After Spencer's date with JJ didn't go to well, Y/N tries to set him up on a date, not realising that he had fallen in love with her. After many months, Y/N might be beginning to feel the same.
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With Y/N and Spencer being the youngest members on the BAU, it was inevitable that they would become close friends. The two spend almost all their time together. Due to the duo being in each other's presence almost 24/7, they spoke a lot. Normally, they would have intelligent conversations and it would spiral from there, other times they would have conversations they would lead into fits and bouts of laughter. However, what the two loved to converse more than anything were their deep conversations about their personal lives.
Y/N and Spencer always felt comfortable around each other, comfortable enough to tell each other everything. They trusted each other more than anyone else. Due to them being so close, they could tell if the other person was having an off day - even without profiling them.
Spencer turned up at Y/N's apartment and she was surprised. Normally he would call ahead to see if it was okay for him to come in and see if she was even there. Today was a different story however.
"Hey, you okay?" Y/N asked as she let Spencer into her apartment. As usual, he walked over to her couch and sat down.
Y/N shut the door behind her and followed his route to the couch and sat next to him. Spencer fiddled with the strap of his bag, avoiding eye contact with Y/N.
"Spence, are you alright?" Y/N asked again, noticing the way he was acting. Just the day before, the two were sitting in the same position on her couch as he was filled to the brim with excitement because he was going on a date with JJ. Y/N knew that he had a small crush on JJ so she couldn't help but be excited for him.
"How did your date with JJ go?" Y/N asked after another moment of silence.
"It wasn't a date." Spencer answered.
"What do you mean it wasn't a date? You two went to the football game together didn't you?" Y/N was confused.
"Yeah we did, but she invited Garcia. She didn't think of it as a date." Spencer answered.
Y/N's frowned, "Spencer, I'm sorry. I know you were excited for that date."
"I'm meant to be a genius," Spencer started, ""So why could I ever think that JJ would like me?"
Y/N frowned once again, "What do you mean by that?"
"I mean how can she like someone like me?" Spencer said softly, finally making eye contact with Y/N.
Y/N was shocked by Spencer's self deprecating attitude. She had no idea he felt that way about himself. To her, he was the most amazing person she knew. She looked at Spencer's hands that were fiddling with his bag. She hesitated at first. Spencer didn't really like contact with other people. However, as she looked at his face and body language, it was clear he needed comforting. Y/N began to reach forward with her hand until it made contact with Spencer's.
At first, he flinched, because of the contact and that he wasn't expecting it. However, when Y/N laced her fingers with his, he gripped onto her hand tight. The corner of Spencer's mouth flicked up slightly. Although he didn't like contact very much, with Y/N it felt comforting. It felt...nice.
Y/N thumb gently rubbed the back of Spencer's. Even if no more words were shared between the two, Spencer knew that Y/N was there for him. The unspoken words said more than what spoken words ever could.
The weeks after Spencer's date with JJ, Y/N and Spencer had been spending a lot more time together (if that were even possible). To anyone who didn't know the two, they would look like a young couple in love. However, to the people who knew them, they looked like two people painfully oblivious to one another.
That morning, Y/N walked into work with a smile on her face. Her best friend from high school had moved a few blocks away from Y/N and she had the perfect idea - or what she thought was the perfect idea.
Y/N sauntered over to Spencer's desk and perched on the edge. He looked up to her with a smile.
"Hi." Y/N greeted happily.
"Hi." Spencer replied.
"What's got you so happy?" Derek questioned as he and Elle both crowded around Spencer's desk with Y/N.
"Well my friend has moved to town and I have a great idea, well I hope I have a great idea," Y/N stated. Spencer, Derek and Elle all had an expression on their face that prompted Y/N to tell them what her idea was, "Well, my friend got out of a relationship about a year ago and recently told me that they want to start dating again. So, I thought that I would set our resident genius up on a date."
Spencer's eyes widened, "What? No, no. I don't want to go on a date."
Y/N lightly nudged Spencer with her foot, "Come on Spence, it'll be fun. It's just for a couple of hours and maybe it'll get your mind off, you know."
Spencer stared at Y/N for a moment. Unbeknownst to her, his mind hadn't been on JJ at all these past few weeks. Thoughts of Y/N filled his head constantly - ever since Y/N had held his hand. Even if Y/N and Spencer were extremely close, they had never made physical contact, at least not intentionally. However, once their skin came into contact in such a gentle manner, Y/n had plagued his mind constantly. The feeling of Y/N's hand in his was long gone but sorely missed. Spencer didn't want to go on the date Y/N was planning for him but seeing her smile and be really excited over it caused him to agree to it, not wanting to disappoint her.
Y/N clapped her hands together slightly before standing up from Spencer's desk, "I'll phone my friend. Is tomorrow night okay for you?"
"Um, tomorrow night is perfectly fine." Spencer said smiling, although on the inside he was dreading it.
