《The Omega Uchiha》Chapter 5- Pregnant


Sasukes pov

This has been the most draining week of my life. After arriving home I immediately informed my grandfather the merger discussions with Uzumaki tech had been terminated. He was frank as always and informed me he was highly disappointed and would be revoking my inheritance of the family business and staying on as chairman for a while longer until he decides on a better fit to take over for him. Even though I wasn't particularly pining for the family business this was a truly embarrassing situation to be in as a respected businessman. The word spread of my disinheritance and to the gossipers and outsiders looking in it appeared as though my company statistics and management were too insufficient to close a merger discussion turning me into an industry clown. Damn that impudent bastard Naruto Uzumaki. This is all his fault.

As the days passed by I began to feel a bit better, emotionally that is. I had come to terms with the fact my virginity was stolen from me and I'd lost face in the business world afterall I knew this would only last temporarily. Above all, I took solace in the fact that I would never have to see Naruto Uzumaki again allowing me to look towards the future contently.

Although mentally I'd adapted , physically I was a mess. I'd been sick all week to the point that I couldn't get any work done or respond to calls. On top of this I'd vomited several mornings in a row and began to develop weird cravings. Clearly I was in dire need of medical attention so I decided to pay a visit to my personal doctor and close friend Tsunade who was the only other person in the world that knew I was an omega.

"Sasuke you brat, what's the matter with you now?" Tsunade asked me as though to say I was constantly wasting her time.


"This is serious Tsunade!" I shouted " I haven't felt like myself all week. I've been throwing up and been excessively tired not to mention I started eating ramen noodles which I've absolutely hated since I was a kid" I explained.

"Calm down brat, I'll run a few tests on you then we can work on finding a solution together" she replied.

Tsunade was used to me constantly coming to her with health concerns due to the high volumes of suppressants I previously took. Although she mocked me I know she's the one person that worried about me the most . If there's anybody I can trust to heal me right now it's Tsunade I thought to myself whilst she fiddled with my body and took multiple test samples. I was so lost in thought that I wasn't paying attention to what exactly she was testing for.

"Hahahahahahahaha well I'll be damned, you've only gone and done the unthinkable" belted Tsunade.

"Can u lower your voice" I snapped. "I can't handle loud noises these days" I informed her.

"Yeah? That's probably because your pregnant Sasuke."she retorted bluntly.

"P..Pregnant?" I questioned. Tsunade had a horrible affinity to joke unnecessarily so I needed to confirm this wasn't one of her sick practical jokes.

" Well it was pretty obvious from the symptoms you described and the positive test result has just confirmed it. I won't ask you how or when but cmon I gotta know who the father is" she said with sparks flying through her eyes ," oh and congratulations by the way" she added followed by a hug.

"The father?Pregnant ?" I responded, baffled, as tears welled up in the beds of my eyes. This was a lot to take in. I'm carrying the baby of somebody who I barely know and slept with on a wimb. Assif that's not bad enough we both come from high status families. I don't want to bring an innocent baby into the type of families that apply unnecessary pressure onto their kin forcing them to live up to unrealistic standards like was done to me. On top of that I've never even considered being a mother, not that I'm against it. It's just...


Oh Lord.

I'm going to be one of those single mums who explain to their infant child that 'daddy' never wanted them aren't I? My eyes released the tears that had been welling up giving way to a flood of tears.

"I'm sorry Sasuke, my questions were insensitive I didn't consider your situation or how you felt. If this news has upset you I want you to know you have options." Tsunade spoke gently assif treading on thin ice.

"I'm not aborting my child" I snarled placing my hand upon the surface of my stomach. Yes this is a shock to me but I have to face reality. I'm pregnant with a strangers baby. To make it worst I have no one to confide in since my family believe me to be an alpha. The only viable option is to travel abroad and deliver my child in secret, after a while I can return back to Japan and lie that I impregnated a whore. As far fetched as this seems it might work. Tsunade was correct when she said I have options but none of those options include letting Naruto find out about my pregnancy and forcing me to abort my child.

"Thank you Tsunade. I'm sorry for my reaction I was just shocked that's all but I'm actually excited to raise this kid" I stated as I wiped my tears. She hugged me and congratulated me again,shedding tears of her own.

"Promise you'll make me the Godmother?" Tsunade asked.

"You can be the Godfather and mother for all I care. Doesn't make a difference to me, I wouldn't let you near my kid with a ten ft pole before you poison it with your twisted sense of humour" I responded, half meaning every word I said.

"Hahahahaha that's hilarious brat, then let's wish upon a star the child turns out like his father because if it turns out anything like you the world is doomed!"

We laughed for a while before Tsunade bored me half to death with a list of pregnancy dos and don'ts. She talked me through the stages and informed me I'll have to be coming for regular checkups to ascertain the health and gender of the baby.

Truthfully it still hadn't sunk in that I was carrying another life inside of me but I was trying my hardest to be optimistic. I don't know what fate has in store for me but for now I know that one day someone will look at me with loving eyes and call me mum, to me that's more than enough to get me through the dreary days ahead.

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