《Alpha's Little Luna》Chapter 7
I can't believe him!
He never told me that I held some sort of title in his pack? I can't do that! I can't be that! I'm a human for fucks sake! I don't belong to a title in a werewolf pack.
He sighs running a hand through his hair stressfully. "The Luna is the Alpha's mate," he simply says shrugging his shoulder. He says it as if it's nothing.
But I know there's more to it, if there wasn't there wouldn't be a title.
"What aren't you telling me?" I question lowly.
He growls, squirming uncomfortably in his chair. "The Luna is equal to the Alpha, though the Alpha has more power over his pack. The Luna has more of the respect." He hides his face with the palms of his hands, refusing to look at me. "She's the one that keeps the line of Alphas going." He almost whispers the last part.
But my anger just bubbles with the last sentence, "So what you're saying is that my only importance to you, to the pack, is to get pregnant?" I angrily seethe.
"No Willa, it's not like that-"
"Face it! I'm only here to have sex, and pop out babies! Why the hell did you not tell me this earlier?!" I scream at him and he flinches back with each of my words.
"I was going to, I really was. But then you passed out, and we had our moment just a few minutes ago. I didn't have the time," The volume in his voice raises.
"Didn't have the time my ass! What was it when you listened to my tragic backstory? When you comforted me after?! Were you just trying to get in my pants faster, by letting me vent to you?!"
"No! Willa-"
"Get out," I finally whisper feeling myself shake with all this anger.
He scoots closer to me, grabbing my hand. But I quickly rip it out from his hands, "I said get out!" I yell with all my might. Feeling my tone sound more assertive.
He whimpers quietly, searching my eyes for just a second before they harden. He grits his teeth angrily as he storms to the door. But right when his hand lands on the handle, he turns around slowly, "I don't think of you as a sex toy Willa. It's more than that," he says quietly. His mood changing drastically in just a second, before leaving me to seethe by myself.
I feel my skin crawling with fury, my lungs burning from the volume of my voice.
Ugh, why am I getting so angry lately?!
I've never felt this sort of rage. Hell I've never exploded over spilt pancakes, yet I did. Lately everything has been setting me over the edge and it's pissing me off! I'm not an angry person!
Though Greyson looked so sad whenever I was yelling at him. He kept trying to protest, but I just kept going and going not letting him get a word in.
Only if I let him testify himself, was he saying the truth?
I sigh stressfully running my hands across my face.
God, I'm such an idiot. Greyson sounded sincere when he was disagreeing to whatever I had to say in my moment of fury. I shouldn't be mad at him.
I sigh once again, getting up from my bed. What I find on the table beside the bed is a pile of clothes. Faye must of dropped them off while I was asleep.
But I'm still wondering why I'm not in a hospital gown. I mean that's what usually happens when you're in a hospital. I'm still in my gross clothes.
Now that I think of it, Greyson didn't even want to let go of me. Let alone let someone else dress me into a gown.
After I dress into a cream colored sweater with some dark wash skinny jeans, I look at myself in the mirror located in the connected bathroom.
My hair is an absolute mess, and the bruises on my face don't seem like they'll ever fade. So I put my hair in a messy bun, returning back to the mirror to see how it looks.
But right as I look back up to my reflection I hear a loud shatter of something, and distant shouting saying, "Greyson! Calm down!"
I gasp immediately regretting all my actions from minutes ago.
Quickly I run out of the room following the noise of destruction, and yelling voices.
Soon enough I stumble upon the living room. Vases are shattered, picture frames are in pieces, and in the middle of the wreckage is Greyson. He's heaving heavily, shaking. And in front of him is Koda, Sebastian, and Faye trying to calm him down.
Greyson's back is to me so he can't see me, but I make eye contact with Koda from across the room. He shakes his head silently, telling me to stay where I am.
But I can't do that. I'm the one that made him upset, I'm the one who made him destroy the lounge. I'm the one who needs to fix this.
So defying Koda's warning I run to Greyson. They all widen their eyes as they see me coming up behind him, but I ignore them.
Quickly I run around Greyson so I'm facing his front, and I wrap my arms around his midsection tightly. I bury my head into him getting a whiff of his forest scent. "I'm so sorry Greyson. I shouldn't of yelled at you, I should've heard you out." I tell him as my voice comes out muffled as it's buried in the fabric of his shirt.
