《Fixing Stitches (Mike Schmidt x Reader)》New Job


My alarm clock was blearing in my ears. I moan as the early morning sun glares at me through the beige curtains. I hit the button on my alarm to stop the annoying 'beeping' sound, and yawn as I stretch my arms out.

"y/n!" I hear my mum call from downstairs "Come down. Breakfast is ready and I have something to tell you!"

Be down soon!" I reply

I sit up in bed and stretch some more, cracking my back. I open my door and walk downstairs. My mum was sitting at the table with some (fav/breakfast) and a newspaper. She looks up and smiles sweetly at me as I walk over and take a seat next to her.

"What's up?" I ask

"Well, I was just thinking" she starts "You're growing up, and I think you need a job. You can socialise with others and even earn some money to buy your own things instead of having me buy it for you"

I awkwardly laugh "B-but where am I supposed to work?"

"Actually, my friend told me about her daughters boyfriend who works at, Freddy Fazbears Pizzeria" She says excitedly

"Freddys?" I say, interested "That place you used to take me for parties when I was a kid?"

"The same" She affirms "What do you think?"

"I-I guess I can give it a try?"

"Here's the number" she hands me a page of newspaper "Tell me if you get an interview"


She walks into the living room and turns on the tv. I eat my breakfast and walk upstairs to get my phone. Dialling the number was stressful and my fingers were shaking as I pressed each number. Pressing call, my hand began to sweat as I hold the phone to my ear.


"Hello" a man with a deep, gruff voice answers "this is FreddyFazbears Pizza, how can I help you?"

"Oh, uh, hi" I stutter "My name is y/n l/n, I'm calling about the job offering"

"Yes" He says happily "Come around at 11:30 tonight and I'll give you your uniform"

"Wait, no interview or anything?"

"The job isn't popular and, come one, his is a pizza place."

"Fair" I respond

"See you at 11:30 then" He says happily

"ok, thank you" I say as he hangs up the phone.

"Yes!" I squeal "Mum!"

"What is it sweetie?"

"I got the job!" I run downstairs and jump onto the sofa next to her

"You got it?" She said sceptically

"Mmhmm" I say excitedly

"That was fast"

"I know, they're apparently not getting enough people that want a job and the guy on the phone just hired me on the spot"

"Thats amazing" She hugged me tightly ant I snuggled into her shoulder.

"But, I have to be there at 11:30pm" I say

"Thats late"

"It's a night shift"


Time Skip...

It was almost time to leave, 11:00 to be exact. It was a ten minute walk to the place so I would leave in 20 minutes. I go downstairs in my shirt and long pants as it was cold outside. (I would grab my hoodie later) I was a bit hungry so I made myself some toast. It took a while to make cause I was getting a bit tired and slow. By the time i finished putting on the spread, it was 11:15. I still needed to put on my shoes and get my hoodie from my room. I leave my toast on the table and run upstairs, grabbing my shoes and hoodie before running back downstairs. I rush to put on my things and grab my now cold toast.


My mum was asleep so I had to leave quietly. It was now 11:25. I race outside and jog down the street with my toast in my mouth like an anime girl that slept in. That is kind of my personality though.

It was now 11:30 and I was coming up on the restaurant. There were 4 car outside and a bike on the bike rack. There were others here too. I had a feeling that this job was going to be good.

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