《Inner Mechanisms- Maki Zenin x Reader》poker night
I tried my best for typos, sorry for any! NSFW with actual racing becase I got lost from that part of the plot lol. Thanks for all the comments and support!
For the NSFW i reccomend plaing lost in the fire by the weekend
Everything was a blur. The fluorescent lights burned into streaks, a mix of white, yellow, and red in the line of your vision. The buzz of the engine roared in your ears as Maki stepped on the gas, pushing forward through the street. You glanced over to the rearview mirror at all the cars you were passing, seeing the glow of the headlights in the reflection. The speedometer jumped over 100 MPH, and it was only increasing. Maki's hands gripped the steering wheel tightly, jerking the car side to side and swerving through lines of cars. The ring of police sirens echoed in the distance, but you both knew none of them were fast enough to catch any of the racers. The brunettes gloved hands shot over to the gear stick, fingertips gripping it tightly as she pushed forward abruptly, shifting it to a higher gear to accommodate the upcoming hill. The car roared once again as she did this in tandem with pressing the gas pedal, speeding up over the hill and down it.
The number of cars on the residential street decreased as he passed the first-mile mark, getting closer to the outskirts of the city. You caught a glimpse in the window of a few strippers outside a club smoking, with the reflection of fishnets and tight dresses in your pupils for a split second.
Maki glanced up to the rearview mirror quickly, catching a glimpse of Miwa's car close behind her. She disappeared from her line of vision as she took a turn. The racers were free to take whatever path they wanted through the busy city, as long as they got from point A to point Maki took a sharp left, turning around the buildings of the next block. You saw glimpses of Miwa's sleek black car in the adjacent gaps in the buildings, Maki speeding up as they both popped out on a bridge. The two of them were neck and neck as they took the turn, all the way over the stretch of water the concrete bridge covered and back onto the regular street. Maki shifted the gear again as the two of them went down a hill. Your body jerked against the side of the car as she took a sharp right turn, making you hold onto the armrest beside you as Miwa disappeared from your vision and continued forward.
"Sorry," Maki said, glancing over to you before continuing down a dimly lit empty street.
"All good," you said with a deep exhale. The adrenaline from Maki's races instilled both excitement and fear in you. It was dangerous, but at the same time, that was what made it thrilling.
Maki put her blinker on as she made a left back onto the main street, a small but noticeable action.
Her path of driving had essentially been a "U" shape so far, with her now driving the opposite way she came from —North and now South. The car whipped eastward around another block, entering the last half-mile of the race. The sound of the other racers' engines rippled throughout the city, bouncing between the buildings and towards Maki's car as you all approached the final destination. The brights of a blue car glinted in the mirror next to you, and even in the small window of reflection, you could see the familiar blonde hair.
Maki cursed as Momo drifted dangerously close, sliding to the right in an attempt to pass her. The thin street was lined with parked cars, making Momo's space even narrower. She saw a window approaching in front of you, where a driveway with a no-park zone was up the street. The blurs around you became greener as Maki sped up, pushing 150 MPH as she became closer to the finish line; the city park. As Momo attempted to pass her, Maki drifted to the side, cutting her off. Momo went left, Maki went right. She continued this zig-zag pattern until Momo's window of opportunity closed. Maki made a right through the unlocked park gates, pulling into the large parking lot in front of a playground, Momo was a close second, followed by Miwa and Nobara. Maki pulled to the side, drifting 180 degrees to stop her car in the back of the lot and shift it into park in front of an array of onlookers.
Maki took a deep exhale, glancing over to you to make sure you were okay before she unlocked the car door, letting the two of you out. You stepped onto the gritty asphalt, into the cold winter air. The black jacket you had stolen from Maki kept you warm as you pulled your sunglasses down off your face.
They weren't necessary with the weather or time of day, but still, a nice touch considering Maki had bought the matching ray-bans for you.
They pushed her hair back in the prettiest way as she placed them on her head, like a headband.
"Good job," you said, leaning up to give her a quick peck on the lips.
