《Abhishree ~ The Queen of Mahabaleshgarh》20 ~ The Queen is always the Queen
While walking back towards my Chambers, My mind was coping with several thoughts that were making my head pain like hell. I didn't know whom to trust or not. I didn't know what was going to happen now. I didn't know if whatever I do was right or wrong. I didn't know if Prince was right or wrong. All I knew was he killed my brother mercilessly whom I trusted and loved from the depth of my heart and I hated him the most.
Lying on the bed and looking at the inside version of the roof send some kind of relief to my body. It was round with beautiful designs and anyone could fall asleep just by looking at it for a few minutes. Well, sometimes I feel like these Mahabaleshgarh People were blessed with a lot of wealth and beauty.
Turning a little, I faced the view of the garden which was visible as the curtains were open. I wondered why Maa saheb gave me the most Precious Chamber but when she said that she wanted me to be her daughter-in-law, it made it a little clear to me.
Suddenly I heard Maa saheb coming and I stood up from bed setting on my dupatta and Veil. In no time she was standing in front of me. I bowed to her and she nodded, Coming closer she cupped my face and kissed my forehead. I was quite uncomfortable with her move but, I liked it because I never got a chance to be kissed by my mother and I missed her so much. No matter if I saw her or not but I always miss her and she always makes me remind that I just had a mother like her. Loving and caring.
"Abhi," She said while making me sit on the edge of the bed, and sitting beside she took my hands in her hands. I felt them soft but her skin became a little wrinkled and her veins were visible a little due to her growing age but the Glow on her face was as perfect as she must have in her young age. I looked into her eyes wondering what she gonna say now.
"Abhi, You are the perfect daughter," She said with glowing eyes and I could sense the happiness behind her eyes and smile.
I thinned my eyebrow a little not getting what she wanted to say.
Taking a deep breath she said "I am so happy, Abhi. I know, I am being selfish of being happy when you are this upset" She inhaled to take a break and look back into my eyes "But Trust me daughter. Raj did the right thing. I don't know what happened between you Guys. But, Trust me that Suryadev was just a creep and not good for you" She finished looking into my eyes.
"And Your son is?" I asked emphasizing the word 'Good'.
Her face turned a little sad but she answered. "No, He is not good too but you are capable of doing anything. You won everyone's hearts. You impressed both of us when we saw you first and We will always support you. I called you my daughter and I will make sure that nothing wrong happens to you here" She promised and continued.
"And I really believe that you can make him good too."
I stood up from bed listening to her and turning to her I asked calmly but hitched voice. "What do you mean Maa saheb"
She stood up from bed too. "You know how you come here, and now he made you your wife now, Don't you think he treats you a little especially than others," She said making her eyebrows thin line.
I cursed inside thinking of that seven shitty vows and she thinks that he treats me special. Gross...
Not thinking of any reply to her conversation, I thought to shut up while she continued.
"Abhi, The King thought to kill you that night when you kept the sword right to his neck but Raj anyhow managed to call his decision down." I looked at her, What the hell...
"He is so possessive regarding you my Daughter," She said patting my shoulder and replying to me.
Because he wants to kill me by himself because he wants to make my life hell by himself. But, I never gonna this happens, I will make him regret his decision to marry me that way.
I fake smiled looking at her and nodded as if understanding whatever she was saying.
"All I want my daughter is to make this marriage work out and I know it's tough to get over your past but you...You can try at least" She said with a tense tone and smiled tiredly.
I couldn't answer her words. I guessed, she was only thinking about her son and nothing else. She didn't know him, she didn't know what he does to me. She didn't know anything.
Moving on she signaled me to a few ladies and one of them was Sakhi looking at her made me smile instantly.
I ran to hug her and she hugged me back. Releasing the hug I looked at her face which was tensed but I nodded with a smile that made her smile tensely.
"These all work for you, Our Princess," Maa saheb's voice caught my attention.
"And I want to give your friend back to you." She said and smiled.
"Thank you so much Maa saheb," I said.
Coming towards me she said. "No need to thank you, my love. But, you have to watch a few things. Look, Abhi" She said I concentrated on her.
"The situations and circumstances in which your wedding happened would not change the fact that you are married to the Prince and Future King of Mahabaleshgarh. And, Being the first wife of the Prince, You rightfully belong to Chandra Mahal and have a few responsibilities. Before you, I was taking care of them but as you can see I am growing old and now you are the wedded Princess and I would love to pass them to you." She said with a smile and I was listening as if a puppet.
"you are taking care of all the ladies in the palace, You will be managing their funding and requirements." Coming closer she continued.
"Prince has to ask you in every political and decision-relevant for the betterment of the Palace and I really hope you will do it well. You have to become the better half that's best in all as the Queen. You already impressed the people that are Close to the throne but there is one person that you really have to take a place in her heart too. Gulaab bai" Hearing the name my eyebrows turned into thin lines considering why I had to take place in her heart.
