《Maki Harukawa x female reader ❀》1
Y/n walks down the corridors. There's loads of different people to find here. She better hurry up.
There's no time to be worrying about what's happening. There's obviously no way of finding that out, so it's best to just move on and find it out later.. if that even makes sense.
There's a boy with green hair standing in the hall, so she goes over to him.
"Hey, you're a student here too? An Ultimate?" Y/n asks him
"Ah, well, I'm a student.. but I don't know if I'm an Ultimate. I forgot my talent."
"Oh. That's.. odd. I'm Y/n." She holds out her hand, he hesitates before shaking it
The boy chuckles. "That's.. formal. I'm Rantaro Amami. Do you have a talent?"
"The Ultimate Conspiracy Theorist."
"Huh, that's a cool talent. I'm jealous."
"I'm sure your talent is great. We just woke up in some random school with a bunch of robot bears running around. It's lucky the only thing you can't remember is your talent."
"Fair point. Maybe I'm the Ultimate Lucky Student." He jokes
"Who knows?" She shrugs. "I'm gonna try find the others. I hope you remember something soon."
"Yeah, thanks."
She walks away from Rantaro, looking at the walls of the corridor. This place is so.. weird.
Next she meets Tenko and Himiko in the dining hall. They both seem like kind people, Tenko seems.. very loud, but still kind. To the girls at least.
Y/n opens the door to the warehouse, she sees a girl in there, so she goes up to her, then recognises her immediately.
"Hold on, you're Miu Iruma, right?" Y/n says
"Wha-! You know me!?"
"Of course I do, you made that one invention that can make you read while you sleep! That invention honestly saved me so much time while looking over cases. You're pretty talented."
"Hngh.. Hnnggh.." Miu starts making odd noises and blushing lots, Y/n steps away. "N-Nobody's ever r-recognised me before!"
"Oh.. Um.. Are you alrig-"
"So do you wanna fuck me or what!?" She cuts her off, yelling loudly
"What.? Uh.. I.. Huh?"
"Come on, you must love me, right!? I'm the gorgeous girl genius Miu Iruma! And you know who I am! Let's have sex!"
"I.. think you misunderstood.!" Y/n takes more steps back. "You don't even know my name!"
"That doesn't matter! Do I need to? You're hot enough! So what'd you say? Yeah!? You know you want to!"
"I- Uhm.. No.. thanks..!"
"Are you suuure? You're passing up on a once in a lifetime opportunity!"
"I-I'll pass.."
"Welp, you're bright red, which means you're obviously just too flustered by my beauty to be able to answer. Yep. That's it. You'll come around eventually!" Miu laughs
Y/n stands there in silence while Miu laughs
She'd be lying if she said she didn't think about it.
She manages to sneak out of the warehouse while Miu laughs
Y/n takes a deep breath before continuing with the rest of the people left.
She looks around the school some more, she meets Kokichi, Keebo and Tsumugi. Tsumugi seems nice and all.. but there's something.. off about her.
She heads outside to go explore some more, she met Korekiyo on the way out, he's definitely.. interesting.
"Hello?" She pokes her head in the small cage like building, there's a fountain and a girl in there
"Ah! Hello! I was waiting for someone to arrive!" She says enthusiastically. "I am Angie Yonaga, the Ultimate Artist!"
"Artist? What type of art do you make?"
"Nyahaha.. whatever Atua decides."
"Atua? Who is Atua?"
"Atua is the divine god of my island. Hmm.." Angie goes up to Y/n and starts poking her face
"Um.. what are you doing?"
"Do you have any heart problems?"
"No.? I don't think so.."
"My, My! You're perfect!"
"Huh.? Perfect for what.!?"
"Perfect for a blood sacrifice." Angie's tone suddenly goes really ominous
"..." Y/n pauses
"Oh! I don't know your name! That must be why you looked so spooked!"
"That doesn't make sens-" She stops her sentence halfway and sighs. "Never mind. I'm Y/n L/n, the Ultimate Conspiracy Theorist."
"Ah! Does that mean you're smart? Atua values intelligence!"
"I'm not that smart.. I'm just good at solving things.." She nervously defends
"Hmm.. Atua knows you are lying. But do not worry! Atua is a merciful god. Come here, I can take your blood right now."
