《Keeping Up With Cade》Epilogue
* * E P I L O G U E * *
'I never even thought to try on my dress again, we bought them so long ago now I hope they still fit,' Hailey bit her lip in worry as she stared at her and Blair's formal ball gowns hanging up in her wardrobe.
'You haven't put on too much weight this year...' Blair squinted at her friend trying to contain her amusement as Hailey whacked her arm hard.
'Thanks, you bitch!'
Blair laughed loudly, 'Relax, you look amazing. If anything we've both lost weight after that hellish exam period.'
'I can't believe our final graduation ball is here,' Hailey collapsed onto her bed in excitement. 'It's almost making me forget about the fact I haven't had my Uni acceptance letters come yet. You're so lucky Blair you know exactly where you've been accepted, you have nothing to worry about. Your future is set and you've only got everything to look forward to...' She trailed off sounding a little sad. 'Why hasn't mine come yet?'
Blair sat down next to her best friend wrapping her arm around her in comfort, 'Don't worry about it Hails, Cade hasn't got his yet either. It doesn't mean anything, and it doesn't mean you didn't get accepted anywhere because you know how smart Cade is and he's in the same boat as you.'
Hailey smiled, 'You're right. As usual.'
'Now maybe you should focus on something more important like the fact our Grad Ball is next week, and we're the only girls in our year to not have a hair and make up appointment booked on the day.' Blair said with a grin, 'Clearly a more important and pressing issue.'
Hailey laughed, 'the sad thing is, you're totally right.'
'And you have a confirmed date,' Blair rolled her eyes. 'You're definitely doing better then me.'
'Blair,' Hailey laughed. 'You have a boyfriend now, I think it's kind of expected you guys are going together. That's probably why he hasn't asked you, he'd just assume he was taking you.'
'That would be Cade, wouldn't it,' Blair frowned. 'But what if he'd already asked someone ages ago? Let's face it usually people organize dates for these things months in advance! What if he's done that and too afraid to bring it up with me?'
Hailey laughed, 'Hardly, Cade isn't afraid of you and besides who would he invite?'
'I had Brady as my date up until a few months ago, it's possible,' Blair argued.
'Relax, why don't you just ask him? That would be the logical thing to do.'
Blair giggled, 'Logical? Me?'
'Come on, let's go and raid Mum's make up,' Hailey dragged her friend out of the room. 'Besides I think you have an even more pressing issue to deal with than your lack of date to the ball.'
Blair groaned, 'You're right!' Cade's mother would be arriving tomorrow from Switzerland.
Hailey laughed, 'I love my aunt and so will you! She's not bad at all. Definitely not as daunting as meeting your mother would have been.'
Blair had completely forgotten Cade's mother would arrive tomorrow for a two week holiday. She was beyond nervous, apparently Cade had never introduced a girlfriend to his mother before.
'Hey Blair? Can you come in here for a second?'
Blair paused and popped her head around Cade's bedroom door where he'd called out to her. 'What's up?'
'Come in here for a second.'
Blair sighed and called out to Hailey who'd already entered her parents' room, 'I'll catch up with you in a minute!' She opened his door wider and spotted Cade leaning casually against his desk.
He shrugged at her, 'Want to go to this graduation thing together then?'
Blair just stared at him, seriously?
Jacob had asked Hailey over a romantic dinner for two and had spelt out 'GRAD BALL?' in candles over their desert.
Brady had asked Wes by dressing up in a Bear costume holding a balloon that said 'Will you go to the ball with me?' It had become a bit of a tradition in their school to come up with fun, wacky ways of asking each other.
Cade had just asked her leaning against his desk wearing old tracksuit bottoms...
'Ugh... I guess?' Blair replied trying not to feel too disappointed. She was annoyed at herself for having higher expectations, they'd only just got together. He was finding it hard enough to be 'couply' with her as it was.
Cade grinned at her broadly from his spot not moving, 'That's cool.'
'Yeah,' Blair frowned at him she turned to head back to Hailey when she heard him speak again.
'I suppose I should give you these now?'
She spun around slowly at the light playful tone he was using and watched as he pulled the most amazing bouquet of flowers from behind his back. They were huge, how didn't she notice them behind him before now?
'Oh my God Cade,' she breathed as he held them out to her with an adorable smile.
'You're amazing Blair,' he said gruffly. He looked amazingly uncomfortable, 'I would love it if we went together.'
