《It's Just Water - Maki Zenin x F! reader》The womb??









(your pov)

"Our window verified the curse womb three hours ago." Ijichi-san said to us. Me, Itadori Fushiguro and Nobara stood out a prison, 2 weeks from our other mission where the boy was held hostage. "Once 90 percent were succesfully evacuated, they made the call to seal off the center." He continued. "Citizens within a 500 meter radius have been evacuated as well." He said.

"Ijichi-san, question" Itadori slightly raised his hand. "What's a 'window' here?" He asked. "A window is a member of Jujutsu High who can see curses." Ijichi-san answered. "They aren't sorcerers though" He continued. "Oh, ok" Itadori said. "Let's continued" Ijichi-san said.

"Detainee block 2. At present, at least 5 detainees remain there with the curse womb." He explained. "If the curse is the type that metamorphoses, we predict it will become a special grade curse." He continued. Special grade..I thought to myself. "Uhm..I still don't understand what special grade means here" Itadori said. Me, Nobara and Fushiguro sighed.

"Then allow me to explain it so even idiots understand it" Ijichi-san started. "First, there's grade 4. A wooden bat is enough for them." He said. Itadori nodded. "Grade 3, if you have a hand gun, you can rest easy" He continued. "Grade 2, maybe a close call with a shotgun. Then grade 1, even a tank would be insufficient." He explained. "Then there's special grade. You may be even footing if you carpet bomb it with cluster bombs" Ijichi-san said.

"That's real bad!" Itadori yelled. "Yeah, dingus. Which means that this curse womb has the potential to become one" I said. "Normally, a Jujutsu sorcerer on par with the cursed spirit would take on the mission. On a day like today, that would be Gojo sensai" Megumi stated with his eyes closed. "I-I see" Itadori said nervously. "So where is Gojo sensei?" Itadori circled himself.

"Away on business" Megumi said. "Huh?" Itadori questioned. "He's not someone who should be loafing around at the school in the first place." Megumi continued.

"Don't expect any souvenirs" Gojo said in my small flashback.

"Unfortunately, we're constantly short handed in this business" Ijichi-san said with his thumb and index finger still resting on his chin. "You'll often have to undertake missions beyond your power" Ijichi-san continued. He pushed his glasses up. "The current case, however, is an abnormal one. And most urgent. Do not fight under any circumstances" He ordered.

"If you encounter a special grade, your choices are either to run or hide" Ijichi-san continued. We all groaned. "Please just listen to your fears. Do not forget your mission here is strictly the verification and rescue of survivors" Ijichi-san ordered again.

"Excuse me- Excuse me where is Tadashi?" A woman called from the front gate. We turned around to see her being held back by a couple guards. "Stop, stay back! Please stay back!" One of the men yelled. "Tch, she does know that this place is off limits, right?" I scoffed. "Y/nn, calm down. She's just worried about her son or brother" Itadori said. "No need to be so cold blooded all the time" He said with a grin. I rolled my eyes.

"Tadashi..is my son Tadashi alright?!" The woman questioned. Itadori's face softened at the sight. Faint voices of 'please stay back' and 'calm down' were heard. "She's a guardian who was here for a visit" Ijichi-san said. "Please step away. There's a possibilty that someone has spread poisonous gas throughout the center." Ijichi-san lied. "We cannot share anymore details at this time" He continued.


"Tch, if that was true, then why aren't we wearing hazard suits?? Any blind person could see right through this lie" I mumbled. "Don't worry about it! Just listen to Ijichi-san!" Nobara said. I rolled my eyes.

"Fushiguro...Kugisaki...L/n..." Itadori said, cracking his knuckles. We all turned to him. "We're gonna save them!" He exclaimed. "Of course we are" Nobara said. Megumi huffed.


"Be careful" Ijichi-san dismissed us to Block 2. "I'll put up my veil" He said as we continued walking off.

"It's becoming night!" Itadori said. "It's veil" Megumi said. "There's a residential area nearby, so this barrier conceals us from the outside world." Megumi continued while Itadori was still looking out with awe. "That's incredible!" Itadori yelled. I rolled my eyes. "Did you even hear what he just said??" I questioned. He looked at me. "Yuh huh!" He said. "What'd he just say?" "That this is a veil and this conceals us from the outside world"

I looked at him as he summarized what Megumi just said with my hooded eyes. Megumi put his hands together, in the shadow it formed a dog and said "Demon dogs." One formed behind us and howled. "He'll let us know if the curse get's close" Megumi explained. "I see I see!" Itadori exclaimed.

