《Alpha's Little Luna》Chapter 18
Riding through the woods while going who knows how fast gave me so much adrenaline. It made me want to scream out the energy that I had pent up.
So that's exactly what I did.
I saw Grey glance up to me with amusement in his eyes as I smiled widely hollering in the woods where no one would hear.
I felt free, forgetting everything that happened before this.
Before I know it Grey stops in front of the pack house bumping me off so he can change back.
Like the lady I am I turn around as he raises his eyebrows silently asking if I was going to wait for a show or turn.
So I picked option B.
I clamp my eyes closed as I hear the bones break and shatter with the transition.
I know he said it's painless, but it doesn't sound painless.
Jumping suddenly when I feel two strong arms wrap around my middle. Sighing when I hear deep laughter behind me. "You better be clothed," I huff out with a small smile on my face.
"I'm clothed enough," he replies placing his chin on my shoulder.
Once again thinking about earlier I rest my head against his.
Wasn't it bliss when I wasn't thinking of the bad things that happened today? Just thinking of the good?
I don't want to be a coward, but what if I go into town again and I don't bump into Jack. What if I bump into Darren instead?
But I can't think of that.
I just have to think that Grey came today. Saved my ass, and everything is okay once again.
Though I get this feeling that Grey still feels guilty for letting me go today.
Maybe it's a bond thing?
I shudder suddenly as he places a small kiss onto my neck.
I open my mouth to engage on my thoughts and tell him I'm safe because of him, but he cuts off my words, "Come on, you need to take a shower." He pulls away and gives me a smile but this one doesn't quite reach his eyes.
His eyes still tell me they're concerned, like he hasn't gotten through his mind that I'm completely fine now. Other than the dried blood in my hair, face, oh and on Faye's hoodie. Though all of it is from my fight with Jack, but none of it's mine.
Grey starts to walk away to the house but I quickly reach out, grabbing his hand and pulling him back.
Intensely I stare into his eyes. His deep blue mixing with my emerald green. "I know you still blame yourself for all of this. I can see it in your eyes," quickly he retreats his eyes as if I'm retrieving all of his secrets from looking in them.
But I grab his face quickly replacing his gaze onto mine. "Firstly, it's not your fault that Jack confronted me. If it was anyone's fault it'd be mine because I was the one clumsy enough to run into him." This time it's my turn to look away from him.
Greyson softly places his fingers on my chin, coaxing me to look up to him again. So I snap my head up not needing his coaxing. "So what I'm saying is, stop blaming yourself for everything bad that's happened to me! You're not always going to be there protecting me." I tell him sternly.
He nods placing his hands upon my hips. "You're right, I won't always be with you to protect you." He starts, "That's why in a couple days, Sebastian is going to teach you how to defend yourself and attack when you're in danger." He smiles happily.
I stare wide eyed at him as he grabs my hand yanking me to a walking pace. This isn't really what I meant by that whole big speech and all, but he's happy so I'm happy. "Yay," I try to say enthusiastically but it doesn't quite reach that point.
Sleep is so blissful. It could easily be one of my favorite things in this world.
But when someone ruins that for me. Oh, they must have a death wish.
Right when I feel like I'm starting to conjure up a dream, maybe even the best dream I've ever had. I get woken up.
I feel soft yet very annoying kisses being peppered all across my face. I feel tempted to smile, but my already bitchy mood is keeping me from that. "It's training day little one," Greyson whispers kissing my closed eyes.
"Leave me alone Greyson," I tell him pulling the covers up to my neck turning away from him. I'm going to force myself back to sleep.
I snuggle deeper into the fluffy blankets starting to drift ever so peacefully in bed. But then he speaks up once again, "You cut me deep." He acts sad, that little tease. "Plus I'm not going to leave you alone until you wake up." Suddenly there's a pinch to my side making me jolt into the air.
I flop back onto the bed, my covers already halfway down my body.
Well now I'm awake.
"I hate you," I mutter rubbing my eyes from their sleepiness. Which I'd gladly like to put back in so I can drift off into slumber, but not everyone can have what they want.
