After being kidnapped and tortured by an unsub, Y/N thinks of Spencer to keep her grounded.
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mentions of injury and torture.
Throughout her life Y/N was always told that whenever something bad happened to her, she should go to her happy place. When she was sad, she would go to her happy place. When she was hurting, she would go to her happy place. When there was a tough case, Y/N would go to her happy place. However all these instances didn't prepare her for the torture she would soon come to endure.
She was on her way home from work early since she had finished all the work she had needed to complete. At first, she was going to wait around for Spencer so they could leave together but Spencer told her to leave since he would be staying late that night. Y/N pressed a kiss to his lips before leaving without another thought. What she didn't know was she was only half an hour away from enduring the worst pain she would ever feel.
Y/N climbed into her car, turned the radio on before driving off. She sang lightly to the radio as she drove, following the route home like the back of her hand. It was beginning to get dark and Y/N was looking forward to going home and sinking into a hot bath and relaxing. It had been a tough week with paperwork and cases so Y/N was looking forward to her day off.
There were barely any cars on the road so everything was quiet except for the radio playing softly in the background. Someone stepped out in front of Y/N's car causing her to swerve before totally stopping. She looked out of the rear view mirror and saw the person on the floor collapse. Without thinking, Y/N climbed out of the car and rushed over to the body laying in the middle of the road. The person wasn't moving which worried Y/N.
"Hey, hey, are you okay?" Y/N asked softly.
What Y/N didn't prepare for was the man rolling over and hitting her over the head with something, knocking her out cold.
People always say that your life flashes before your eyes when you think you're going to die, but Y/N's life was flashing before her eyes when she knew she was very much alive. Everything and everyone she had ever loved replayed in her head over and over again like clockwork. Her abductor sat across from her, watching. He hadn't done anything yet which caused Y/N to be confused.
She watched as his jaw clenched and his foot tapped on the floor, growing more and more irritated with each passing second. Everytime Y/N moved even the slightest bit, he would tap his food even more and pick at his nail beds. What Y/N didn't prepare for however, was the man lunging forward, reeling his hand back before bringing it back down to her face with a loud smack.
Y/N smiled over her coffee cup at Spencer who was going through countless files. She thought no one noticed but of course, someone did. Luckily it wasn't Spencer.
"You do realise you're being really obvious right?" JJ's voice caused Y/N to snap out of her daydream.
Y/N cast her gaze away from Spencer to face JJ. Even though Y/N knew what JJ was talking about, she faked a confused expression on her face that she was sure JJ could see right through.
"What do you mean?"
"You've been staring at Spence for the past few minutes. Just go and talk to him," JJ stated, "Or ask him out."
Y/N swatted JJ's arm gently, "Keep your voice down," Y/N whispered, "And besides, I don't want to disrupt his work."
JJ sighed, "Y/N listen, I don't know how much longer I can take of this."
Y/N's eyebrows furrowed in actual confusion this time, "Take more of what?"
"Of yours and Reid's constant glances at each other." JJ said.
Y/N sighed, "I'm just worried that it will ruin our friendship if we get into a fight or anything like that. And I'm not even sure he's ready to be in another relationship, not after Maeve."
"Y/N, I know that you probably don't see it, but it seems as if Spence is over Maeve - especially from where I'm standing."
"But what if-"
JJ placed her hand on Y/N's shoulder gently to stop her talking, "You shouldn't worry at all. And it's clear to everyone that you two love each other, so I say go for it."
Y/N looked over to Spencer who looked up from his work and locked eyes with Y/N. Whenever Y/N looked into Spencer's eyes, it felt like home to her. It brought her a sense of comfort.
JJ gave Y/N a nudge in Spencer's direction. Y/N broke eye contact with Spencer for a brief moment to look back at JJ.
"Ask him out." She mumbled.
Y/N smiled slightly before heading over to Spencer. He watched her walk over every step of the way, a smile stretching across his own face. As she got to his desk, Spencer moved his chair backwards slightly so Y/N had room to perch on the side of his desk.
"You nearly finished your work?" Y/N questioned.
"Yeah, I've got a couple more files to go through but I'm pretty much done. What are you asking?"
JJ walked past Spencer's desk and stood behind him and mouthed to Y/N, 'Ask him out'
Y/N briefly glanced at JJ before looking back at Spencer, "I was just wondering if you wanted to do something? With me. After work," Y/N paused for a moment, "Like a date?"
Spencer didn't react at first which caused a surge of panic to flow through Y/N. It wasn't until a small smile appeared on his face when the panic dispersed.
"You want to go on a date with me?"
