《The Contract ✔》The Contract - 7
Song of the chapter - I Really Like You by Carly Rae Jepson.
Abena slumped her shoulders in defeat as she looked at herself in the mirror, wearing only underwear. Her closet had been emptied out and clothes were scattered all over the room. What was the matter, you might ask.
Nothing fit.
The leggings ripped as she tried to pull them up.
Her jeans didn't go past her thighs.
Her shirts were too tight.
Her dresses were suffocating.
Skirts didn't go past her thighs.
She couldn't zip up her jumpsuit.
Nothing fit, well except for her sweatpants.
Tobi was taking her out, and she really wanted to look good. But after trying every article of clothing in her closet, she was giving up. Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock on her door.
"One second!" She yelled and jumped into her sweatpants. She threw on a random blouse, and regretted it immediately. It was suffocating.
"Oya, come in." She breathed out.
He walked into her room and raised an eyebrow at the mess. Then his gaze landed on her and he bit the inside of his cheek to stop him from laughing.
"You look... nice." He said slowly.
"You're a terrible liar." She said and sat down on her bed, tears threatening to fall.
"Okay, you don't look nice. It looks like it's a lot of sizes smaller." He said truthfully.
"That's because I'm fat." She said quietly.
"You're not fat, you're pregnant." He tried to reason out.
"What's the difference?" She shouted at him, wiping the tears that stained her cheek.
"Um... not all fat people are pregnant?" He said slowly, trying to avoid the wrath of an hormonal pregnant woman.
"Nothing fits. I'm just so fat now, I don't want to be fat. I want to be slim again. I want my clothes to fit me." She said.
"So, nothing here fits." He said.
"You trying fitting into your clothes when you have a... ball, attached to your stomach." She said.
"That's my baby you're talking about." He joked and she gave a small smile.
He slung his shoulder around her and pulled her to him. "Abena. You're not fat, you're just pregnant. And you're a very hot pregnant woman. I have never seen a pregnant woman so beautiful." He whispered in her hair but she hardly heard a word he said. She was too busy inhaling his scent, and staring at his chest.
"Now, this is what you're going to do. You're going to wear your sweatpants, and I''ll give you one of my shirts, so you can fit your 'ball', in it and stop squashing my baby in these clothes. And then we'll go shopping." He said softly.
"But I wanted to look nice na. I won't look nice in sweatpants and a man's shirt." She whined, although the offer of wearing his shirt was very tempting.
"I think you look exceptionally beautiful in everything." He said and her heart skipped a beat.
As he left the room to bring his shirt, Abena was convinced that he only said that to make her feel better, but Tobi knew he meant every word.
"Okay. I like this one, and this." Abena said as she walked through the store, dumping every attractive piece of clothing on Tobi.
"When I said that you could shop to your hearts content, I didn't mean that you should make me your shopping bag." He said as she dropped a dress on him.
"Well, this is your way of apologizing for making me fat." She said, looking through some shirts.
"You're pregnant, not fat." He pointed out with exasperation.
"Same thing!"
"Okay." He said calmly. "Why don't you try on all of this first?"
She nodded obediently, and he called one of the shopping assistants. "How can I help you sir?" She asked, batting her fake eyelashes at him.
Tobi didn't seem to notice the flirtatious smile that the assistant was giving him, or the amount of ladies that were eye-raping him in the store.
"Yes, you can. Take all of this first." He dumped the clothings on her, causing her to stumble a little. "I need you to help her out."
"Of course sir." She gave a strained smile. "I'll see to it that your wife is taking care of."
Much better, Abena thought. These women are just treating me like I'm nonexistent, so... wait... wife?
She stared at Tobi in surprise but he just gave her a wink and followed the assistant to the changing room.
"Wife, you coming?" He teased and she glared at him, ignoring her increasing heartbeat.
After a few hours of shopping, Tobi was tired, but Abena wasn't.
She held her cone of icecream and her purse, while Tobi carried all twelve bags of maternity wear and, after the insistence of Abena, unisex baby clothing.
"Wait." She said abruptly.
Tobi stumbled back. He was supposed to be annoyed. As a billionaire, he didn't carry things for people, it was the other way around. He didn't like to be told what to do. But when Abena told him to do something, he did it, he complained obviously, but he did it anyway.
"What is it now?" He complained.
"We have to decorate a nursery." She said, beaming at him like she just won a million dollars.
"No need jare. I'll get an interior decorator for that." He said, dismissing the topic and walking towards the car to drop all the bags.
"But I want to do it. We should do it. It's our baby." She explained.
"I know, I know. It's not really mine. But please, let me do this one thing for my child. Just one thing. So that I can know that I did something for my child before I left."
He looked in her eyes and knew she was already getting attached to the baby. And the baby wasn't even born yet. But there was nothing he could do. The baby was, literally, attached to her.
