《Inner Mechanisms- Maki Zenin x Reader》smoke
TW: Drug use (marijuana, alcohol)
Driving under the influence
Mentions of sexual assault
Violence, blood
SFW angst and fluff
Whisky grey clouds of smoke drifted across your vision, flowing out abundantly before slowly fading into a sparse flood of wisps. The bitter smell of weed entered your nose, senses flashing to the last time you had smoked back in high school. Maki pinched the freshly rolled blunt between the knuckles of her index and middle fingers. She brought the burning grey paper to her lips, softly closing them around the edge and taking a deep inhale. Small lines of smoke poured from the glowing orange embers on the opposite end as she pulled the paper away from her mouth, letting out a deep exhale. She tilted her head back a bit, exposing the defined lines of her neck as she pushed the smoke back out of her throat.
"Easy enough, right?" she asked, extending the blunt out to you. You gave her a blank stare, eyes flickering down to her hand.
"I still don't get it," you admitted, carefully taking it from her fingertips. It had been ages since you smoked weed, the last time having no effect on you when you tried it at a high school party and quit after a particularly violent coughing fit.
"Look," she said, taking the blunt out of your hand.
She brought her hand to your face, slowly sliding it in your mouth as the wetness of the paper pressed against your parted lips. She kept her eyes locked on yours as you looked down at it, then back up at her. "Now inhale." You quickly sucked in a breath, your cheeks pressing in as the ashy taste of smoke entered your mouth.
"Now hold it for a few seconds," she said, slowly sliding the paper out from between your lips. You closed your mouth, pressing your lips together as a tingling sensation crept down your throat. It gradually turned into a burning feeling, immediately causing a string of hearty coughs as your body tried to push the harsh smoke out out. You began coughing hysterically, all the smoke trailing out of your mouth in small puffs. You placed your hand on your chest, attempting to calm yourself down but you couldn't.
"Shit," Maki said, jumping up from her place on the floor. She ran over to the fridge next to her desk, pulling out a bottle of water and cracking the lid open for you. She pressed the tip of the bottle to your mouth as your hands eagerly clasped around it. Your fingers pressed into the plastic of the bottle, making it crinkle loudly as you rapidly sucked the water down. As fast as you were drinking, some of it dripped from the corner of your mouth and ran down your jaw.
You slowly pulled the bottle away from your mouth, chest rising up and down as you took deep breaths and tried to relax. Maki sat back down next to you, gently caressing your back as your breath steadied. She reached a hand up to your face, wiping the water from the corners of your mouth and neck with her thumb.
"Im sorry," you said, flushing with embarassment. When Maki asked if you wanted to smoke, you accepted in hope it would calm your nerves before the race tonight. Instead, you now just felt more on edge than before.
"Y/N," Maki said, continuing to trail her hands up and down your back. "You don't have to apologize." She gently ran her fingertips over your scalp, pulling you in closer and resting your head on her shoulder. "Seriously, the first time I smoked I completely greened out at Itadori's, and he had to take care of me. So trust me, you have no reason to be embarrassed," she said with a small chuckle. "You don't have to try again if you don't want to."
Her considerate words calmed you, washing away the feeling of unease in your core. "I do want to," you said, turning your head to look up at her. "I just don't know how, and it burns every time."
"Okay," she said, placing her hands on the floor to stand up. You watched as she approached her desk, opening a small wooden drawer with a silver handle. Picking up a slim green cylinder, she attached a whistle shaped silver container with brownish liquid in it.
"Is that a dab pen?" you asked as she sat back down next to you. She pressed the small transparent button on the front, making it light up red.
"Yeah, it's like smoking but it's vapor. Might be a little gentler on your lungs," she suggested, handing it to you. You took it from her hands, pressing the end of it between your lips. You paused, looking up at her as if you were waiting for further instruction.
"Just inhale slowly, and hold it for a few seconds," she said, answering your questioning look.
The pen softly crackled as you inhaled, a sweet- tasting vapor pressing against your tounge. You took a softer breath this time, taking the smooth vapor into the back of your throat and holding it. After a few seconds you pressed the air out, pursing your lips into an "o" shape and exhaling.