"Wait! N-No thank you.!" Y/n backs away as Angie starts walking closer.
"It won't hurt a bit.. just come here." Her entire energy just seemed to switch, instead of being bubbly and sweet she's suddenly really intimidating.
Angie quickly speeds up, before she can get to Y/n, Y/n starts running too and soon enough Angie is chasing Y/n at full speed.
"Nyahaha! Don't run!"
"Stop chasing me.!"
Angie continues laughing while happily chasing Y/n across the courtyard.
Y/n turns around for a second to try see where Angie is, she continues to run while looking behind her, until she feels something crash into her. She topples over and falls onto the ground.
"Woah! No need to run!"
She looks up to see a boy with purple hair and a beard.
"Sorry.. I wasn't looking where I was going."
"Don't worry about it! I'm Kaito Momota, the Ultimate Astronaut! Or the Luminary of the stars!" He offers a hand to help her up, she takes it and stands up.
"I'm Y/n.. I would stay and chat.. but I'm sure Angie will catch up soon."
"Ohh.. I see. Run! Run as fast as you can!" He says oddly motivationally
Y/n quickly walks back into the building, there's one place she hasn't been, the basement.
She walks down the corridors, cautiously stepping over all the overgrown plants.
"Hey! Wait!" She hears a voice call out behind her, she turns her head to see two people coming towards her, a boy with a cap and a girl with blonde hair.
She just stands there silently and waits for them to come to her
"I haven't seen you around yet, and we've been everywhere?" The blonde girl asks
"I've been walking around a lot. Sorry."
"Oh, it's okay. I'm Kaede Akamatsu, the Ultimate Pianist." She nudges the boy next to her, and he jumps a little.
"O-Oh.. Yeah.. I'm Shuichi Saihara. The Ultimate Detective.. I guess."
"I'm Y/n. The Ultimate Conspiracy Theorist."
"Ultimate.. Conspiracy Theorist?" Kaede raises an eyebrow
"Yeah.. it's a stupid talent, but it's all I'm good at. If there's any weird or unsolved mysteries I'm always at the scene. Once I accidentally made an entire government collapse in on itself just by sending them one email explaining all their secrets and flaws, I was only guessing as well."
"Oh! Wow.. that's.. definitely a story..!"
"It was good to meet you, I'll be in the basement." Y/n smiles and walks away from them, then straight ahead and down the stairs to the lower floor.
The entire floor feels pretty grey and gloomy.. a typical basement. The big room obviously looks more interesting, so she pushes the doors open. There's someone in there, a girl with long brown hair in two low pony tails. She looks.. kinda scary.
Y/n stares at her for a moment.
"..Stop looking at me. It's weird." She mutters
"Sorry. Accident. I'm Y/n L/n." Y/n holds out her hand offering to shake it, but the girl does nothing. She just continues to glare at her
"I don't care."
'...At least she's honest..' Y/n thinks to herself.
"Can you at least tell me your name?" Y/n asks
"..Maki Harukawa. The Ultimate Child caregiver." She says with no emotion or expression
"Seriously? Child caregiver?"
"I don't look like someone who'd like kids, do I? Well, you're actually right. I don't. Kids just like me for some reason.."
"Hm. That's interesting."
"Can I tell you my talent?"
"I told you I don't care."
"Oh. Yeah. Ah.. sorry." Y/n scratches her neck. "It was nice meeting you." Y/n starts to back away, but Maki cuts her off.
"Wait. Just hurry up and say it. If that means you won't bother me again."
Y/n turns back around and smiles. "I'm the Ultimate Conspiracy Theorist."
"Conspiracy Theorist? Do you just hunt ghosts or something?" She says with a tone of clear judgement
"I.. guess.. but I do other things.. I can help people solve crimes and stuff."
"You don't sound certain about that."
"Well.. maybe not, but my talent still could be useful."
"...We'll see."
"It doesn't matter anyway, we're probably going home soon, right?"
"Doubt it. There's obviously a lot of effort going into this place, they wouldn't let us leave so easily."
The monitors turn on, showing the 5 bears that told everyone where they even were. The bears tell everybody to go to the gym for an announcement.