I turn back towards Greyson and he has a smirk on his face. That damned smirk which I'd gladly smack off of him at the moment. "No you don't," he tells me pulling my body into his. Slowly he wraps his arms around me, intertwining our feet together under the blankets.
I scoff, "Yes. At this very moment I hate you."
He chuckles looking down to me. Staring up to him vulnerably I try to get him to sense that I want or need to go back to sleep.
But what I wasn't expecting was for him to pull me tighter against his body, and then unexpectedly put his lips on mine. It shocks me at first, but I quickly correct myself placing my hands upon his face.
Tiny shocks release into our lips as he nibbles on my bottom lip slightly, hungrily. But just as I was about to intensify the kiss he pulls away.
I gape at him as he starts to slither away from me. He pats my butt as he stands up. I groan annoyedly, throwing the pillow my head rested on. Yet, he just simply steps out of the way of my thrown pillow laughing at me. "You tease! You woke me up at," I glance over at the clock and my jaw drops to the ground. "4:30 in the morning for training?!" I say angrily.
I'm livid.
He smiles maniacally, "I did. You have 20 minutes to get ready." He smirks walking towards the door.
I guess I really didn't put together he was already fully dressed in a white tshirt with black joggers, and black vans. He looked damn fine, but that doesn't mean I forgive him. "You already know where the sparing circle is out back."
Just as he's about to close the door behind him I speak up, "Wait! Are you not going to be there with Seb and I?"
"No, I have to go around the perimeter and see if anyone outside of the pack's scent has trailed anywhere near here." He ends with a small smile on his face. I nod, flashing him a quick smile. "Beat Sebastian's ass for me," he smiles widely before closing the door.
Yeah, good joke Greyson.
I stuff my hands in my black jogger pockets, grumbling lowly to myself. It's still dark outside, how the hell am I supposed to see Sebastian let alone fight him? It's worth it, my conscious speaks up.
It's worth it my ass, nothing's worth waking up at 4:30.
"Hey Piglet, you look ravishing this morning." I hear Sebastian's voice coming from the sparing circle. Which I guess has lightly lit lanterns surrounding it so it's ominously bright around the white drawn out circle in the grass.
But ravishing? Again, nice joke.
Like Greyson told me I got ready in 20 minutes. This consisted of me throwing on some random clothes that probably don't even match. Finishing the pathetic attempt at an outfit I throw my hair into a high ponytail.
So no I don't look 'ravishing,' more lazy to put it.
But Sebastian? He was looking good, you know at 4:50 in the morning. This morning he ditched his glasses, which is weird because I've never seen him without them. But then he also ditched the shirt that was suppose to be on his body. I guess he ditched many things this morning.
Thank god he didn't ditch his red gym shorts.
I chuckle to myself as I walk over to him, "It's weird seeing you without your glasses." I smile not even acknowledging his meaningless tease/flirt.
He shrugs, crossing his arms over his chest. This makes his beautiful biceps pop.
Nope, you're taken. You have Greyson. Yeah yeah, I have Greyson. But that doesn't mean a girl doesn't know something pretty when they see it. "Eh, there's contacts for a reason."
"Then why wear the glasses?" I smile, raising a questioning brow.
Suddenly he takes a step closer to me. "Chicks dig it," he smirks flexing his pecs. This makes them dance up and down as if they were at a rave. I can't help but laugh and push him back playfully.
"You're so full of shit," I laugh loudly.
He frowns, but I can see him hiding his smile the best he can. "My mate will love my glasses. You wait and see Piglet," he points at me. I smile widely shaking my head.
I can't wait until Seb meets his mate. He deserves someone great. "Anyways!" He says clapping his hands loudly together. "You're here to train, so that's what we're going to do. Train."
I nod as he looks down to me, still tall as ever. He looks just above 6 feet tall, an actual giant to me. "Look, while we're training you're aloud to punch, hit, kick, smack or whatever you want to do to me. But for me, I may swing but I will never make actual contact. It's just to get you distracted or symbolize a hit," he says nodding silently asking if I understand.