"She is our daughter, sister of Raj, and precisely his heart. Raj loves her more than anything and if she feels any discomfort because of anyone. He doesn't think twice to pull the heart out of that person. She is quite ill these days but does not worry, you will meet her soon." I felt a little taken away listening to the love he does for his sister. Strange...that animal even loves someone.
I nodded telling her as I was listening to her. She continued "Don't worry, just be comfortable and let me know when you feel like taking responsibility, and please think again about Raj, He is not that bad. He is good in his bad way. " She said with strange eyes as if I was miles ago from reality. "Also, you will be introduced to Our people soon."
I couldn't help but nod. "You both are going to visit the Temple to take blessings of our God. The journey will be tiring as you both will go alone as local people, So prepare yourself" I nodded whatever she was saying as the Queen of the Palace.
"I need to go now," She said and I simply bowed to take her to leave. She moved away with a few ladies leaving around ten ladies back but she turned suddenly and looking at me said.
"Raj doesn't love many people but he loves madly whoever he loves." (Raj
She went away and I was again lost in my thoughts sitting on the bed. Whatever Maa saheb said was moving in my brain and the responsibility of Princess was too much.
I looked at Sakhi who was standing near me and the other ladies standing to wait for the order.
"you guys can take a rest" I retired them and Sakhi sat beside me. she took me in her arms for sympathy and hugged me back.
"I am fine, Sakhi," I said and she nodded.
"By the way did anything happen last night?" She asked with a tense yet curious face.
My mind instantly went to the warm feeling of his chest on my bare back and his strong steel hands weighing on my waist. His breath fanning on my neck and unwantedly my fingers went to my neck as I remembered the feeling. Animal...
But I managed to say "Nothing everything was fine, But I never thought that he would marry me," I said with a tense tone as it was a surprise for me.
"But, Look it came good to you, Think Abhi what could have happened if you married to that old Prince and I even heard that he already married more than fifteen times." She said catching my attention completely.
Her words made my eyes like big balls muttering "What the hell?"
"Yes, even I heard that their Empire is involved in women trafficking" My heart missed the beats listening to it.
"What, Women Trafficking?" I asked again making my eyebrows into a thin line.
"Yes, Abhi The moment I heard that I almost got fainted and I thanked God so many times that it didn't happen."
"How you got to know?" I asked.
"I heard when Prince Raj came to your Mandap. He almost fought with that Prince and I am kind of happy that he married you. I am happy that he cared for you"
What the hell? What care? What happiness? How to tell these fool people what he thinks of me? How to tell them what kind of vows he took? Everything was praising only him for getting married to me. No one even knew him.
I looked at Sakhi and said " I will talk to you a little later" But before she could reply I heard a girly voice.
"Yes, Because she will talk to me" A girl with long hair and beautiful first of all. Her dress was good and she had an attractive figure.
I stood up from bed thinking of Gulaab.
"You are Prince's Sister, Right?" I asked calmly.
Coming closer She spat. "Are you out of your mind? Bitch"
Hearing her words made me angry and curious together. She couldn't be his sister.
"Than who are you mannerless girl?" I asked in the same tone.
"I am your Prince charming's love," She said throwing her hair back.
I was so done with listening about him and if she was here to continue that shit. I would kill her for sure.
"Ohh really, You considering him my prince but still claiming that you are his love," I said looking into her eyes and continuing. "Who are you?"
She walked here and there a little with that attitude of the beauty of the world and then looked at me.
"I think you didn't hear me right. I am the one who rules over the Prince's heart, I am chandramukhi" She said.
"Chandramukhi?" I muttered thinking that I heard that name before.
"Yes, the one who gets all of the love of the Prince. The one who mesmerized the prince with her beauty. Only Prince has the right to touch me" She said the last line turning towards me and I felt disgusted.
"Ohh really," I asked as I wasn't liking her at all. She was too much of attitude and Prince, Prince, Prince...
"Yes, By the way. who are you? Well, I know Prince married you but I want to know the name." She said sitting on the couch while crossing her legs.
"I am Abhishree, Princess Abhishree," I said calmly noticing her moves.
"Hahahaha..." She laughed, laughed even harder, and walked towards me after standing up.
I wondered what made her laugh.
"What Princess?" She said standing in front of me. "What Princess? I know he made you, His slave"
Her words made something pierce in me. She made me shocked and angry together and I looked into her eyes. She was too much to handle. Price definitely had an ugly taste in girls. And who the hell gave her the right to call me his slave? I definitely gonna cut his throat.
"No matter what he made me. The Queen is always the Queen" I spat back and continued. "And let me remind you your words Chandra or whatever, I am Princess and his Wife now"
"Woah, Abhi-Shree calms down," She said touching my shoulder and said. "Don't you know Abhishree, Your Prince charming might be your husband but his love is all mine? He doesn't even look at any girl but me."