"Of course I do, why wouldn't I?"
Spencer shrugged although the smile was still evident on his face, "I don't know, I just thought you didn't like me in that way."
"Well Dr. Reid, as a matter of fact, I do like you in that way," Y/N teased, "So what about that date?"
"I would love to go on a date with you Y/N." Spencer replied.
Pain surged through Y/N's body after she was kicked and beaten. She was sprawled out across the floor. She was alone, her abductor had left her alone a few minutes ago but not after locking the door behind him. Y/N braced herself before lifting her head up from the floor. Y/N had been beaten before, gained a few nastly bruises from different cases but never any this severe. Her whole body was littered in bruises, some were more painful than others but they all hurt nonetheless.
Despite the pain however, Y/N managed to sit up fully before crawling across the floor to a set of drawers to help pull her to her feet. Even though she was beaten and bruised, she still tried to find an alternate exit. The door that her abductor had exited out of was not an option. The only other exit was the small window.
Y/N limped over to the window. Her body was crying out to her to stop with every step she took. The window was too far up for her to reach on her own. Frantically, her eyes scanned over the room for something she could stand on to reach the window. There was a rotting wooden crate over in the corner of the room. Y/N scurried over to it before gripping onto it with her hands and pushed it over to the window. As she pushed it, pieces of rotten wood came off and fell to the floor. She only hoped that it could take her weight when she stood on it.
Footsteps were heard coming up the stairs. Y/N immediately stopped pushing the crate and headed back to her place on the floor. With every slight movement, Y/N winced. Just pushing the crate felt like fire was coursing through her veins.
The abductor came into the room, pulling a chair behind him. He placed the chair legs flat on the floor. He leaned down to grip tightly onto Y/N's upper arm and pulled her roughly to sit in the chair. He tied her arms to ams on the chair and tied her legs up as well, preventing her from moving.
"Why are you doing this?" Y/N tried to sound calm, but her voice failed her. She sounded scared and hurt. Just what her abductor wanted.
Her abductor only smirked before unlocking a drawer behind him. Pulling out many different knives and sharp objects, Y/N felt her breathing hitch. If she was in pain now, she only knew that the pain to come would be unimaginable.
It was a few months into their relationship and Y/N and Spencer couldn't be happier. Even the team could see their shift in mood. They couldn't think of anyone more perfect for each other.
Y/N headed up to Spencer's apartment. She had been away for a couple of weeks visiting family and she hadn't seen Spencer at all. Of course they had shared countless phone calls but it wasn't the same as being with each other physically. Y/N didn't know but Spencer had been sulking around in Y/N's absence. The team was glad she was coming back.
She stood outside his apartment and raised his hand to knock. Y/N had told Spencer that she wasn't going to be home until the following day, she wanted to surprise him. Her fist made contact with the door as she knocked. The sound echoing.
Y/N could hear shuffling inside before the door swung open. At first Spencer didn't process that Y/N was standing in front of him until his eyes went wide.
"Y/N!" He said excitedly. Almost instantly, he lunged forward and wrapped his arms around Y/N. Her arms wrapped back around him and she let out a giggle when he picked her up from the floor and spun her around.
"You said you weren't getting back until tomorrow." Spencer continued, setting her down on her feet but his arms still wrapped around her.
"I wanted to surprise you." Y/N mumbled into his shoulder. It felt good to have Spencer in her arms. After two weeks without him, she had missed him immensely. Y/N had never felt this with anyone else before.
"Consider me surprised." Spencer mumbled into her hair.
Spencer pulled away from the hug and pressed his lips to Y/N's. His hands held onto the sides of her face, fingers becoming tangled in her hair. After two weeks of no contact, Spencer and Y/N's hands were all over each other. However, before it went any further, Y/N pulled away for a moment. Her hands gripped the front of Spencer's shirt.
"Let's move this inside, we don't want your neighbors to walk out and see something they don't want to see." Y/N mumbled before she slowly pushed Spencer back into his apartment, shutting the door behind her.
Y/N was beginning to fall in and out of consciousness. If her body was beaten and bruised before, try adding bloody to it. Her body was on fire as she forced herself to stay awake. Everytime she shut her eyes, she felt herself begin to drift into an unconscious state. Forcing her eyes open for what Y/N felt like was the hundredth time, she felt her abductor plunge a knife into her leg, causing Y/N to yell out in pain.
"Stay awake." He hissed.
Y/N stared the abductor in the eyes before it felt like a black curtain was drawn on her vision. She was unconscious.