He becomes stiff for just a second, but then I hear him take a small sniff recognizing my smell. His body immediately becomes relaxed. I take a deep breath out along with everybody else.
But then Greyson suddenly leans down, wrapping his arms under my arms.
He picks me right up off the ground, I yelp reflexively putting my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist so I don't fall off. "Mine," he grumbles lowly turning around to the stairs. He places his hands under my thighs, dangerously close to my butt.
I look to Koda, Sebastian, and Faye, pleading silently for help. But they all just smile happily. Faye even waves goodbye.
Meanwhile Greyson takes in a big whiff of my scent, and I let it slide because of how worked up he was.
He takes me up the stairs while I just give in to being wisped away.
We start walking down a familiar corridor and I remember we're going to the room I slept in my first night here. What are we doing?
He quickly goes towards the bed and plops down on it with me still attached to him. His head stays planted in the crook of my neck, breathing deeply.
I absentmindedly play with the hair on the back of his neck, letting him settle down for a second.
We just sit there for a few seconds, but then all the sudden I feel him press a warm kiss on the base of my neck. This makes me violently suck in my breath, becoming stiff. I feel him smirk against my skin, kissing me again in the same spot but longer. "W-What are-are you doing?" I stutter.
He disconnects from my neck, still hiding his face from me. "Showing you who's boss. I am the Alpha wolf after all." He wittily says.
Quickly he goes back to kissing my neck, I gasp finally registering what exactly he said. How exactly he worded it. Sliding my hands down to the sides of his face, I pull him off my neck. He grunts stubbornly finally showing me his face.
That explains his behavior, "You're Greyson's wolf." I say, sort of breathlessly from the previous events.
His eyes burn brightly. His eyes a simmering golden color. It takes my breath away with how beautiful they are. It reminds me of autumn leaves that are just about to fall to the ground. They're amazing.
He smirks at me, seeing me stare at him. "Jax to be precise." He pulls me closer to his body, giving me a wink. Well it looks like Jax, can't contain himself.
Guys-or maybe wolves-and their testosterone.
"Jax? Can I talk to Greyson?" I ask him.
He places his hand on his chin, looking up to the ceiling, making a 'thinking face.' Now is he really thinking? I ask myself.
But according to the smirk on his lips, I bet he's not really pondering his decision.
He looks back down to me, "Uh, not yet."
Suddenly Jax flips me over to where my back is pressed up against the bed and he hovers above me. He smirks down to me as I blush violently.
"Don't." I whisper staring vulnerably into his eyes.
He raises his eyebrow looking smugly down to me, "Don't do what?" He asks leaning forward. He's hairs width away from my face and my breath catches in my throat. "This?" Suddenly he turns his head connecting his lips to my neck once again.
I sigh contently, as his warm lips land on my hot skin. Why am I acting like this? I should be pushing him off me, telling him to stop.
But it just feels so right.
He disconnects for just a second, "and this?" He mumbles against my skin, sending shivers down my spine.
As he makes contact again, lower down my neck, I groan arching my neck begging for him to continue.
Jax smirks, he knows he found the sweet spot and spends more time there.
I grab onto the material of his shirt on his chest as I can feel his teeth brush against my skin.
But then the presence of his lips vanish, and he appears in front of my face. I pant slightly, looking up to him.
What the hell just happened?
He smiles slightly down to me, "Until next time love." Jax says before closing his eyes.
As he opens them back, the gold is no longer there. "Greyson?" I say sort of breathlessly, making me blush.
He smiles softly down to me as he still hovers above me. He starts crawling off of me, "Sorry about that. Jax is sort of-how do you put it-horny." He chuckles plopping down next to me.
I blush violently, sitting up next to him. I look down to my lap embarrassed of how I just acted, how I didn't stop it.
But I feel soft fingers place under my chin pulling my head up, and I obediently look over to Greyson. "Don't be embarrassed. It was, cute." He says smiling down to me.
I shake my head after he drops his hand from my chin. This isn't what I wanted to talk about, and Greyson knows that because he changes the topic quickly. "So about what happened earlier-"
"No, it was my fault. I don't know why I blew up so quickly. I should've had you explain, but I was just furious for some reason," I laugh even though it's not funny. "That's been happening a lot lately."
