《IDK (I Don't Know) || Jensoo》Chapter 11
Seulgi was close to suffocating herself with her dookong that night. It was close to midnight, way pass her bedtime, but her sister's giggles and loud gasping is keeping her awake at the wee hours.
Seulgi didn't bother to knock or wait for an invitation. She storms in the kkuma addict's room, making sure her sister KNOWS she meant business. She caught her kid sister wrap like a big baby in a Rilakkuma blanket, giggling like an idiot in front of laptop.
"Jennie... turn off your laptop and go to sleep..."
"B-but... but... One-chan..."
Seulgi's eyes narrowed to slits. Her sister is watching too much anime, her brain is being reduced to a pulp and starting to talk like one of those moe moe Kyun girls...
"No buts! You have classes tomorrow... you can't skip it just cause you didn't get any sleep..."
"But it's getting good! The storyline reminds me so much of me and my Jisoooo..."
Jennie's eyes sparkle at the simple thought of her lovey... Unfortunately, her sister was too sleepy and annoyed to spaz along with her.
"NO! And that's final..."
Jennie was ready to retaliate, but she haven't even said a word and her unnie already slams the door on her.
At 2:46 A.M
Seulgi could still hear the giggles...
And she's putting an end to all this giggling...
She slowly turns the doorknob to Jennie's room, peeking in slowly and what do you know? Jennie was still in front of her laptop...
Jennie squealed loudly in shock after getting caught red handed. The smart girl that she is, hurriedly scramble underneath the sheets and put on the sleeping act show.
At 4:36 am...
Seulgi wakes up as she hears her sister just screaming...
"Kiss... kiss...kiss..."
The elder sister just raised her arms in surrender. Her sister would obviously do what she wants to do...
6:18 am
Seulgi does her routine check of her sister's room. She finally sighs in relief as she sees her sister curled up in bed, clutching tightly to her brown bear. Sometimes Seulgi forgets that no matter how ladylike Jennie looks, she's still a big baby.
She should really shake the other girl to get up, punish her for sleeping late. But she decided to let the girl sleep in a bit, making her more comfortable by tucking her under the covers...
Up close, she could hear her sister mumbling Jisoo's name happily...
Kim Jisoo... that girl is both in her sister's dreams and reality...
7: 54
"OMO! I'M LATE!!!!"
8: 00
"You should ask if they have yoga moves for faces, Chu..."
Jisoo just continued to shut the world around her that morning, including Chaeyoung who plops on the seat beside her.
"My frown is my facial exercise... Do you know that it takes more muscles to frown than smile?"
Chaeyoung just sighs in surrender. It was no use arguing with an already pissed off Jisoo.
The long legged girl heard her bestfriend mutter that word angrily after Jisoo checks her phone message.
"What's wrong?"
There was something but Jisoo don't know who to blame for her bad mood. Is it because she's naturally not a morning person? Or is it because the thought of not seeing Jennie irritated her?
It was kind of funny for Chaeyoung, that no matter how hard Jisoo mask her emotions, she's quite transparent. Jisoo's entire feelings are laid out for everyone to pick on and decipher.
"Oh okay..."
And among the flood of students flowing out into the hallways, one stood out for Jisoo. There was Jennie, squeezing and dodging people just to get to her girl.
"Good morning girlfriend..."
Jisoo could hear her friends snickering at Jennie's nickname at her.
"We'll go ahead... see you in the cafeteria, Chu, Jennie..."
Her three friends were nice enough to give her some alone time with the baby.
Jennie was still struggling to open her eyes that morning. She slept around 5 watching anime... If this was the old her, she would have skipped school and just sleep. But she could guess that was the effect of Jisoo. Jennie became more aware, if she could put that way, about taking charge of her responsibilities.
"I'm sorry I couldn't pick you up, actually I did went over to your house but you left already..."
Jisoo answers Jennie with her signature growl. Whatever it is something was pissing off Jisoo that morning.
Jennie backs away from the pissed girl. Was it just her dream that Jisoo said those three words? Or maybe it's that time of the month for Jisoo that's why she's a meanie now?
"Why are you so sleepy?"
"I was marathoning this anime series... It was super duper awesome that I couldn't stop... I fell asleep around 6 and I still have a few more episodes to go..."
