《Alpha's Little Luna》Chapter 12
Willa's POV~
I stand alone in the center of the room after Koda leaves. Greyson still kneeling in front of the bed.
Did they believe my lie? Or did they see right through me?
I had to protect them. I mean if I couldn't do it with my strength, I'll do it with not telling a soul that Jared almost killed me tonight.
Sighing I roll my neck painfully, it hurts so bad.
In an instant I feel Greyson's arms snake around my waist from behind, instantly I feel warm and cuddly on the inside. Resting his head thoughtfully on my shoulder, I lean back in his embrace.
"I wish I got here earlier so you wouldn't of gotten hurt," he says softly.
Sighing I close my eyes, "You were in an important meeting. It's not like you could've known." I trail off.
He huffs out, "I could've known. I could've felt that you were in danger if I just-" he stops himself from finishing his sentence.
Rubbing my hands across his that are splayed across my stomach, I raise my eyebrow even if he can't see it. "If you what?" I ask softly.
Greyson puts his forehead onto my shoulder, "If I marked you." That sentence made shivers rush all the way down my spine even if I didn't know what it meant.
"What's that?"
Softly he places a kiss upon my shoulder, making me sigh contently. "When one mate marks another they're connected. Their feelings for each other grow. Whatever emotion one is feeling, the other can feel it too." He rubs his hands over my stomach as he begins to list off what exactly this is.
"Since you're a human you can't mind link me like all the other werewolves in the pack. But we can talk to each other via mind whenever you want to. If you're injured like an open wound, bruises, even if it's more serious than that. The mark will let me heal you faster. But most importantly if ones in danger the other can sense it." He lists off, and my eyes slightly grow. How can one thing, have so many effects?
"It's the first step before fully mating, and i'm sure I don't have to explain what that is." He chuckles making my back vibrate.
"Nope I understand," I quickly rush out making him laugh harder. Im not completely opposed to being marked by Greyson. I've said it once and I'll say it again, I feel a pull towards him. I can't explain it, but it's a strong pull.
But the only thing is, we haven't kissed yet.
You think that after all this neck kissing, and physical contact we'd at least kissed. But, we haven't. And now that I think about it, I want nothing else but his lips on mine.
This over wheeling feeling is so strong, i can't resist. Suddenly, before I can even register what my body is doing I twist around in his grasp. Roughly I grab onto his face and I pull him towards me. Our lips clash together, and as if the clouds opened up. Something good finally happens in my life.
Greyson freezes for just a second shocked at my sudden actions. But in an instant he corrects himself pulling me closer to his body with his grasp around my waist.
The kiss is electrifying and I never knew I wanted it so much until this very moment.
Kisses with Jack never felt like this.
Slowly we walk backwards until the bed touches the back of my knees. Greyson nibbles on my bottom lip making me gasp, he takes the opportunity to deepen the kiss and I happily let him.
Lowering me down to the bed, the covers seem to mold around me, as Greyson hovers above.
Finally I let my hands drift from their position on his cheeks traveling downward. I take up the feeling of his built body as my hands make a mental map.
Carefully I slip my hands under his loose shirt splaying across his toned abs. He groans deeply.
Ha! I got a reaction out of him.
I smile into the kiss. Slightly he smiles while shaking his head, but not enough to make us separate.
The only way I can describe this kiss is, well perfect. It feels so right. I can't describe this yearn I have towards him.
Once I need to take a breath I pull away, but that doesn't stop him. He plants long kisses all along my jaw and once he gets to my earlobe, I make my decision. "Mark me," I breathlessly say caught in euphoria.
Greyson freezes immediately, coming back in front of my face. "What?"
Taking my hands out from underneath his shirt I place them on the base of his neck, "Mark me Greyson." I repeat.
His eyes darken with lust at my statement, but he quickly shakes it off. "I don't want to hurt your neck." He says lightly stroking my bruised neck.
Smiling up to him, I wink. "I can take it," I playfully state.
He smirks, leaning down placing his lips on mine for one sweet second before he picks up where he left off.
Trailing long kisses along my jaw once again, as he reaches my ear he nibbles my earlobe slightly. "If it hurts, tell me and I'll stop," he tells me seriously before he moves to my neck.