"Fuck!" Nobara yelled, slamming the door to her car. She screamed some more inaudible obscenities as Itadori stood there listening nonchalantly. You and Maki joined the two of them, seeing that the underside of Nobara's driver side doors were scraped as well as her mirror hanging on by a thread.
"Damn," you cursed, bending down to peer at the paint that was completely scraped up.
"What the fuck did you do?" Maki asked, assuming the same position as you.
You and Itadori exchanged long, pausing glances.
"Some random fucker cut me off on my turn and-"
"She got mad," Itadori interrupted, cutting Nobara off before she could go on another rant. "And she sidelined a bunch of parked cars," she added. "And then the curb," she continued. "And then a lampost," She finished.
You raised your eyebrows as Nobara shot an angry look at him, making Maki laugh softly.
"Don't look at me," Itadori said, putting his hands up. "I finished without a scratch, won too," he said proudly.
Her brown-eyed gaze shifted off Itadori to you hopefully with a groan.
"I'm sure Y/N could fix it," Maki said, answering her pleading gaze.
"I got you," you said, placing your hands in your pockets. You swore you could see her eyes light up.
"For real?" You nodded. "T-thank you so much,"
You returned her gratitude with a smile and a "You're welcome, honestly I owe you half my life."
"You're nicer than me," Itadori said, turning away Maki to collect her earnings.
As she counted out the stack of bills -- taking out Gojo's cut -- a figure approached you in the dark.
"Hey," Shoko coed, pushing her disheveled black hair out of her face. She always seemed to look tired but was pretty nonetheless. She was speaking to Maki but looking at you. Her dark eyes scanned your face, with a soft, friendly smile on her lips.
"Hey," Maki responded. Her delicate fingers picked up her hand, inspecting it.
"Fingerless gloves, you get those for her?" Shoko asked, looking up at you.
"Y-yeah they're good for ca-"
"Callouses," she said, finishing your sentence. You nodded slowly in response.
"Oh leave her alone, Shoko," Maki laughed, pulling her hand back.
"What, I'm just being nice," she coed. That was the same thing she said to you when you met. "Besides, I'm more interested in your coach or manager or whatever anyway."
"Who?" Maki asked. l
"Gojo," she answered. You exhaled, it made sense, he was a good looking guy.
Maki hummed. "Good luck with that."
"Thanks," she answered, looking up at her through heavy eyes.
"Shoko, let's get going," Gojo yelled, making her look over her shoulder. She bid the two of you goodbye as she walked over to him lazily.
"So what's the problem again?" Nobara asked, looking up at you from where she sat in Maki's garage.
"I can't finish the window replacement without testing the regulator," you responded, looking up at her from over the top of her car.
You pressed the button to roll the windows down, and they slid down in tandem. "I just wanted to say thank you, again for saving me that time. I honestly don't know what I would've done if you wouldn't have showed up, and it must have been hard for you too.
"Y/N, you're my girl, so I got you. Maki and I are a team, I don't mind helping her with anything."
"What about Itadori?" you asked, closing the door and tossing her her keys.
"That goon? I love him to death but definitely platonically.
"I get that," you agreed.
The two of you parted ways as you finished up, you going to Maki's office as she went off to pick up some food, happy to drive her car again.
"Maki?" you yelled, looking around her office as you opened the door. She wasn't sitting at her desk, couch, or in front of the window, so you figured she was somewhere else with the building. You sat down on her grey futon, laying down on your back and staring at the ceiling. After a few minutes of twiddling with your thumbs, you decided to sit up, walking around.
You settled in her office chair, which was much more comfortable than the one at your desk. As you ran your fingers across the smooth dark wood, the door opened.
"Hey," Maki said, closing the door behind her. She sat down in the chair opposite to you, placing her elbows on the edge of the desk and her head in her hands.
"Hey," you replied, picking up one of the pencils from her cup and twirling it between your fingers.
"How did it go today?" she asked, looking across to you.
"Good," you replied. "I got everything fixed with her car, didn't take too long either."
"That's good," Maki replied, but she pouted a bit.
