《Fixing Stitches (Mike Schmidt x Reader)》Scotts Confession


"I want to know what happened last night" I say "why didn't the bell go, and why did Mike want to talk with you?"

Scott explains that there was a malfunction with the bell, but refused to say anything about Mike. I plead for the information, but he stays strong and doesn't give in.

"Please Scott, I won't say anything"

"I can't do that, you'll thank me later"

"I'll thank you now when you tell me what happened"

"But Mike told me not to tell you"

"Come on" I beg "wouldn't it be better that I know. You shouldn't have secrets in a relationship"

Scott sighs in defeat "I'm never going to shut you up about this am I?"


Scott explains what happened and I sat there in shock. When he finished there was deafening silence.

"Are you mad?" Scott asks

"No, no" I try to play it off "We've talked about it, and it's all good"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, it's all good"

"oh, good" He sighs

We talk for a little bit more when Scott's phone rings and he has to go back to work. I hug him goodbye and thank him as he leaves.

Was Mike wanting Doll really true? I should call him and find out myself. It rings a few times before he picks up.

"H-Hey Y/N" he said "how's it going?"

"Mike" I ask "you were having second thoughts?"

"No!" He yells "No, I would never"

I hear another voice on the phone. There was a bit of crackling on the line.

"Hello?" I ask "are you still there?"

"Hello" came a female voice that I knew all to well "how goes?"

"You Bitch!" I yell "What are you doing with Mike?"


"Oh he didn't tell you" she said "he invited me over. Said he was having second thoughts on dumping me and wanted me back"

My heart sank when you heard those words.

"Put Mike back on the phone" you say calmly

I hear the faint noise of a door opening and a lot of yelling.

"What the fuck, Doll" Mike yelled

"It's for you Mikey" she replied

"H-hello?" He said

"You bastard!" I yell "You were having doubts so you called your bitch ex! You're such an asshole!"

"I'm sorry, ok" he cries

"No I-" I stop for a second "I have to go"

"Wait y/n-" but it was to late. I hung up on him and put the phone down.

I cry into my hands and

Mike-please call me

Mike- I'm sorry ok

Mike- don't leave me please

Mike- I don't want to loose you

Mike- Y/N please answer the phone

Mike- Y/N?

Mike- please reply

Mike- I sorry

Mike- you can't stay mad at me forever

Mike- you can't avoid it, we live together

I decide to text back out of pure anger and curiosity.

You- What do you want

Mike- Y/N in sorry I didn't mean it

You- why?

Mike- I'm sorry, everyone has doubts though, didn't you

Me- No! I was in love. I didn't feel anything but joy.

Mike- Can I at least come to you to talk in person

Me- No, I need some time to recover from this. Just leave me alone

And with that, I put my phone down on the table and called the nurse. The nurse came in and asked what I wanted.

"Can I please have some water?" I ask

"Of course miss Y/N" she said politely and she walked out of the room.

I feel so lonely in this world. I pull the blankets high over my body and sob quietly into the covers.

Why does it hurt so bad?

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