《Caring For You [Yoongi X Reader]》I'm Sorry


I woke up the next morning.

'9:33 am'

Earlier than I usually wake up. Yeah, something is defiantly wrong with me.

That nurse .... is she pissed at me?

I'm hungry again.

I press the button calling the nurse. But instead of the one from before, its an older woman.

"Hello, Mr. Min. Anything you need?" she says nicely.

"Um, yes.. Pain killers? and maybe food?" I say, still flustered. I fidget with my hands.

She noticed.

"Oh, were you expecting Y/N? She is off right now. Ill be taking care of you during the day, Her at night, til your discharged. Which will be soon." I nodded.

"Ill be back soon with food and medicine" she said, exiting.

So, Y/N is her name. It fits her. She's kinda cute.

Wait, Yoongi, stop she's younger than you. What are you doing? You can't fall for her. Her lips, the way she smirked. Her eyes, they were big and Y/E/C. She was really short. Perfect.

Yoongi, stop. You'll probably never see her after you are discharged.

I left my work at 6 am and i'm exhausted to the max. I could barely drive home. I should take the bus or something but i'm afraid ill fall asleep on their or get harassed.

Traffic in the morning sucked so I got home later than usual.

When I got to my house, I could barely get myself to take a shower.

Afterwards, I sat down in my bed, and put my phone to charge.

I laid down, and thought about my day. Going over what happened.

That one patient..Min Yoongi..

He seemed pained, stressed.

He doesn't seem to have a lot of trust.

I closed my eyes, but I couldn't keep my mind off of him.

Hah. He called me a kid.

Yeah, I went to nurse school straight after high school. That's probably why I looked young to him.

But he is only 25.


My eyes shoot open, I check the clock.


Fuck! I'm late!

I shot up from my bed, grabbed my scrubs and rushed to the bathroom to wash my face.

I was in such a hurry, I left my light on and didnt even bother to go back. I went out the door and got in my car, speeding out of my driveway to my job.



I rushed to the break room to clock in, Mrs. Chae waiting to switch off.

"I'm so sorry Mrs. Chae. It'll never happen again!" I pleaded.

"Dear, It's okay. I'm not in a big rush. But watch out for the boss." She pats my back, and exits.

"Thanks, Mrs. Chae." She waves her hand signalling a 'yeah, yeah. Thank me Later'

I clock in, and sat at my desk, checking over the charts from Mrs. Chae from the day shift.

I only have 3 patients.

I should take my rounds right now.

Room's 302, 303, and 304.

302, Vitals good. Needs refill on medicine.

303, Vitals stable. Waiting for surgery.

304, I look at his chart.

He is being discharged tomorrow.

I knocked twice on his door.

"Mrs. Chae?" A low voice said.

I opened the door. "Uh, no. It's me." I said closing the door and looking at my clipboard.

"..Oh, Y/N." My eyes widen.

"How did you get my name?" I asked stunned.

He looked down at his hands, fidgeting with them.

"..Um, well. Mrs. Chae told me. I wondered why you weren't here when i woke.." He said avoiding eye contact.

"Oh, Okay. I thought maybe you stalked me." I chuckled, relieved.

His gave a small smirk.

"No, I'm not that creepy." He scratched his neck, chuckling.

"No, but you were incredibly rude yesterday and now your as sweet as pie today. What's up with that?" I questioned.

Did I just say that out loud? I can't believe I just said that. Oh no. I'm spacing out.

" Y/N?" I said waving my hand in front of her face.

I finally got her attention.

"Um, what did you say? Im sorry, I spaced out."

"I said I apologize. Something happened to me yesterday that upset me, and I took it out on the first person I saw. Which was you." I whispered the last bit.

She shook her head and chuckled.

"You aren't the first patient to be rude to me." She says.

Why would anyone be mean to such an angel? Agh, yoongi. Your becoming soft again.

"Well, is there something I can do for you? I feel really bad." I said trying not to stutter. Her cuteness is too much for me. She's so short in her uniform. Her pants are almost to long for her.


She pretends to think long and hard. I laugh at her childish behavior.

"Like, I can buy you a meal? Or.." I suggested.

"Um, I guess so." She nods her head.

Is this a date? I know she won't think of it that way. I don't know how this works. I've never done one of these. I'm just doing this to repay her. It's not like I like her. She doesn't like me either. I'm just a patient. And I just think she's cute, that's all.

"Okay, I'll hold you to that meal. I've to go check on my other patients now." she says exiting my room.

I know it's her job, but she seems to actually care about her patients. She makes me feel so comfortable but nervous at the same time. What are you doing to me Y/N?

I told yoongi I had to go check on other patients.

Instead, I quickly went to the bathroom and checked myself in the mirror.

My face felt hot, but I wasn't red.

He just told me he wanted to make it up to Me? By buying me a meal?

Did he ask me out? He wasn't flirting with me.

No, He just wants to repay me.

I guess that's okay.

He is kinda cute though. His hair is dark, and always lays down perfectly. His hands..

Every nurses dream. I could look at them all day. I want to hold hands with him.

He seems like a nice guy today. Maybe I was too quick to judge.

Wait..Y/N...This is just a patient. You won't even meet him after this.

I went back to my desk after calming myself down.

I filled in my charts and put them in the tray. I have about 8 hours left on my shift. It's only 10. Has my patients eaten?

Has Yoongi eaten?

I tell the kitchen staff to bring a meal for rooms 302, 303, and 304.

I watched the kitchen staff roll into each room and take off a tray on the cart, setting it down on the fold out table in front of them.

"Y/N, put this stuff into the calender online ASAP." My boss handed me a packet.

Everyone else's work load was different.

My boss gave me extra work cause I'm a pushover when it comes to authority.

I entered page after page of the appointments and check in's, secretly hoping that a patient would press the button so i'd have to leave this desk.

Like someone read my mind, a light on the board in front of me lit up.

Room 304.

He is needy, isn't he? I joked to myself.

I knocked twice again.

"Come in."

He was sitting up on his bed. He had a big gray jacket over his hospital gown.

"Are you cold?" I asked him.

"Yeah, about that could you turn the heat up. But that's not what I called you here for.." he said, staring at you.

"Okay, what do you need me here for?" I said facing the wall near the entrance door, where the thermometer was turning it up a few degrees. I must admit, it's always freezing in the hospital but I never bring a jacket. I'll lose it.

"Well, I'm getting discharged tomorrow. And so when you get off work, I could buy you lunch."

I turned to look at him.

He stared back into my eyes.

"Sounds- Um, Good. I'll be kinda tired and I'll still be in my scrubs. So let's just get something quick so I can sleep." I say to him, tucking my hands in my pockets and rocking on my heels.

Y/N left me after I told her I was being discharged.

Let's just hope it doesn't get awkward.

I adjust myself to a laying position.

I should sleep now so I wake up at the end of Y/N shift.

I feel even worse. 12 hour shifts.

Dealing with annoying, rude patients.

I know I was one of them.

But I apologized.

I pick up my phone and checked my notifications.

Mom: You okay? I was gonna visit you, but I'm busy with the company.

Mom: I guess your still asleep. Text me as soon as you get this.

Hoseok: I'm sorry yoongi.

Sorry that you abandoned me to have me beaten up and end in a hospital.

Yeah, I'm sorry too.

I'm sorry I wasted years on our friendship.

I'm sorry I defended you that night.

But I also thank you. Cause if you didn't. I probably wouldn't have met her.


Was my fault met with destiny?

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