《King of the magical Britain》Explanation


3rd, August

The next day Harry ate breakfast in the living room reading one of the Runes books finding that subject fascinating. The last two days he slept like never before and quit late too cause it was already 10 am and he was eating breakfast. Half trough it his wards informant him of a guest. Going to the hall were all his guests with portkey would be arriving if portkeyed. He saw Sirius. Harry broke into a run and jump on him stealing his name. Sirius barked a laugh and spoon them around. "Pup! I'm so happy to see you safe. Let me inspect you." Turning Harry around at searching for any injuries or bruises and not finding any Sirius left a relived sigh. Taking his godfather arm Harry lead him to the living room calling for Dobby and asking for something to eat for the guest. Sitting down comfortable Harry began. "So you would like to know what's going on?" Sirius noticing his pup give a little nervous him a smile a said " when I received you letter I left a relived sigh knowing your were safe but my gut had a feeling that my suspicions about Dumbledore weren't as wrong as I wanted them to be. Your letter just confirmed it, you can tell me everything and I will listen, nothings going change our bond pup!" Harry relived smiled at his godfather and wanted to begin when his ward informed him of yet another guest he jumped and called behind his back to Siri " wait, some else just arrived as well." Arriving at the hall Harry released a loud "Moony" and jumped him too. "Cub I'm too happy to see you but I need air" laughed Remus. Harry smiles sheepish and let him too the living room asking yet again for another platter of food. Sitting down again and after his godfathers greeted each other Harry finally began. "Well it actually stared before the last Hogwarts feast. I was wandering around the corridors and thinking, then I heart voices in one of the unused classrooms. I had my invisible cloak with so I came nearer, I recognized the voices immediately, it was Ron and Hermione, at first I thought they finally get together but they spoke about me, how they couldn't stand how I always attack trouble and they need me to be in the right path and if not for the money they wouldn't be my friends, not wanting to be caught I fled and went to feast pretending not knowing a thing about it. Then in my birthday I received an owl from Gringotts how I didn't answer they letters and that they need to see me in person. So the next morning I went by protkey for my appointment. Here is my inheritance test, list of transactions and healers report as well as my parent Will." Giving them all copies of these documents he waited until they were done.


Remus and Sirius stated reading first the test healers list then the transactions and last the will. Both were angry,confused,shocked and relived. They didn't know what to address first. Sirius was the first to speak „Pup, you head someone's else soul in your head?! What happen to it?!" Harry forgot about this little detail and he didn't know if telling them who exactly this soul belong to was a good idea but not wanting to lie he answered true fully anyway "yes. Tom Riddle also known as Voldemort made this cause his deepest fear is death. Dumbledore showed me memories of his childhood and even though it isn't an excuse to his crimes I felt deep pity for him. Not Voldemort but Tom Riddle, for me they are two different persons. Tom Riddle lived in an muggle orphanage during the World War II with the possibility of being bombarded any time. Hogwarts wouldn't let him stay during summer holidays. He was also convicted under the strongest love potion. And then bullied in his house at Hogwarts until it came out he was the Slytherin Heir, not only that but Dumbledore always saw him as personification of evil and told others to mistrust him. You won't believe it but Tom actually wanted to be a Defence Professor but wasn't accepted cause Dumbledore told the old headmaster he was a bit too young. So I gave him a second chance, told the goblins to restore his soul and gave back the Slytherin Lordship. I heart about some of his ideas before his insanity and blood thirst, they were good for this world." Looking at his two shell shocked godfathers Harry patiently waited for all the informations to sink in.

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