《It's Just Water - Maki Zenin x F! reader》meeting her,, again. greatt










(your pov)

I sat on the steps at school with Nobara and Megumi. It was so boring without Itadori around.

"Live a long life, huh?" Nobara asked. I nodded. "Tch, doesn't mean much when you go die yourself" She scoffed. I shut my eyes. The image of Itadori's lifeless body flashed in my mind's eye. I opened them again to the voice of Nobara again. "This your first time having a partner die?" Nobara asked. "First one for my age" Megumi replied. "Not really." I said.

"Oh yeah, that promise you and I made a few weeks ago." She turned to me. I looked at her. "Welp. We already told you that Itadori died so might as well spill the rest." I said.

I explained to her why I was like this; my bored expression, my attitude, my motivation for becoming a Jujutsu sorcerer. All of it.

"I'm sorry to hear that...watching Itadori die in your arms must've been horrible for you" She said quietly. "The hell do you mean must've?? It was. He's been with me through thick and thin and you're telling me it MUST have??" I questioned. She sighed. "I didn't mean to intrude. I'm sorry" She said. I rolled my eyes. "Whatever" I said coldly.

"Megumi, you seem to be taking it well considering." Nobara said. "Same to you" He said. "Of course" She replied. I turned back to her. "Fuck do you mean of course?! Your comrade died yesterday and you're saying of course you're taking it well?! The hell's the matter with you?!" I exclaimed. She huffed. "Look, Y/n. Just because he was your best friend for years, doesn't make him mine after only 2 weeks" She said. I grit my teeth.

"Tch. Whatever. You're you. At least consider what others are feelings before you go saying of course you're taking someone's death well" I scoffed. "Just like you said. I only knew him for like 2 weeks. I'm not some simple woman who breaks down bawling when some guy I barely know dies" She said. Megumi looked at her. She struggled to keep her lips from trembling.

"Tsk..Jeez" She said. We sat in silence for a moment. "It's hot, huh?" Megumi broke the silence. "Sure is" I said. "Yeah. Wonder if it's time for summer uniforms" Nobara replied.


A few moments later, a woman with green hair and bangs walked up. Tch. She looks familiar doesn't she? I thought as she stepped up. "What's this?" She asked. I looked up at her. "You're looking more glum than usual, Megumi" She said. Holding her hand on her hip. "This a wake or something?" She asked. An irk appeared on my face and my fist balled up.

"Hey, ass hole!" I shouted. She turned to me. "Haven't we met before?" She asked. "Yeah, you're the girl who wasn't looking where she was going!" She continued. I rolled my eyes. "To be fair, you took that sharp turn and went straight for me" I scoffed. "Anyways, instead of suggesting what the matter is, if you haven't heard, one of the other first years just died in my arms last night so you could be a damn bit more polite about your first approach to us!" I grabbed her collar.

"Y/n, leave Zen'in senpai alone" Megumi said. "Oi! Don't call me by my last name" She said, pushing me off. "Maki! Maki!" A giant panda called her. "I'm talkin here" She said. "You actually don't know why they're so down?!" He said. She scoffed. "I know now, thanks to some cunt who's in a mood today" She looked at me. "I'd say you're the cunt. Treating people like shit after they witnessed the death of their own comrade like that" I said.


"Heartless bitch" I said before walking back off. An irk appeared on her face. "You should've told me sooner, Panda! Now I look like some heartless cold blooded demon!" She yelled, pointing at the panda. I rolled my eyes.

"That's exactly how you came off" The panda said. "You're supposed to try make me feel better!" She distantly yelled. "Who are those guys?" Nobara pointed at the people behind me. "Our second year upperclassmen." Megumi anwered.

"You have to be kinder to your underclassman!" The panda said. "Tch. Not all of them. Plus, there's more to kindness than being soft on them." She said, turning to me. My eyebrow twitched. "Listen, man. If you're lookin for a fight today, you've certainly got one!" I yelled. She rolled her eyes. "Please. You wouldn't be able to get a single hit on me if you tried" She teased. I balled up my fists.

"You wanna bet on that??" I asked. "Hey, hey hey!" Nobara yelled. "Stop it! Itadori just died last night and you're fighting somebody just cuz she didn't know it happened?? Come on, Y/n! Be more reasonable would ya?!" She scolded. I looked at the girl before me then back at Nobara. "Being reasonable would be apologizing for her misunderstanding and not calling people cunts" I said. The girl scoffed. "I was going to. But then you decided to challenge me to a fight" She said. I rolled my eyes.