He starts out with soft kisses and I feel a twinge of pain each time his lips touch my skin. Tough it out, a voice tells me.
Then as he gets to the base of my neck, he lingers on my sweet spot. Arching my back slightly I let him take his time. He smiles against my skin continuing in the one spot that my neck connects to my shoulder.
But then I think. I don't actually know how he 'marks' me. I heard his reasonings on how the after effects work, but what does he do, so I get a marked?
Gripping onto his shirt material upon his chest, I start to panic slightly. I have no idea what he's about to do. As I'm about to open my mouth to ask him exactly what 'marking' is I gasp when I feel his teeth against the spot he's been on for a while.
I feel them grow against my skin as if he's turning into a wolf at this very second. But he's still here, human as can be.
He pecks the spot one last time before his lips vanish.
Is that it? Just kisses? I would've gues-
Pain interrupts my thoughts as immense pain sprouts from my neck. Opening my mouth I expect a shrill scream to escape, but the pain is so great, nothing can escape.
Deathly my grip is tight on his shirt, as his canines rip into the flesh upon my neck.
Silent tears escape my eyes, running down my cheeks. As I feel blood escape from my wound running down my collar bone. This pain, this hurt is greater than anything I've ever experienced. It feels as if all the nerve in my body had turned into fire scorching my blood. And the hotspot of it all is where Greyson's teeth lay planted in my neck.
I want to tell him to stop, I want to tell him to get off of me.
But then everything changes.
The pain in my neck slowly fades away, forgotten. As a new feeling invades my senses.
My veins no longer feel as if they're burning, but tingly and warm.
I hold back any noises that threaten to make their way out of my lips, though clearly I fail. My eyes flutter close enjoying this brief moment of pleasure.
I feel Greyson dislodge his teeth from where they've been hidden for who knows how long?
Feeling him lick the excess blood from my skin sends immediate shivers down my spine.
Well that was, interesting. It's strange how in an instant the agony of his bite turned into a good feeling. This Were voodoo still doesn't make sense to me.
Before he looks to me he lightly lifts my head into the air as he straddles my laying position. He pulls out the pillow that was lying beneath me-probably covered in my blood, no biggy-and throws it to the floor. He carefully moves another large pillow beneath my head.
Intently I watch him as he does all of this.
I admire his face of concentration, watching his eyebrows scrunch as his tongue slightly sticks out. I almost giggle like a little school girl.
He's so good looking, my thoughts act up. And all I want to do it touch his perfectly sculpted face. But I have no energy to even lift my hands off the bed.
Wait, snap out of it Willa. You're acting strange, obsessive even.
This must be the mark acting into place, great.
Finally Greyson makes eye contact with me, and I relish in the sight of his deep blue eyes. His lips are cute and swollen, slightly tinted red from my blood. But let's forget about that. "You're ogling little one. It's not polite to stare," he jokes.
Giggling, I bite my lip studying his face still. I find him staring at me, looking at every inch of my face. Taking his time at my lips that I'm still currently biting, "Hey mister. It's not polite to stare sweetheart." I coo at him and he just smirks down to me. "I mean I know I'm gorgeous and all, but-" suddenly I'm interrupted by a large yawn. I feel so exhausted like if I just shut my eyes I'd be out. "-don't stare." I finish slapping a hand over my mouth as I just practically yawned in his face.
Well actually not practically, I did yawn in his face. He chuckles leaning down kissing the tip of my nose, "Bed time little one!" He says with too much enthusiasm. "All of your energy drains when you get marked so that's probably why you're so tired." Yawning once again I turn onto my side curling into a little ball still laying underneath Greyson. Shit, I don't even have any covers on me right now I'm just too exhausted. "You're not going to change?" He asks and I shake my head.
Chuckling he climbs off of me, I feel cold without his presence next to me. He pulls the covers over my body and I still feel cold without him.
He kisses my forehead, "Goodnight Willa." He says walking in the opposite direction
Greyson takes a step or two towards the door, and I don't know where the sudden bolt of energy came from. But I grab onto his hand stopping his path. "Don't go, stay," I tell him seriously.
