《King of the magical Britain》Tom's past


3rd, August

At the same time as Harry with his Godfathers:

In Riddle Manor in a dark decorated office sat a handsome young looking man thinking over what to do now. So much time wasted because of mine mistake and a compulsion charm. What should I do now. One thing it's clear the bloodshed need to end. Maybe I should talk to Lucius. Taking his wand he summoned his most loyal follower, that he was often cruel to. Lucius, the Lestranger's and Severus were more his friends by this time then followers and maybe he should do something about it. 10 minutes later Lucius was knocking at the Stunde door. Calling enter Tom waited for the shock that was sure to come to pass. And Tom was right as Lucius went in and greeted his Lord he raised his head and become speechless, which doesn't happen often. Quickly composing himself he finally spoke "My Lord, how can I be of help?"

Tom gestured for him to seat, giving himself enough time to gather what he wanted to say

"Lucius I own you and most of mine followers an apology. I lost myself in insanity and blood thirst. Even if it's wasn't my complete fault it's still was mine mistake. I lost my way, my goals and now much time have we wasted. I know your are wondering about my change and because I feel you are more of a friend then follower I will explain." Lucius became speechless a second time, which is a new record and Tom had to hold in a snicker. "When I was little as you probably know from you father I lived in a muggle orphanage during war time. It was a time when you could die anytime, which cause me to be afraid of death. Not only that but because I was different I was often bullied and abused in there, mine time in Hogwarts until third year was no better although safer. I was also convinced under the strongest love potion which caused me to be emotionally stunned. In my fifth year I created my first Horcrux under the compulsion charm of Dumbledore and my dear if death. With the murder of the Potters I created my 7th, that I didn't know about. Day before yesterday I experienced extreme pain and blacked out, the next morning I was looking like this and feeling clearer, lighter and better then before. Then came the summon to Gringotts which wasn't impressed with me nor happy because of the Horcrux and one of them being in the bank. As it seems the 7th part of my soul was in Harry Potter, when the goblins discovered it, they gave him three options he choose to restore it and gave me a second chance at life, going so far as giving me back my Slytherin lordship also I discovered I'm also the lord of the Nara family. His reasons for doing so are still unclear for me, since I know he isn't as golden as many believe him to be. Now I changed my name magically to Tomorr Slade Slytherin and am 24 years old. I was adopted in Albanien were my grandparents found me, my father was a cousin to the main line in the Gaunt family were I'm the last living relative the same with mother who was someone from the Nara line. I will tell Krafkoff If he wants to live he will make me a file in Durmstrang with my records, the goblins will make rest of the important documents like the birth certificate.


Now I'm more then sure that the bloodshed that it's going on needs to stop, we are low in numbers at it it's already, we should go the political way but I would like your opinion on what to do." Finished Tom taking a few gulps of water after talking so much. Lucius sat there and was in the middle of processing all the informations.

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