"Fine, fine" I said. I held out my hand for her to shake. "I'm sorry for being 'rude' to you. I would like to start over, if that would be nice for you" I said through gritted teeth. The girl smirked. "And?" She said. I rolled my eyes. "Do you want the apology or not?"

"What else are you sorry for?" She asked. I scrunched up my nose. "I'm not apologizing for something that was your fault." I said bluntly. She grit her teeth. "How was it my fault that you weren't looking where you were going?" She questioned. "I was looking where I was going, you just took a fucking sharp turn and went straight for me!" I yelled. "Yeah?? How's this for a sharp turn?" She asked, popping me in the nose.

"Jesus, Y/n! Stop being argumentative with people for one second! It's been everyone's bad side ever since day one with you!" Nobara dragged me by the ear and wiped off my nose. "So now you're defending her?!" I questioned. She sighed. "I'm not defending anybody here. Quite frankly she's just as argumentative as you are. But still. I shouldn't have to explain to her why you're like this right after she punched your nose" She said.

I rolled my eyes. "What ever. Tall girl, sorry for 'not looking where i was going" I lazily apologized. The girl smirked. "It's fine. And I'm sorry for my misunderstanding. My name's Maki Zen'in." Her smirk turned into a grin. I rolled my eyes.

"What I was saying," Megumi started. "Zen'in senpai is best of all students here at wielding cursed tools" Megumi explained. "Tch. I don't necessarily think that's something she should be praised for" I scoffed. Nobara continued wiping off the blood. "My nose is fine, Nobara" I said. "It's not. Plus, This is returning the favor from saving my life last night." She said sternly.

"Whatever" I said.


"Hey that move was pretty cool last night. The one where you jumped on the curse's heads and got me outta the way?" Nobara praised. I rolled my eyes at the comment. "Wasn't all that great" i mumbled. "Awhhh is someone blushingggg?" Nobara cooed. I frowned. "I think I got it now" I said. I lightly pushed her off and covered my nose. 1, to keep the blood from getting all over my mask, two to hide my blush.



"We wanted to ask you guys if you wanted to participate in the Kyoto Sister School exchange event" The panda said, holding his hands together. "Huh??" I questioned. "What's that?" Nobara asked. I shrugged. "It's a get together with the other Tech school in Kyoto." Megumi answered. "Though isn't that only first second and third years?" Megumi continued.

Maki scoffed. "Tch, those stupid third years are suspended right now. So you three need to participate" She answered. "What do you do at this event?" Nobara asked. "Smash Bros? I won't loose if it's the Wii version" Nobara continued. "I don't think it's a game of Smash Bros, Nobara." I chimed in. "How do you know?" She asked me. I rolled my eyes. "I thought it's a bit obvious. This is in a world of Jujutsu. What the hell makes you think the Kyoto Sister School exchange event is gonna be Smash Bros"

Nobara rolled her eyes. "Then let's make a three man team. The exchange event has the principals of Tokyo and Kyoto highschools each propose a form of competition to be held for an entire day over the course of two days. Though that's just how it is on paper. Every year the first day is team battles and the second day is individual battles." The panda explained. "Shake" The white haired boy said.

"What about salmon??" I questioned. Megumi sighed. "Before you let me explain who these guys were, you decided to pick a fight with Maki, who's impossible to beat if you aren't a curse" Megumi explained. I rolled my eyes. "Tch, whatever. Who are the other two?" I asked. "The one that just told you about the sister school exchange event is Panda-senpai. The one who just said salmon is Inumaki-senpai. A cursed speech user who reduced his common vocabulary to rice balls ingredients." Megumi explained.

I nodded. "So like, you guys are a bunch of weirdos then, huh?" I turned to my upperclassman. "What's your cursed technique then..." Maki trailed off. "Y/n" I corrcted her. "Y/n..nice name. What's your cursed technique then, Y/n?" She questioned. I rolled my eyes. "Originally I named it lightning fist, but that kinda went away a few weeks ago when Itadori and I were first recruited. Then, last night when I fought Sukuna-"

"You fought Ryomen Sukuna?!" Nobara butt in. I turned to her. "Yes, now let me finish." I said, turning back to Maki. "When I fought Sukuna-" "How did you survive that?!" Nobara yelled. I pinched the bridge of my nose. "Because God forbid I finish the sentence to the woman my friend suggested I make ammends with" I mumbled. "I survived because of something he said bout my eyes" I explained to her exsaperatedly.

