《The Contract ✔》The Contract - 14
Song of the chapter: So Beautiful by Parker Ighile.
Silence hung in the air, so heavily. Abena was only focused on Tobi's face, his reaction, and most importantly, his answer.
Silence stretched for a while, that Abena wanted to cry. And she would have, if Tobi didn't suddenly have a wide grin on his face.
"The babies are fine Abena."
She let out a breath of relief, and wiped a traitor tear with the back of her hand. He pulled her into a hug, and she laughed.
"Oh God you scared me!" She said.
"I scared you? You scared the hell out of me. I thought I lost you." He whispered into her ear but Abena couldn't shake off the feeling that he was talking to his children, and not her.
"You should be facing your children, not me." She whispered back.
"Well, you were scared of loosing your children. I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have overreacted and fainted or something. I already had a feeling it was her, so I don't really know why I-"
"Abena! I care about you. Isn't it obvious? What more do you want me to do to show that I care?" He asked, releasing her from the hug and looking at her.
"I know you only care, not because you love me, but because you love what is in me." She said and turned away, afraid of what he was going to say, how he was going to reject her.
He hushed her and pulled her to him so they was no space in between, and placed his lips on hers. He pulled away and looked at her, a whirlwind of emotions in his eyes, and then spoke again.
"At first, I only cared about the baby, not you. But now I want you. Because I've fallen in love with all of you. It's no longer my baby; it's now our baby."
Then she pulled him back to her, to finish what he started.
Their lips moved in sync against each other, and Abena held him by his neck, trying to stay in place. She got tired of her uncomfortable position, so she groaned and lay down properly, pulling him with her. He smiled against her lips, and held her by her waist, hovering over her.
They finally pulled away from each other, and he grinned at her widely.
"So? How amazing of a kisser am I?" He teased.
"Tobi!" She laughed.
"You have no idea how hard I'm falling for you. C'mon. Let me show you again." He whispered against her lips and was about to press his lips against hers when someone cleared his throat in the room.
"You guys seem to have forgotten that we're still here." Joseph said, referring to him and Dera, and having a mischievous smile plastered across his face.
"Pay up. You owe me 10k." He turned to Dera.
"You guys bet? On us?" Tobi asked, a look of surprise on his face.
"Well she thought you would be too much of a snob and an idiot to admit your feelings, but I thought you would eventually break." Joseph shrugged. "And as I always say, love triumphs over all things."
"I've never heard you say that." Tobi lifted an eyebrow.
"Shut up. You're ruining my moment of amazing-ess." Joseph replied and Dera just rolled her eyes.
"I'll be right back. Let me call the doctor." Tobi said, and gave her a peck on the lips before leaving the room.
Joseph wheeled himself towards Abena, still smiling. "So, future sister in law. How are my god children?"
"Who said they're going to be your god children?" Abena asked, still smiling.
"They have to be! I insist."
"Joseph. Stop disturbing her jare. She's probably extra tired after that heated kiss." Dera winked at Abena and Joseph high fived his wife.
Abena was about to say something when Tobi walked in with the doctor.
"Okay Miss. Omotosho. Let me check you out." The doctor said with a wide smile.
Abena sat up slowly and the doctor checked her vitals and any other injuries she sustained.
"You're very lucky. Someone pregnant women don't live through that kind of accident. I've asked Mr. Ademi to place you on bed rest for the next week since he doesn't want you to stay in the hospital." Abena nodded.
"So you can change out of what you're wearing, and I'll bring some papers for you to sign before you leave."
The doctor left and Abena lifted an eyebrow at Tobi. "You don't want me to stay in the hospital?"
"Well yes. I can take care of you by myself. I don't need all this male doctors coming around you." He replied, giving her a bag of clothes.
"You do realise that my doctor is male. And he would be the one that would help me deliver the babies?" She asked, amused.
"Well I'm getting you a female doctor. I can't just let males look at you, in that area." He replied, whining like a child.
