《The Omega Uchiha》Chapter 13


Naruto's pov

Letting Sasuke go without a fight is my greatest regret in life. Even though several years have passed ,the way in which things ended between us still weighs heavily on my heart and I miss him more each passing day. Initially,I made several attempts to contact Sasuke but nothing reached him. On top of that since he was no longer living where he used to our separation was made official and our relationship had become albeit a distant memory.

I've managed to get by through regularly visiting my mum in the hospital. Although she never responds, whenever I speak to her I feel as though a weight has been lifted off my chest.

It was my belief that today would be a regular day however this was not the case. When I was driving through a desolate road on my way to work, the back of my car was hit by a black McLaren. Luckily my airbag inflated, cushioning a jolt that could've caused me catastrophic amounts of injury. Naturally, I proceeded to exit my car in order to attain the identity of the person responsible for destroying my property only to be greeted by a punch when stepping out. To control my anger and refrain from retaliating, I clenched my jaw. This brazen act of assault in broad daylight had severely agitated me so despite the fact I was not particularly prone to violence I felt to knock the man who attacked me without warrant out cold.

To my disbelief, I was met with the gaze of Itachi Uchiha. Seeing him reminded me too much of Sasuke resulting in a momentary pause which was short lived when the memory of the punch he had just delivered returned back to me.

"Damage to property, Assault and idiocy. Remember this list when you find yourself rotting in a jail cell Itachi." I advised him. Had anyone else so much as layed a finger on me in the same manner he had just done the last thing they'd remember would be the red lights of an ambulance but out of respect for Sasuke I didn't physically engage with Itachi. I'm sure brawling with his brother would only push Sasuke further away.

"Son of a bitch" Itachi gnarled. "As a criminal guilty of adultery and child abandonment, I wouldn't go around threatening others " he concluded.

I was confused by what Itachi has just said to me, I've never cheated on anybody in my life and didn't have


any kids to abandon in the first place. Even if I had, although immoral none of these things were illegal. Its clear Itachi had no clue what he was talking about.

"Your crazy. Please get the help you so desperately need. I will be invoicing you the repair bill for my damaged car" I informed Itachi as I walked away.

"Great. I'll be sure to return the favour and invoice you the bill for the two years unpaid child support you owe my brother" Itachi replied. He kept making references to children which was

overwhelming and confusing to me.

"Give me one valid reason not to kill you where you stand you bastard" Itachi continued, "Even though Sasuke fed me that bullshit lie, it was hardly rocket science to figure out your the worthless piece of shit that took advantage of my omega brother knowing fully well your a married man, leaving him to fend for himself and raise two kids alone." Itachi rampaged. His passion was undeniable and it looked to me as though he truly believed every word he spoke but as far as I knew he was definitely mistaken.

"Perhaps your drunk? Sasuke is an alpha." I replied Itachi not even considering the possibility that any of what he said is plausible whilst attempting to rationalise what is driving him to practically try and kill me.

"You of all people know damn well that's not true." He spouted. I could see this back and forth was leading us nowhere and as much as everything he was saying to me seemed inconceivable I desperately wanted answers.

"Itachi, what did you mean when you said Sasuke is raising two kids alone?" I questioned.

He laughed out loud and proceeded to swing at me with full force but I was able to dodge what could've resulted in a fatal blow.

"The fact you think I'm under any obligation to answer your question is hilarious." Itachi howled. I needed to think of a way to calm him down in order to get the answers I required from him.

"I'm sorry for everything I done to Sasuke, I know I wasn't the greatest of men to him but I believe the situation is being misunderstood so please give me a chance to explain myself" I plead. I had to swallow my pride and concede to Itachi despite my feelings towards him in order to attain the answers I required.


His expression softened assif he was hit by a realisation but this didn't change his hostility towards me seeing as he ignored my apology. Nevertheless I was determined to get my answers.

"Why would you think I'm married?" I asked him

"Your wife herself told Sasuke. He had paid you a visit and was told by a woman with pink hair to get lost and not involve himself with her husband." Itachi explained to me. Just as I was about to reply he cut me off.

"It's clear to me now your not the villain I thought you were. Your right, I've misunderstood the situation. My brother has a tendency to withhold information he doesn't have the courage to release, I myself only found out he was an omega 6 months into his pregnancy despite knowing him his entire life. It was silly of me to not consider that Sasuke may not even have told you about any of this." I think in his own twisted way, Itachi was attempting to apologise to me.

Nevertheless, Itachis revelations came as a shock to my system. From what little I could understand, Sakura had told Sasuke she was my wife. Although what's done is done I wondered why she thought it acceptable to do something so damaging but that wasn't important right now . I'd just learned that in actuality Sasuke was an omega and on top of that he had given birth to my children. I couldn't quite explain how what I was currently feeling since this was a lot to take in all at once. Why didn't Sasuke tell me? I assured him constantly that I would take responsibility for him and I meant it so why would he hide this from me? Perhaps the more appropriate question is why didn't I notice this as it unfolded right before my eyes. I knew there was something burdening Sasuke but I assumed that overtime he would feel comfortable enough to tell me. I behaved idealistically and foolishly whereas if I had been more proactive things could've turned out differently.

"When you say kids do you mean Sasuke gave birth to more than one child?" I asked Itachi, still trying to gather all the facts before deciding what to do.

"Twins, Seto and Azia. One boy, one girl. Look Naruto, I'm answering these questions because I can see Sasuke has wronged you by depriving you of knowledge and contact with your offspring but it's really not my place to say. On top of that even though it was wrong of Sasuke, I trust his judgement so its best you refrain from acting on this information." Itachi told me.

If he thought that after learning that my omega had given me two children and was raising them alone with no support, I wouldn't make it my first priority to check on their well-being he was out of his mind. I completely ignored him.

"Where is Sasuke living right now" I asked Itachi.

"Don't push your luck brat. I owe you nothing and will certainly not be answering any more of your..." I grabbed Itachi by his collar driven by anger and haste. I didn't want to be angry at anyone in this unfortunate situation, not Sakura who had driven away the love of my life. Not Sasuke who had robbed me of the chance to have a relationship with my kids and most certainly not Itachi who was almost as misinformed as me but there's no end I wouldn't go to obtain both the knowledge and the man I desired.

"Am I supposed to feel threatened by this display?" Itachi jested.

"Answer my question, where is Sasuke right now." I tightened my grip.

"America, New York he's running my newest branch. Understand that I'm not telling you this because of your pathetic display of aggression. Those kids... they deserve to know who their father is. That's all." He responded.

"Seto and Azia... nice names," I muttered to myself before releasing my grip on Itachi. With what was just revealed to me I decided that I would make my way to America next week after completing some business in Japan. I don't know how Sasuke will take to me visiting him but despite the uncertainties I want to make things right between us. This time I want to fight for him and our children. In this life I never thought It'd be possible to become a father due to my sexual orientation. Even still, because there's nothing I want more than to see Sasukes face again I'm open to begin new journeys.

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