"So, you stayed up until dawn to watch anime, while you can't even stay awake for 5 minutes reading your notes?"
Jennie shakes her head with the way Kim Jisoo thinks. How can she even put in the same category something as boring as school with something as super duper awesome as anime?
"Those are two very different things..."
"They are. But one of them is more important..."
It didn't take much time for Jennie to know which one was more important...
"Hmmm... my happiness is most important."
Jisoo just ended up heaving a huge sigh at Jennie's answer. Somehow she knew that was all she could get from the girl.
"Are we heading for lunch?"
"Yes... we are..."
Jennie takes Jisoo's arm and let it wrap around her own.
"Then... let's go..."
"More rice please..."
Wendy thought Chaeyoung turns into elastagirl as her arms just stretches out to reach for the rice bowl.
"Like they say, no rice, no life..."
Chaeyoung happily digs in to her bowl before realizing it was eerily quiet in their table right now.
Wendy was busy admiring her reflection on the spoon...
And Lisa? The evil genius looks pretty normal for once. The girl was quiet, her whole focus was on her phone.
"What you reading Lis?"
"I'm reading fanfics..."
Chaeyoung presses her cheek on the palm of her head, before letting out a lovelorn sigh...
"You know everytime I read a fanfic, it just makes me want to work in a coffeeshop..."
Lisa finally tears her eyes away from her phone screen.
"I know, right? It's like everybody works in a coffeeshop, owns a coffeeshop or meet in a coffeeshop."
"I should start working in a coffeeshop."
Wendy let out a knowing snort...
"I feel bad for the place, they will probably go bankrupt with you eating everything." Wendy points out.
"Why you lil!!!"
Jennie and Jisoo joins their table at the right time, right before Chaeyoung punches Wendy's face.
"Hey Jen- girl!!!"
Jisoo snaps a stern gaze towards Lisa's direction. She didn't like the thought of other people calling Jennie, Jen when she herself doesn't call the girl that.
"Hi unnies..."
"Hello cutie..."
Jisoo wonders why her friends are purposely trying to get under her skin. But Jennie's too obsess with Jisoo to really notice anybody else. She even made sure she pulls out a chair for Jisoo before joining the table.
"Stop that..." Jisoo hisses at them.
"I didn't get to pack my lunch... So, I'll just..."
Jisoo could already imagine the calorie loaded, fattening lunch Jennie is going to buy...
"No... you're sharing lunch with me..."
"I got some veggie sandwich here and some carrot sticks..." Jisoo fixes the lunch and offers the other half of her veggie sandwich to Jennie...
Jisoo seems to be the only one who's oblivious of how pale Jennie became. The three other girls could see Jennie practically squirming out of her chair, as if she's ready to fly out of there.
"It's not that bad Jennie... This carrot stick taste like a chip only healthier..."
"THAT'S A LIE!!!" Chaeyoung screams out "Jennie! Trust me! Jisoo tried that line with me in kindergarten... and never again... never again will I trust your food comparisons Kim Jisoo..."
"You are too dramatic sometimes, do you know that?"
"It's okay unnie..." Jennie waves her hand, hoping to settle the tension. "If Jisoo says it taste like chips, it probably does..."
Jennie without any hesitation bites into the carrot.
"Mmmm... crunchy..."
The frown in Jisoo's face softly turns into a gentle smile.
"See? Not all healthy food taste bad..."
Jennie smiles proudly, looking like a happy rabbit nibbling on a carrot. Chaeyoung on the other hand, just shakes her head in disbelief and disappointment. Jennie pried open the sandwich and couldn't understand what kind of a sandwich it was.
The question now stands... Why is there no meat on the sandwich?
"You watch anime, right?"
Jennie's eyes beamed at the magical word... anime...
"Yes... yes... I do... I just discovered this anime... Maria-sama ga miteru and marathon it last night..."
Lisa's fork clash down on her plate, her eyes widened in surprise...
"Don't you know how happy you made me right now, Jen?"
Lisa could feel her cold heart, slowly melting...
"There's nobody in this world that I know who watches it... But now I have somebody to spaz with... who's your OTP?"