"What do you think they want?" Y/n says
"Whatever it is, it won't be good." Maki folds her arms.
"I'm sure it'll be fine if we don't. Shouldn't we focus on trying to escape?"
"No. Did you forget about the Exisals? Going against them won't do anything. It'll just get you killed. But if you want to die, go ahead."
"...You're right."
Maki sighs in annoyance and walks out of the library, Y/n follows.
"I'll never participate in a killing game.. none of us will!" Kaede yells
"Puhuhuhu.. it's always great to see the confident ones break first.."
"You say all this, but how do you know? Hmm? How do you know everyone isn't planning a murder in their head right now?"
"Because none of us would do that! Whatever you're planning, it's not going to work!"
After Monokuma and the Monokubs finally leave, something rings in everyone's pockets/bags etc.
Y/n reaches in her pocket and takes out a black and white tablet.
This must be the Monopad he was talking about..
Everybody looks through the rules and regulations.
"This is.. really happening.. oh god.." Y/n mumbles
"Of course it's not! This is stupid!" Kaito lifts up his Monopad as if he's about to throw it on the ground.
"Don't do that, damaging your Monopad is against the rules." Rantaro says
"Screw the rules!"
"The Exisals are too dangerous!" Tsumugi says
"Forget about him, one less dumbass to deal with!" Miu scoffs
"Hey! Who are you callin' a dumbass!?" Kaito yells
"Enough! Stop fighting!" Kaede suddenly shouts, catching everyone off guard. "We can't spend all our time fighting among ourselves. We need to work together! There's got to be an exit somewhere, so we should be trying to look for it, right?"
"Nyeh.. what a pain.. we already looked all over the walls, there's nothing.." Himiko says
"Ah! But if there's no opening, how did we get inside in the first place?" Keebo says
"See? We just have to find it. Whoever trapped us here wants us to fight, let's show them that's not gonna happen! We're not gonna fight each other, we're gonna work together, okay!?" Kaede says
The room goes silent.
"Did I say something wrong.?" Kaede says nervously
"On the contrary, you have rendered us speechless." Kirumi says
"Heh, I was gonna say the same thing. You're exactly right! We can't give up so easily!" Kaito says
"Oh.. wait! Might not be important.. but Gonta find manhole in bushes.. behind school." Gonta says. "Gonta peek in, see big underground passage, think might be exit.."
"Y-You gotta say important stuff like that much faster!" Tenko yells.
"The boiler behind the school building, we must corroborate Gonta's claim at once." Kirumi says. "Gonta, lead the way."
"Okay! Everyone follow Gonta!" Gonta grins happily and walks out.
"Oh! Y/n! I didn't even notice you were here! I've been looking for you.." Angie says once a couple people leave.
"U-Um.. I don't want to give any blood.."
"You don't? Why didn't you say so?"
"..." Y/n decides to not bother. "Sorry, my mistake."
"Nyahaha! What a shame, maybe next time then!" Angie skips out of the gym, more people leave and it's just Y/n, Rantaro, Kaede and Shuichi left in the room.
Y/n starts to leave as well
"Wait, Y/n, I want to ask you something." Rantaro says before she gets to the door
"Hm?" Y/n looks over her shoulder
"I want your opinion on what you think's going on, you know, due to your talent and all."
"Oh yeah, I wanted to ask that as well." Kaede says
"Uhm.. well.. I'm as clueless as the rest of us.. but there's definitely something off. The most I've thought of is that there's someone here betraying us."
"Betraying.?" Shuichi asks
"Monokuma is some sort of robot, there's got to be someone controlling him, unless he's an AI, if so then there has to be someone who made him. I think they're one of us."
"One of us?" Rantaro says
"Yeah. The mastermind. Sometimes hiding in plain sight is the best hiding spot. There's been multiple events of things like this happening."
"That.. does make sense.. if they're so messed up and evil to tell us to kill each other, they're bad enough to trick us." Kaede says
"..We should catch up with the others, they'll be waiting. If you guys want to.." Shuichi suggests
"Oh, yeah. Let's hurry." Kaede says, then Kaede and Shuichi leave the gym.