"Is that it?" you asked, surprised at how much better it was. Maki nodded.
"Pens are way easier for some people, plus they're way less work. Nobara gave me that one," she explained. You inspected it further, twisting it between your fingers and watching as the honey- like substance flowed around inside the glass. You brought it back to your mouth, taking another deeper hit, then another, and another.
"Slow down," she advised, taking the green stick from your hands.
"Maki, I'm not a lightweight. Just because i'm smart dosent mean I don't party," you responded, placing a hand on her forearm.
"Smoking weed isn't the same as drinking, especially when you don't know how it effects you."
"But I don't even feel anything yet."
She looked out the window, taking another hit of her own blunt. "That's how marijuana works, sometimes it kicks in 10 minutes or an hour after, it just depends on the person or the strain."
"Fine, but one more," you said, taking the pen back out of her hands.
An hour later, you found yourself staring up at the ceiling of her office through half lidded eyes.
You swore you could've counted all the little dots on each of the ceiling panels, but every time you tried you lost count.
Maki laid back next to you, looking over as you as you stared into nothing. "Oh my god, Maki, we can't smoke weed at work!" you said, turning to her and placing a hand on her shoulder, each word coming out of your mouth slower than normal. "We're gonna get in trouble."
She chuckled softly, her reddened eyes looking over the details of your face. She was so close to you that she could notice how your eyelashes curled up and fanned out the most near the outer corner of your eye. She noticed the tiny red veins in your eyes, the way your hair perfectly suited your face, and even the way your lips pressed up as you were thinking.
"Y/N, I own the company. I don't think we'll get in trouble." her voice was low and raspy, almost like she just woke up. It echoed through your ears, and right into the pit of your stomach. A smile spread across your face and your eyes scrunched up as you laughed.
"Oh yeahhh. I forgot about that," you giggled, rolling over closer to her. You could hear Maki's heart beating as you laid your head on her chest, her slow breaths making your head rise up and down. "You're stoned," she said, the vibration of her voice in her chest pressing against your face.
"Am not," you replied, slinging an arm across her chest. She could feel your breath against her skin as you spoke, and wrapped her arm around you as you laid on her.
You felt so calm with her, and if the two of you didn't have to go soon you probably would've fallen asleep right there on the grey carpet. Sighing, you closed your eyes as she pulled you in closer.
"Maki," you asked, swinging your leg over her waist so you were laying on top of her.
"How do you work here? Like — what do you dooo." You pressed a finger to her chest, poking at it.
"You know how some people get touchy when they're drunk? I think you're one of those, but when you're high," she laughed.
But she didn't answer your question.
"I just wanna be close to you," you said, nuzzling your face in the crook of her neck. The feeling of your breath against her skin turned wet as your tongue pressed against her neck, dragging from her collarbone to her jaw. You started kissing her neck, eliciting a small groan from her.
"Y/N," she breathed, placing her hands on your shoulders and shifting you back.
"I know you said you didn't want our first time to be on a desk, but this isn't a desk, it's the floor," you giggled.
"I know that," she said, running her hands down to your waist. She looked up at you, squeezing the sides of your torso gently and rolling you off of her, back onto the floor. "Y/N, you're high, and I don't think you're yourself right now."
"I am, I am, I'm thinking the most clearly I ever have, like, in my whole entire life" you said, smiling at her.
"Oh yeah?" she said, raising an eyebrow. "Tell me what you did in class today then."
You looked up, squinting at her.
"Hmmmmmmmmm. We, we uh." you paused for what felt like was a few seconds, but was really a minute. "Oh yeah, we did a chemistry experiment."
"Took you a while to remember that," she sighed, sitting up and leaning back on her elbows. She turned her wrist to check her watch, the time reading 9 PM. "Do you want me to take you home?" she asked.
"No, no I wanna go to the race," you said, sitting up. "I'm perfectly okay, I'll be fine."
She clasped her hand in yours, standing up and helping you off the ground.
You expected to feel the familiar clumsiness of being drunk, but you didn't. You just felt good, like the feeling of the first sip of an iced coffee was imbedded in your brain.