"What's wrong?" you asked, reading her expression.
"Nothing, you're just- you're finding your way with the team without me now," she said proudly. "I mean, not that you ever needed me just— I mean look at you you're sitting at my desk and everything."
You returned her smile. "I look good, right?" you said, leaning back in her chair and posing.
"Yeah," she replied, eyes scanning over you. "You would look so much better on top of it, though."
You rolled your eyes. "Don't you have work to do for tomorrow?" You asked.
"Yeah, you should come with me," she said.
"What?" you replied.
"To poker night. I taught you how to play, and you're pretty good. You and Nobara would make a good team."
Your expression faded from surprise to hesitancy, then excitement. "Okay," you agreed. You got up so she could switch places with you, sitting on the edge of her desk.
The edge of a few papers next to you tickled your thigh as she started to type, pushing her glasses that she occasionally wore up onto her head. They siphoned her hair back, making the shorter pieces of her bangs stick up a bit. Light from the computer shone onto her face as she worked, along with the glow of the approaching sunset.
She was ordering some kind of cards that would make it easier for Nobara to deal. She took the time to explain everything to you when it came to poker nights; how they hired people Nobara ensured would be the winner, which was colluding, card signaling, card marking, and bottom deck dealing. Your skill in the game alluded to your intelligence. Maki learned about your interests, and you wanted to understand hers.
"So are these for tonight?" you asked, pointing to her screen.
"No, they won't come until next month," she said, clicking to place the order. She sighed, closing her laptop.
"You ready for tomorrow?" Maki asked, watching as you made your way over to the window. The city was quiet, but bright with streetlights and cars that moved along the road like a line of ants.
"I think so," you replied, pressing a hand against the cold glass. "I'm just serving drinks, right?"
"Yeah," Maki agreed, watching as the outside light illuminated your figure. "The drunker they are, the less likely it is for them to notice any of our slip-ups."
"Gotcha," you replied.
"Do you squeeze into these every time?" you said, watching as Nobara easily buttoned up her vest. She sat on an old dusty table in a building that looked just like the one you went to the speakeasy in: with a creaky wooden floor and an oak wood bar.
"Yep," she said, turning around so you could help her zip her black skirt up. She rolled her sleeves up in tandem with your movements, making it easier for her to work with the furniture. You pulled your own uniform on, buttoning the white shirt and tying the black bow. Nobara walked around behind you, helping you style your hair so it was out of your face.
Then, the two of you got to work on setting up. Nobara easily pushed tables around, pressing them against the wall, while you mostly stuck to the chairs. When the room was cleared into a mostly empty space, she wheeled out a large ovular poker table, with green felt on the inside and wood lining the outside.
She walked out from behind the bar over to the table to inspect it, running a finger along the smooth wood. She rubbed her fingers together, making sure there was no dust before taking out the chips and cards, laying them out for Nobara to set up before she retreated back.
"She'll teach you how to make the drinks," Nobara said, leaning over the table to organize it. You nodded, walking over to where Shoko was.
She took out a few glasses and shakers from under the bar silently. "You wanna offer them champagne, champagne is easy. You take out the glass, you pour the drink." She demonstrated it to you as you watched the golden bubbly liquid rise in the clear glass before she filled it perfectly to the brim. You nodded, mimicking what she did. "Now, if they ask you for something else, it's gonna be more complicated. You got Bloody Mary's, tropical shit, and then hard liquor. I'm sure you know how to pour shots, but for the rest, I'll teach you.
"Gotcha," you said, working with her for the next hour until you got a grasp on things. The drink combinations were mostly numbers, like chemical formulas. She wrote them down in case you forgot. You got everything set up and organized just as people started to file in. People with clad black suits and nice dresses worn with pearls filled the room, with most of them settling around the two green poker tables with a few stragglers approaching the bar or hanging in the edges of the room. Soft classical music played as you pulled the hem of your skirt down, taking a deep breath and trying to settle into the environment. You poured yourself a glass of ice water, drinking it as you watched Maki smiling and talking to the guests with her hands in her pockets. She glanced over to you for a moment, flashing you a smile to make sure you were doing okay. You nodded, taking another sip.