"Okay. But, abeg, stop referring to my daughter as an 'it'." He joked and she rolled her eyes.
"It's a fifty-fifty chance jare. Thanks sha." She smiled sincerely at him. He smiled back at her, and his gaze fell to her lips. How could someone look so... kissable, he wanted to kiss her, right there.
"Let's start with paint!" She squealed in excitement.
"You're not going to paint. You could fall down when you're painting the top part of the wall." He said.
"That's why I have you."
"Let's use pink."
"Tobi, I told you, it has to be a unisex colour. We don't know the gender of the baby." She explained.
"Why haven't we found out the gender of the baby?"
"Because I like surprises." She shrugged.
"I dont." He replied.
"Why am I not surprised." She rolled her eyes and muttered, "Control freak."
"Okay, so what colour can we use?" He asked, lifting an eyebrow.
"No. It's a boys colour."
"That's my favourite colour."
"Why am I not surprised?" He mimicked her.
"Can't we just decide on a main colour already?" She ignored his mocking.
"Just let me choose." He offered and she glared at him.
"No. You lack taste in a lot of things." She snapped.
"How about yellow?" He asked, anxious for the day to be over.
He was never taking her shopping again.
"Tobi you're a genius!" She exclaimed and but he just stared at her.
He knew what was going on.
"We can paint the room yellow and white, like in stripes. But we can add touches of green, black, grey and white. We'll evenly distribute all the colours. But yellow would be the main colour." She said and he nodded his head.
He was hungry.
"What about the theme?" He asked when she glared at him, obviously angry that he wasn't contributing to the topic.
"It can be a zoo theme. We'll have stuffed animals all over the place. Don't worry. I have the image in my head. Lets buy the paint." She gave him a cheeky smile and he pinched her cheek.
"You're adorable sometimes."
She swatted his hand away and took a bucket of paint.
"You can't carry that. Are you trying to stress my daughter."
"Fifty-fifty chance Tobi. And no, I'm not carrying it, you are." She said.
"The Tobi Ademi doesn't carry paint. People do it for him." He boasted and they exited the store with two men, carrying buckets of paint and painting tools.
"What next?" He asked once they dropped the paint in the car.
"Decorations and stuffed animals. Then we can go and eat." He nodded and walked past her.
"Why are you rushing?" She asked.
"The faster we get all the stuff, the closer I am to eating." He explained.
"I've never seen you hungry before." She laughed.
"Well apparently, when you spend a day shopping with Abena Omotosho, your stomach suffers." He joked and she hit him playfully on the shoulder.
After getting toys, decorations, the cot, strollers and all the other things that the baby would need, they went for lunch.
"You're actually not bad company." He said as they ate. He ordered French fried and chicken but she had a cheese burger with her French fries.
"You're the worst company." She teased.
"Hm. Just be deceiving yourself. You love it when I'm around."
"Your ego is bigger than my 'ball'." AShe laughed and he glared at her.
"Can we get icecream before we leave?" She asked hopefully.
"Abena, you already had icecream." He pointed out.
"But I want another one." She whined
"Fine. But on one condition." He said.
"You don't decorate the nursery alone. You get an interior decorator, and then you supervise." He said, taking a gulp from his Pepsi. They had finished eating.
"I don't want you to get hurt while moving things around Abena. You'll be like the main interior decorator, and you'll supervise everything to your hearts content. Everything you say, goes." He explained.
"Okay then. But won't it be risky? Getting an interior decorator. This is supposed to be low key." She asked.
"I have someone who is very discreet. Are you ready to go?" He asked, standing up.
"Yes. Lets go and get icecream." She smiled pulling him along to Coldstone.
Once they were in the car, Abena dug into her icecream.
"Don't let that thing spill in my car." He warned.
"You mean the icecream?" She asked. She had already spilled a little when they drove over a bump.
"Abena!" He groaned.
"It was a mistake. I swear. I'm sorry. I'll clean it up for you." She apologized.
"Do you know how much this car is?" He snapped.
"Tobi chill. It's just icecream. No big deal. I'll wipe it off." She reasoned with him.
"You're so clumsy." He said and ignored her throughout the car ride.
"Abena. This is becoming too much of a habit." He said knocking on her door. "You don't have to run into the room every time we fight. I'm sorry I snapped. But that car is really expensive."
She opened the door and stared at him, her hands on her hips.
"Then why did you buy it?"
"Because it's sexy." He shrugged and she laughed. "But seriously. I ordered the car before it even got to Nigeria. And it was bloody expensive."
"How much?" She asked.
"I'm not going to tell you. Before you explode." He laughed.
"No." He walked out of the room and she followed him.
"Pretty please."
"Who ever said please was pretty?"
"Please please please please please." She sang.
