《illicit affairs//mgg》eleven


I'm back at work and it's busier then ever. I'm running back and forth from the monitor to the coffee machines. Whoever was supposed to come in to help me hasn't shown up and I'm left here by myself. The stress consumes my body. I go to take the next customers order. I greet them without looking up and ask them what they want.

"You know I think I'll try something different today, maybe an iced latte?"

My eyes perk up at the familiar face and a smile spreads across my lips, "Is that all, sir?"

Matthew purses his lips in thought, "Umm, I think I'll take a side of the cute barista too."

I let out a giggle, "Unfortunately, we're out of cute barista, but we do have some fresh chocolate croissants."

He lets out a sigh and shakes his head, "Fine, I guess I'll settle for two of those. Do you know when cute barista will be available?"

I look down at the clock on the screen in front of me, "In about half an hour."

"Ah, the croissants will be cold by then." He jokes as I ring up his order.

I look back up into his brown eyes, "I'll tell you what because of the inconvenience your order is on the house today." I smirk as I swipe my card. I hear him scoff in disbelief.

"Lydia, don't do that!" He exclaims as I pocket the receipt. I look behind him to see the line growing, and I let out a sigh.

"Too late, sir, and sadly I'm going to have to ask you to move due to the impatient customers behind you."

I hear him let out a laugh, "Well, the service at this establishment is just terrible. Don't expect me to come back anytime soon." He smiles before he heads over to the other side of the counter to wait for his order. I hide my laugh as I take the next person's order.

As I'm making the drinks I hear the doors to the kitchen open, and I see the worker who was supposed to help me.

"What the hell, Jeremy?" I ask him and pass him three drinks to place on the counter.

"I'm so sorry, my alarm didn't go off!" Jeremy has been here for only two weeks and has shown up late for half of it.

"Well, I'm off now. The rush has died down, you can handle this." I tell him before I untie my apron. I clock out and hop over the counter towards the booth Matthew is sitting at. I plop into the booth and let out an overdramatic sigh.


"Tough day at work?" Matthew laughs and I nod my head.

"I want death." I plainly say making Matthew laugh harder.

"Well, I have some good news for you." He informs me as he slides the extra croissant towards me. I raise my eyebrows before I take a bite. I let out a hum as it hits my tastebuds, god, these are so good.

"I happen to have the house to myself for the next week, and I was wondering if you'd like to keep me company." He flashes me his perfect smile and my eyes widen.

All of the possibilities of his wife coming home to us flash through my brain. She could have another surprise planned for him like in Los Angeles.

"Are you sure?" I ask. Fear drips off of my words.

He furrows his eyebrows, "Of course. Why wouldn't I want you to?"

"What about, um, what about your w-"

"She'll be in Arizona to see her parents. We're good." He cuts me off and I nod my head before taking another bite. I smile to myself thinking about the week ahead of us.

"How much do I owe you, by the way...for the food." I watch as he reaches into his pocket to grab his wallet. I profusely shake my head.

"Dude, no. I got it." I push his hand down and laugh.


I park a little ways down from Matthew's house and pull the hood of my hoodie over my face. He warned me to make sure his neighbors didn't see me so they won't get suspicious. My teeth begin to chatter at how cold it is. I hurriedly walk to his house and enter through the garage. Matthew had texted me beforehand that I can just walk in.

The smell of coffee and warmth fills my senses and I'm completely relaxed. You would think that I hate the smell of coffee considering I'm surrounded by it everyday, but I just fall in love with it more and more. I look around at the rustic decor and it makes sense for this to be his home. I walk around his living room and kitchen in search for him, but he's nowhere to be found.

I call out his name and I'm still left with silence. I know he's home because I saw his car and he told me he was. I hesitantly walk up the wooden staircase and the act makes me feel weird. Almost as if I'm invading his home.


I open the closest door on my left. I see multiple wooden bookcases and a large desk in the middle of the room. I look at the walls to see obscure paintings and drawings each one a different person. I look down to the corner of each drawing to see his initials scribbled messily. His work brings a smile to my face. I walk past the bookshelves and run my fingers across the spines of the thousands of books he has. I walk around to his desk to see multiple drawings of the same face. A familiar face. My own.

I smile at them and see the different facial expressions each one has. Each drawing has a different date on the bottom. I eventually find one from the first day we met. It's my side profile and I'm looking down with a smile.

"You're the only thing I've been able to draw since we met." His voice makes me jump and I look up to see him standing in the doorway with a towel wrapped around his waist. His curls are pressed down from his shower. I hurriedly put them back into the pile I found them in.

"I'm sorry. I was looking for you, and got distracted...obviously." I say and fold my arms across my chest. Matthew shakes his head.

"Don't apologize." He walks over to me and wraps his arms around my side. I feel him press a kiss to my temple and I lean into him.

"You're really talented." I say looking up at him before I press a kiss to his lips.

"Please, it's average at best."

I shake my head in response to him, "No...I love them." I look back down at the drawings of me.

He squeezes me tighter before he pulls away, "C'mon, I'll show you where you can put your bags."

I follow him to his bedroom and he motions to the right side of the bed before he walks into his closet to change. I take off my hoodie to reveal the tank top I'm wearing underneath. Matthew walks back out in a silk robe and I smirk at him.

"Fancy." I smile and he strikes a pose making me laugh. He then leads me to his bathroom, but stops me before walking in.

"You're really gonna love this." He reveals a porcelain claw foot tub, and my eyes widen in excitement. Matthew had told me he was a fan of taking baths, but he never told me he had one as beautiful as this one.

He walks up and hugs me from behind, "You wanna take a bath with me?"

I turn my head to look at him with a wide smile, "But you just got out of the shower."

He shrugs his shoulders before he turns the water on and opens a cabinet, "Do you want rose or lavender?" He holds up two bath bombs and I point to the lavender one. I watch as he drops it in and takes off his silk purple robe. I pull my tank top and leggings off leaving me in my bralette and underwear.

Once the tub is filled we fully take off our clothes. Matthew steps in and I follow suit. I place myself so I'm between his legs with my back to his chest. His arms wrap around my waist and I place my own on his.

The lavender sets my mind and body at ease. I feel him place his chin on my shoulder. Matthew moves my hair from his face and kisses my neck.

"This is nice." He whispers and I hum in agreement.

I wish I could spend every night just like this. The comfort of the warm water and his embrace.

"Tell me about your day." Matthew says and I let out a small laugh.

"Umm, let's see, I payed for a really cute guys food today at work." I tell him and move my head so I'm looking up at him. A small smirk crosses his face.

"Yikes, that hurts." He says sarcastically and my head tilts back as I laugh. We're quiet again, but I can feel his eyes staring at me.

I look back over at him to meet his eyes, "What?"

He looks at me for a couple more seconds before answering, "I just want to take in everything. I don't ever want to forget this." He says as he plays with a strand of my hair.

I smile and kiss his cheek. I know I won't ever be able to forget this night.

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