He kneeled down in front of the demon dog. "Good boy, good boy! We're counting on you, ok?" Itadori pet the dog. I rolled my eyes.

Megumi opened the door to Block 2. His demon dog went in first before he said "Let's go." We followed in after him until Megumi held out his arm. "Wait" He said. We stopped short behind him and looked up in the room. "What is this?!" Nobara said. "Looks like a piperoom to me" I replied. "Wh-whats going on in here?" Itadori asked. I looked around the room.

"Tch..this isn't a damn piperoom. These pipes look twisted and placed there under weird situations" I said. "Wait, this is a two story dorm, isn't it?" Itadori asked. "C-calm down! This is a masionette!" Nobara said. I looked at her.

"Wait, where's the door?!" I questioned. Everyone turned around. "It's an Innate Domain! I've never seen one this big before, though" Megumi said. "The..the doors gone!" Itadori said. "Thanks genius" I said after him. The door was replaced with a bunch of pipes. "How?! We just came in through there, didn't we?!" Nobara exclaimed. I rolled my eyes. "I know you two heard Megumi say it's an Innate Domain, right?? Use your damn ears" I scolded.

"What do we do? Ah what do we do about this?" Itadori and Nobara circled each other. "It'll be fine" Megumi said. "The dog remembers the scent of the enterance." He continued. Nobara and Itadori looked at the dog. "Oh myyy!" They said with joy.

"Good boy! Have some jerky! Have all the jerky you want!" Nobara praised the dog. Itadori just rubbed on it. "You guys are way too calm about this" I pinched the bridge of my nose. "You really are dependable, Fushiguro!" Itadori beamed.

"Thanks to you, we'll be able to save people and save ourselves, too!" He continued. I rolled my eyes again. "Tch" I scoffed. "Let's keep moving" Megumi said before walking along.

We walked where the dog led us. He led us to a body outside on the,,,, roof I'm guessing? Something didn't feel right with this mission. There's no evidence behind it, but still. Wanting first years to handle a curse womb that has the potential to become a special grade?


"The higher ups wouldn't shut up about a cursed object, so I thought I'd go sight seeing"

I thought of what Gojo said a few weeks ago when Itadori ate Sukuna's finger.

"Y/n, you alright?" Nobara asked. Itadori ran over to the body against the wall. "Huh? I'm fine. Worry about yourself, idiot" I said. I walked over to where Itadori was standing. I widdened my eyes. "The hell..?" I said. "Atrocious" Nobara said.

"That's three people, right?" Megumi asked. Itadori grabbed on of the body's sleeves. The tag on it read 'Okazaki Tadashi.' I remembered his mother asking if he was alright. "Hey, that's that Tadashi guy that woman was asking about, right?" I said. Fear taking over my voice. "Let's take this body back" Itadori said. "What?! Are you out of your mind?!" I asked.

"But.." Nobara started. "His face isn't too mangled. His mother won't accept it if we tell her he's dead but we don't have a body." Itadori said. "Yeah, smart but I'm not sure his mother would like it if we showed up at her door saying 'Hey, we found your son's half eaten body. Sorry, he's dead' and then walk off!" I said. "Whatever. We have to find and verify two more so c'mon, leave that body behind" Megumi dragged Itadori by his hood.

I pulled up my mask to block the smell of deady body. "Quit playing joking around! We turned around and the way we got in was gone!" Itadori shouted. "We won't be able to come back for it after" He continued. "Yeah and we're not going back for it afterwards" I said coldly. "She's right. I have no intention of risking my life to save someone I had no intention on saving in the first place!" Megumi yelled.

Itadori grabbed Megumi's collar. "No intention of saving him?! What do you mean?" Itadori questioned. "This is a juvenile detention center. Jujutsu sorcerers and granted access to all information about the scene beforehand" Megumi started.

"This Okazaki Tadashi hit a little girl on her way home from school while driving without a license" He explained. "It was his second offense of driving without a license" He continued. "I know you're stuck on saving lot's of people and guiding them to proper deaths. But what are you going to do when someone you saved kills someone else in the future?" Megumi asked Itadori.

Itadori grit his teeth. "Then why did you bother saving me?" He questioned. Nobara walked over to them. "Cut it out!" She yelled. "Christ, what are you two doing?! You're both idiots!" She scolded. "Like you're one to talk" I muttered. "Shut up! Think about the time and place if you-" She said before being dragged under the floor. "Kugisaki?" Itadori asked.

A pool of black liquid lay where she'd been taken. My eyes widdened. "Where's the dog at??" I asked. Megumi looked up and saw his dog's head sticking out the wall; blood trickled from all around it's head. He gasped.