Looking down to me he doesn't even ponder the decision, "Alright, I won't. Let me just go turn off the light," he smiles widely. Ah, there's those dimples.
After the light is successfully turned off, I hear him behind me shuffling. Then I hear articles of clothing being removed.
Just in time I look over, squinting into the dark abyss to see him taking off his shirt. Smirking to myself I turn back over licking my lips. He's so good looking.
The bed next to me dips down from his weight, I smile. His arm wraps around my middle sending all sorts of tingles and fireworks.
My back presses against his bare chest that I'm just itching to put my hands on, but I have self control.
His breath fans my shoulder, "Am I going to turn into a werewolf now?" My mind stupidly blurts out. This earns a soft chuckle from Greyson as he softly snakes his hand under my shirt, splaying his hand across my belly button.
"That's not how it works. You have to be born from a werewolf to become one," he kisses my shoulder quickly. I smile nodding my head slightly, and closing my eyes. It's silent for a moment before he speaks up again, "Goodnight little one."
"Goodnight," I manage to say before I drift happily to sleep.
Last night was, amazing actually.
It's strange, I never knew how much I was beginning to like Greyson until yesterday.
Just every moment that we spent together built up my feelings until last night. Last night is when I stopped denying that I truly liked him.
Slowly I begin to wake up, I didn't dare to open my eyes yet. I didn't want my slumber to be over with just yet.
Last night not a single dream came into my head, though it was one of the best rests I've had in awhile.
I hear Greyson's breathing right next to my ear, informing me that we're still closer than ever. The tingles I feel radiating around my body confirms that.
Now that my senses have woken up as well I feel that we didn't move from our position at all last night.
He still has his arm wrapped around me, but then I feel it start to move.
Greyson starts trailing his fingers all along my bare stomach, alright he's awake.
Keeping my eyes closed and my breathing calm, I wait and see exactly what he's doing.
Affectionately he runs his fingers up and down my sides, across my stomach. Basically trailing over most of my midsection.
Then he takes his hand out from under my shirt moving his fingers slowly up my arm.
Resisting the urge to shiver, and or smile I just sit there enjoying the warmth of his traveling fingers.
But then his fingers run up my shoulder and it travels to the part that he bit last night.
As his calloused, yet soft hands reach that area all of my senses go on hyper drive.
Every nerve in my body tingles with this single touch. Every hair stands on end.
It's as if last night's feeling came back, the feeling of pleasure.
My eyes shoot open, and I shudder violently. Greyson's hand immediately disappears, and the sensation vanishes. Only leaving me in a sort of pant, what just happened? "Sorry I didn't mean to wake you," he chuckles replacing his arm around my midsection. Little does he know I've been awake this whole time.
I shiver once again, "What-" I take a deep breath, "What was that?"
Wait, my voice isn't raspy at all. What's up with that?
Greyson laughs giving my cheek a kiss, "That was your mark. Why don't you go take a look?" he says proudly.
Wait, I didn't know it could be physically seen on my body. I thought it just might be an internal thing.
He didn't have to tell me a second time before I wiggled out from his grasp. I hear him chuckling behind me as I shoot up from the bed making a beeline towards the bathroom.
I wonder what it'll look like.
Hastily I jump in front of the bathroom mirror, my eyes immediately shooting to the base of my neck.
I'm lost for words when there's no trace of any wound on my neck. Other than the few blotches of dried blood around it.
But what I see instead is a dark grey crescent moon. This fucking werewolf voodoo, I still don't understand it!
Placing my fingers upon it, I don't get that sensation as when Greyson touched it.
But the mark is nothing as I thought it would be. I mean Greyson bit into my neck for fucks sake! I was sort of expecting a indention of his teeth, or still a bloodied wound when I got up. But alas, it looks like a tattoo.
And if I'm being honest, I kind of love how it looks.
I take my eyes off the mark wandering to the rest of my reflection. I haven't seen my face bruise yet, and or my neck bruise. I wonder how bad it looks.
But when I draw my attention to my face, it just looks like my face. No bruises, no purple tinting to my skin, just my regular olive skin tone.
Gasping I look down to my neck, and there's nothing there other than the mark. What the hell?
