《Inner Mechanisms- Maki Zenin x Reader》home
Yall know what to do with the music lol.
1. Ocean Eyes by Billie Eilish
2. The night we met by Lord Huron (One of my all-time favorites)
3. Push by fog lake
4. You are the right one by Sports
5. Young by Vacations
6. Bags by Clairo
7. Good days by Sza.
Your eyes fluttered open slowly, exposing you to the harsh white lights and walls around you. A steady beeping sound bounced across your ears as you began to wake up, along with the sound of a rickety air conditioning unit. yes
Your face pressed softly against the pillow under your head as you looked around the room, seeing machines and bland decor before you remembered where you were. As you turned over to your other side, you saw Maki was sitting in a chair next to your bed, hunched over and sleeping. Her head rested on the mattress next to your legs, making her hair spread out and hang over her head.
You stayed still so you didn't wake her, scanning the walls for a clock and seeing it was 9 AM the next day on Sunday. How long had you been sleeping?
There was a small knock at the door before it opened and Nobara came in with a doctor. You looked up at them through sleep-stricken eyes as they walked over to you. Nobara shook Maki awake, making her long black eyelashes flutter open. She sat up slowly, letting out a soft sigh when she saw that you were awake.
"Oh good, you're awake," Nobara observed. "This is Dr. Shoko, but you already know her."
"How are you doing?" the doctor asked.
"Uh, good," you murmured. "What day is it?"
"Sunday, November 2nd. You've been sleeping since yesterday afternoon and we've been monitoring you. Physically you seem fine, but Maki here told us you have frequent headaches, is that true?"
You shot a glance at Maki.
"Yeah, but it's fine, just stress." You peered up at her as she wrote something down.
"And are you having one right now?"
Pain had been panging behind your eye since you woke up. "Yes."
"Well, it's routine for us to keep watch of people in the hospital after an incident like this, but it's been more than 24 hours so you're welcome to go home," she said, packing up her things before wishing you the best. Nobara thanked her in the absence of your own response.
She took her hand in yours, giving it a soft squeeze.
"Thank you," you spoke up, not having a chance to say it yesterday. She nodded, giving you a soft smile before she helped you stand up. Nobara took a plastic bag out of her jacket, setting it on the table; it had your belongings in it. You turned towards it, wincing when you turned and a sharp pain shot through your neck.
You placed your hand to the top of your neck, where Mai had roughly pressed her gun to the underside of your jaw. Everything flashed back through your mind as you felt it, making you sit back down on the bed.
"I-I don't want to go home," you said quietly, looking up at Nobara. "She knows where I live."
"That's okay," she said, walking over to you and sitting down next to you. "You can stay with me for a while if that makes you feel safer."
She rubbed your back softly, turning back to Maki for a moment. Reaching her hand over you, she grabbed the plastic bag and slowly opened it, sliding the small blue zipper to the side. You stayed still as she took out the sweatshirt and shorts you had on the previous day, placing them on your lap.
Staring down at them for a few seconds, you slowly picked them up and handed them back to her.
"I- I'm sorry. I, don't want to put these on either."
"Don't apologize," Nobara responded, giving you the rest of your things: A hair tie, your rings, phone, and the M necklace.
The necklace. You picked it up.
You turned around, looking across the bed towards where Maki stood quietly. She looked at you hopefully as you reached your hand out to hers, turning her palm over. As she moved to hold your hand, you placed the necklace in her palm before folding it closed.
"I don't want anyone tracking me," you said, turning back around without another word. Nobara ran out to her car to bring you a pair of clothes to change into, leaving you and Maki alone.
You stared down at the white polka-dotted hospital gown you wore as the sound of the clock ticking and machines beeping filled the silence in the room. You sat facing away from Maki, but you could feel her gaze on the back of your neck.
"Y/N I-" she started, trying to find the right words. "I'm so so sorry for letting my own life cause problems in yours. I'm sorry I made even more of an enemy of Mai by beating her up, and letting her drag you into our issue. For not confiding in you when I knew something was wrong and acting distant instead. And most of all, I'm sorry for putting you through this. Making you not feel safe in your own home, having to deal with the police, and being threatened with guns. I'm so sorry."