"Itadori! Y/n!" He said. We turned to him. "We're running!" He demanded. "We'll search for Kugisaki la-" He said. A curse appeared right next to them.

They stood still for a small moment. Sweat was dripping down all our faces. Itadori removed the cover of the slaughter demon, ran up to kill the curse.

Blood came spewing out from Itadori's wrist. His hand went flying, still holding the broken blade. "Itadori.." Megumi said. I conjured up a dagger, bigger than an average one, and ran at the curse.

Before I could reach it, Itadori pushed me out the way. "Itadori!!" I screamed.


Megumi and I fell down some hole. He put his hands together where, in the shadows, it looked like a bird. Soon enough, a bird formed behind us and carried us through the corridor.

Me and Megumi landed on the ground and ran like the devil was chasing us. Don't die on us. Itadori..Kugisaki. I thought as me and him kept running.


"I can't escape after it's gotten this close" Itadori said, taking his belt and wrapping it around his wrist. "Hey, Sukuna! If I die, you die too, right?" He asked. I turned to him. "If you don't want that, then help me out!" He demanded. Sukuna popped out on his cheek. "Nope." Sukuna said. "Even if the parts of me inside of you die, there are eighteen other fragments of my soul." He explained. "Still, irritatingly enough, I don't have control over this body. If you want to switch, go ahead and switch" He said. "But once you do, I'll kill that brat before the cursed spirit can!" He chuckled. "Then I'll go for that woman. She's a lively one. I'll have fun with her" He said.

I looked at the eye and mouth on his cheek. "Don't do it, Itadori!" I yelled. "I'm not going to let you do that" Itadori said. "I bet. But if you're too focused on me, your friends are gonna die" Sukuna smiled.

The cursed spirit huffed up it's chest and spit out some sort of liquid. It hit us and shot us back into the wall.

It started laughing hysterically. "Oh yeah?! That's funny?? I'll show you somethin funny!" I conjured up an axe and ran for the curse. "This is gonna be a real good joke! You'll be DYING laughing!" I swung at it's head.

"Y/n! Fushiguro! Take Kugisaki and get outta here!" Itadori yelled. "I'll keep this one busy until you guys get out. As soon as your out, give me some kinda signal. Once you do, I'll switch with Sukuna" He said. "What?! Have you lost your mind?!" I yelled. "Maybe I have Y/n! But I want you three to get out before anymore harm is done to you!" He yelled. "No! That it not an option, Itadori Yuji!" I yelled back.

"Y/n, would you stop acting like my older sister and listen for once?! I'm telling you to run with Megumi and save Kugisaki while I distract the cursed spirit! Once you're out, I'll switch with Sukuna! It'll be fine! Trust me!" He shouted. "And if you die?! Who else is gonna be Sukuna's vessel?!" I questioned. "JUST GO!!" He yelled.

"No, she's right! You can't do that! Not with one arm against a cursed spirit!" Megumi yelled. "Look closer. It's having fun" Itadori said. "It's obviously toying with us. I can at least buy us some time." He said. "No!" Megumi yelled. "Fushiguro, Y/n." He turned to us.

"Please" He said.

(back to now)

Megumi put his hands together and got out his demon dog. "Find Kugisaki!" He yelled. The dog ran past us in search for her.


Megumi and I ran into some room where Nobara was. She was about to be eaten by a curse. "NO!" I yelled. The thought of letting someone else die the way my father did enraged me. My eyes could see the future movements of the curses again as I punched all of them and dodged their attacks.

One curse attempted to punch me, but I moved my head to the right and caught it's arm, swinging it back behind me. Another curse ran up to my side. I kicked that one to a nearby wall. Yet again, another curse ran at me. It tried to trip me but I jumped over it, rolled over my shoulder and kept running for Nobara. The same curse kept chasing after me; gaining on my tail.

I quickly noticed a pattern in all the curses places. I quickly glanced at the pathway created before me.

I jumped one one, two, three, and 4 heads of curses before kicking Nobara out the main curse's grasp.

I landed on the ground and saw another pathway created for me. I ran around the curses, using the lightning at my feet as a speed boost. I used the same pattern as before and jumped on their heads before landing on the main curse's head.

I kicked it as I landed, and it sent me upwards. I created chains in my left and right hand and slashed at the curses before me.

I landed on my feet, breathless from the attack. Nobara ran up to me and hugged me. "Thank you so much, Y/n" She said in my shoulder. I looked at she smaller girl. I pat her back repeatedly. "Uhm..thanks, Nobara. You can let go now" I said. She let go from squeezing me.

