《spencer reid one shots》unauthorized//matthew gray gubler
here's another one that i hadn't realized I didn't post here. i think this one is cute so I hope you enjoy!
also I'm aware that some of the grammar is wrong. I'll fix it eventually.
and again! if anyone has any requests or anything they would like to see, please let me know!!!
genre: fluff
warnings: none!
word count: 3.4k
Getting to visit Matthew while he's filming is a rare, yet special, occurrence. I always try to make the best of it when I get the change to head up to Vancouver, whether it be for a quick weekend or a whole week. When the final season of the show started, I did what I could to get to Vancouver for as long as I possibly could. I'd grown close to the cast, not to mention my boyfriend of six years. I wanted to make the best of this final season and make as many memories as I could, even if I'm not a member of the cast. They always joke that I'm an honorary member.
When, one night, Matthew mentioned reviving the Unauthorized Documentaries for the final season of Criminal Minds, I thought he meant it as a joke. He mentioned it so nonchalantly that I'd almost laughed. I thought he'd be too busy to worry about filming something on his own. But on his first week filming, during one of our first nightly FaceTimes, he ran a whole slew of ideas by me and I knew he was serious.
At least once a week, he would run an idea by me and would judge the quality by my quantity of laughter. I didn't even need to comment or give my input, he'd just rattle off jokes and concepts and then either check them off or cross them out when I react. He did this every week up until this week, when he started filming.
"Do I look good?" Matthew brings my attention up from my laptop as he tugs on the lapel of his dress jacket, then holds out his hands to reveal his outfit. He's dressed for the scenes he's filming today, a scene with
Aubrey, so I'm not entirely sure why he's so worried about how he's dressed, but I'm not composing about the open request to check him out. "I'm about to go start filming the documentary with Andy,"
I drag my eyes up and down his body, my fingers stilling over the keys as I admire his figure. When I reach his eyes again, his eyebrows are raised because he can tell I'm doing more than just evaluating his outfit. I suck my bottom lip between my teeth as I nod, pushing my laptop aside and reaching my hands out for him. "You look very good, bunny,"
Matthew chuckles as I successfully grab his hands and tug him closer to me. "No, no," he doesn't resist as I twist my fingers in his belt loops, "I gotta go work,"
"I know," I pout, letting go of him and sitting back in the too-comfy armchair I'm in. I'd give anything to grab him again and drag him into this chair with me. "Go film, I'll probably be here when you get back,"
"Probably?" He picks up his script and, like the diva he is, checks his hair in the mirror and heads towards his trailer door, peeking back at me.
"I might follow you, I might stay here and keep doing the work I've been procrastinating," I shrug and gesture back to my discarded laptop, flashing with a blank Google Doc, a doc that has been blank for weeks on end. Being a writer is hard and frustrating and not easy, by any means. What made me think getting a degree in writing would be a good idea? Shaking off my frustrations, I smile cutely at my boyfriend, tilting my head to the side. "Give me a kiss before you leave?"
Matthew nods and stalks back over, leaning over to peck my lips. "Whatever you write," he whispers, warm breath fanning across my face, "will be absolutely amazing and beautiful and I'll be honored to read it,"
"Oh, you give me too much credit," I scoff, watching Matthew roll his eyes.
"And you don't give yourself enough," he responds, and then hastily checks his watch. "Okay, I've gotta go, but this conversation is not over. I'll see you later. Love you,"
"Love you too. Go be funny," I wave goodbye at him as he goes bouncing out of the trailer, closing the door behind him, leaving me to my empty Google Doc.
An hour later, my head is starting to hurt from staring down at a bright screen so I decide to take a break and get something to eat from catering. I haven't heard anything from Matthew and I'm not sure what he's up to, so I grab my phone and throw on one of his hoodies that's a bit too big on me and head out of his trailer.
