《"Is this Love?" Maki Harukawa x Reader》Day Six


After sleeping, you could only remember that horrible execution. And who was executed. You didn't even think Kaede would be the culprit, and the thing is she wasn't.

After the usual, eating breakfast and coming back. You notice something on your nightstand, it's a tablet. You turn it on.. But the screen flashes Kokichi's name. "This is not mine. But, I guess it wouldn't hurt to look at it."

The screen fades to black. "Hm, this must be the new motive. Too bad they switched the tablets." You put it in your A.I.'s pockets and put on your VR Set. "Now time to go to Kokichi's dorm." You whisper. Making your way to the supreme leader's dorm. You knock once then twice. And the door opened. "Oh hey! Why are you up so early?" Kokichi said. "I have something that belongs to you." You say giving him the tablet. "Ooo. What's this?" Kokichi says looking at the tablet. "Looks to be a new motive, I found it on my nightstand. But, they seemed to go to the wrong people." You laugh. "Well, I should look to see who I got." You see Kokichi walk to his nightstand to see a tablet. He walks back and turns it on.

The screen fades to black. "Wait. Maki's the Ultimate Assassin? I knew she was a killer!" Kokichi screamed. "Shut up!" You say while gritting your teeth. "Kaito and you? Those are an interesting choice of friends shes got there. And, you didn't seem surprised that Maki was an assassin why?" Kokichi questions you. "Uh, she told me. I can see why she didn't trust you." You joking said. "Wow, rude much?" Kokichi says looking the other way. "You're not gonna use this against her right?" You say looking at Kokichi dead in the eyes. "W-what n-n-no I-I would never!" Kokichi says sweating bullets. "You're lying, I can tell." "Fine, maybe I will." Kokichi says. "Ugh. Now, don't go crying to me when she chokes you out." You say, taking Maki's tablet out off Kokichi's hands. "I won't." Kokichi says as you walk away.


Making your way to Maki's dorm, you could only imagine the worst. *What if she kills Kokichi. I mean Kokichi knows about her real talent. And since I knew about it, she might think I told him, and it will ruin our relationship.* And, after that thought, you were at Maki's dorm. Looking at the clock, 7:48. *It's only 12 minutes 'til the morning announcement.* You knock on the door, only for it to be opened rather quickly. "What do y- oh. It's you." Maki seems relieved. "Uh, sorry to bother but, I have something that belongs to you." You gave her the tablet. "What is this?" She looks down at the tablet. "The new motive, Ko-Kokichi got to it." The immediate shock on her face, warned you to run. She turns on the tablet and watching it. After it showing her talent, she turns it off. "So, he knows." Maki says disappointed. "I'm sorry!" You bend down. "No need, I knew it would happen." Maki says looking down. "You knew?" You said confused. "Anyways, where did you find the tablet?" Maki changed the subject. "The nightstand in our rooms." You say only to see her walk to her nightstand. She picks on a tablet and walks back over.

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