She could feel her face break out into the biggest smile and took the flowers bringing them up to her nose delicately to smell them. 'Oh Cade, they're beautiful. Thank you...'
'You deserve them.'
'Blair?' Hailey called out popping her head into Cade's room, her eyes widening as she spots the huge bunch of flowers in Blair's arms. 'Oh my God,' she squealed jumping into the room and bounding over to Blair. 'Oh my God how cute! Cade!' She turned to her cousin with almost tears forming in her eyes. 'I knew you'd pull through with something, you had us worried though! Way to leave it to the last minute!'
Blair laughed embarrassed for him, 'Chill out Hails.'
'No shut up B, this is adorable and deserves the appropriate amount of squealing!' Hailey exclaimed giving Cade a hug.
'It is pretty sweet,' Blair smiled at Cade holding the flowers down by her side she walked up to him, leaning on her tip toes she kissed him on the mouth feeling his hands slip to her waist holding her in place.
Cha - ing.
Blair pulled back turning to Hailey in surprise, bursting out laughing.
Hailey was standing near the door holding up her phone clearly after taking a photo of them kissing.
'Did you just...' Cade trailed off with his eyebrows raised.
'Yep,' Hailey was proud of herself. 'I already Instagramed it too.'
Blair laughed and rolled her eyes, 'You're too much.'
'This is a proud moment, I feel like a parent.'
'You guys need to get out of here,' Cade scoffed at them losing interest quickly in their excitement.
'We do, we have so much to organize now,' Hailey clasped her hands together. 'I was hoping he'd ask you, I wasn't sure what to do with you if he hadn't.'
'Hailey!' Blair laughed. 'Come on,' now it was her turn to drag Hailey out of the room. Not before she turned around and gave Cade a quick smile. That was pretty perfect to her.
Blair fixed her shirt suddenly regretting the sheer camisole wondering if it was too see through? She tucked the back into her skirt again and fixed a glare on Cade. 'No, now shut up please.'
He smirked and pulled her into his chest wrapping his arms around her, 'Why are you wearing that? You look so hot I want to just rip those clothes off you and...'
Blair squeaked loudly and Cade stepped back suddenly, 'What's wrong?'
'Do I look too sexy? That is so not the look I went for when dressing to meet your mother Cade!' She was distraught.
'No, that's not what I meant,' he groaned. 'I'd want to screw you even if you were wearing your daggy pyjamas sweetheart. Don't take notice of me, I say stupid things.'
Blair stopped feeling sorry for herself and a small smile slipped onto her face, 'Sweetheart? That is so cute.' She decided to ignore the part about screwing, choosing her battles.
'She will love you, seriously you don't know my mother. She loves our postman for crying out loud, it's not hard to get on her good side.' Cade smiled.
'I'm just nervous, weren't you like this when you were meeting mine?'
Cade smirked, 'No chance, parents adore me.'
Blair rolled her eyes, well that was true. Her parents did seem to take to Cade quite well.
All the commotion downstairs led them to assume his mother Sara had arrived. As Cade's face broke into a broad grin he sprinted out of the room down the stairs leaving Blair to cautiously peer out her bedroom window. She watched Cade and Jane standing in the driveway waiting for Sara to climb out of the taxi and had a major jolt of de je vu.
At the start of this year she sat on this exact window sill with Hailey giggling as they watched Cade climb out of a taxi, she remembered thinking how gorgeous he was and Hailey teasing her mercilessly about it. She bit her lip thoughtfully, pondering how everything had turned out. They were in a relationship now after months of sneaking around, Blair had to admit she didn't hate the secrecy, it was kind of hot at the time. But she was glad they were out in the open now, she hated lying to everyone.
She watched Cade jump into his mothers arms and as Jane joined their group hug, clearly hearing the squeals of delight from where she sat. Her eyes travelled over to the desk where her acceptance letters sat from the three universities she'd wanted. She was holding off deciding, waiting to see where Hailey, Brady and Cade were going. She'd only told her parents last night about the letters and she couldn't remember ever seeing her mother smile so widely.
'I knew you were bright baby,' she'd said giving Blair the warmest hug she'd ever received.
'I couldn't be prouder of you,' her father had said promptly offering to buy her a car for her results.
Of course Hailey's parents were over the moon for her, but they weren't surprised at her results, they'd expected it.
