《"Is this Love?" Maki Harukawa x Reader》2nd Murder


Oh my, we are close to 600 reads! I'm happy people are enjoying this story and I'm sorry I can't update it as much as I want to, thank you for the support!

You woke up, realizing it was Himiko's Magic Show today. *Should I go?* You decided you should go after breakfast. *Angie said it was in the gym. Right? You took a shower and rushed out to go eat breakfast.

It was around 4 in the morning, but you didn't look at the time. You quickly made pancakes. After finished you set it on a plate. Eating it quickly to go get ready.

Making your way back to the dorm room, you put new clothes on the robot and sat down. By this time it was 5:25, you finally took the time to check it on your Monopad. *Oh sh-, I didn't even know.* Angie did say it was in the morning, but not this early. You decided to sleep the rest of the hours and wait for the morning announcement.

'Ding Dong Bing Bong!' "Rise and Shine! It is now 8 a 'clock, good luck killing. And bear well." The Monokubs said on the screen, fading to black.

Morning time was here. You had already gotten ready so, you just had to put on the VR Set and get out the door. You made it to the dining hall, only to realize that Kirumi wasn't there. *She might be helping Angie and Himiko* You brush it off. After everyone finished eating, some went to the gym with you. Tenko, of course, Gonta, Shuichi, Kiibo, and some others.

When you all got there, Himiko and Angie started to talk, well maybe just Angie. "Haha, welcome people to Himiko's magic show! For this act Himiko will be under water with handcuffs and there will be piranhas. She will have to break free of the tank, so divine!" Angie clasps her hands together. After Angie's speech Himiko was at the top on the tank, and was put in handcuffs, you couldn't help but notice she was scared. I mean who wouldn't be. She dived into the tank. You see a timer set for one minute. The curtains were closed and all of the people had to wait.


10 seconds had passed, no Himiko. You see Tenko scared, but trying to keep her composure. Then 20 seconds past, still no Himiko. By this time some more people were scared. 30, 40 seconds. Tenko lost it. "We need to open the curtains now!" She looked to be on the verge of tears. "We can not do that, it would ruined the act!" Angie said on the stage. "I don't care Himiko could die!" Tenko said putting her hands in a protecting motion. In all of this the timer hit 0. It stating death.

"Open the curtains! OPEN THE CURTAINS!" Tenko yelled. Angie opened the curtains and a terrible sight was in the tank.

Ryoma was revealed to be in the tank, handcuffed. The piranhas were dropped and ate his entire body leaving the bones. The tank's water was now dyed with red. Screams now being heard.

'Ding Dong Bing Bong!' A body has been discovered, now then after a certain amount of time has pasted the class trial with begin!" The body discovery announcement went off.

Everyone was now gathered in the gym staring at the bones in the tank. "Who is that?" Tsumugi asks. "Ryoma, he was eaten by piranhas." You calming say. "Well its obviously Himiko! It was her magic show." Kokichi says. "No, that can't be true, Himiko could never do such a thing!" Tenko yells. "Doesn't mean she couldn't have done it." Kokichi counters Tenko's statement. The Monofile was given out, and you take a look at it. Something was off, it didn't have the time of the murder. "Hey, it doesn't have the time of the murder." You bring it up to Shuichi. "You're right. It doesn't that might be important." Shuichi agrees.


You then walk up to Maki who was in a corner. "Wanna help investigate?" You ask. "Sure, it's all I can do." Maki says as she looks down.

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