"You're pretty smart, Y/n." Rantaro says once Kaede and Shuichi leave
"Uhm.. I'm just guessing. I'm most likely wrong."
"You're not. And before you ask, I'm not the mastermind."
"..How do you know I'm not wrong then?"
"I can't tell you that. I still can't trust you yet. Ironic, right? The most untrustworthy guy not trusting you. But just know, they'll be after you. You're smart, but maybe too smart for your own good." His tone changes, suggesting something bad.
"You mean.. the mastermind, they'll want me to die?"
"Some others might as well. That could go for Shuichi too. If they're planning a murder, they won't want anyone who's smart enough to figure it out alive. Just.. watch out."
"..I'm going to the others. We've kept them waiting long enough." Y/n leaves the gym quickly, obviously intimidated.
She thinks about what Rantaro said. 'They'll be after you'
'Should I just keep my mouth shut? It's safer that way.'
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Sellas's first memories are of a bar. Empty tables, dusty cupboards, a few days alone, and a knight that cuts off her head. Sufficed to say, there are some issues. Still, life's not all bad. The knight soon leaves, and every night, the bar restocks its shelves— there's bread, and alcohol, and... Well, no, that's about it. She'd leave if she could, but that doesn't seem to be an option. Trapped in a single, open-floorplan room and tethered to a few dozen meters out the door — Sellas waits, lives, and levels. She is... The [Barkeeper] A stand-alone sister story to Tethered. Cover's door is a free-use image by Cullybarbosa on Pixabay
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Two And A Half Deadmen
Silver-Spruce is a very strange and very haunted town. Ghosts inhabit its buildings and walk its streets. Some of them friendly and sane. Some of them not so much. Alder helps ghosts. Helps them fulfill their last requests so they can move on to whatever comes next. Sometimes the ghosts aren't so friendly and have to be moved on by force. Alder does that as well. And he's gotten rather good at it too. After a particularly rough exorcism, he finds himself following a strange ghost to a local tourist attraction. And while Alder never means to find himself caught up in chaos, monsters, magic, and mayhem always seem to have a way of finding him. You want more specifics for what you're reading? Here you go: This is Urban-fantasy but a little bit of a different spin. Often the protagonists in such stories tend to be the bigger fish in their world, or at least far from small fry. Be they legendary boogie men or badass wizards (which is in no way a bad thing, I love a lot of those stories.) But I thought it would be fun to have a protagonist who's far closer to the bottom end of the scale. He has some magic, and it's potent in its own way. But he isn't the big dog or a fighting machine. Outside of his bubble of influence, our protagonist is essentially a normal human as far as powers are concerned. And while you should be warned that this story will get dark in some places it's (hopefully) balanced out by humor and the lighter stuff. I'm not sure how to end this synopsis section so I'll just say bye. Bye!
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She tried to loosen his grip on her jaw but invane. "This i-is n-not right. You c-can't t-touch me. P-Please m-move away you're t-to close. J-just let me go." Her words only infuriated him to no end. He growled, his chest vibrated and he snickered like a deranged man. "I can touch you as much as I want and wherever I want." She felt enraged at his vile words. "NO! YOU CAN NOT! I won't allow thismmmmffff." He didn't let her finish and to emphasise on his words he took her lips in a bruising kiss which was full of passion, lust and aggression.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Alizey a 21 year old girl who is a university student,and lives happily with her family. She is a hijjabi and a practicing Muslimah. For her, her family is everything,and she can do anything for them.Alexander, the boss of the under world, known as Alex. He is ruthless,stone hearted man. What happened when he lays his eyes on a girl, who can never be his. What will he do to get her.(18+⚠️)READ TO FIND OUT.THERE ARE TOTAL 54 CHAPTERS IN THIS STORY....Highest ranks.#1 in mine.#1 in muslim.#1 in hijabi.#1 in gunn.#1 in muslimah.#1 in desire.#1 in criminal. ********************************This work is completely mine and I'm strictly against plagiarism so kindly DO NOT COPY MY WORK.
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Codename: Kids Next Door (with me and my bff's ocs)
This is my childhood favorite when i was little so me and my bff (erin) watch it and i decided to make a Wattpad story with our ocs in it so enjoy
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