《Fixing Stitches (Mike Schmidt x Reader)》One Down, Four To Go



"Mike!" I call "Look at the time!"

There was a pause, and then "fuuuuuuuuck"

He comes out of the bedroom with both of our uniforms and drops mine next to me, walking into the bathroom to change. I quickly change my shirt and struggle with my pants. I eventually get the on just as Mike comes out of the bathroom with his tie hanging around his shoulders. He asks me to tie it for him and I happily help. I look at my phone: 11:45.

"We need to go" I say

Mike nods and helps me up to the door. I limp to the car while leaning on walks and poles and Mike. He helps me in and we set off to work. We drive in silence and arrive on time, for once.

We walk in and to the office. Scott was already sitting at the desk with his feet up, on his phone. He stands as we come into the room and offers me the seat. I happily accept and it down, taking the weight off my foot.

"Uh, Scott?" Mike raps Scott on the shoulder

"What's up?"

"Can I talk to you, just down the hall? Alone?"

"Uh, yeah sure"

I watch as the both of them walk down the hall and disappear into the darkness. What were they doing? I was annoyed to be excluded from the conversation. They could have just talked in the office. Rude. Anyway, I had to entertain myself somehow so I picked up the tablet and began scrolling through the cameras. Maybe I'll see them on the footage. I flick past the stage camera and for the split second it was on the screen, I notice something was missing. I quickly change back and realise that toy Chica was missing. But that can't be right, it isn't 12 yet. I look at my phone, 12:05. What!? Why didn't the bell go!? Chica was up and roaming, others will be too and Scott and Mike were still out there.


"Mike! Scott!" I call down the hallway "Guys!"

Why do bad things always happen when I'm on the shift?

There was no reply. I start to panic and get up, but as I put my foot down, it starts to sting and I fall to my knees. I get slowly to my good leg and start to limp slowly down the hall while leaning on the wall for support. I call their names again, but still nothing. I get half way down the hall before stopping to catch my breath, when something screeches a little way down the hall. I take a small step back and was immediately knocked over by a very familiar animatronic. Toy Chica. She was on top of me and baring her beak-less mouth. I scream and try to escape, but she was really heavy. She kept a strong hold on my while she grabbed my bad foot and began dragging me down the hall. I try to claw at the floor or grab something to stop her, but there was no good handles to grip. She drags me to the parts and service room and bangs on the door. There was a ear splitting grinding noise as the door opens slowly.

"I got one" Chica says proudly

"We'll take it from here" A deep robotic voice replies

My leg was handed over to a big, paw that felt all to familiar. Pain shot up my leg like fire and I screamed as I was pulled across the uneven tiled floor. The door closed and I was surrounded by darkness. My leg was dropped and there was a sudden strike of pain up my body. I sit up and try to see where I was.

"Get the suit" someone says

"On it" another replies

"Pick her up" the first voice orders


I feel another big paw around my waist and I was lifted off the ground. Tears streamed down my face as I was roughly dropped on a cold, metal surface. A loud clanging sounded next to me and something wet splattered onto my face. It smelled like rotting meat and I had to cover my nose.

Then, something grabbed my arms and legs, lifting me again. But this time when I was put down, something gripped around my legs and hips, hugging my lower body as small metal spikes of some sort dig into my skin. I yelped as each piece of metal touched my body and might have been piercing my skin. My arms and torso were next to be enclosed in the constricting thing I was being closed into. The only thing exposed was my head.

Something moved my leg and an instant surge of agony bolted through my body. My leg was being stabbed all over with hundreds of metal poles. I scream in extreme pain. My leg was dripping with fresh blood and my head was screaming at me. There was more movement and another metal pole stabbed the whole way through my side and I feel myself slowly falling out of consciousness from blood loss as I scream one final time for someone to save me.

I close my eyes and through all the tears and screaming, I hear quiet banging noises coming from the other side of the room. The banging slowly drilled into my already agonising head ache and soon, the room flooded with light. I close my eyes and feel myself slipping away to death.

The last thing I feel, is the release of the metal poles and constricting feeling. My weak, bloody body was being lifted and the feeling of being carried into the light. I couldn't hold on anymore and pass out into darkness once again.

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