Maki grabbed her keys, wrapping an arm around your waist as the two of you walked out the door. You held onto her arm the whole way down the elevator, a giddy smile plastered on your face. The familiar lady at the front desk shot her a stare, rolling her eyes as the two of you walked out of the door.
She led you to the edge of the block, walking around the corner into a garage. The bright lights and pale concrete walls stared back at you as the two of you walked to her car, footsteps echoing behind you.
Maki walked around the black dodge, stopping to open the passenger side door for you. "Thank you, Maki," you coed, ducking into the car.
"You're welcome," she said, getting into the drivers seat.
"No nickname?"
"What, you like it when I call you princess?"
"Maybe I do," you smiled. She started the car and pulled off, reaching a hand over to your thigh and lightly pressing her fingertips into the material of your blue jeans.
She wore a few silver rings, including the usual snake one on her index finger. Her hand slowly trailed up your leg, resting at the crease between your thigh and your torso. Heat crept up between your legs as she tightened her grip.
A few minutes later, a large construction zone sat in front of the two of you, orange cones blocking off a mile long stretch of the city. Fluorescent street lights lined the edges of the street as Maki drove through, along with sidewalks that ran around each of the blocks. Tall, concrete buildings that had been abandoned towered over the street, except for a large open space where they had been demolished.
You looked up through the sunroof at a large crane hanging over the street. As she turned a corner, you saw a large group of people standing on a bridge that stretched over the street and some on the rooftops.
On the ground stood the teams and each of the racers, including all the people you had seen last week and some new faces.
"Zenin," A white-haired man greeted as the two of you parked with the rest of the cars. He crossed his arms, shooting a smile at Maki as the two of you got out of the car.
"Do you know what time it is Maki? Your race is in 10 minutes, so get to the starting line." Nobara and Itadori stood behind him laughing to themselves.
"Y/N," Nobara greeted, pulling you into a hug. She smelled like warm cinnamon and vanilla. "Here, Maki told me you're working for out team now, so I got you one of these." She extended her arms out, giving you a dark embroidered jacket that was the same as the ones they wore. You smiled, taking it from her hands and pulling on the soft cotton zip up.
"Thank you," you smiled, bubbling with excitement for the race.
"You're lucky Gojo didn't kill you," Itadori laughed, patting Maki on the back. "What took you so long?"
"Oh nothing, we just got a little caught up in traffic that's all," she replied.
"Well, you're up in 5," Itadori added. "Oh, and you're racing some dude from Kyoto, Kasumi Miwa I think."
"The blue haired girl?" Maki asked, gesturing to her head.
Itadori nodded.
"I'll be fine then, I just have to hit the corners like I always do." She wrapped a hand around your waist, making you giggle.
"Y/N, what's up with you?" Nobara asked, stepping closer to your face. Her orange eyes inspected your own, tracing over the reddened whites of your eyes and dialated pupils. "Maki, what the hell did you do to her?" She raised an eyebrow at her, lightly punching her in the arm.
"Nothing," she laughed. "She wanted to smoke, so we smoked."
"Jesus," she said rolling her eyes.
"I'm fine, Nobara," you said, holding onto her wrist and smiling at her through droopy eyes.
She sighed. "Maki, do not take her in the car with you this time, all the lights out here are gonna trip her out."
She looked down at you, a small look of concern growing on her face.
"She's right, Y/N, I don't want to freak you out."
You turned towards her, your lips pressing into a small pout.
"You can wait on top of the bridge, that's where the finish line is. And when I come in first, I'll be there to pick you up, okay?" She gave your hip a small reassuring squeeze.
"Fine," you said, leaning into her chest and wrapping your hands around her waist. You closed your eyes, hugging her close and taking in the smell of her sweet perfume.
You figured she wasn't wrong about the touchiness thing, but you liked being close to her.
She held you there for a few minutes talking to the rest of the team, her voice vibrating agaist your face.
"Okay, Y/N," she said, turning you around. "Stay with Itadori and Megumi, they'll take you to watch."
"Okay," you said, dragging your words out again.