Y/N and Spencer were four years into their relationship and they were going stronger than ever. Most of Y/N's friends envied their relationship - it was perfect. What most people were surprised by however, was the fact that Y/N L/N hadn't become Y/N Reid yet. The couple was questioned multiple times on when they were getting married but the two always avoided the subject.
It wasn't until Penelope demanded the two an answer as to why they weren't married yet was when they finally answered.
"We don't want our relationship to fall apart after marriage." Y/N answered honestly.
Everyone around the table was shocked by the answer. They had never seen a more perfect couple in their lives. Of course this caused even more questions to be thrown in the couple's direction. Some of which the couple couldn't answer because they simply didn't have one.
"You two just need to get married then have kids so I can be the godmother." Penelope spurted out.
"Woah, slow down there Penelope," Y/N chuckled, "And getting married just wasn't one of our number one priorities."
Even though Y/N said that getting married wasn't one of their top priorities, the team began to ask questions about their perfect wedding. To which Y/N and Spencer answered honestly, a small wedding with close friends and family. The team, of course, took their answers into account and a couple of weeks later, Y/N L/N became Y/N Reid.
The couple couldn't be happier.
The pain Y/N was feeling was horrendous. Her abductor had left and hadn't come back in a while but she was too weak to even attempt to free herself. Y/N tried to go to her happy place several times but she couldn't help but focus on the pain.
There were several times when she wished that her abductor would come back to finish off the job so she didn't have to go through the pain any longer. But Y/N was determined to get back to her friends and Spencer.
A couple of weeks ago, Y/N and Spencer had spoken about starting a family. They had been together for years and it was getting to the point where they wanted to expand their family of two to a family of three. Of course, their job was a main factor as to why they hadn't started a family yet but now they felt like it was the right time to. Y/N wasn't going to die before she let that happen.
Y/N had lost count on how long she had been tied to the chair for but it couldn't have been more than a few hours. She was sure that the team were doing all they could to try and find her so Y/N held on to hope.
It felt like Y/N had been sitting in the chair for forever before she heard movement coming from somewhere downstairs. She panicked, thinking it was her abductor coming back. It wasn't until she heard a voice when the panic was replaced with utter joy.
"Y/N has to be here, search the entire house." It was the voice of Emily Prentiss.
Y/N tried to call out to try and signal her location but her throat was scratchy and dry, she doubted anyone could hear her. Footsteps were heard coming up the stairs and Y/N desperately struggled in the chair despite the pain she was in. She was going to be saved.
The door handle to the room jiggled. Y/N let out a small gasp before trying to shout again, it was quiet but she was sure the person on the other side had heard her.
"She's in here!" The voice yelled and Y/N's heart swelled. It was Spencer.
The door was busted open and Spencer rushed into the room. His eyes filled with worry as he took in Y/N's appearance. He rushed over and immediately began to untie her, shouting that he needed a medic.
Y/N felt tears stream down her cheeks as Spencer helped her out of the chair and laid her down on the floor. He bent over her and gently wiped her tears away. Y/N brought her hand up to his face and held his cheek lightly. She offered him a small smile, "You found me." She said weakly before falling into an unconscious state. The sound of Spencer calling her name echoed in her mind.
Y/N felt someone gripping onto her hand, tight enough so she knew it was there but gently enough to not cause her any pain. From what she could tell she was in an ambulance as with every turn it made, the ambulance jerked slightly.
Y/N began to open her eyes slowly. Her head was tilted slightly to the left so the first thing she saw when her eyes opened was Spencer. His eyes were brimmed with redness and he looked flushed. Y/N followed his arm down to his hand that was clutching onto hers. She gave it a small squeeze.
Spencer's head snapped up to meet Y/N's gaze. He smiled seeing her awake again. He leaned forward, resting his forearms on his knees. Y/N tried to speak but her gas mask was muffling her words. Spencer reached forward and lightly took it away from her mouth. Even though her face was bruised and bloodied, Y/N still looked like the most beautiful girl in the world to Spencer.
"When I'm healed," Y/N started, "I want to start working on that family we were talking about."
Spencer smiled before bringing her hand up gently to meet his lips, "I think we can do that."
Throughout her life Y/N was always told that whenever something bad happened to her, she should go to her happy place. Spencer Reid was Y/N's happy place - and perhaps a few months down the line, she would have another person to be her happy place.
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|| BNHA Imagines ||
looking for some good fluffy, angsty, spicy stuff to read? well come on over, we've got it all! i do any character, male or female. have fun ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) i'm taking requests right now, so if you want one, please message me or go to the chapter that says: R E Q U E S T S (Part 2). that's where I'll accept recommendations from. any other chapter with the name requests is old. thank you
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