《"Is this Love?" Maki Harukawa x Reader》The Starting




You open your eyes but are met with darkness.

"What the hell?"

You felt like you were in a metal cage, you were pressed up against a wall, unable to move. Until you realize there's a shine of light.

*This must be the door,... I guess I'll give it a push.*

You punch the "wall" of the sort then, your eyes meet a bright light. You step out of the prison you were once in, it wasn't a metal cage, it was a locker. You seem to be in a classroom. The only thing off was the windows being boarded up, with cobwebs, plants, and... maybe this whole thing is off, why are you here?

"Guess I should get out of here."

You made your way out of the classroom. Shortly after, a noise caught your attention. It sounded as if metal was clanking against each other in rapid motion. You turn around to see a robot-like transformer, clearly, running after you.

*What the hell is that?*

You ran away thinking it might stab or crush you. You run into a big room and meet a few other people. 5 in total. A girl with strawberry blonde hair with an orange skirt and bow. A man with a mask. A guy who was as short as your leg. A purple-hair guy with too much of an ego. And a blue-hair chick with glasses on. All seemed confused, you were too but you didn't really show it.

A few more came in. A girl with short red hair. Two other girls stood next to her, one with white hair in two low pigtails and another with black hair tied into little sections. People kept entering. Until the last two came in, a girl with blonde hair and a boy with navy blue hair.


"That seems to be everyone. This might be what I think it is." A boy with green hair spoke.

"You think you might know what this is? Well, tell us!" The big ego purple-hair male said firmly, desperately wanting an answer he didn't get.

"My ears.." The short redhead girl whined.

The sound of metal hit your ears again, and everyone turned to the noise. You were all enclosed by the robot transformers.

"Heeeeee! What are those?!" The girl with strawberry blonde hair questioned, visibly shaking, *Is she really that scared?* you asked yourself.

"Hey, calm down," The green-hair guy reassured, "If they were here to kill us, wouldn't they have done it already?"

"Well, aren't you a smart guy?" The red robot said.

"So, what is it you want?"

"Well it's a-" the blue robot was cut off.

"KILLING-GAME" The green robot yelled.

"It's a-" the blue robot was once cut off again.

"KILLING-GAME" the green robot spoke aloud.

"MONODAM CAN YOU BE QUIET?" The blue robot finally snapped.

Then all of the people inside the robots came out. One blue, one pink one green, one orange, and one red.

*They all were teddy bears? And did that green one just say killing game?*

"Killing Game?!" The girl with black pigtails, who was protecting the short redhead, cried. "Huh? They're all teddy bears?" A white hair guy cocked his head to the side.

"WE'RE NOT TEDDYBEARS!" all the 'bears' screamed.

"Well, what are you? And what is this killing game?!" The girl with blonde hair asked.

"We are the Monokubs! And don't worry" The "Monokubs" cheered as if they were happy to finally introduce themselves.

"Hey. Don't they look boring? Like their clothes don't match their ." The red Monokub laughed.


"Talents?" The girl with blonde hair was confused. "Oh! You haven't had your first memory yet!" The red monokub cried.

"Wait! I think daddy's coming!" The pink kub yelled out.


Just like that, a black and white Monokub came out.

"DADDY!" The Monokubs excitedly cheered in unison.

"Daddy, is the killing game true? Can't we just play rock-paper-scissors?"

"Haha! Silly Monophaine!" "Daddy" laughed.

"Oh, right forgot to introduce myself! I am Monokuma." Momokuma stated.

"Oh. Let's give them their first memory!" The red one yelled out.

"No. Let's change their outfits first!" The orange one argued.

We just stayed quiet. Afraid of what might happen if we dared to talk. Until blonde hair chick messed it up, "What are these talents you are talking about?"

*Can she shut up?*

Well we didn't get an answer. We somehow got on our clothes. Then it went black.

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