"Hey, idiots," Maki said, gesturing to the pair fighting over a bag of chips. They turned to him with a confused expression. "Stay with Y/N at the bridge okay?" They nodded, and Itadori smiled, walking over to you. He linked his arm in yours. "Hey, Y/N! I haven't seen you since last week. You can call me Itadori or Yuuju by the way." He was sweet and bubbly, and you were glad Maki had left you with him.
They walked with you around the block and up a hill to the bridge. It was high up enough that you could see the whole course, and it was filled with people eager for the race to start . "Sooooo," Itadori said, poking a finger to your arm. "Are you and Maki like, dating?"
"Not really, but," you paused, turning to him. "Don't tell her I said this, but I really like her."
"Yeah, I could tell from the hickeys on her neck," he laughed, and you returned his smile. "She tries to put up this front, but honestly she's really sweet." You hummed in agreement.
The three of you found a place in the middle of the archway, leaning on the edge of the railing and looking out to the road. A small breeze passed by, pushing through your hair. "Hey Itadori," you asked, turning back towards him. "What type of job do Maki and Nobara have? I asked her earlier, but she didn't answer me."
"Honestly, I think you should ask him" he responded, looking away from you and running his hand along the edge of the railing.
"Okay," you responded.
You raised an eyebrow at him, wondering why he didn't just answer you.
Your train of thought was interrupted by the sound of lounge engines revving, and you looked down to see Maki's black dodge and another baby blue BMW next to her. A girl with blue hair sat in the drivers seat with a nervous expression on her face.
Your eyes scanned over to Maki's black car, the glow of the streetlights reflecting across the silver detailing. Her eyes locked on yours, and you smiled down at her, waving. She watched as the wind blew through your hair, admiring you for a few seconds before stopping at the starting line andrew shooting you a wink. You blushed, taking your lip between your teeth slightly as the two cars got ready to start.
The crowd electrified as the starting woman approached the two cars, standing between them. "Ready?" she asked, knocking on the windows. They both nodded, turning their full attention to the road. She raised both her arms up in the air, the silhouette of her fingertips pressing against the city skyline.
Her arms dropped to her sides, and a cloud of exhaust pooled around her as the two cars sped off.
You and Itadori ran to the other side of the bridge, watching the two cars speed underneath the arch and down the road.
As they took the first left turn, Maki drifted around easily and passed Miwa. They turned around the corner of a building, and you could only hear the sounds of them driving.
After a few seconds, they re-appeared around the next corner with Kyoto in the lead. "Shit," Megumi said, watching the two cars come neck and neck with eachother.
Maki shifted the car into another gear, pressing on the gas. She drifted around the crane you had seen earlier, speeding past the other blue car. You and Itadori cheered, holding onto the railing as the race continued.
Maki put some distance between her and Kasumi, coming around the last two turns before flying back under the bridge and coming to a stop as she won the race.
Itadori grabbed Megumi, running to pull him back down to the street. "Y/N, you coming?" he asked, turning back to you.
"Im gonna stay up here for a second," you replied. You were encompassed by everything around you, the adrenaline of the race, the cool breeze on your face, the view of the city. And being high didn't help either. You found yourself staring up at all the stars in the sky as everyone left, wondering exactly how many there were.
After a few minutes, you felt a cold hand press against the small of your back, and turned expecting to see Maki. Instead, you saw the short black you knew all to well.
"Mai?" you said, stepping away from her so she wasn't touching you anymore. She stepped back towards you, trapping you between the railing and hwr body.
"Long time no see. Y/N, Is it?"
Your face scrunched up as you looked at her, leaning back to try to put some distance between the two of you. You tried to step away from her, and having her so close to you made you want to crawl out of your skin.
"What do you want," you said, pushing her away from you. "Last time I saw you you fucking drenched me."
"That was an accident, Y/N, promise. And you looked lonely up here all alone. No Maki today?"
"I'm fine by myself thanks. And she's right down there. So you can go now." Even the sound of her voice irritated you.
Her eyes scanned over your face as you scowled at her, sensing your disorientation and how blown your pupils were.
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