"Tch, alright love birds let's go" Megumi said.


Me, Megumi and Nobara sat outside the building. Nobara's head was bandaged thanks to Ijichi-san. Megumi's demon dog howled, signaling Itadori that we made it out.

Another veil was created and me and Megumi stood outside Ijichi-san's car. "Please expand the evacuation area to around 10 kilometers" Megumi requested. "What about you?" Ijichi-san asked. "We're waiting for Itadori to return" I said quietly. "I see. After I take Kugisaki to the hospital, I'll be back as soon as possible" Ijichi-san said. Nobara lay in the back of his car against the window, sleeping soundly.

"No, there wouldn't be much point in you staying here." Megumi said. Ijichi-san sat back in his seat with an embarrassed look on his face. "If you want to do something, please ask them to send a sorcerer grade one or higher" I asked. "Not that I imagine any are around" I continued. "I'll do what I can. Later" Ijichi-san said before rolling up his car window and driving off.

Me and Megumi turned around and faced the building. "Tch, what's taking so long?" I said. "It's a special grade curse and Itadori's probably already switched out with Sukuna right about now. So it should be any moment" Megumi said. I huffed and sat down. "Man, what a day" I said.

Then,, we felt some sort of shock run through our bodies. "The Innate Domain's closed off! The special grade is dead!" He said. "Great. Now we just need Itadori to come back safely." I said.

Suddenly we felt a presence behind us.

"Sorry, but he's not coming back" Sukuna said behind us. I got made my katana and got into a stance. "What did you do with him?!" I yelled. He chuckled. "Don't be frightened. I'm in a great mood right now. Let's chat for a bit" He said. I gripped the handle tighter. Sukuna walked around with his hands in his pockets. "This is what he gets for trying to use me without creating any sort of pact. Feels like he's having trouble switching back." He said.

"Still though," He continued. "It's only a matter of time." He said as he ripped off Itadori's shirt. "Tch.." I scoffed. "So..I thought about what I can do right now" Sukuna started. He raised his hand. He chuckled as he reached inside his chest and pulled out Itadori's heart.

I gasped as I saw the beating heart in his hand. Blood spewing from his chest, lips and hand. "I'm taking this brat hostage" He said with a smile. "Hostage?!" Megumi asked. "Yep. I can live without this. But that ain't true for the brat" He said as he threw Itadori's heart aside. My katana disappeared. Even though it was raining, I still felt a single tear flow down my cheek.

"Switching out with me means he dies" Sukuna stated. "Also," He started. He held up his finger to his mouth. "For good measure." He said, tossing it in. "With that, I'm as free as a bird" He said.

"You can be frightened now. I'll kill you" He said. "For no particular reason." He added.

"Our positions are reversed now" Megumi said. "You just don't get it" He said, getting in a battle stance. I got out a kunai from my little pack behind me. My vision changed again. "He's..." Megumi started. "Itadori's coming back. I'm making damn sure of it" I said, getting in my own stance. "Even if it means he'll die" Megumi chimed in. I looked at him. "The fuck? No, he's coming back alive!" I yelled. "You didn't see him pull out Itadori's heart? If they switched back, Itadori would die right now" He explained. I grit my teeth.

"Then I'll stuff it back into him. I'm not losing anyone else." I said; anger flowed through my voice. "You give him too much credit. This guys just a little tougher and denser than other humans." He said. He wiped the blood from his chin. "Just a moment ago, he was scared out of his mind on the verge of death, prattling on about his regrets and nonsense. I know for a fact he doesn't have the guts to kill himself" He said. My eyebrow twitched.

Megumi sumoned the bird from earlier behind him. Me, him and the bird ran for Sukuna. "I'm finally outside. Let's use the open space" Sukuna pushed his hair back with both hands.

Me and Megumi tried kicking at him. "Wait, Megumi don't! He'll dodge it!" I yelled. "Huh?" He said before kicking again. He punched a few more times; Sukuna dodging them all with a grin on his face. Megumi finally got a single hit on him but it barely pushed Sukuna back. "Incredible. You use shikigami but still come at me yourself. And you." He looked at me.

"What the fuck type of cursed technique is that?? Lightning Copy Manipulation?" He said. Me, Megumi and the bird were all attacking him at this point. "I thought that bullshit was long gone after I defeated old man Sakaashi L/n a thousand years ago" Sukuna said. "Shut up!" I yelled. My eyes gave me all sorts of paths but everyone I used, Sukuna managed to dodge them. It's like he knew where I was going?!

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