As soon as I do, though, I run right into Matthew with a pile of shoes in his hands, making them tumble to the asphalt. He curses and keeps a straight face as he tries to pick them up again. Then he sees an opportunity in me and starts to shove shoes into my hands to help him, but they're still tumbling out. I resist the urge to laugh because I know this would ruin his bit, and I just let him silently shove Daniel's shoes into my arms.
But then he runs off, leaving me with shoes in my arms. Without any direction or guidance from my boyfriend, I turn to Andy, who's holding the camera, and shrug my shoulders, dropping Daniel's shoes to the floor before walking off to my original destination- catering. Those two boys can clean up the mess they devised. I'm hungry.
Matthew finds me just twenty minutes later, taking me by surprise when he wraps his arms around my shoulders from behind, pressing kisses to my cheek. "Thanks for helping me,"
He pulls out the chair beside me and scoots as close as he can to me, our thighs touching. "I mean, I wasn't really expecting it but it was funny. I was internally laughing," I let my head fall onto his shoulder, feeling his arm snake around my waist. I peer up at him, feeling my pupils dilating into hearts at the sight of my stunning boyfriend. I'll never stop being floored by his eyes and his jawline and his dimples and his lips and his smile and how fucking beautiful he is. "I liked that idea from the beginning."
"I know you did," he quips, not-so-sneakily swiping a chip from my plate and popping it into his mouth. "Maybe you'll appear in another episode. Who knows?"
I don't see Matthew until the end of the day because he's busy doing his job, as he should be. I spend my day writing in his trailer and filling up my previously empty Google Doc. When the cast has a long break, Matthew comes in to film a scene that I recognize as the ending to the second episode. He's sitting at his open trailer door, supposedly watching videos of Daniel modeling. He'd only waved at me when he came in, not wanting to bother my work. I wish he would distract me more. Maybe I'd take action on my fantasy of melting into this armchair with him.
His exaggerated and focused facial expression is enough to make me suppress a giggle, but then I spot a baby girl hat from Shemar on the counter and a light bulb starts floating over my head.
"Psst," I hiss, and Matthew looks up at me, his eyebrows raised. I hold up the hat to him, and his eyes light up with a childlike excitement. He holds up his hands and I toss the hat to him, and as soon as he puts it on, I let out the laugh I've been holding in. "Perfect, you look perfect, baby," Matthew winks at me and then gives a thumbs up to Andy, putting on his exaggerated face yet again and staring down at his phone. I tuck my face in my laptop so I don't laugh again, typing diligently.
The next day is when I'm, yet again, roped into Matthew's documentary. I don't mind though. His ideas are hilarious and they never fail to make me laugh.
I sit in Matthew's trailer for an hour without him, staring at a blinking cursor. I don't write a single word and I know that sitting in the same spot won't make inspiration suddenly strike. I decide to change my scene up and bring my laptop to catering. I grab a snack and take a seat at an empty table, crossing my legs under me, beginning to mull over combinations of words and debate definitions of words. It'd been relatively quiet in catering for a while, but it all comes to an end when Matthew comes marching up to me.
"Hi, babe," he says sweetly, a bit too sweetly, pulling out the chair next to me and taking a seat. Like yesterday, I give him a confused look, and when he gives me the same adorable smile that he always does, my heart practically melts. The ways this man makes me fall so easily. I'll never understand.
"Hi, there," I respond, and then glance up at Andy holding the camera. "Can I help you?"
"Could you possibly google something for me?" Matthew says and directs his attention to my laptop. The way he's not giving me any type of attention or physical affection let's me know that he really is filming his documentary again, so I play into it again. What do I have to lose? I'm not writing anyway.
"Yeah, sure," I switch to Chrome and pull up Google. "What is it?"
"Could you search Daniel Henry?" Matthew keeps a straight face and it's moments like this that remind me how great of an actor he is. Who can keep a straight face while regurgitating an incorrect name?
I turn my head to him, biting my lip to hold back my laugh. "Henry?"
