin said gleefully as the doorbell interrupted Jennie.

Jennie sighed in contempt as Taehyung literally jumped off the couch and went over to the door where he threw it open.

"Please, please come in!"

Taehyung stepped aside and Jennie's mystery man stepped inside their home, and both Jennie and Chaerin gasped in shock.

"Kai," Jennie breathed as her eyes looked over the seemingly perfect man.

Nothing about him had changed at all. His hair still looked like it had been professionally done, his skin pale and flawless, his eyes still looked like two pools of crystal clear water, and of course, he looked stunningly gorgeous.

Kai smiled at her, showing off two rows of perfectly white teeth. "Hello, Jennie Ruby Jane. You look just as beautiful as I remember."

Jennie stayed silent as she looked from Taehyung, to Kai, to Chaerin, who looked in just as much shock as Jennie

"Kai is another client of mine," Taehyung explained as he clapped Kai on the broad shoulder, "when Chaerin told me that you and your boyfriend broke up, I knew he would be just the pick me up. And when he told me he knew you before hand, I knew it was fate that I got you two together."

Jennie stayed silent as Kai walked over and sat besides her, throwing his arm around her shoulder, and Jennie hid a cringe of disgust as he pulled her closer to her.

Chaerin cleared her throat loudly and stood up, her eyes moving between Jennie and Kai.

"Mr. Kai... didn't I tell you last time you were in my daughter's home to leave and never come back?"

Kai cleared his throat and stood up, a look of sorrow on his perfected face. "Yes, I remember, CL. And I do want to offer you and Jennie Ruby Jane my deepest sympathies for using such language in your home, as well as offering my views when I know so many can be against them. After I left that day, I felt so terrible. Really, CL, I had no idea what came over me that day."

Chaerin stayed silent for a moment, and Jennie prayed that she was just thinking of a way on how to politely tell him to leave.

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