Nobara made an 'o' shape with her mouth. "Yes, now let me finish? I might actually get to that part?" I asked. Nobara nodded. "Anyways, when I fought Sukuna-" I looked back at Nobara to make sure her mouth was c l o s e d . "He said something about my cursed technique. He said it was lightning copy manipulation or some shit like that. He said he thought that shit died off like a thousand years ago when he fought 'old man Sakaashi L/n" I explained.

"Wait, L/n?" Maki asked. "Mhm" I hummed. "Wait- so you're- you have sharingan?" She asked me. I rolled my eyes. "Yep" I answered. "Yeah? Show me" She dared. I looked back at Nobara and Megumi who both shrugged. Talk about good help. "Well..uhh..I don't really control it. It just sorta happens on it's own." I said. "Hm..maybe, certain emotions?" Maki suggested.

I blinked twice. Did i mention I didn't sleep at all last night? No? Well, I spent the entire night crying. My eyes were more hooded than usual and swollen. "Maybe. Won't know until we find out, I guess" I said to her. She smirked. "Good. It's settled then. All of us are off to training. Y/n, you're with me" Maki said before walking off to the training field.



Panda ran after Nobara on the field. "You're late, Megumi" Maki said to him as he was zipping up his jacket. "What were you doing?" She asked. "What does it matter?" He replied. I rolled my eyes.

"Zen'in-senpai" Megumi started. Maki turned to face him. "What kinds of people do you want to save as a Jujutsu sorcerer?" Megumi asked. "Huh? It's not like I care if my actions save people" Maki said. I scoffed. "You will when your actions fail to save people." I said, letting my chin rest on my palm. "I shouldn't have asked" Megumi said, looking away. "What?!" She exclaimed.

"Tch. Whatever. We gonna train or what?" I asked her. She smirked. "Ok. Sure" She said. "Finally. Been waiting to take my anger out on SOMETHING and what better way to do that than to fight the one person I genuinely don't like?" I said. "Huh?!" She said. "You heard me just fine" I said. She scoffed. "Fine. Let's actually test your L/n skills, shall we?" Maki asked.

Nobara got up from where Panda threw her. "Huh? Are Maki and Y/n training or fighting?" Nobara questioned. "They're training..I hope" Panda said behind her.

Maki took her polearm and started waving it around. "Tch. What is this, star wars?" I questioned. Maki chuckled. I conjured up a katana with lightning. Maki jerked her eyebrow. "Woww. Impressive. So you can just make those weapons on command?" She asked. "Does it matter?" I asked back. She rolled her eyes and smiled.

She quickly took her polearm and wacked me in the stomach. I fell on the ground, clutching my gut. "It'll matter when you're lying dead on the street, having been killed by a curse" She said. I rolled my eyes. "Whatever." I said before running at her.

Just like Sukuna, she dodged my attacks left and right. "Jesus, man! How bad are you at fighting?! You move so damn slow! Like a snail!" She teased. An irk appeared on my face.

Maybe I was too slow. That's why I couldn't save my dad that night. I thought to myself. The image of my half eaten dad appeared in my minds eye again. I frowned and got a good grip on my katana and started running at Maki faster.

She somewhat struggled to keep up with me as I immediately punched after she'd dodged. I aimed for her face as revenge from earlier, but she moved her head left, grabbing my arm and throwing me backwards; her falling down with me.

"The hell was that for?? I could've just caught my fist and twisted my arm!" I yelled. She chuckled. My katana faded away after that. She looked at my empty hand. "So your weapons go away after you lose focus?" She asked, sitting up. "I guess. It's not just weapons though. I also use this lightning to punch and kick things, but if I'm gonna be punching or kicking, I can only do one side" I admitted.

She stood up. "Well then, that's something we have to work on" Maki said. I rolled my eyes. "Whatever" I mumbled. Maki looked down on me and stuck her polearm right next to me head then got close to my face. Heat spread up to my cheeks for whatever reason.

"Think you can handle me?" She asked.

It was as if my face was on fire. "I- uh-" I started. "I mean training, dumbass. Stop being dirty minded" She got back up. I rolled my eyes. "It's not like that" I said bluntly. "Oh yeah? Kinda looks like you've been slapped in the face by the sun itself" Maki teased. "Tch" I scoffed. She helped me back up only to let go of my hand half way up.