"And that, my dear, is the beginning of all the disadvantages of being loved by Tobi Ademi." Joseph said and Tobi slapped him at the back of his head.
"Who said anything about love?" Tobi asked, while Joseph rubbed the back of his head, feigning hurt.
Dera ignored the two men and helped Abena out of the bed, following her to the bathroom to change.
"I swear, the both of them are children." Dera commented with a laugh.
"Shayy." Abena agreed and they burst into laughter.
"We can hear you laughing at us oh!" Joseph called from the hospital room, which made the women laugh even harder.
"We have somewhere to go first before we go home Tobi." Abena said.
They had left the hospital, and Tobi had helped her into the car. He did her seat belt firmly, but not hard enough to hurt her stomach while muttering something about 'not loosing any one else.'
"Where? And don't say the beach Abena. We have to postpone that one." He replied, doing his seatbelt and starting the car.
"No. Not the beach." She laughed. "I want to see her."
"Who?" Tobi asked with confusion.
"No. No way. You just got out of the hospital because of her. And now you want me to take you to a police station?" Tobi barked.
"I have a right to see her! I just want to face my past once and for all. I just want to be able to keep everything behind me. You have to respect that." She replied, raising her voice a little.
"I don't want you to get hurt." He said quietly.
"I won't. Not any more." She shook her head and looked out of the window. He sighed and nodded.
"Fine. But one wrong happening and I'm getting you out of there." He finally gave in.
"Thanks." She whispered.
"Good day sir. I'm sorry but Mrs. Bridget Omotosho isn't seeing any visitors."
"Tell the Police Chief that Tobi Ademi is here. And make it quick." Tobi simply said, his famous glare intimidating the Police officer.
"Right away." He replied, picking up the landline.
"Gosh! Nawa for you. Even police men are afraid of you sef." Abena teased, trying to lighten the mood.
"Yeah well they should be." Tobi shrugged, not smiling at all.
"Tobi. Calm down. I'll just talk to her, then we'll leave." Abena said, placing her hands on his neck and looking up at his face. He pulled her to him and buried his head in her hair.
"Yes ma'am." He whispered.
A police officer looked at them and coughed to get their attention. "I've been instructed to take you to Mrs. Bridget Omotosho. Please follow me."
They followed him to a room where they were asked to seat down. The walls were all white, and in the middle of the room, was a wooden table, and two chairs on both sides.
Abena sat down on the chair, knowing that her back would hurt later on, and Tobi sat beside her, rubbing circles on her back.
A police officer walked in with Bridget, and sat her down. He looked at them. "Ten minutes."
As soon as the police officer left, Bridget glared at Abena and sneered at her.
"I see you got yourself pregnant for a very rich man. Just like your mother. Such a gold digger." She spat out.
Abena stood up and did what she had always wanted to do. She slapped Bridget across her cheek, while the latter winced.
"You have no right to talk about her. Especially after what you've done. You destroyed my family. You ended us." Abena replied, sitting down and staring at her straight in the eye.
"I was simply taking what was mine."
"And how did that end up for you?"
"I should have ended you too." Bridget scowled causing Tobi to stand up.
Abena pulled him back down and gave him a look. It was her fight. Her family. Her revenge.
"I always knew you were a twisted unhappy bitch from the day my dad brought you home. I just wish he would have seen it too. But he didn't. You took my mom and my dad from me. But that's okay. You're getting the death sentence. I hope you know. You can't afford a lawyer, so the state would give you one. But the lawyer wouldn't really care, because it's so obvious that you're guilty. You're finally going back to where you came from: hell."
Abena stood up, and Tobi followd suit, leading her out of the gloomy room.
"I'm sorry!" Bridget called out before they left.
"Too late for that." The police officer said to her, forcing her to stand up.
Tobi led Abena out of the station and into the car. He made sure she was comfortable with the seat belt, then went to the other side to seat down.