Y/N gave him a parting smile before walking away to phone her friend. Spencer let out a small sigh. Derek and Elle both shared a look behind Spencer. Even if the two youngest couldn't see it (even if it was hard not to), they could see it. The constant gazes Spencer would send Y/N's way. The way he constantly talked about her when she wasn't in the room. The way that he would stand close to her, not enough to be touching but close enough to see that there was some sort of feeling other than friendship there. The signs that Spencer loved Y/N were clearly there and it wasn't just a silly little crush like he had on JJ, it was genuine love he felt for her.
Y/N had been sitting on the couch immersed in her book when her phone went off. She jumped at first since it startled her. She leaned over and answered it without looking to see who phoned.
"Hello?" Y/N answered.
"Y/N, hi." It was Spencer.
"Oh, Spencer, hi," Y/N greeted, "I thought you were on your date?"
"Oh, well it ended early, we didn't exactly click. Don't get me wrong, they're great to talk to but it wasn't exactly...what I would call a date." Spencer spoke.
"Really? I thought you'd be great together." Y/N said, placing her book down on the coffee table.
"Yeah, it didn't work out." Spencer said down the phone.
"Well I know a few other people I can try to set you up with. " Y/N offered.
"No, it's fine Y/N," Spencer said, "I don't think I want to go on any more dates for a while."
"Oh, well if you're sure..." Y/N replied.
"I'm sure." Spencer replied.
Y/N nodded though Spencer couldn't see, "What are you doing now?"
"I'm just going to head back to my apartment," Spencer answered.
"Well since your date ended early, do you wanna maybe come round mine and watch a couple episodes of Doctor Who, I'm behind on the last few." Y/N offered.
Y/N wouldn't be able to tell but Spencer's heart jumped at the thought of spending time with Y/N. He had spent a lot of his time with her over the past couple weeks, some would argue too much time for it to be deemed innocent. But the fact that she had offered to go round hers made him feel a certain way. Spencer had spent a lot of time at Y/N's apartment before but now the thought of going there made him feel different. He didn't know why.
"Spencer?" Y/N's voice snapped Spencer out of his internal monologue.
"Oh yeah, I'd love to come round." Spencer said, smiling.
"Great! I'll see you when you get here." Y/N said before hanging up the phone.
The next few weeks were brutal for Spencer. He was beginning to feel many different emotions he hadn't noticed before, mostly towards Y/N. For the smartest person in the room at any given moment, everyone could see how dumb the young genius was being. Even Hotch, who had noticed the slight shift in Spencer's demeanor, thought that Spencer was being stupid.
Y/N, however, was being completely oblivious. She had noticed a shift in Spencer's mood but decided not to question it. He had been a lot more open with her recently, and not just emotionally. On particularly tough cases, Spencer's hand would fall into Y/N's and rub small circles on the back of it. On long plane journeys home, Spencer would allow Y/N to fall asleep on his shoulder - he wouldn't move the entire way home in fear of waking her. And he would be in a happier moon whenever she would arrive for work.
Everyone around the young agents were practically dying to yell at them to get together but refrained themselves from doing so, wanting to let them figure it out for themselves - even if it pained the rest of the BAU to do it.
Spencer headed over to Y/N's desk with two mugs of coffee. She was deep into her work so she hadn't initially noticed him approach her. He cleared his throat to signal his presence. Y/N looked up from her work and once she made eye contact with Spencer, a smile stretched across her face.
"Hey," She greeted softly.
"I got you some coffee." Spencer said, placing her mug down on her desk.
Y/N let out a small gasp, "Thank you!" She picked up the mug and took a small sip, "I was meaning to get a mug about an hour ago but I got too caught up with my work," Y/N reached forward and held Spencer's hand in hers for a moment, "Thank you again."
"You're welcome." Spencer smiled, his face showing a slight tinge of red, before heading to his desk.
Y/N watched as Spencer turned away for a little longer than needed. There was a loving smile on her face that she didn't realise had creeped on there. However, across the bullpen, Derek and Elle had noticed and shared a look. Maybe this was a step in the right direction for the two young agents.
It had been a few months since Spencer had gone on his 'date' with JJ and his date with Y/N's friend. It had also been a few months since his feelings toward her had begun to change. With some pushing from Derek and a conversation with Elle, Spencer had realised how in love with Y/N he was. He felt stupid for not realising it sooner.
The last few months had felt different for Y/N as well. She knew her feelings toward the young genius were not the same as a few months ago and they had changed drastically. Somehow she would find herself daydreaming of Spencer or catch herself thinking of him way too often for it to be normal.
The rest of the BAU had noticed the gradual change in Y/N's behaviour towards Spencer. They would notice the glances she would send his way. Whenever he was endangered in a case, they would notice the worry that would spread across her features, they would also notice her wrapping Spencer in a tight hug once he was safe (which lasted a lot longer than needed). They also noticed the subtle touches she would give him, whether that would be on his arm or his knee. It was driving them crazy.
However, it wouldn't drive the BAU crazy for much longer.