"Easy enough," I laugh patting imaginary dust from my hands off on my pants. Ah, this'll be a piece of cake. No hitting? No pain? I'm up for that.
7 hours later I thought it would never end. You know when I said I could deal with no pain? Well there's pain, lots of it. Sebastian had to show me ways to take a person to the ground correctly, but he practiced it on me.
But now my ponytail is already half way down my head, and I soon figured out wearing a grey shirt wasn't wise. This meaning you can see my back sweat. Yes, I know it's autumn. But you try training with a buff werewolf for 7 hours straight.
"Alright," he huffs as I place my hands on my knees taking deep breathes in and out. Damn, I need to work out more. "Last move alright?"
My head snaps up in hope, "Until we can go back to the pack house?" I ask excitedly.
A sly smirk pulls onto his lips, as he wipes off a small amount of sweat from his brow. He's only sweat a very little amount. Me on the other hand...
"No, until it's time to spar with me."
I laugh. He must be joking. "You're shitting me."
"No! This is the sparing circle after all. You have all of the moves down pact, you're better than you think," he nods his head stroking his fingers through his blond fringe. "Alright now put your hand on my shoulder," he tells me smirking. Oh if I could just smack that thing off his face right now.
"I swear to god Seb if you flip me again I will cut your balls off while you sleep and shove them down your throat. " I threaten. I do not want to be flipped again.
His hands shoot up in surrender, "Damn. Little feisty aren't we?"
"Don't test me I've been awake since 4:30." I sigh placing my hand upon his bare shoulder as his back faces me so I'm grabbing him from behind.
Suddenly his shoulder moves slightly. One hand lands on the top of mine while the other is holding onto my upper arm. They squeeze tightly as I'm flipping through the air.
I land with an oomph as some wind is knocked out of me. I've actually lost count with how many times I've been flipped today.
I also told him not to flip me, you know what he did? He flipped me. I'm livid. "Sebastian I told you not to!" I yell, slowly arising from the ground.
He offers no hand to me, he just laughs. He clutches his stomach and his deep cackle echoes through the forest.
I glare at him crossing my arms annoyingly.
My back hurts, I'm still slightly winded, and there's grass sticking all over my hair. Like I said, I'm livid.
His laughs stops as he finally glances over to me. Suddenly he points over to me, "Good! You need that anger to fight your best!" He cheers making my eyebrow raise in question.
Sebastian separates his feet evenly so he has a good stance. "Now for the rules," he starts. "First person to get the other to the ground wins. I'll hit anywhere, but your face. But I won't hit hard." He reassures me, but I still believe it'll be hard. "Your rules still apply. You may hit me anywhere you'd like. Sound good?" I nod my head understandingly as I mimic his stance.
Suddenly I see people out of the corner of my eye. Once I look over I see Koda and Faye coming to see us spare. Where's Grey?
Oh yeah, but the situation with Faye and Greyson? That fight was over before it started.
I stood next to Greyson as he scolded Faye for leaving me. But as soon as she started crying and apologizing, Greyson ran up to his little sister and comforted her. He started saying he was sorry for being too hard on her and it wasn't her fault.
Sibling logic.
"Sebastian are you really sparing her?" Koda laughs as he makes his way towards the circle.
"Hell yeah I'm sparing her. She has potential," he smiles shining his pearly whites at them.
Faye and Koda take a spot under a tree to lean upon. "$20 on you Willa!" Faye yells.
Koda chuckles before turning to Faye. He hold out his hand "$20 on Seb," he raises his eyebrows just trying to get money. I know I'm not going to beat him.
I'm not mad at Koda for doubting me.
Faye fiercely takes his hand and shakes it. "Kick his ass Willa!" She yells sounding just like her brother.
I smirk as Koda begins the countdown.
Just breathe Willa, you can do this. You know what you're doing, you can do this. Show everyone you're not just some puny human, my consciousness tells me.
I don't even register what's happening as I sprint towards Seb and he does the same towards me. I should be terrified as a 6 foot tall werewolf comes barreling towards me. But surprisingly I wasn't.