The two of you listened to the ticking of the clock for a few minutes as you took in what she said.
You could tell she meant it, but she wondered if it was enough.
"It's okay," you muttered. "I- it's not okay but, we're okay."
"Can you look at me?" she asked as you were still turned away from her.
You looked back at her slowly, and she saw that you were crying. Her lips parted to speak, but before she could, Nobara came back with the clothes. She gave them to you and you silently walked to the bathroom in the corner of the room to change. The only clothes she had to give you were a pair of black sweatpants and a long sleeve t-shirt, but you didn't mind.
"You ready to go?" she asked as you came back out. You nodded as Nobara wrapped her arm around your shoulder and gave it a light squeeze. Maki trailed behind the two of you as you checked out and left. She yelled goodbye in the parking lot as you headed to your separate cars, and you returned it with a small wave. The drive to Nobara's was silent, apart from her trying to make small conversation as you fidgeted with your hands in your lap.
You weren't in much of a mood to talk, and as she opened the door to her apartment you were still quiet.
"The bed in the guest room is fixed if you want to sleep in there, I know you've had a long weekend."
"Yeah," you sighed, heading towards the door. "Shit, I need to call my profs and tell them I won't be there tomorrow."
"I can," Nobara said as you took out your phone.
"Thank you," you said, handing it to her before walking over to the guest room. You closed the door behind you, laying down on the bed. Not bothering to pull the sheets or comforter over yourself, you curled into a ball and went to sleep.
But you couldn't.
Each time you closed your eyes, the image of Mai flashed across your mind. The feeling of her hands grabbing you, and the lasting pain and fear in all the places where she pressed her gun against your body. You rolled over to check the time, and it was 3 pm. You had been futilely trying to sleep for hours, but you could only replay everything over and over.
The sound of lowered voices and footsteps flowed underneath your door as they approached. You closed your eyes as the door opened, pretending to be asleep as the light from the living room cast into your room.
"Is she sleeping?" Maki whispered.
"Yeah," Nobara responded. You heard the movement of footsteps, before a blanket of warmth and softness covered your body.
"Maki!" Nobara whisper yelled. "Some people like to sleep without covers."
"She doesn't," she replied. "She gets mad at me when I even pull the blanket over an inch." She placed a soft kiss on your forehead as her footsteps retreated to leave the room.
When you opened your eyes again, it was 9 PM. The familiar smell of your favorite Korean fried chicken entered your nose, but you had no interest in it, only pulling the disheveled blue blanket back up over your shoulder to sleep again.
Drifting off was the only opportunity you had to feel at peace, and make everything stop for a moment. No memories, no headaches, just sleep, and so you slept.
"Is this-Inumaki?" Nobara asked, pressing your phone to her ear. She stood in her kitchen with Maki as she cooked another dinner.
"Yes," Inumaki answered. "Whos this?"
"I'm Nobara, Y/N's friend, and a friend of her girlfriend."
"Is she okay? I haven't heard from her in— four days. Todo told me she hasn't been in class since Friday and it's Tuesday."
"Don't worry, she's fine. Someone broke into her apartment-"
"Oh my god!" Inumaki yelled, interrupting. At least, it was a yell for him, being how soft-spoken he was. "Sorry, sorry. Just, wow."
"Yeah, she's been over here for a few days but I wanted to call you. She's been staying in her room and sleeping all day, besides when I bring her something to eat or if she uses my bathroom to shower or something. We even tried making her favorite food a few days ago but she didn't come out. I was hoping you could come over, I think she needs her best friend."
"Yes, yeah, of course, I-I'm not busy right now I can come over, what's your address?"
He arrived about an hour later.
"Y/N?" he said, sitting down on the edge of your bed. You looked up at him through disheveled hair, blinking slowly out of your half-sleep trance.
"Toge?" you grumbled. "What are you doing here?"
"Nobara asked me to come, she told me what happened."
"Oh," you sighed, sitting up a bit. The crumpled wrappers of a few granola bars Nobara had brought you crinkled as you moved.