"No. Stop being so annoying." He groaned and walked into the cinema room.
"Ohh. Lets watch a movie. I'll pick." She said and rushed past him. He just laughed and followed her.
As the weekend flew by, Tobi realised something, he was gradually slipping out of control.
He was getting attached.
He couldn't let that happen.
Tobi drove home with a satisfied smirk plastered across his face. Not only had he won the award for the youngest billionaire in Africa, but he also had in his passenger seat, Aisha Zamena.
Aisha Zamena was a top model in Africa, and when he saw her at the award ceremony he had attended, he knew she wanted to go home with him.
His mind drifted to Abena, but he shook the thoughts away. He didn't like her, and all he needed was to get laid, then he'll forget about her.
After parking in his house, he turned to Aisha. "Give me one minute. I need to check something first."
She nodded without looking up from her phone. He walked briskly into house, and saw Abena sprawled on the couch, watching a movie. A bunch of bananas were on a plate on a table in front of her, and the peels were scattered on the floor. There was also a box of finished cookies and chocolate wrappers on the floor.
She looked up at him and smiled. "Hey."
"I need you to pack all of this stuff, right now, with yourself, to your room. I have a visitor and this place is untidy. Plus, I can't let my visitor see you." He instructed and she got up quickly.
She packed all the trash and took it to the dustbin in the kitchen, then she grabbed the bunch of bananas and went to her room. She wondered who the visitor was. Tobi hardly brought his work home and she knew it wasn't Joseph. She shrugged it off. It was probably a business partner.
But she knew it wasn't a business partner when she heard the moaning. She heard them stumble up the stairs, and walk into Tobi's room. She heard them slump on the bed, she heard the sounds of pleasure, the moaning and the creaking of the bed. She hugged her pillow and tried to sleep, but it wasn't easy when she could hear them having sex in the room right beside hers.
And when she heard the woman scream out Tobi's name, she burst into tears.
That night, before she slept off, she fought with the voice in her head on whether she was falling for Tobi Ademi.
The voice said yes. But she said no.
The voice in her head won.
Bonjour! Comment ça va?
Before I start asking all the things that authors ask, I've got a funny question for you guys.
Do all short people come from Pluto?
*awkward silence*
You know, cuz Pluto is a dwarf planet
*more awkward silence*
And dwarfs are short. So they come from-
*pregnant awkward silence*
Whatever, moving on... 😅
What did you think about chapter 7 😆
Is Tobi stupid for trying to get rid of his feelings for Abena? By having sex when she's in the room right beside his?
And isn't Abena getting too attached to her baby?
Poor Abena, I bet she couldn't sleep a wink.
Oh well.
Ship names anyone? I really suck at those 🙈😊
Advice, suggestions, criticism, they are welcome. Let me know what I'm doing wrong or right.
Don't forget to:
Vote - You! Don't leave here without pressing that star button 😉
Comment - Let me know what you think. I'm a writer in training.
Follow - i'll follow back. I promise
Share - tell your friends and tell them to tell their friends.
Thank you *take a bow*
Till next time my lovely bananas, (I have chores that I have ignored because of wattpad *sheepish smile*.)
I just entered The Contract into the Nigerian Watty Awards.
You guys should check it out.
Search for Nigerian Watty Awards, it's like a book.
Please nominate the characters for the different categories.
- In Serial89 Chapters
God Blade (Hiatus)
Theo, a prodigy of sword and an aspiring adventurer, lives in an RPG-like world where everyone has their own level and skill. However, his is a hardcore RPG world where more than half of its human never gets higher than level one. So who is Theo you ask? Was he a ninja trying to be a leader in his hidden village? Was he trying to be a pirate king? Maybe a teenager summoned from another world? A chosen one of the god? A man whose girlfriend is secretly the demon queen? A cook in a journey to make the greatest dish? Or maybe the reincarnation of an ancient Dark Lord? Well, No. Theo is a man born in that world. An NPC you might say. Not only that, he wasn't even the true hero or the main protagonist of his own world. But he does have to meet all those people during his journey to accomplish his dream. ----- 1 chapter every 2 or 3 days. I don't claim the MC of my story to be not cliched. With so many stories on the internet right now, It's almost impossible if not outright impossible to make an original MC. The best I can do is pick the kind of cliched MC I like the most and give it a twist of my own. English is not my first language, so there will be some mistakes in every chapter. Please notify me in the comment if you found one (Or some). I'm still an inexperienced writer, so feedbacks and reviews are very much appreciated.
