《Alpha's Little Luna》Chapter 4


Now, you think I'd be too terrified to sleep, too terrified to even close my eyes. Well, that wasn't the case at all. That must of been the best sleep I've had in years.

Right after Greyson left the room last night I laid my head on the pillow and I was out within two seconds. I never woke up, I didn't even dream. It just felt like a long, deep, slumber.

Sitting up with a stretch, I decide to test out my legs to see if they actually decide they want to work today.

Slowly I set my feet on the cold wood applying weight onto them. Alright good so far, let's try to make a step.

So slowly I take a step, then another, and another until I make it to the door. I did it, I think triumphantly. Which now that I think about it, it's really not that big of a deal. I seriously took four steps. Oh well, I couldn't walk yesterday so this is an improvement.

Alright, Greyson said that he'd be downstairs in the kitchen. At this moment he's the only one I know, the only one I can be around without fearing for my life.

I just need to find a way to get out of here.

As soon as I get a chance I'm leaving, never looking back, and accepting my life with my step father. At least his beatings were predictable where I could prepare for them. But here, I don't know what's going to happen to me. I'm living in the unknown.

As I walk out of the room a beautiful aroma of breakfast wafts up my nose. I sigh at the smell walking down the stairs. I let my nose guide me through the massive house.

Modern decor decorates the whole place. Dark wood flooring scatters the hallways as well as light grey walls. Windows cover walls from floor to ceiling giving the great view of the mystical forest surrounding the house.

Before I know it I've made it to the entryway of the massive kitchen.

I step in taking in a big breath of pancakes, closing my eyes in delight. A smile graces my lips, my stomach growling involuntarily.

I open my eyes with my thoughts only to be met with three men, excluding Greyson who's nowhere in sight.

Suddenly I feel self conscious in my baggy white t-shirt and too long grey sweatpants that go past my feet.

I should've stayed upstairs where it's predictable, and as safe as I could be.

Two of the men are foreign to me.

But then there's the one who I've grown to hate. I think his name was Jared.

I notice a newly formed bruise forming over his eye, and a little gash on his lip. When did that happen?

Apart from him are two other guys. One of them has dark brown hair messily styled with shaved sides. I also notice one of his eyes is a light chestnut color and the other is a piercing icy blue.

The other has dark blonde hair swooped to one side of his forehead. He has dark brown eyes paired with black rimmed glasses, once again damn.


Not to mention both of them are built and muscular.

I didn't even notice me staring at them with wide eyes until blondie clears his throat, making me look down quickly. Nerves starts tingling up my body, my heart picking up in speed. "Are you this week's girl?" His voice smugly speaks up. I look up quickly noticing that blondie was still the one that said it.

What the hell does he mean by 'this week's girl?'

All of them smirk devilishly at me while I just look confused at all three of them. What are they implying? What are they thinking?

"No?" Blondie says walking towards me.

"Sebastian, give the poor girl a break," multicolored eyes speaks up.

Blondie, or I guess Sebastian doesn't stop his track towards me. While I just stand there not knowing where to go, frozen from fear. No matter how hot these guys are, I don't trust men. "Relax Koda," he says inches away from me. His minty breath blows in my face as he towers over me.

He softly pinches a piece my long, waist length hair between his fingers. I clench my eyes shut, fearing for what he might do next, bracing for any unexpected hits. "Why is your face so bruised?" He questions quietly more to himself then me. I don't even think he knows he said it out loud, because when I slowly pry my eyes open he's still looking all over my face and not searching through my eyes for an answer.

"Really Sebastian, I think you should step back before-" Jared speaks up before he's interrupted by a low, deep, threatening growl coming from behind me.

I gasp hearing the animalistic sound.

Instantly I know that it's Greyson, I've heard the same growl once before. Sebastian immediately stops stroking my hair and recoils back quickly.

Suddenly I feel an arm wrap around my waist. I look up to see Greyson glaring at Sebastian. His eyes seem darker than they were before, but that could just be from the lighting.

Hurriedly I try to scramble out from Greyson's grip, but it's so tight around me that I have no chance of escaping. "Jesus christ Grey! Could you have gone a little easier on her last night in bed?" Sebastian half jokes, half says seriously. I look down instantly feeling my cheeks begin to become red. He obviously doesn't know what happened with the whole torturing, and stuff.

Also he thinks Greyson and I slept together? Yeah sure, nice joke.

"Please Sebastian," Greyson fumes, his eyes getting darker as the seconds pass. "Tell me why I'd beat her face black and blue during sex? That's right! I didn't," Greyson says gritting his teeth angrily.

He pulls me closer to his body as he literally shakes in anger, what the is going on?

Suddenly Sebastian's eyes become wide as he slowly turns to face the boys behind him.