"Uh, I brought some stuff from your apartment, and your school stuff," he added, trying to hide his concerned demeanor. He began to take the things out of a large tote bag, making one of your textbooks fall to the ground with a large thump.
You gasped, jumping up a bit at the sound. Toge gave you an inquiring look, and you fixed your expression, calming back down as he picked up the book.
As he placed it down next to you on the bed, you froze, staring at it. It was green. The green one was the one Nobara used, and it all came rushing back.
You had been sleeping for the past few days, as it was the only time you got a break from having Mai's face in the forefront of your mind. No matter how much you tried, the memories lingered.
"Y/N?" Inumaki asked, turning back to Nobara who stood back in the doorway.
"Y-yeah," you responded, snapping your attention back to her.
"What happened?"
"Nothing, why?"
"You're crying."
You reached a hand up to your cheek, feeling the wetness of the tear you hadn't even noticed fall.
"Oh," you said, wiping it away. "Sorry. Thanks for bringing me this stuff, I need to catch up on my work."
"Uh- do you want to come to eat? Maki made some of that really good pasta if you want," Nobara offered, trying to lighten the mood as she stepped into the room.
"Not really, I ate a Cliff bar a little bit ago," you replied.
"That was back this morning," Nobara frowned.
"Come on, Y/N, It'll be fun! We can even watch a movie or something, I have class off on Wednesday's so I can stay late," Inumaki offered, taking your hand in his. You hummed in thought. "And, Ms. Ayuzawa gave me some empanadas for you when I stopped by."
"Really?" you asked, perking up a bit.
"Yeah, they're in the kitchen."
"Okay," you agreed, getting up.
Toge turned back to Nobara, giving her a hopeful smile as you walked out into the living room area. Maki perked up as she saw your disheveled figure, rushing to prepare a plate of food for you. She slid it onto the counter as you sat down in front of it, handing you a fork. You silently ate your food as the three of them stood around you, not realizing how hungry you were and finishing it pretty fast before peering up at them.
"What?" you said, eyes scanning across their curious faces.
"You downed that shit," Nobara said, smiling slightly.
"I was hungry!" you scoffed, laughing a bit. It was your first smile in a few days.
"Y/N always eats like that," Toge laughed, giggling more when he saw the look you shot him.
"Whatever," you said, placing your fork down on your plate. "Where are the empanadas?"
"Oh, I lied about that," Inumaki admitted. He was expecting you to be angry, but you only pouted. "I had to get you out somehow."
"Yeah, you've been in there for a couple of days now," Maki added, putting her hands in her pockets.
"Did you tell her?" you asked, turning to Nobara.
"No, she's been here the whole time."
"W-what?" you said, turning to her.
"Uh, yeah I've been on the couch," she said, gesturing to it. You nodded.
"I'm just tired," you responded, placing your head in your hands.
"Just tired?" Nobara asked.
"Well, I've been waiting till you felt better to tell you this. The police called your cell a few days ago to say they arrested Mai, she's in jail right now."
Your mouth opened slightly. "Really?"
"Yeah," she said, waiting for your reaction.
"Oh," you said simply.
"Are you relieved?" Toge asked, sitting down next to you.
"Happy? Sad?"
"I haven't really thought about it that much," you lied. Maki and Nobara exchanged glances in front of you, but you didn't want to worry them even more. "I think- I'm fine."
They all nodded slowly. "What movie do you guys want to watch?" Maki asked, walking over to sit down on the couch. No one answered. "Y/N, you said you haven't seen Endgame yet right?"
"I haven't, but someone already spoiled it for me, I can't believe they did my girl Black Widow like that. I'm waiting for her movie."
"Okay, how about A Silent Voice?"
"Too sad."
"How about Tokyo Drift?" Nobara suggested.
"Sure," you replied.
"You've never seen that?" Maki asked, scooting over as you came to sit down next to her. A bit of space lingered between the two of you on the cushions as you clasped your hands together on your lap, pressing your knees together.
"A few clips when I was like, 12," you said, relaxing into the back of the couch. Nobara and Toge joined the two of you, Inumaki sitting on your left and Nobara on the other side of Maki.
