《Caring For You [Yoongi X Reader]》Morning


I opened Y/N's door and then grabbed all the stuff I bought from the store.

We walked up my pathway and I opened the door.

I set everything down, and I saw Y/N looking around, observing my belongings.

"I tried to clean up, sorry." I say embarrassed.

"Yoongi, relax, I like it here." She smiled brightly, then resumed checking out the pictures on the wall.

With you here Y/N, I do too.

There was a knock at the door.

I opened it to Namjoon and Taehyung.

I led them to the living room where Y/N was.

"Namjoon, Taehyung, this is Y/N..

Y/N, this is Namjoon and Taehyung."

I introduced them.

Taehyung bowed slightly.

"Nice to meet You! You can call me V. It's easier to remember."

Namjoon smiled with his dimple.

"Nice to meet you, just call me RM."

"Nice to meet you both." She gave a small bow and shy smile.

*knock, knock*

"You guys chill here, I'm gonna answer the door."

I opened the door to jimin with his hand around jungkooks waist.

"Come on in" I smiled.

This is more people than I usually hang out with.

We walked to the living room.

Taehyung was sitting too close to Y/N.

I just clenched my jaw.

"..Y/N, come over here and greet Jimin and Jungkook."

She stood up, and I gave a glare at Taehyung.

He shrugged his shoulders and raised an eyebrow confused.

"H-hi, I'm Jun Y/N." She bowed.

"Hello! I'm jimin. This is jungkook. Sh, don't tell anyone that he is mine."

"O-Okay I won't." She smiled.

I could tell jimin had already gotten ahead of the drinking game.

We all got comfortable around the living room.

The order was namjoon, taehyung, Y/N and me on the big couch.

And jimin and jungkook on the one seater.

But you know. Jimin was on jungkook lap.

(My friends ship jikook. I personally like vkook)

"What do you guys want to do?" Taehyung asked.

I sipped my beer.

"Idk we could play truth or dare or something." Namjoon suggested.

"What are we, 12?" Y/N blurted out.

"No, only you are." I teased, rufling her hair.


She groaned and brushed through her hair with her fingers to fix what I did.

"Do you have something better?" Namjoon asked.

"Well if we play truth or dare, everyone pussies out and choses truth." She stated crossing her arms.

"Don't use that language.." I scolded her.

"You curse more than I do." She sassed.

I leaned in on her ear, whispering,

" You better quit it, I'm not joking."

I backed away, taking a look at her reaction.

She nodded.

She's a good girl..

Yoongi keep the adult thoughts out.

We decided on a movie.

"Can we watch Nightmare on elm street?" Namjoon asked.

"Yeah, it's on Netflix. "

Namjoon started it, but not before he broke one of my Xbox controllers.

Just like the old days. God of destruction.

The movie started.

Every so often I felt movement from the side of me.

Y/N was flinching every time something popped on the screen.

I whispered once agaim into her ears.

"Come here if your scared."

She didn't hesitate to cuddle into my chest.

I chuckled silently.

No one saw what happened except Taehyung. He watched the whole time.

I looked up at him.

He had a sad look in his eyes.

I nodded at him.

He mouthed a 'sorry'.

I mouthed 'it's okay' back.

The movie continued on.

When the movie ended, and namjoon turned the lights back on.

Jimin fell asleep on jungkook who was asleep as well.

Tae and namjoon were awake.

I looked down at Y/N..she was fast asleep. She was hugging my waist and I had my arm around her shoulders.

I couldn't wake her.

I whispered to namjoon.

"Hey if you want you can crash here..its kinda late. The guest room has two beds." I flicked my head at Tae as well.

They both nodded.

"Second door on the right." I whispered yelled.

I lifted Y/N up bridal style.

She didn't even move a muscle.

So peaceful.

I walked her to my room and set her down. I covered her with my blanket.

I sat down on the floor, right next to my bed. I watched her sleep for a few moments. I decided to change and make a little pallet out of blankets on the floor.


I fell asleep, with a smile on my face.

I woke up with a blanket over my head. This wasn't my blanket.

Did I get hammered last night?

No...i dont have a hangover.

Where am i?

I lifted the blanket off my head, and looked around. It wasn't familiar either. I stood up, but tripped on something.

"OW FUCK!" something under me yelled.

I landed on something soft.

I opened my eyes to be face to face with yoongi.

I got up quickly, slightly blushing on how close we were.

He stood up too. Then I realized what he was wearing.

Pajama pants and no shirt....

"Yoongi! P-put on a-a shirt-t!" I shouted, covering my eyes.

"Oh sorry,Y/N." I heard his footsteps recede.

"Okay you can open your eyes, kid. I'm clothed." He laughed.

"Good..jeez, have some decency." I sassed.

He raised an eyebrow and walked slowly over to me. My eyes widened as I back into the wall.

He stopped in front of me.

"...here, go take a shower." He handed me some of his clothes.

I nodded, waiting for him to step back.

But he didn't.


"Yes, Sweets?"

"Can i-I go take a shower?"

He sighed playfully.

"I guess..come into the kitchen when your done. Im gonna cook some food."

~After my shower~

I slipped on the bottoms he gave me.

They were too big for me.

But since they were sweats I pulled the strong tighter so it'd stay up.

The shirt wasn't much different.

It went to my knees.

Great, thanks God.

I walked out of the bathroom and out to the kitchen.

I froze when I saw 5 boys staring at me.

"What?" I asked jumping onto the stool at the bar.

"You look adorable in my clothes."

I snapped around to look at him.

"Whatever, they are too big for me."

"Exactly.." He chuckled, handing me a plate of pancakes.

I pouted and grabbed a fork from a cup and began to eat my waffles, right after I drowned them in syrup.

"Jesus, So you run on sugar?" Namjoon asked, laughing.

"Nah just Suga." Taehyung teased.

"YAH!" Yoongi called at Taehyung and ran after him.

I giggled at the boys.

They all were laughing. Even jimin and jungkook, noticed after a whIle of the scene in front of them, when they were usually in their own world, kissing eachother.

I was jealous.

They had eachother.

They had someone to hold onto.

To kiss.

To call theirs.


No..he Just wants to hang out.

We are friends.

I watched Y/N stare at jimin and jungkook. She sighed.

She was lost in thought.

"Hey, Everybody. Jimin and I are heading out. Thanks for this. Let's hang again soon. It was nice to meet you, Y/N. Hope to see you again. "

Jungkook bowed and left with jimin.

Namjoon and Taehyung were already in a conversation so I took my chance.

"Can we talk somewhere private Y/N?"

I whispered.

"Oh- yeah sure." She nodded following me to my room. I cleared off a space on the bed.

I sat down, and patted a spot right next to me.

She sat down, scratching her own hand, looking down at them.

I grabbed onto them to make her stop but to also get her attention.

"Y/N?" I whisper to get her to look up.

She met my gaze slowly.

"Yes yoongi?" She whispered.

Gosh, really..right now? I couldn't help but stare into her eyes. The were so breath taking.

"Um, so I know we have only known eachother for a week now, but I feel really comfortable with you..and You make my heart flutter. You always occupy my thoughts. Your just such a caring person. I didn't think someone like you would come into my life.

I really don't deserve an angel like you..but I'll make sure I can give you everything you deserve. You deserve the world and more. Y/N.. do me a big honor..and be mine?" I closed my eye, anticipating her answer.


Oh no...what did I do..

I fucked up, didn't i...

She just wanted to be friends.

She didn't like you like that.

Didn't you see the signs????

"....I'd love to..."

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