"Dont let her get to you love." He said after a while.
"At least, you've helped me get what I've always wanted: Justice. Thank you Tobi." She said, removing her seat belt and hugging him.
"Anything for you love." He said, stroking her hair. "Anything."
She leaned back into her seat.
"You better do that seat belt exactly how I did it for you because it took a lot of skill and Tobi Ademi awesomeness to get it done." He joked and she laughed.
At that moment, Abena knew that they were going to be okay.
When they got home, Abena went straight to bed, and Tobi went to the kitchen to get dinner ready.
He was already blending the tomatoes and peppers for the sauce, when his phone rang.
He grimaced at the caller ID, but answered the call anyway.
"Tobi darling! Its been so long since we've spoken. Have you been that busy?" He heard Eniola's voice from the phone.
Why didn't this woman just take a hint? Every other woman left him after a night, two at most.
"How do you have my personal cell number?"
"Is that what you're going to say? You didn't even miss me?" She whined.
"I'm too busy for this." He said.
"Tobi." She started firmly, and Tobi could smell a threat coming. "We're meant for each other. And there's no way you're leaving me, especially not for that pregnant girl I saw at your house. You'll come back begging, I lo-"
Tobi hung up and blocked her number. Then he placed his phone back into his back pocket and put on the blender.
"So. Is my Jollof rice as amazing as yours?" Tobi asked, looking at Abena eagerly. She had insisted on coming downstairs to eat, when he wanted to bring her food up to her room.
"Ehn. You could have done better." She shrugged and he frowned.
"I spent hours in the kitchen trying to make it perfect." He groaned and she laughed.
"Chill jare. Its good. Not as good as mine but you tried sha." She teased.
"Hm. Well let me show you something I'm really good with." He smirked and leaned him towards her.
She just rolled her eyes and placed a finger on his lips.
"Control yourself man. Besides, I'm still here struggling to eat your food."
"Wow. Just wow. You just broke my heart." He said feigning hurt.
"Hm. Oya come let me fix it for you." She smiled, placing her plate of food on the table and pulling him towards her.
Then his phone rang.
"What?" Tobi growled and Abena laughed. He put the phone on speaker, and Joseph's voice filled the air.
"Why do I have a feeling that I interrupted something very sexual?"
"What do you want?" Tobi asked.
"This is so unfair. You used to have my time, and you guys get together this morning and all of a sudden, I'm no longer important?"
Abena laughed and rolled her eyes.
"Joseph? Have you told them yet?" They heard Dera ask.
"Oh. Right. You guys should turn on the t.v." Jospeh said.
"Why?" Tobi asked annoyed.
"Its already on." Abena added.
"No like, the news channel." Joseph added.
"Oh." They both replied simultaneously.
Abena took the remote and changed the channel.
Then they both stared at the main topic of the entertainment news.
The newscasters were talking about how Nigerian girls were gold diggers and Abena, or as they called her, Mystery girl, finally 'trapped' Tobi Ademi with a pregnancy that is probably not his.
"Why are we on t.v?" Abena asked panicky.
The picture there was a picture of when Tobi and Abena were leaving the hospital. His hands were on her waist and she was laughing at something as he whispered in her ear.
Tobi shrugged, looking calm. He expected it. He smirked at her and said.
"I hope it isn't a bad time to say, we look really good in that picture."
Typical Tobi 😁😂😂
#Tobena is on the go! 😍💏💏💑
How did you guys feel about the kiss 💏💏💏
How was Abena's confrontation with Bridget?
And who just loves Dera and Joseph? 😄
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Jesus! I think I'm dying of excitement. But don't worry. If I die, who would finish the book.
Party time! As usual, you guys provide the food 😆😆😆
And don't forget about the Nigerian Watty Awards. Deadline is on the 20th. Go to the nomination phase not the submission phase.
You guys should check out Chemical Reactions by I'm reading it now, and I like it ♡
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- Timi
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