《"Is this Love?" Maki Harukawa x Reader》The Second Execution and Trial


Sorry for the late update! I have makeup work to do. Hope you can forgive me! Anyways Spoilers!!

During Himiko's Magic show Ryoma was eaten by piranhas.From what you know, the Monokuma File says he was drowned. Who killed Ryoma? It's all in this trial!

"So let's start with a basic explanation of the class trial! During the trial you'll present your arguments for who the culprit is, and vote for 'whodunnit'. Vote correctly, and only the blackened will be punished. But, if you pick the wrong person... I'll punish everyone *besides* the blackened, and that person will graduate from this academy! Also, refusing to vote will result in your death, so you better vote for someone!" Monokuma gave a detailed explanation.

After, Kokichi said something,"I think we all know who the most suspicious one is! It's-" Only to be cut off by Tenko, "Let's combine our power and work together, everyone!" Kokichi tries to speak again, "Um.. The person who's most suspicious is-" Only to be cut off by Tenko again, "Now lend me your energy, everyone! So, we can catch the culprit!" Kokichi tries to speak faster, "Because the murder happened during the magic show, the culprit can only be-" Tenko cuts him off for the billionth time, "HAIYAAAA! I'm in top form today!" *She seems to not want Himiko to be suspicious. But, I wanna hear what Kokichi has to say.* Kokichi snaps, "Tenko! Why are you interrupting me? We can't have a good trial if you talk over me." "Yea, I agree, I wanna hear what Kokichi has to say, we can argue his statement later." You try to keep Tenko from snapping back. "But, I wasn't interrupting you! Whatever you have to say is probably worthless anyways, cuz all males wanna talk about is S-E" "Stop it Tenko! It's not getting us anywhere!" You snap. "I'm sorry for this, but please listen to what Kokichi has to say." But after *your* statement someone spoke up, "Himiko seems suspicious." That person was Angie.


"Nyeh?" Himiko was shocked. "Hey! Angie, how can you accuse Himiko!?" Tenko was also surprised. "Aren't you her friend?!" To back it up, Angie says, "Um.. I'm just telling you what Atua is telling me. He is using his divine knowledge to show us the way to survive. You should thank him, he pour his holy wrath upon you all." Angie gave a creepy face, one you haven't seen, "Uh, Angie don't get worked up, we'll thank him.. later." You try to calm her down but Tenko comes out of nowhere, "Screw Atua! That guy's got nothing on me! I'll protect Himiko!" Kirumi spoke up, "But it does point to Himiko being the most suspicious." Kiibo also spoke up, "Ryome died during Himiko's magic show." *Wait that doesn't fit. It take at least 60 seconds to drown, amd that what the timer is, but Himiko had to dry off, so she didn't have time!* "His body appearing in the water tank leads one to think the escape trick played a part. It's only natural we suspect Himiko. She was the one performing the trick." Korekiyo said. "But, I don't think it's Himiko. It is a magic trick, so there must be a way for her to get out. Hey Himiko, what is the trick to getting out of the tank?" You ask the red-haired girl next to you. "The Underwater Escape... wasn't a trick. It was... magic!" Kaito stepped up, "That's not the part you need to deny! You gotta tell us you're not the culprit."

"Magic huh? then what about the puddle in behind the tank." Maki said. "That's right, there was a puddle behind the tank, it seemed to be water." You spoke up. "There was a hatch leading to inside the tank, me and Y/N checked." "Well? Is there evidence you're not lying is there really a hatch?" Kirumi listed. "There is, in her lab me and Kaito found a map of the tank and there is indeed, a hatch." Shuichi agrees with Maki."Well what does that prove? That solves nothing!" Miu spat. "If you had a bigger brain then you would get it, what they're trying to say is that Himiko isn't the culprit because of the hatch. Am I right?" Kokichi states proudly. "Not only that but the puddle is a big thing too, the average person drowns in 60 seconds. Himiko had to get out and drown Ryoma to be the culprit. It's not possible." You say. "But Ryoma was eaten alive, right? Why did you say drown?" Tsumugi raises her finger. "The Monokuma File says he was drowned, then eaten." Shuichi states. "So, if that's the case then Himiko is not suspicious anymore!" Tenko squeals. "Maybe not entirely. But, she still is." Korekiyo puts his wraps his arms around him.


It was close to the end of the trial, Kirumi was indeed the culprit. "What the hell kind of junk is that!?" "It's your gloves!" Shuichi yelled. You heard Kirumi scream, she had been found out.

The class trial was done. Kirumi saw her motive, she was the prime minister of her country. You saw Ryoma's motive, he had no one, she was ordered to kill Ryoma by Ryoma himself. After, her explanation, Monokuma said it was time for her punishment. She ran, she ran, she ran. But, it brought her to her punishment.

As Kirumi ran, she was circled by shadow figures, saying she should stop. Then, a thorn rope came down. She winched in pain as her grabbed it and climbed. She climbed, and climbed, and climbed but spinning saws were turned on, but her determination didn't stop her. She got cut multiple times on her body. She was barely left with clothes on her body. But when she looked up she saw the light... *outside* That's what she's thinking. She puts her hand up to reach it. But

It was a drawing. The rope was on a tread, and broke. She fell.. all the way down. Monodam threw Monosuke's glasses making him right under Kirumi's landing. He was ultimately crushed by Kirumi.

This took forever but I'm happy I got this story updated, again I'm sorry!

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