"Jensoo..." Jennie answers flatly while toying with Jisoo's sleeve.
"No... like in the show?"
"Sachiko and Yumi of course..."
Lisa was left stammering... It scared her friends that she was having a stroke or something. But the only reason for Lisa's trembling is finally finding someone she could relate all her Marimite OTP feels...
"Oh yes..."
After Chaeyoung wolfs down her lunch, she joins Jennie and Lisa in spazzing over anime ships and games. And Jisoo couldn't do anything but listen in, she doesn't know ship any pairings... Heck... she doesn't even know any of the characters they mention... And even if Jennie was right beside her, she felt like Jennie is worlds away.
Wendy on the other hand, feels completely satisfied with being by herself and her reflection.
A part of her want to take Jennie away but she couldn't be selfish, right? She knows she's being immature right now, and the only way to push that aside is by pretending to study.
"Ummm... unnie?"
Seulgi almost fell off her chair from the sight. Her sister was right there by her door, holding books... no... not those manga.. but books! That you used in school to learn. Books. Jennie. Learning. Those three words don't seem to fit together.
"Jen? What's up?"
"I have a quiz tomorrow in bio... Can you please explain to me about the heart's conduction system?"
Seulgi wonders if all of this was a joke. But she took a good look at those cat eyes and there was no hint of a prank or a joke. It's like her sister was finally trying to serious...
"You're studying?"
"Yup... Today at lunch, Jisoo was eating while studying and I'm like whoah.. My girl is too serious... So, I want to prove to her that I could focus on school too."
It made Seulgi smiled to see her sister finally starting to try. And maybe there is one reason for all of this.
"I'm glad you meet someone who brings out the best in you."
"You're early today?"
Jisoo greets the cat eyed girl with a soft smile as she saw her waiting...
"Yes... I don't want it to be like yesterday..."
Jennie unconsciously reaches out to Jisoo's backpack and put it on her other shoulder.
"It feels so lonely walking without you..."
Jisoo smiles softly, knowing exactly what Jennie meant...
"Hold on... I made you something..."
The sleepiness in Jennie just all went away. Her excitement just woke her up at the thought of Jisoo getting her something. She got too excited that she starts bouncing off her feet, clapping like a circus seal.
The anticipation was too much for someone as impatient as Jennie. She could swore that Jisoo was moving in slow mo as she pulls out something from her bag.
The moment she saw what Jisoo's surprise is, her eyes widen, her jaw drop to the ground. It wasn't in happiness, but in pure horror.
"W-w-what's that?" Jennie's voice was creaking in fear as she sees the radioactive green slime inside the mug.
"It's vegetable shake... I made it for you..."It's a good breakfast drink to keep you healthy and active throughout the day..."
Jisoo sounded like one of those TV commercials that's trying to convince you how it isn't crap their selling, even if it's still obvious that they're selling shite.
"I have one too..."
Jennie knows that she probably has no escape as Jisoo cornered her with her own yucky drink.
"It's like our couple drink..."
Jennie gulps loudly at that thought. Why can't they choose something sweet like a milkshake as their couple drink? Why does it have to be something blech and yucky?
"W-what's in it?" But Jennie quickly shakes her head "No... don't bother..."
She realizes she have no intention of knowing what's in this hideous drink.
"Aren't you going to try it?"
Jisoo asks Jennie who looks like she's suffering in so much pain...
The word no was on the tip of Jennie's tongue, ready to be screamed out. But she bit her tongue to keep it from slipping. This was her sexy bear's way of showing her love, she wants her to be healthy... Yup... that's right... This is Jisoo's love in a mug.
"Of course... kekekeke..."
Maybe if I drink it too fast, I couldn't taste it...
Jennie have never been this scared in her entire life. It's as if she's sipping some poison rather than some veggie drink. But she's going to try... she loves Jisoo too much to ignore Jisoo's effort like this.
Those were the thoughts that were swirling inside Jennie's head as she sips as hard and fast as she could. She could feel her eyes getting all watery at every drop of the shake that she forced to gulp down... The shaking cat eyed girl could feel a tear falling at every sip she takes.
"Did you like it?" Jisoo was wearing her beaming smile as she sees Jennie finish it to the last drop. "W-wait are you crying?"