Her words made me sick and I wanted to slap her right away but my ethics were not permitting me to do so. Instead, I replied with a deadly tone meaning it.
"I don't care who he looks or not"
She instantly replied. "Ohh Really, Then what made you marry him instead of that old Lizard," She said with that feminine tone of lust, and just then I felt someone's presence. She continued "I know you wanted to marry my Prince, but keep a thing in your brain that you will never get the chance to get close to him"
I heard her and it was more than enough for me. I knew that I would never be his real wife and this marriage wouldn't work out as I was not interested in making it work but I had to make it clear to two persons. One who is the love of the Prince and the other the Prince itself who was standing behind her only visible to me.
I moved to him and I knew he heard a lot of things and it was time to make him hear the reality. Standing in front and meeting his gaze I said.
"I am not interested in your Prince, His touch, and His Presence" Moving back I bowed a little asking for his leave pretending as if he was just a Prince for me nothing else.
"I beg your leave Prince, I think you need Privacy," I said sarcastically and moved away from there.
I walked to another part of the chamber feeling hell angry and miserable. How could he tell about me to her? I hated how she made fun of me.
Entering the garden attached to my chamber I sat on the grass and a few rabbits instantly joined me. Patting their back a few tears left my eyes as I felt ugly and broken again. How am I gonna manage here? I missed my family, my Brother.
But, Somehow listening to Maa saheb and Sakhi I thought that he was right but he was just a sick prince. But I couldn't deny the fact that he saved me from that Suryadev too. I couldn't imagine what would happen to me if I was there. At least I was safe here and I have Maa saheb and Sakhi here. People here Support me.
I didn't know whom to trust or not and then suddenly a question came to my mind. Did my brother know about him?
He definitely didn't know about him otherwise he never set my marriage with him. But, How it was possible that he never saw him? They used to spend a lot of time together.
Lying in the garden I passed time until Sakhi Bai called me for Dinner.
I ate in silence but the thoughts were not leaving my mind. How come my brother didn't see him? But why did he set that alliance? I couldn't distrust him, he was my everything and he always supported me in the things that didn't involve going outside the Palace. But still, he was my well-wisher.
After finishing dinner, a thought came to my mind that there was only one person who could answer my questions. I looked outside and it was dark already. I didn't think it was a good idea of going there. But his chamber was not far away, It was close to my Chamber, and covering my face with the veil I started walking outside.
I didn't know what kind of Tsunami of questions flowing inside me and I felt really nervous about going to his Chamber as his wife. But, remembering the seven vows I took a breath in relief that he wouldn't cross his limits as he did when I went there before. I remembered how he tore my blouse with his animalistic hands and he also undid it almost yesternight.
My hand instantly went to the blouse string checking if it was done tightly. Taking a deep breath before entering his Chamber, I moved in. It was dark almost and my eyes raking for him. I went more inside his huge Chamber and there came his bedroom.
It was dark as only two oil lamps were lit. He was lying on his stomach and his back was bare.
I guessed it's his habit to sleep half-naked.
Collecting all my strength I called him.
He turned instantly looking at me. He sat up and I looked at him from afar away.
His hair looks messed up and he stood up from the bed looking at me. I undid my veil to my forehead and he was walking slowly towards me asking me "You here?"
He was walking slowly towards me noticing me from up to down and my sight fell on bare feet, strong as Lion's Paws. long and thick fingers of feet. He was wearing a plain white loincloth that hung below his navel and his abdomen was visible. His chest was strong and I could see the strong and thick muscles of his wheatish-colored body. He ran his fingers through his hair and I see his mustache which was rolled at the end showing his power and Pride.
Feeling a little shy of his strong and naked body I lowered my gaze and I felt him standing against me. "you know it's not good to Roam around this late" He said in the same thundering tone. Why was he so loud and arrogant? Animal...
Looking into his eyes I replied. "I know, It Is Important otherwise I never came here"
He smirked listening to me and said "So, tell me what's important that made you come here"
"I want to ask a question," I replied.
"What?" He asked taking a step back that made me a little comfortable.
"How you got to know about Suryadev?" I asked.
Looking at me he replied. "Everyone knows about him. He is old and flirts. He married more than fifteen times and their Empire is famous for weapons and women Trafficking. They are in the business of selling and buying girls"
"Everyone knows? That means my Brother also knew about him?" I didn't know what I was asking him but his face turned stiff suddenly listening to the word 'Brother'.
He came closer and replied with a cold but calm tone. "Obviously, How came he didn't know that? Even I wonder how dared he to fix your wedding with that bastard."
I was looking back into his black and deep eyes as I asked calmly. "Why you married me?"
His face turned in shock a little. He took a step back and answered with a flat and expressionless face that made my world spin suddenly.
"What else, Because I LOVE YOU"
- End270 Chapters
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