About an hour in, you leaned your head on her shoulder, closing the gap between the two of you.
"Toge it's late, you can stay over if you want," Nobara offered, turning to him as the credits began to roll.
"Oh, no it's fine thank you," he smiled warmly.
"Thank you guys," you added. "For the food, and Toge coming over and everything."
"Of course," Nobara and Toge said in unison.
"Y/N, I left all of the notes and your things in your room, so call me if you need any help with your work," Toge said, getting up and grabbing his things.
"Thank you so much," you said.
"No problem, call me if you need anything," he smiled, walking towards the door. The three of you bid him goodbye as she closed it behind him, the jingle of his keys retreating down the hallway. You smiled to yourself, feeling lucky to have him as your best friend.
Nobara glanced over to Maki, before making her way back to her room. "I'm gonna take a shower before I go to bed," she said, opening her door and closing it behind her.
"Do you want more food?" Maki asked, gesturing to the kitchen.
"Not really," you replied, laying your head down on her chest. She reached a hand up to your face, pushing your hair back before cupping your cheek softly. You closed your eyes as her fingers ran across your scalp relaxingly.
The two of you stayed there for a few minutes, and for the first time in a few days, you felt safe. Slowly, you drifted off to sleep, mind absent from all the worries floating around for at least the time being.
"Y/N?" Maki asked, noticing you were sleeping. She stood up, carefully scooping an arm under your knee, and the other under your arm that was sprawled across her abdomen. She picked you up bridal-style, carrying you over to your room and being careful not to wake you as she opened the door. Her eyes scanned over your peaceful features as she placed you down on the bed, pulling the soft white covers over your shoulders.
"Maki," you mumbled as she turned to leave, catching her wrist. "Can you stay, please?"
"Of course," she responded, climbing next to you. You scooted closer to her, reaching back to grab her arm to wrap her hands around your waist. You dozed off next to her, finally drifting off to sleep.
She was still there when you woke up, holding you close. Light peered through the window above the bed, shining down on her hand where it laid next to your stomach. You shifted slightly, slowly moving away from her so you didn't wake her as you sat up. You sighed, thankful for a peaceful night of sleep.
Not an escapeful sleep like before, but a relaxing one like sleeping in on a Saturday morning.
You weren't angry with Maki or resentful of her for what happened, just in an odd place with your state of mind. You were happy to know what Mai was in jail, but she had still robbed you of the feeling of comfort in your own home, and she was Makis family after all.
The one thing you knew, was that you felt safe when you were with Maki. You wanted to feel safe on your own as well, but for the time being it was enough.
Maki's eyes opened drowsily as you stared forward in thought.
"You okay?" she asked, yawning as she sat up with you.
"Right now, yeah." You answered.
The rest of the week passed, and you were back in your classes. Nobara had given you an array of self-defense items, and Maki always drove you to class so you didn't have to walk alone. Although Nobara insisted it was fine for you to stay with her, you didn't want to overstay your welcome at her place so you crashed with Maki. She held you when you slept, knowing it comforted you. She did anything and everything she could to apologize to you, and help you feel less on edge for the next month that followed.
Slowly but surely, things felt like they were going back to normal.
You took a deep breath on the drive back to your apartment, bouncing your knee as Maki looked forward to the street in front of her. You looked around at the mostly empty road, remembering when it was filled with ambulances and fire trucks the last time you were there. Maki parked in front of the building, helping you out of her car and squeezing your hand tightly as you walked up to the door to make your return.
You furrowed your eyebrows as you tugged at the metal door handle, but it was locked. Maki took a step to the left, pressing a button.
"What is that?" you asked, turning to her.
"An intercom," she responded.
"Hello?" the doorman's voice buzzed from the rectangular silver box.
"It's Y/N L/N," she said, pressing another, smaller button on the intercom. It read 101, your room number. It emitted a loud buzzing sound before a small light turned green, and Maki tugged the door open.
"What?" you asked, stepping out from the cold and into the building. You looked around the lobby, which had a second doorman standing next to the door in addition to the one behind the desk. Except he was much taller, and broader.
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