《American deku ig idk》4


"DEEEEKUUUUU!!!!"bakugou said "ohh pls bakugou shut the fuck up i dont want to hear your shenanigans all over"deku insult making bakugou quite "your room is upstair the butler and maid will show you"deku said "how are we supposed to believe a cheater like you"uraka said fake crying and was interrupted by the door opening"were home"hisashi said "Dad mom!"the three of them shouted"uncle aunt!"shinshou tan to them and hugged them "hello shinshou and hello dear"they both hugged "Dekuu! Isnt auntie inko your mom!"Bakugou shout"inko cheated with all might hes my new mom so back off this is shinshou aunt and not yours"i said while hugging him tightly

The next day T-T

"Maid what are we wearing for school?"momo ask "anything but dont reveal to much skin"the maid said "food is ready?y"one of the butler spoke as he went downstairs class 3-a was wearing formal clothes with tie for boys and skirts for girls while izuku,his friends ans siblings wore these clothes






"That is inappropriate to wear at school!"4 eyes said while doing his hand chop"So? my mom is s my homeroom teacher she nows everyrhing my aunt is the school principle ?"i said making lida silent

After eating

"By mom were going shinshou will follow us "i said as we walk out wit shinshou"now imma go teleport us!"i said opening a portal of water"lets go!"i said we waeeived at school but infront of the males bathroom me,mysta and alban forced shinshou to change after he did this is what he looks like

SHinshou outfit

After that they went to class and waited after 10 minutes shoto and vox finally showed up"

VOx is wearing

SHoto is wearing

"Took you long enough to get here"Shinshou said "i had to wake up this demon from his deep slumber drag him into the toilet to shower and waited for hin to dress up"shoto said sitting after 20 minutes everyone showed up


"Classs today we have students from japan class 3-a pls welcome them as they went in ppl didnt pay attention until "does your students have manners"lida said hand chopping "Izuku pls make the class quite"she said "YOU DICKHEADS FACE THE TEACHER"i shouted while standing 1 leg on my table soon everyone was quite and faced the teacher"pls seat infront of the class"the teacher instruct class 3-a after they sit the class begins after class there was hero training everyone change to their hero costume same as 3-a then found out that their clothes look so child like compared to theirs mostly izuku and his squad





Ok class lets start...

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