《I won't leave you (A Bonnie x Mike fanfic)》When I met him..


(Bonnies P.O.V) I sit on the stage, waiting for it to finally be midnight, I couldn't wait to finally move around, I then see the manager showing the new guard around, oh great, a newbie, the manager moves away, I see the new guard, he's kinda cute, wait, what? Why'd I say that, not the point, the manager finishes the tour, 12 rolls around, I'm the first one off the stage.

(Mike's P.O.V) I sit in my chair, oh boy, first night on the new job, it's a little scary, but who doesn't have the first time jitters right? I sit in my chair, listen to this guy talking on the phone.. yadda yadda yadda.. so I see the rabbit move, I freak out a bit, it starts getting closer, and closer..

(Bonnie's P.O.V) I get closer to the office, wanting to get a better look at the cute guard.. what the hell brain? Anyway, as I get closer, I peer at him from the dark, I honestly wasn't in the mood to kill anyone tonight, so I just stepped into the office as he looks at a camera, I stand a bit taller than him. "Hi.. Mr. Guard.."

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