He furrows his eyebrows, but he quickly shakes it off. "Willa, I don't think of you as a sex item. There's more feelings than that."
I nod, smiling up to him. "I know, and I get that. I-" suddenly there's a sharp pain in my lower back. I yelp loudly, clutching the spot it hurts.
It feels as if someone is stabbing me with a dull knife twisting it around through my spine.
"What's wrong?" Greyson questions worryingly placing his hands on my knee and over the hand clutching my back.
I shake my head biting my lip, "I don't know. Ever since we got into the argument I've had this dull ache, which I just thought it was an after effect of passing out. So I never really addressed it. But now-now it feels as if I'm being stabbed."
"Turn around, let me look at your back." He tells me softly.
I turn as he tells me to, but then he starts pulling up the hem of my shirt and I freak out. "No, no wait." I tell him and he stops in his tracks.
"What's wrong? I'm just going to pull it up enough to see your lower back," Greyson says calmly.
"I-I," I stutter. I fling my hands over my face, "I don't want you to see all my scars and bruises." I whisper ashamed.
Greyson suddenly gets up from the bed. I know he left. How couldn't he? Probably doesn't want to see my pathetic face.
But to my surprise he sits down my front of me, wrapping me in the warmest embrace I've ever experienced. "Wear your scars proudly, because it's just a sign that you survived. It's a sign that you don't give up easily, that you're strong." He tells me and I slowly wrap my arms around his midsection bringing him closer to me.
He always knows exactly what to say, at the right times. He's been through the exact same as me, he's the only person that's understood what happened to me.
Without even thinking about it, I breathe in his forest and cologne scent.
He chuckles and it vibrates against my ears as my head is pressed up against his chest. "Who's weird now?" I slap him playfully on the side of his head, "O-Ow? What was that for?"
I smile, "For ruining the mood doofus." I tell him pulling away.
He smiles wider at me, "I got you to smile though." I smile stupidly towards him rolling my eyes. But suddenly his expression goes serious. "Now can I look at your back?" My smile fades, but I nod my head nevertheless.
Greyson gets up off the bed again, reappearing behind me. I sigh looking down to the bed. He once again grabs onto the bottom of my shirt. He makes sure to go slow, so there's time for me to make any objections. But I let him examine my back.
Lightly he traces his fingers over my spine, they freeze for just a second. Pausing over my spine. His breath hitches slightly and I become panicked. "What's wrong?" I worriedly ask.
"Hmm? Oh-it's nothing," he tells me outlining my spine with his fingers once again.
But then they travel across my skin. I shiver as they trace over a knife slash that I received for crashing the car. Sure I had a broken arm because of the incident, and I was the one that got rammed. But my stepfather didn't care. He just cared that I cost him a lot of his alcohol money. So he took out a kitchen knife and without me looking swept it across my back. He wouldn't let me go to the hospital, he just said "Wrap it in toilet paper bitch." And left to sit back in front of the tv.
I told Greyson just that, as he continued to stroke the same scar. But what surprised me was that he pressed a kiss against the scar. Then another on one I received for forgetting to buy him cigarettes. Then another one that I received just because he was bored.
"You didn't deserve any of that," he says quietly. He presses a final kiss on the back of my neck letting it linger there for a second. "If I ever see that man. That man that treated you like this. I-" I quickly turn around taking his face in my hands.
"Don't worry about him," I tell him calmly. "It's just that when I get home, he's going to k-"
"I'm not letting you leave," he interrupts grabbing my hands off his face holding them in his.
I look down to our hands, "I'm going to have to go back sometime Greyson."
He growls making my head snap up, "I'm not letting him touch you ever again. You're mine." He stiffly tells me his eyes darken.
Swiftly he reaches out grabbing my shoulders and pulling me flush against his chest.
I sigh wrapping my hands around his waist, "But he might call the cops when I don't show up at the house when I was suppose to after the camping trip."
He stiffens, "Camping trip? You were on a camping trip?"
I cringe slightly, I guess I never told him. I don't want to go back and dwell on the whole Jack and Addie situation just yet.
"I don't want to talk about it," I mumble against his chest.
"Later, Greyson." I bite out, and he growls quietly at my harsh tone. "Can we, just-you know-get some food. I'm starving," I try to change the subject pulling away from his embrace.
"Yeah," he sighs grabbing my hand before we stand up. I ignore the ache in my back once again.
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