Wait, Greyson said he was going to talk to Jared last night after he saw my distress about my bruises. Did he punch Jared?

Jared scoffs loudly as him and Sebastian make eye contact. He rolls his eyes storming out of the room. Good, one less person for me to worry about.


Still Greyson shakes with anger as he grips the fabric of my shirt tightly on my waist. Hey, it's better than my skin being gripped tightly in his grasp.

If he doesn't calm down now, I don't know what he's going to do. He could literally rip Sebastian's head off with the fury radiating off his body.

Greyson suddenly takes in a few big breaths and his eyes gradually turn back into their deep blue.

Slowly his grip around my t-shirt loosens and he presses his palm against my lower back.

I find my opening stepping out of his grasp.

Standing off to the side I watch as everyone goes towards the food. But I just take a step back looking for the door. This could be my chance to run.

Though my head snaps in the other direction when I hear someone clear their throat. "Come eat, you need some food." Greyson tells me softly. Motioning his head to come to him.

I swallow harshly, timidly making my way towards him.

From the corner of my eyes I see both Koda and Sebastian with their mouths gaping at Greyson

Greyson walks over to them slapping the sides of their heads not so lightly, making them close their mouths. He whispers something to the other two boys that I can't make out, but after, they all have huge smiles on their faces.

But then to my surprise Koda goes in for a bro hug. You know the one where they pat each others back for a quick second before pulling apart. But then Sebastian does the same, even though just a second ago Greyson was about to flip out on him.

As I turn around with my full stack of pancakes. I don't want to make anyone annoyed or mad at me. I have to do what they tell me. It's the best way to get out of here without getting more hurt than I already am.

Though my waist suddenly runs right into the edge of the marble table top making all the air leave my lungs and my pancakes leave my hands.

It all happened in slow motion. I saw my plate fly from my hands as my pancakes and all their glory fall to the ground.

My plate shatters loudly onto the ground as my pancakes scatter the floor.

I don't know why, but this made me furious.

The pancakes were the one thing in the past day that was good. They were my ray of hope, and it literally shattered before my eyes. I'm livid.

"Are you kidding me?!" I yell, and I see all three of the boys stiffen before me. "I've been kidnapped, electrocuted, and beat in the last day! These pancakes were the only thing that was going good for me and I drop them?" I explode, heaving breathes out heavily.

"Damn," I hear Koda whisper snapping me out of my frenzied state.

Why the hell did I just get so upset about dropping pancakes? I've never blown up like that especially because of pancakes...what the hell is wrong with me? "S-sorry," I stutter out dropping to the floor to pick up the broken plate pieces.

I tremble putting the pieces of glass in my hand, adrenaline pulsing through my veins from all the fury I just released. "Hey, it's alright. I'll get someone else to clean it up," I hear Greyson before me.

I shake my head violently picking up my mess. If I didn't do this back at home I'd get in big trouble. If I didn't pick up my shoes, or clean up my lunch, hell if I spilt water on the table I'd get beat. I need to clean!

"Willa! Willa, look at me," my hands immediately stop from a force holding them.

The force strokes cooling circles onto my skin. Still shaking from either yelling at my pancakes, or from all the memories of late night beatings. I look up looking into blue orbs. "I need to clean this up," I softly tell him trying to wiggle my hands from his grasp, but yet again no avail.

"No you don't, I'll get someone else to." He says smiling, wiping off a traitor tear that I didn't even know escaped my eyes.

Ugh I hate emotions, especially when I'm feeling two at the same time: anger, and sadness.

I nod slightly never looking away from his eyes. God, why am I acting like this?

He helps me up, still grasping his hands in mine. I feel like I don't have control of my emotions, I'm like a loose cannon.

"Come on, I have someone to introduce you to." Greyson guides me through the house and up the stairs once again. He didn't give Koda, or Sebastian a second glance when we walked passed them. But I did, and they both gave me slight smiles, kind of like reassuring smiles.

He leads me to a different door that's down a completely different hallway than the one I had last night.

I stare at the door wondering if he's going to take me to the executioner or something. He did say he wanted me to meet someone, maybe he wants me to meet death.

Out of the corner of my eye I see him glance down at me before he raises his fist knocking on the wooden door. "Come in!" A feminine voice comes from inside.

Slightly my eyebrows raise, as I expected a raspy voice saying 'bring in the prisoner,' or something like that.

Greyson opens the door dragging me in with him. What I see is a beautiful girl around my age with long wavy hair that reaches just above her belly button. It's as black as night, just like Greyson's, but unlike Greyson she has icy blue eyes instead of a darker blue.

"Faye, this is Willa." He motions from the girl to me and then he looks down to me, "Willa, this is my younger sister Faye." He smiles, and I cock my eyebrow slightly. His sister?

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