"Woah!" I yelped as I fell back down. "Man. And I thought you had talent." She said. I frowned and got back up, forming a kunai in my hand. "Hm.." She hummed. I got into my fighting stance and waited for her to attack.


For a solid 5 minutes, neither of us moved. "Jeez, what's all that about?! A staring contest?!" Nobara questioned. Maki frowned. "You gonna do somethin or what??" She questioned. I shrugged. Maki nodded her head in realization. "Oh, I see what you're doing." She said, changing her position. "What?" I asked. "You're waiting until I get impatient, making my moves rushed and sloppy. Not bad. If you're fighting a human" She said.

"We're fighting curses, here, Y/n. You can't just stand around and do nothing" She said. I rolled my eyes. "Shut up" I said coldly. "What's the matter? Getting all riled up?" She asked. I grit my teeth. That entire conversation was just a reminder of what happened that night. "No. And if I am, you won't like it" I changed my kunai to a katana. She chuckled.

"Oh boy. So you'll just whip out that sharingan and go all out?" She asked. "Tch" I said. "Zen'in-senpai, don't underestimate the power of the sharingan" Megumi warned. "Oh trust me, I know full well what the sharingan is capable of" She smirked. "C'mon, why dontcha show me?" I said. "You said you know full well, right? What makes you think you deserve to see it?" I questioned.

"Whatever" She ran at me. I got out my sharingan in the literal blink of an eye and dodged her attack. "Hey...what's that?" She asked, pointing at my eyes. "Sharingan, duh" I said. She rolled her eyes. "Yeah, duh, but that's a different sharingan. Most sharingan have 1, 2, or even 3 tomoe, given the right circumstances" She said. I shrugged. "I barely know anything about it myself" I said.

"It's probably a Mangekyo Sharingan" Gojo said. I turned to see him walking towards us. "Huh? Mangekyo?" She asked. "Mhm" Gojo hummed. "It's an evolutionised version of the 3 tomoe sharigan" He explained. "How the hell do you see this with that damn blindfold???" I questioned. Gojo chuckled. "What are it's abilities besides seeing your opponents future attacks?" Maki asked.

"So you wanna know what that is, huh?" Gojo asked. "I mean, it's what I asked for." Maki shrugged. "Welp, I'll tell ya later when I find out more about it" Gojo grinned. Maki's expression went disappointed and scoffed.


Later, at the dining hall I sat with Nobara and Megumi eating dinner. "So, Mangekyo Sharingan huh?" Nobara asked. I shrugged. "I guess. I mean, I'm guessing I must've gotten it last night, when.." I said, trailing off where the spot normally would've been taken by 'when Itadori died' but we agreed not to talk about it. Nobara hung her head low.

I put my own head down. "Feels like...I've got no purpose left, y'know?" I said. Nobara looked at me. "What??" She asked. "I mean, Itadori's gone. I've got nothing left to protect. What's the reason for living?" I asked. Nobara patted my back. "Y/n, it's ok" Nobara hugged me, rubbing my shoulder. I silently cried into her shoulder.

As everyone began to put their trays up, I finally pulled away from her shoulder. "Y/n, you can talk to me. We're friends now" She smiled. I looked at her with red swollen eyes. I got up and walked back to my room.

Unfortunately, Maki's room was right next to mine. "What the hell?" I asked. I saw her open her door, but stopped once she heard my voice. "Oh. Well would you look at that?" She said. "Guess we're neighbors now" I said quietly. "Yayy" I said emotionlessly. She chuckled.

"Y'know, earlier, at training, you could've said something more. When you said you thought I had talent. Why didn't you?" I asked. She looked at me. "Well, I realized that Itadori was special to you. And, I'm...sorry for what I said today. I didn't want to strike a nerve if I said something else" She explained. "It's fine if you did. I prolly would've gotten really mad but I'd blow over it later on.." I lied.


"No you wouldn't" She chuckled. "No, I wouldn't" I slightly laughed with her. "And, also," She said before walking in her room. "You're not a bad fighter. You just need a bit of toughening up to do" She said.

I slightly smiled and walked into my own room. I plopped down on my bed and started thinking about the things I'd do to her tomorrow at training.





;)))) a pinch of Nobara x Y/n, as someone commented on my recent post

anyways, ily!! have a good night/day and stay safe^^

wc: 3421

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