Jennie wipes a tear from all the torture and forces a weak smile.
"It's ummm... sooo good... I have tears in my eyes. It-it-it's tears of joy..."
"Uh- huh... uh-huh..." Jennie was about to shake her head, but caught herself before she did it and nods her head.
Jisoo smiles happily, maybe this was the start of Jennie's change for a healthy lifestyle. Jisoo was pleased that she helped made a positive change in the girl.
"I'm soooo happy... You love it..."
And when Jennie saw how sweet Jisoo's smile is, she decided not to say anything. She's willing to endure all the veggie shakes in this world if it makes Jisoo smile that way.
After walking Jisoo to class, Jennie spend the rest of her day thinking of her. In her history class, while she was dissecting the frog, and even in lunch...
Jennie didn't see Jisoo all morning and she missed the girl already... That's why right after class, she hurriedly went to the theatre, smiling as she made it right on time for her girlfriend's rehearsal.
That word made her giggle like an idiot somehow... and the thought of Jisoo finally admitting it too, just put a whole new meaning to the word. It sounded sweeter...
Girlfriend... She was Jisoo's girlfriend.
Over by the stage, Wendy wasn't going to allow anything to stop her from reaching the spotlight... she device a foolproof plan where she can show the audience her perfection, even in a villainess role.
"Miss... I'm like thinking..." Wendy makes her way to their teacher. "How about we put a little twist to the story?"
The teacher doesn't even want to hear anything, but just sighs and give in knowing how demanding the girl is.
"What is it, Ms. Son?"
"You know how musicals are like the in thing now... Like you know... Les Miz and ummm... ahhh... like Dream high..." Wendy couldn't think of any other musical
"Dream high is not a musical..." Lisa points out.
"Whatever... So, I was thinking how about we turn this into a musical?"
Lisa raises her hand enthusiastically with the suggestion.
"I should sing Mirrors by Justin Timberlake if that's the case..."
Lisa was ready for the laughter, but instead everyone just watches her blankly... Nobody gets her joke...
"Because I'm a mirror? Get it? So, I will sing a song titled mirrors?"
There is nothing more annoying than people who can't understand your awesome joke.
"Whatever..." Lisa grumbles annoyingly.
All of sudden, the auditorium was filled with a booming laugh. Everyone looks around in confusion until they found the suspect, Jisoo was a guffawing mess.
"Hi... You're ready?"
Jennie bounce off the stands over to where Jisoo is standing...
"I just want to rehearse a bit more since it's just a week... you can go home if you want to..."
Jisoo says out of politeness, although she didn't want Jennie to go...
"No... it's okay... I can wait..."
Jisoo turns away, hoping to hide her obvious blush.
Jisoo wished her disappointment wouldn't be too obvious as her friends surrounded Jennie again... It was so easy for her to feel excluded... Like someone from the outside looking in...
She just chose to walk away from them and sat on the stage. She pretends to be engrossed on her script, but she couldn't... not when she's looking at Jennie laughing so hard with her friends. It was obvious, Jennie seem to fit better with her friends than with her.
"See you later Chu..."
Jisoo just smiles softly at her friends as they went on ahead. Jennie skips happily towards her, jumping up on the stage to sit beside her.
Jennie was just contented playing with Jisoo's shirt, when she realize that something felt different. She expects Jisoo to yell at her to be still, but instead Jisoo just lets her play.
"Are you ok?"
Jennie finally asks, craning her neck to sneak a glance at Jisoo's face.
"Do you notice how different we two are?"
Jisoo's voice was softer than a mumble but Jennie heard it quite clearly.
"Ummm yes... it's quite obvious..."
"It's like you get along better with Lisa and Chaeyoung than you do with me... The games, anime, fanfics... I can't..."
Jisoo lowers her gaze to her lap, feeling shameful for sounding so selfish and immature.
"I can't relate to any of that... and the things I like you don't seem to enjoy..."
"I like you..."
Jisoo raised her gaze and turns to the cat eyed girl beside her.
"I like you because of you... not because you love to read books and eat cra- I mean healthy food..."
"Don't you wish you could be with someone who likes anime and eat all this junk food with you?"