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Pawns of God
Five Lines PitchJoin Mark in his fight against a God and change the game's destiny! Delve into a slow-paced story focused on the progression of the main party and the development of the world. Mark himself will be narrating his life inside the game, and to a much lesser extend outside. Guild building, economy, and strategy are the central pieces of the novel. Mark is not overpowered, he will have to build his own power through action-packed battles, trials, traumas, love, and death. Accompany him, the healer and the strategist, an agent of chaos, in the adventure of his life. Without further preamble, I will let Mark take the mic. SynopsisHi! My name is Mark. This is my story, my life as I live it day after day. I’m in my thirties, and there’s nothing I love more than playing online games. I’ve just joined the action on the newest VRMMO game, Pawns of God. An immersive experience you can play while sleeping. Of course, as a game that takes pride in its long development and technological advances, everything inside seems and feels real. Beware, this is not a game-turns-real story. I love my own world and I would detest being summoned into another one. If that ever happens, I’ll just quickly take my life and be done with it. I play with my friends, in a party of 5. We have taken several roles, but lately, I've come to love being a healer. It's my secret ambition to someday be the shotcaller. I am not overpowered. If there is any bug or exploit in the game, they are yet to be discovered. Anyhow, for a game of this scale, the company is pouring all of its resources into test servers, QA, and beta tests. I don’t expect to find any, so I’ll be playing the game just like any other person. I must say, though, I am easily distracted, as you will immediately notice once you start. I'm working on it, I promise to improve! I am no hero. Being in my 30s, my heart is too old for this shit. I wouldn’t mind being one, of course. Who hasn’t dreamt of it? Either way, I’m not doing any grand quest to save the world. Whatever the game throws to their users, I’ll be there to experience it. Most of my life, at least the interesting parts that I’ll be narrating, happen inside the game itself. Rarely, there will be some IRL (In Real Life) chapters. You’ll understand, however, that as a freelance software developer, there is not much I can entertain you with when outside the game. Did I say I love games? Well, I’m also a fan of LitRPG literature. You know, journeys of magic, relationships, personal development, items, skills, discovery… In the spirit of not overwhelming my public, I’ll condense each chapter into circa 1500 words. You might have noticed some tags over this story, let me elaborate. I like to swear. I’m not shy when it comes to cursing my enemies, friends, or even myself. When there’s blood, I tell it as I see it. And… it hurts to admit it, but I’m not a casanova. Of course, this doesn’t mean that I won’t ever find love. So, in case I do end up finding it, let’s keep my sexual options open. As for traumas, none yet, but the future is vast and unknown. Release Schedule The schedule is subject to change, particularly if enough readers end up loving it. All chapters are already written, thus there is enough freedom to modify them. Arc 1 * Chapters 1-14: Each released one day and an hour later than the previous. Starting with chapter 2 at 09:20 UTC+2 on day 1, and finishing at 21:20 UTC+2 on day 13. Elapsed: 2 weeks Total: 2 weeks * Chapters 15-30: Releases every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday at 11:30 UTC+2. Elapsed: 5½ weeks Total: 7 weeks (1 month, 3½ weeks) * Chapters 31-49: Releases every Wednesday and Saturday at 11:30 UTC+2 Elapsed: 9½ weeks Total: 17 weeks (4 months, 1 week) All subsequent arcs will follow the same release schedule, 2/week. No hiatus will be done between arcs 1 and 2.
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Every great hero needs a wingman. A loyal friend, someone to have your back and a voice of reason. Matsumoto Yukio is one such loyal friend, and so is Takeida Kyoko. They stay in the shadows of a hero and heroine each. They watch the great game of love unfold in front of their eyes and help their best friends to overcome every obstacle. Until Yukio and Kyoko fall in love with each other. Hero and heroine to each other, and old loyalties are pushed to the breaking point. PG13
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The Immortalizer
Walter was a mage, and Walter wasn’t happy. Oh, being able to bend the rules of the universe to his whim was nice enough, but he yearned for the freedom of choice. Maybe he would have wanted to be a farmer, a baker or a shoemaker? How would it feel to live a life like that? So, Walter made a plan: He would achieve true immortality. Not just living forever – that part was easy, especially once you realized that a human body was more of a hindrance than a help. No, he would create a way for him to become a new person and live a new life as many times as he wanted. And he would sacrifice everything to achieve it. So, meet Walter – just as he is about to realize his dream of becoming someone else. Full Blurb:Walter, a gifted mage turned undead Lich, has created a highly complex ritual that allows him to transfer himself into a newly created human body. This is supposed to allow him to live whatever kind of life he wants, whether it be a peaceful farmer, influential merchant, courtier or beggar, again and again. The first life he chooses is the exciting one of an adventurer – a government-funded guild of mercenaries that protect the citizens of his country from the ever-present monster threat. He wants to learn to fight monsters, enjoy the friendships and camaraderie of his companions, explore the land looking for long-lost ruins and make lots of exciting new experiences, all while staying completely under the radar. Of course, things aren’t going to work out that way. New chapters every tuesday, thursday and saturday!
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