《You're A Doll (COMPLETE)》24. Plans


I felt soft pecks on my eyes and lips and along my face, I opened my eyes slightly to see Jessie holding my hand, now kissing my knuckles and grinning.

"Hi." I mumbled.

"Hey." He whispered in the same tone. I rubbed my eyes with my free hand before sitting up.

"Pretty." He said and I looked at him, pushing my hair behind my ear.

"Hm?" I asked.

"I have a race tonight. Wanna stay with O and Ro while I race?" He asked.

"You'll be careful?" I asked and his palm pressed against my cheek as he held my face.

"You never cared when we met." He said.

"I didn't know id love you then." I said and he smirked.

"Of course. I'll brake and be extra aware." He said and I didn't know if he was teasing.

"I'm not kidding don't make that face. I wouldn't endanger myself especially because I've got something so good going on." He kissed my hand and I sighed, jumping up and hugging him.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and he picked us up letting my lower body cling to him too.

He had no shirt but sweats on and I realized I was naked.

"You should always hug me naked." He teased.

"Really?" I asked.

"It turns me on." He said and I let go of him and dropped down.

"Awe what was that for?" He asked.

"I have to shower." I smiled.

"Kiss me first." He tugged my wrist to him and I kissed him as he deepened it.

"I can't get enough." He laughed when we were both out of breath.

"I love you handsome." I smiled and walked to the bathroom.


"I fucking love you Sailor!" He screamed and I laughed as I turned on the water.


I quickly showered and turned the water off.

"Baby." I heard the door open slightly.

"Yea?" I asked.

"I'm gonna have you wear my boxers and tee then say hello to the guys then I'll take you to your house to get dressed." He said and I opened the curtain not grabbing the towel quite yet to see his jaw dropped.

"What?" I asked and he walked over, stepping inside the tub area and pulled me by my waist to him and kissed me.

"You're getting wet." I laughed.

"I don't fucking care." He looked me up and down.

"Fuck Sailor before you get dressed we have time and I'm gonna make you feel good okay baby? Okay I love you." He pecked me and walked backward out the door making me laugh.

I got dressed in the clothes he handed to me. I looked in the mirror and used his blow dryer to dry my hair.

I walked downstairs and hugged Owen from behind as he was doing some dishes from probably when they ate earlier.

"It scared me." He mumbled and turned around hugging me.

"Why?" I laughed.

"Because I'm not used to a female hugging me and me not know." He laughed.

"You need me as a wing woman." I said and he smiled.

"I'd be eternally grateful. Secret confession time?" He asked.

"Of course." I put my arms on his shoulders and he held my waist.

"I like men." He grinned.

"Fully?" I asked.

"Yea. Rowan is straight and so is Jess but I'm not even sexually attracted to women like that. Not that I don't think they're stunning but it's just not my thing." He shrugged and I smiled.


"Awee it's okay. Do that know?" I asked.

"I'm not sure but I never like, came out out." He said and I hugged him.

"Do whatever your comfortable with. I know for a fact it wouldn't change the way they see you." I said and he put his head in my neck.

"You're an angel Sail sail." He said and I chuckled.

"If you need to talk I'm here." I grinned.

"I might need you for the whole discussion. You're too sweet to not confide in." He laughed.

"You do you boo and honestly I've always wanted a gay best friend." I shrugged.

"I'm so down for that." He kissed my forehead.

"Hey sis!" Ro said and I smiled walking to him after giving Owen a high five.

"You're chirpy." I smiled at the grin plastered on his face.

"Got laid and she wasn't half bad." He nodded.

"Player." I sang and he picked me up and spun me till I was dizzy.

"Am not." He put me down and I grabbed onto his arms not knowing what to do.

"Are too." Jess walked in and looked at me funny while I saw two of him.

"Why is my girl wobbling?" He asked in an amusing tone.

"Im not sure, either she got it good last night or Ro spun her too quick." Owen said and when I recovered, heat blotched my face.

"It's fine, he's teasing." Ro laughed and I shot Owen a glare before Jessie took my hand.

"Bye!" I waved.

"Bye guys." They both said and we left.

"I can't see, I hate being dizzy." I put my hand to my forehead and Jessie laughed.

"Get in the car doll I have something to do." He said and opened the door for me.

"Like what?" I asked when he got in the drivers side.

"Make you feel so fucking good." He nearly groaned and his hand squeezed my thigh making wetness coat my panties.

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