Matthew nods. "Yeah, I know, it sounds like a girl's name. I thought it was a girls name at first. Daniel," He repeats it as if that clarifies anything at all. I just narrow my eyes at him again, and when I don't search the obviously incorrect name that he's giving me, he sits back in his chair, finally looking at me again with his eyes narrowed. "Do you-" he lets out a breath, crossing his arms over his chest, "do you think there's any chance he could be taller than me?"
"Okay, we can stop there," Andy cuts us off, dropping the camera from focus.
"I think you missed your calling in life, love," Matthew chuckles, pulling me into his arms, attacking my face with kisses. "I'm sorry to spring that on you, but-"
"No, it's fine. I wasn't really getting anywhere anyway. If you need help with anything else, you know I'm around for the rest of the week."
Surely, he cashed in on that offer. It was accidental. It was my fault, really. I was just trying to get back to Matthew's trailer the next day after having lunch with Kirsten and Daniel, to which Matthew jokingly called me a traitor. I heard Matthew's loud voice from all the way down the hallway and I should have turned and left, but I didn't.
So, iced coffee in hand, I stroll down the hallway and when I make it to the clearing, I stop in my tracks. Now, you'd think that after being with this man for five years and living with him, nothing would surprise me anymore. But he still has his moments, and this is definitely one of them. He has these wooden boxes and he's got a roll of packing tape, and he's taping the boxes to his feet. Maybe this shouldn't surprise me, because he's told me about this idea of his, but seeing him actually doing it with my own eyes is a whole different thing.
It only takes him a moment to notice my presence, and when he does, he waves me over. "Babe, babe, hey babe, babe, babe," he says quickly, waving his hand quickly, holding the wooden box against his foot. "Come help me,"
Keeping up the same attitude I've had in the past, I let out a dramatic sigh and drag myself over to him, sitting down on the floor and putting my coffee on the floor. But the moment I do, Matthew snatches it up and starts drinking it as I grab the dangling packing tape. Gosh, if he actually acted like this, I'd have broken up with him forever ago.
I wrap the tape around his foot and the box and then around his ankle, making sure to not make it too tight so that I hurt him. He's still sipping my coffee and staring into the camera like some cocky asshole when I move onto the other foot, and then I eventually run out of tape.
I sit back on my heels and look up at him. "I'm out," Wow, this position we're in right now? If Matthew didn't have wooden boxes strapped to his feet and we weren't in the middle of the Criminal Minds offices, I'd probably be reaching for his belt. But I can't let my mind go there or else we'll be hooking up in a bathroom or his trailer, and that never ends well for anyone.
"Okay," he mumbles, and I watch in amusement for way too long as he struggles to get up to his feet. I don't even help him, I just sit back and giggle. "Here, you can have this back," he holds my coffee out to me, and just as soon as I reach for it, he pulls it back. "Wait," he takes a long sip, "okay here." I finally grab my coffee again and then move to lean against the wall, watching him struggle to take the first few steps with boxes taped to his feet.
He hobbles down the hallway, all the way to BJ and proceeds to ask her to paint the boxes like shoes. And once he gets the shot he wants of this scene, Andy wanders off and he comes wobbling back to me with a cute, dumb smile on his face. "Will you help me get these off?"
I nod, sitting down on the floor again to pull off the tape around his feet. "Honestly, I'm surprised you didn't trip and fall on your face,"
"Me too," he laughs, sighing with relief when I take the first box off and set it aside. "But hey, this is my last break and then I'm gonna be working late today. I don't know if it's worth it to stick around set. I'm not gonna be able to come see you or anything,"
"Maybe I'll go back to your house. I can make some dinner instead of ordering out," I pull off the last bit of tape and then swiftly reach up to press it against Matthew's cheek, watching it hang there limply.
He gives me a deadpan look as I devolve into giggles, falling over his lap and holding onto his misplaced elbow pads to hold me up. "Ha ha, very funny. I'm laughing so much. That was so funny," His voice is void of any humor as he holds my shaking body from hitting the carpeted floor.