A man stepped into your line of vision, cutting Maki off from you. "Itadori, hey," you smiled, looking up at the pink-haired man. "What can I get for you?"
"Uh, just a club soda, I'm on the clock."
You nodded, grabbing a cold glass and pouring it for him. You handed the weight to him, sitting it on the counter. "So these are your friends?" you asked, leaning forward on your elbows.
"I wouldn't call them friends," he laughed. "I'm just the one who invites them."
"I see," you said, tapping your cheek lightly. You tended to a few things, cleaning glasses with a rag until Itadori got up to converse with the guests.
"How's it going?" Shoko asked, crossing her arms as she walked over to you.
"Good, slow, but good."
"Well, it's only the first hour, you'll probably get busier as the night progresses."
She was right. A man from one of the tables turned to you, raising his hand and beckoning you over. You shuffled out from behind the bar approaching them. "What can I get for you?" you breathed, clasping your hands together.
"Some wine for the table," he answered, a heavy Italian accent accompanying his request. You walked off, taking out 8 glasses and filling them with wine. You grabbed a round black tray from above your head and placed them by their thin handles on it. Carefully, you picked up the tray, walking back around the bar and over to the table. You rested it against your hip, placing each of the glasses in front of their respective guests. "Thanks, sweetheart," the man said, handing you a folded bill. The nickname was not comfortable when someone besides Maki used it. You reached to take it from between his pinched fingers but he retracted his hand, opting to slip the money into the pocket of your vest. You glanced up at Nobara, who was already looking at Maki, who was staring right at the two of you past whoever she was talking to.
"It's fine," you mouthed, walking back behind the bar as she nodded. You took the bill out and it was a crisp 100. More and more people came to the bar as the night went on, with cheers and groans of the winners and losers filling the room. The same table asked for more and more wine and you served it until they began to slur their words and slow their movements. Maki watched you as you walked around, wishing she would've picked different uniforms. Less short uniforms. The same Italian man caught Maki's frustrated gazes and their eyes flitted to each other, staring. Maki gave him a smile, raising her glass of non-alcoholic champagne up. The man did the same, but he let go, purposefully letting it fall to the ground and shatter. Maki watched the man turn towards you as you heard the sound, looking over at the mess. You grabbed some towels reflexively, walking out to the floor to help clean up.
"Ah- I'm so sorry," he said, watching as you dropped the towel to the floor, soaking up the liquid with your shoe on the towel to avoid cutting yourself on the glass.
"Oh, it's fine," you smiled politely. Maki's brows furrowed as you bent over to pick up the damp towel, the hem of your skirt sliding up slightly and exposing the tops of your thighs. You adjusted the black material as you stood up, walking away to get a dustpan for the glass. You kneeled down to the mess, sweeping the shards into the plastic pan. Maki watched as you worked with the brush, which to her felt like it was taking longer than necessary, as the man's eyes trailed over you. Maki took another deep breath, opting to walk over to help you rather than getting angry.
"I got it," she said, squatting down next to you and placing her hands on yours.
"Oh, no it's fine-"
"I said I got it," Maki insisted. You raised your eyebrows at her, retreating and handing the tools to her.
"Watch out for him right there," Maki said, walking over to you after she finished.
"Why?" you asked, taking the dustpan back from get to put away.
"He's just- he's annoying when he's drunk. Okay?"
"Gotcha," you agreed.
"Take a break," Maki offered, gesturing to a stool next to her. You took a quick glance around, making sure Shoko was out of sight before you joined her. The two of you sat facing away from the bar, knees facing outward to the poker floor as you took small sips of soda. Maki's eyes flitted over you as she watched you laugh at some dumb thing she said, smiling at how pretty you looked in the moment.
"What?" you laughed, placing your drink down on the bar surface as she continued to stare at you.
"Nothing, I just, I love you. So much," she replied, shifting and interlocking her knees with yours.
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