Sebastian throws the first punch aimed towards my shoulder to knock me back, though I dodge out of the way. I almost stop and cheer for myself because that was so cool! I just dodge a werewolf's punch!
But I know I couldn't stop until I had him on the ground, so as soon as I dodge I swing my hand around landing my fist onto his stomach. His very muscled stomach.
This only ends up with me having an aching fist and Sebastian barely moving back.
He chuckles, "That was cute." Quickly he flings his foot towards me and kicks my midsection. I grunt as I'm sent back, but I'm not giving up yet. Hell no.
My feet skid across the grass as my hands dig in the dirt stopping myself. To be honest I have no idea where that came from. The adrenaline is just pumping through me.
There's also this overwhelming feeling that I need to show people I'm more.
The adrenaline is addictive, I want to keep going.
As soon as my hands dig deep into the ground causing me to stop, I instantly get up and start running towards Seb again.
I faintly hear Faye cheering, but all I can hear is my blood pumping.
The look on Sebastian's face was nothing but priceless. He didn't expect me to recover so quickly, but I did and now I feel amazing.
He squares up again, and I smirk.
Quickly I fake a punch with my left hand and as he dodges it I immediately swing my right arm. This lands a perfect and hard punch onto his jaw.
His head snaps to the side with a low grumble. Bet you weren't expecting that.
Seb recovers quickly and jabs a punch towards my stomach, but I quickly step out of the way.
But of course he sees this coming and he punches me straight in the sternum.
I wheeze as all of my air gets knocked out of me.
Quickly I turn around, letting my back face him.
Obviously I'm not going to be able to beat him with brute force. He's too quick, too strong, too experienced for me to.
So I'm going to pull on his heart strings a bit.
"Stop, stop," I say breathlessly. I cover my face with my hands so no one can see the smile starting to creep onto my face.
"Willa?" Sebastian softly says. He slowly walks up to me.
"How hard did you hit her Sebastian?!" An angry sounding Koda yells getting up from his position.
"I don't know! I was in the heat of the moment, I don't know how hard I hit her!"
"Obviously hard if she stopped," Faye says annoyed.
Sebastian huffs out a breath, as he places a soft hand on my shoulder. Ah, just what I wanted. "Piglet? I'm so sorry," he tells me softly. His voice threaded with regret. Should I feel bad for doing this?
I smile widely beneath my hands until I quickly take them off. I replace one on top of his hand and the other beneath his arm, and with all of my might I flip him over.
He has no time to recover, no time to act. By the time he actually knows what's happening he's lying on his back as I stand proudly above him. "I win," I smile down to him.
Sebastian gapes as I laugh. I just beat him, I just beat the best warrior in the pack.
I turn to Faye and Koda. Faye smiles widely as Koda gapes at me while handing her $20. "That's my girl!" Faye screams jumping into the air enthusiastically.
"Why you little," Sebastian trails still laying in the grass. "You tricked me!"
I shrug, smirking deviously down to him. "Girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do to win. Even if that means faking an injury."
"But that's not fair!" Sebastian testifies.
"Stop complaining Seb! She beat you fair and square," a voice suddenly speaks up behind us.
A smile instantly grows on my face as I turn around proud of what I had just done. "Did you see?" I say all giddy as Greyson walks up to me. He smiles widely at me as he wraps an arm around my waist.
"I came here after I was done checking the perimeter, which was just in time to see the whole thing." He says, "Very smart little one."
My heart swells with pride.
Sebastian gets off the ground rubbing his cheek, "You have one hell of a punch on you." He smiles slightly as he holds out a fist and I quickly bump my fist against his.
Suddenly Greyson leans down, his lips graze my ear making me shudder. "Care for a spar?" He asks and I want to except, but he's the Alpha.
He could best me in a split second.
My eyebrows pull together as I look up to him.
He's smiling softly, "Please?" He asks softly making me roll my eyes. I'm not going to be able to say no.
So sighing I slowly nod my head, "Good." He tells me letting go of my hip and walking to one end of the circle.
I'm in for it now.
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