"I know, I'm just so funny," I quip, pulling myself together enough to crane my neck and kiss his cheek. "But I am probably gonna go back to your house. Sounds like a good idea,"
"Okay, just let me know when you get there," Matthew pats my thigh and signals me to get up, and once we're on our feet again, he moves the wooden boxes aside. "I might not respond but-"
"Text you so you know I'm safe. I've got it," I finish for him, fixing the lapel of his jacket. I push my pointer finger against the tip of his nose, making him scrunch it up in the insanely adorable way he does. The sight brings a smile to my face and it makes my heart beat faster. "I'll see you later, okay? Go be brilliant."
The sound of the front door opening lifts my head, taking my attention away from the glass of wine in my hand and the laptop in front of me, yet again. I glance at the timer on the oven and then jump to my feet, padding towards the foyer.
Matthew is dropping his backpack by the door when I get to him, and pauses halfway through reaching for his jacket. "Hi, love bug," he murmurs, giving me a weak smile.
I grab Matthew's jacket for him and slide it off his shoulders. "Hi, bunny," When I turn to hang the teddy bear jacket on the coat rack, I feel his hands on my waist, drawing me closer to him. He successfully pulls me against his chest, lips leaving a trail against my shoulder. "Long day, huh?"
"Yeah," he whispers, voice wavering as he tucks his face into my neck, "long, and repetitive, and tiring, and I'm very hungry and I smell food,"
I turn myself around in Matthew's arms and face him, placing my hands on his cheeks. "I got pizza dough on my way home and I made homemade pizza. It's in the oven and it'll be done in about ten minutes. And I poured you a glass of wine too,"
Matthew's eyes flutter closed and he presses his forehead against mine. "You're an angel. You're a goddamn angel, sent from heaven to bless me with your presence,"
"Oh, stop," I laugh, patting his cheek gently. "Let's just get wine drunk and eat pizza and watch movies all night. You don't have work tomorrow and I'm tired of looking at my damn laptop,"
"You make us sound like two teenage girls," Matthew unwinds from my embrace and wanders into the kitchen, swiping the full glass of wine from the counter. He takes a sip and then pecks my lips again, and I revel in the sweetness of his lips.
Matthew sits at the counter, right in front of my laptop, taking another long gulp of his wine. I check on the pizza, just to make sure it's not burnt, but when Matthew is silent for too long, I look back to make sure he's okay. Sometimes when he has a hard or long day at work, he tends to shut down and not open up to me, and I don't want that to happen. But when I turn to check up on him, I find him leaning into my laptop, his eyes darting across the screen.
I gasp, stepping forward and slamming my laptop shut, ripping it away. "Hey! You know I don't like it when you read my work before it's edited and finished,"
Matthew pouts, hiding his face behind his wine. "Sorry, I just- well, you've been talking about it so much and it was right here and I wanted to see how it was going," I go into the other room and put my laptop into my bag, out of sight and out of mind. When I return to the kitchen, Matthew is pulling the pizza out of the oven just as the timer goes off. "If it means anything, of what I did read, it was really good. I only got through the first two paragraphs, but I really loved it."
"Well, thanks," I mumble, going onto my toes to kiss his cheek before grabbing the pizza cutter. "I'm not mad, I just-"
"I get it. You don't let me read your writing until it's done and I don't let you see anything I've filmed until it's done,"
"Oh, so, I can't see any of the documentary until it's done?"
"Maybe I'll make an exception for that," he quips, grabbing the pizza cutter from me and digging it into the hot pizza crust. "I don't trust you with this thing anymore. Not after you ended up in the hospital last year with Sandy," he turns to me with a pointed look.
"It was an accident and you know it!"
"Oh, really?" He guffaws, tossing the pizza cutter aside and reaching for my waist. But I dodge him, taking a step back. He accepts this as his challenge, reaching for me again, and when I dodge him one more time with a confident smirk, a playful fire ignites behind his eyes. "Fuck the pizza. I'm coming for you."
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