- In Serial7 Chapters
Aura of Magic
Disclaimer: Keep in mind this is a first draft! Developmental editing for the book will be underway at the end of this month. Aurora Nightshade spent her whole life living as a countryside bumpkin, living just to get by. Despite the hardships brought onto her by the Song clan, the tyrannical people that levy insufferable taxes onto her and the villagers, she was content enough with life. This all changed one day, when an amulet fell from the sky like a meteor, a werewolf became her companion and the world of magic opened up to her. The world of spirits and gods revealed to her that fateful night. If you are into Wuxia and Cultivation themes, then don't miss this novel. It touches on some interesting mythology as well, and a lot of magic based on Epic Fantasy. A book that any WMW fan should read! Preorder Aura of Magic on Amazon: https://www.royalroad.com/amazon/B095Z1VX9B Chapters daily (Advance chapters on Patreon) !!! Extra chapter for every 100 followers we reach! ________________________________________________________________ Creator of the Mage of Shadows series. Link to amazon below. https://www.royalroad.com/amazon/B089DJS52J Currently making a discord where you readers can send me messages and chat to me! Discord Link: https://discord.gg/sWcBsxWGSc Instagram: @mageofshadows Participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge
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Breaking Limits: A DBZ Fan-fic
She really wasn't expecting things to be this way. She wasn't expecting to die. Not so early. She had dreams she wanted to achieve. She wanted to change the world. To make it a better place. She was a good person. How did she die so soon? She was sad. Disappointed. She wouldn't be able to achieve those goals. It was ironic seeing as she was hoping to die since the age of ten and when it finally happened she was disappointed. Her life had ended. Or at least that's what she thought. When she suddenly finds herself reincarnated into the dragon ball universe she had to improvise her dreams and goals. From then on her new goal was to become the strongest female fighter in the universe. No to become the strongest fighter even surpassing Goku himself. She would make sure females had a more prominent role in her new world. In a world where you kill or be killed only the stro ng survived. ~~~~~~ Soooo, I have this story posted on webnovel by the same name and image, feel free to check it out over there if you wish. I also have the same user name and profile pic.
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Elutheria is a VRMMO designed from the ground up with freedom in mind. Its developers take a hands-off approach, allowing NPCs and monsters alike to make choices as well as level up. In this new world filled to the brim with possibilities, our intrepid hero starts his journey by...ignoring every quest prompt...
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As a member of the Fatui military, it is extremely important to follow the rules of your superiors. Betraying them would be similar to a death sentence. What would Scaramouche do if there were to be a traitor right in front of him?•••This is a Scaramouche x Fem!Fatui!Reader fanfic⚠️All characters in this fanfic are 18 or older and will be seen as such⚠️⚠️ ATTENTION: In the chapters "The Trio of Best Friends", "The Northland Bank", and "The Ten Million Mora Bounty" there are brief mentions of Chilumi (Childe confesses to having feelings for Lumine). If that makes you uncomfortable, please don't read!The cover fanart belongs to @Zentouu from Twitter. Thank you for the wonderful art.If you want to listen to music while reading the fanfic, you can go look for the playlists:🎶 "getting stepped on by Scaramouche" by Kazu on Spotify 🎶🎶 "Dirty, Little, Traitor [PLAYLIST]" by Kazu on Spotify 🎶This fanfic's entirety was written by me!I DO NOT OWN GENSHIN IMPACT NOR ITS CHARACTERSCopyright © 2020 miHoYo
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the title folks
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She somehow ended up in a place where there was no Kings, instead there were hero's.A place without dungeons instead there were Quirks.A place where there were no slaves, instead, nothing.A place without Alma-Thurman instead Villains.------"What is your name?""My name is Morgiana Fannalis"------"Where are your parents?""I don't know."------"YOU WOULD'VE BEEN KILLED! WHY DID YOU FIGHT?!"".....I just wanted to be helpful."------"Why are you up late?""I'm just thinking about my saviors."------"Oh. Morgiana~~""WHY ARE YOU ALIVE?!"------"Do you like someone???""There was a person who said that he loved me, and that when he returns I should give him a proper answer, but I don't know how to love."------"You said you were saved, what were you saved from?""My past."------
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