They were on a case and Y/N had found herself alone with the unsub. Y/N knew that it was risky and should have waited for backup but she went in alone. They had been on this case a lot longer than others and she wanted it to be over. Practically as soon as she stepped through the threshold of the house, she was hit in the head which registered her vision blurry momentarily.
The unsub ran up the stairs and Y/N followed, although slightly out of it due to the blow in the back of the head. She clutched her gun in her hands and she chased the unsub. He ran into a room and was backed into a corner - nowhere to go.
Y/N held her gun steady at the unsub. She began to talk him down - or attempt to. Whenever she started speaking, the unsub would get more and more agitated. Y/N tried her best to get him to remain calm and surrender himself but he didn't.
It happened too fast for her to notice but the unsub pulled a gun out and shot in her direction, missing her by an inch. Y/N pulled the trigger to her own gun, shooting the unsub in the leg, causing him to fall to the floor.
Down the stairs, she would hear people rush into the house, "We need a medic!"
Heading down the stairs, Y/N noticed Spencer standing at the bottom. He took one look at her before leaving without saying a word. She knew what she did was reckless but everyone was too far away to get there in time. If she didn't go in there, the usub would have already disappeared.
She sighed before heading out of the house, glad the case was finally over.
On the way home, Spencer sat on the opposite side of the plane to Y/N, confusing everyone. While talking to Elle, Y/N would constantly look over to Spencer, who played chess with Gideon. Whenever they would make eye contact, Spencer would look away quickly. Y/N would sigh.
When they finally arrived back home, Spencer headed straight home without saying goodbye to anyone. Y/N however, followed him out.
"Spencer!" Y/N called out to him but he ignored her and continued to walk away, "Spencer! Stop ignoring me and stop." Y/N jogged up to him and placed her hand on his shoulder. He stopped and turned around with an unreadable expression on his face.
"Why are you ignoring me?" Y/N questioned.
"I'm not ignoring you." Spencer replied, wanting to walk away.
"Yes you are. Why?" Y/N pushed.
"You were reckless." Spencer answered bluntly.
Y/N sighed, "This is what this is about? That I went to get the unsub? Nothing happened Spencer-"
"But it could have," Spencer cut her off, "I heard the shot, Y/N. He shot at you."
"But he missed." Y/N tried to reason.
"What would happen if he didn't?"
"I was wearing my vest, at most I would've gotten a bad bruise." Y/N replied.
"The bullet wouldn't have been by your chest Y/N, it was fired at your head." Spencer said, getting slightly agitated.
Y/N sighed, "Yes but he missed, let's not think about that right now okay-"
"He could have killed you Y/N. You're acting like you don't care." Spencer said, growing frustrated.
"Of course I care, Spencer. I could have lost my life okay. But I didn't," Y/N said, "But you can't stand there and say that I was being reckless like you don't put yourself in situations that could have ended up with you being seriously hurt or injured. The train with Elle? You took your vest off."
"I needed to, the unsub would've-"
"You still took your vest off and immediately put yourself in danger. I was so worried when you went onto that train and then I heard the gunshots," Y/N was also growing more agitated and frustrated, "Yes, I put myself in a dangerous situation but you can't stand there and act like you haven't done a lot worse and a lot more frequently. I care about you Spencer and I can't stand here and listen-"
Y/N was cut off yet again, but not by the sound of Spencer's voice but the feeling of his lips on hers. Almost immediately, Y/N gripped into the front of Spencer's jacket and pulled him closer. All the feelings that she had been questioning for the last couple months finally came to an ultimate conclusion. These feelings she had been questioning was love and it took the feel of Spencer's lips to realise it.
Internally Spencer was freaking out, it was a spur of the moment decision to kiss Y/N. Normally, Spencer wouldn't do anything like this but he was frustrated with her for risking her life so he just made the decision. His hands gripped onto the side of her face. Not rough enough for it to hurt her but enough to keep her in place. As soon as she had kissed back, the kiss deepened, causing Y/N to let out a barely audible moan but it was loud enough for Spencer to hear it and smile into the kiss.
Because oxygen is a thing people needed to live, Y/N and Spencer reluctantly pulled away from each other, their foreheads pressing together. Both of their lips were swollen but neither of them cared. Spencer's thumb lightly brushed over Y/N's cheekbone as he looked into her eyes, a smile playing on his lips.
"I do care about you Y/N," Spencer said softly, "And I'm sorry for ignoring you, I was just scared. What if you had gotten hurt? I don't know what I would've done."
Y/N looked into Spencer's eyes, "Spencer, I didn't get hurt, okay? I'm here and safe. If it makes you feel any better, I promise I won't do anything too reckless again."
Spencer smiled slightly, his eyes flicking from her eyes to her lips. Y/N noticed and leaned in connecting their lips once again. This kiss was a lot more tamer than the first, this one filled with pure love and admiration. Y/N pulled away and stepped back from Spencer.
"Your place or mine?" She questioned.
"Yours." Spencer answered and the two clambered into Y/N's car and drove away, ready for a night neither would forget for a while.
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