Did Greyson put makeup on me while I was asleep? Awe he's so cute.
Wait, I'm a light sleeper of course he didn't put makeup on me. I mean that boy would have no idea what he was doing.
But how? How do I have no sign of bruising?
Slapping my hands onto my face, I smoosh and kneed at my skin. I honestly don't know why I'm doing this, but I'm kind of freaked out at the moment.
I hear a small giggle and I look towards the entrance where it came from. What I see is a still shirtless Greyson leaning on the door frame with his arms crossed at his chest. This making his biceps bulge in muscle.
Damn he's fine.
I squish my cheeks together making my lips pucker as if I was a fish. "The bruises?" I sort of question out, still not sure how this is happening.
He smiles up to me, "Again, it's your mark. I told you last night that it would let me heal you faster, since you don't have any healing abilities." He pushes off the doorframe walking towards me, "Since I just marked you last night, it's healing properties were at an all time high. So that's how you healed so quickly."
As he walks just a few inches in front of me, he lightly grasps my wrists. Greyson smiles brightly, showing off his dimples. Ugh, I just want to stick my finger in it.
He slowly takes my hands off my face since they were still smooshing my face together. Leaning in quickly he gives me a little peck on the lips, though it's still enough to set off fireworks.
Quickly he lets go of my wrists, repositioning behind me in an embrace from behind.
Greyson sets his head on my shoulder as he wraps his arms around my waist. Leaning back into him I look at our reflection.
He smiles stupidly, while I mirror his expression. I can't help but touch my face again, only this time I don't smoosh it. Just lightly touching it where the bruises used to be, "I haven't seen my face in weeks without the bruises." I say quietly, so quietly that I didn't even know if I said it or thought it.
"I think you look beautiful with or without the bruises," Greyson smoothly states.
I throw back my head letting out a laugh, though I still blush at the genuine compliment. "You're so cheesy," I say once I'm done laughing.
Smirking he states, "No. That my dear was a 10/10 compliment."
This guy, I swear. "Whatever you say cheese ball," I roll my eyes playfully.
Suddenly he raises his head from my shoulder, smirking. Challenging me through the mirror, "What did you call me?"
Twisting in his hold I face his front. I look up to his face raising my eyebrow. "Ah, it's nothing." I wave my hand in the air dismissively.
"Look little one, I will accept: Sexy, Greek God, and or Alpha. But cheeseball? Sorry can't except that," he winks down to me and I just scoff rolling my eyes.
"You're so vain."
He shakes his head, "Nope sorry wrong answer." Suddenly his nice grip on my waist turns into a nightmare.
Greyson starts tickling my sides mercilessly. Here's a little fact about me, I hate being tickled. That's mostly cause I can't take it, 'cause I scream and flail when someone does it to me.
Actually I have a history of kicking people if they try to tickle me.
Letting out a shrill shriek as he digs his fingers into my sides I wriggle in his grasp, and somehow I escape.
Taking the opportunity I run for it.
Quickly I run out of the bathroom, and into the bedroom. But then suddenly deep blue eyes appear in my face out of nowhere. Damn werewolf powers.
Greyson frightens me as he appears in thin air and I jump back letting out a yelp. He can't just scare a girl like that. I mean yeah I knew he was going to catch up to me anyways 'cause my legs are actual stumps. But he didn't have to pop up in front of my face.
As I jump back I find myself tripping over the lip of the rug, sending me straight back.
So, I pull Greyson down with me. He can't get away with tickling me and scaring me without consequences.
I clench my eyes shut as I fall, holding onto Greyson's shoulders as I deplete backwards.
But as I do my head is caught softly, and my body is lowered lightly onto the ground. Peeking through my eyes I see a very smug looking Greyson looking down at me. "I win?" I say shrugging.
He laughs, "I don't think so." He smirks and just for a second I see an emotion flash through his eyes that I can't read.
Suddenly I realize the position we're in. Laying on the floor I'm below Greyson. He straddles over my body as his hands prop up on either sides of my head. Blushing violently I realize we are legitimately inches apart.
"You're blushing," he states obviously. I see him smirking like the smart ass he is.
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