《Fixing Stitches (Mike Schmidt x Reader)》Broken Bones and Bandages


Light flooded my eyes and all I saw was white. My side throbbed and my leg felt stiff. Was I dead? I couldn't tell, it was so bright. I let my eyes adjust slowly and finally see the room around me.

It was a white room with a tv in the corner of the room and a chair under it. I was sitting on a bed with my leg elevated and what seemed like a cast around it. I was in a hospital. I'm alive! I was overjoyed, but that happiness soon faded as I moved slightly, sending shots of pain across my stomach. I cringed in pain and lifted the sheets and hospital gown. My stomach was wrapped tightly in bandages and the side was stained red. I cover it back up and take deep breaths.

As I look around again, I see a nurse walk in.

"Oh, miss l/n" he says, surprised "your awake"

"Y-Yeah" my throat was so dry and it hurt to talk.

"Do you need anything?" He asks

"W-water please"

He nods and walks out. A few minutes later, he came back with a glass of water. I drank it quickly and felt a lot better. I thank him and he smiles at me. He was about to leave the room again when he turned around and mentioned something else.

"Someone is waiting to see you" he says "he's been here all night I think, do you want to see him?"

"Yes please" I reply happily

The nurse walked out and not long after, Mike burst through the door.

"Y/n" he says happily as he rushes over and pulls me into a tight embrace.

I flinch at the fast movement for my waist and Mike instantly let's go.

"Oh, I'm so sorry" he says quickly


"It's ok" I reassure him "how are you holding up?"

"Not well" he says "being alone isn't the ideal place to be"

I giggle "well, you don't have to be alone anymore"

"What about you?" He asks "how are you doing?"

"Leg in a cast and waist wrapped in bandages, I'm doing great" I say sarcastically

"Sounds like you win" he chuckles

He leans over and gives me another hug, this one being a lot less painful. I nuzzle into his shoulder and whisper to him.

"I love you"

"I-" Mike hesitated and broke away from the hug.

He looked away from me, avoiding eye contact.


He looks behind him and walks slowly out the door without saying anything.

"Wait! Ah" my side throbbed at my shouting and I lay back down in my bed.

What did I do wrong? We were together now, this isn't a strange thing. What was up with him?

I stare at the roof and think about what I was doing wrong, when I hear a small buzz. I sit up and look in the direction it came from. I see my phone on the side table and pick it up. I had hundreds of messages.

'Y/n, are you ok?' 'How are you' 'get well soon' etc

I open my phone and see that Mike had added me to the group chat with all the guys. It must have been some time ago too, because there were messages from last week. How did I not notice?

I need to talk to someone about this though. Scott was the only other person there last night.

Me- Hey Scott

Scott- y/n, your ok. I was so worried about you, how are you doing?

Me- I'm fine, but can you come down, I need to ask you some things.


Scott- Yeah, I'll be there as soon as I can.

Me- thanks

I put my phone down and just sit there as there was nothing better to do. The tv was turned off and I didn't have the remote, and my phone was almost dead anyway. I was sitting there for about 5 minutes when a nurse came into the room.

"Miss, Someone is here to see you" she said "would you like to see him?"

"Yes please" I reply

The nurse walks out of the room and I sit and wait for Scott to come in. The door creaks and I look over.

"hey Sco-"

But it wasn't Scott.

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