As Blair watched Jane, Cade and Sara head inside the house she took a deep breath and headed for the stairs, it was time to meet the parents. When she reached the living room, Sara was hugging Hailey excitedly, there was loud noises and greetings all over the room and Blair felt a little awkward for the first time ever in Hailey's house.
Suddenly Sara's eyes snapped over to Blair and they absolutely sparkled in delight, 'You're Blair.' She said simply with a warm smile. 'I have enough photos of you on my phone from Cade to pick you out of a crowded concert honey, come over here!'
Blair shot Cade a curious look as she smiled back heading over to Sara and was immediately enveloped in a huge hug.
'It's so nice to meet you, I've heard a lot about you,' Sara grinned and winked at Cade. 'He doesn't shut up about you, even when you were sneaking around and I couldn't say anything to Janey I could tell he loved you.'
Blair felt her face turn bright red in embarrassment, 'Oh, well it's lovely to meet you too.'
'What?' Jane exclaimed with a good-natured laugh. 'Did everyone know but me?'
'I didn't,' Hailey piped up with a giggle.
'Oh my God, Mum!' Cade groaned sounding highly embarrassed.
'What?' Sara laughed. 'You never talk about girls, I've never met one of your girlfriends before. I'm your mother, let me be excited.'
Cade mouthed sorry at her but Blair shook her head and grinned, this was actually kind of fun. She wondered what other embarrassing stories she could get out of Sara before the end of her holiday.
'So what do you think of Sara?' Hailey asked Blair as they waited for Jane and Sara to come out of the candle store.
The four women had decided to go shopping before dinner to pick up the corsages and little bits and pieces before the ball.
'She's amazing,' Blair smiled shaking her head in wonder. 'You know I love Jane, but Sara is exactly like her but more outgoing and crazy. No wonder Cade is how he is, he is an utter testament to her.'
Hailey smiled, 'Look at you B, getting in with the boyfriends family? Never thought I'd see the day.'
'It hardly counts, it's your family,' Blair pointed out with a giggle.
'It does count, I've never seen you so happy. Cade must be doing something right.'
Blair blushed at her words and Hailey groaned, 'Oh my God, get your dirty thoughts away from me!'
'Sorry,' Blair laughed. 'I'm going to miss him when we go to Europe though!'
Hailey shrugged, 'And I'll miss Jacob, but who cares. Back to best friend bonding time, which I'm excited about.'
Blair grinned and linked arms with Hailey as the two older sisters approached them.
'We'd better get back girls or I won't have enough time to prepare dinner,' Jane said ushering the group towards the exit.
Blair sat in the back seat next to Hailey starting to feel excited about the upcoming few days... They had their ball tomorrow night and then the girls were off to Europe for the summer like they'd always planned. Dipping in and out of eight different countries in four weeks, to finally spend one week in Switzerland with Cade and Sara before heading home altogether. It wasn't exactly a gap year travelling Europe but spending the summer travelling and returning home in time to start University also sounded pretty cool to the girls.
Only two hours later the large group sat around a magnificent feast prepared lovingly by Jane. Blair was particularly enjoying herself because Sara had a few wines in her by now and was dishing out all the dirt on Cade growing up. Cade on the other hand was switching between glaring at Blair for encouraging her, and his mother for telling them. Blair promptly ignored him and nodded eagerly at Sara to continue.
Jane interrupted yet another baby Cade story with an amused smile to top up her glass of wine when Sara frowned, 'Can't the kids have some wine? They're old and ugly enough now don't you think?' Her eyes twinkled as she winked at Hailey.
Jane smiled, 'Oh it's fine by me, girls? I know Cade doesn't drink but would you like some wine?'
Hailey and Blair held out their glass for Jane to pour eagerly and Sara nearly toppled over in her seat in excitement. 'Oh that reminds me! By far the most amusing story, ever wondered why Cade doesn't drink?'
'Mum! No!' He looked so alarmed Blair couldn't help but giggle.
She ignored him of course, 'One night when he was sixteen years old he went to a party with some friends and was dropped home by ten o'clock absolutely wasted!'
Jane winced and Sara continued on with her story in excitement.
'He was hilarious, and decided that was the night he'd profess his love for our neighbour.'
Cade groaned loudly and sunk into his chair.
'Anyway he ignored my weak protests to sleep it off and knocked on our neighbours door too drunk to realize her mother had answered, and proceeded to profess his love to her in great detail. The poor woman was terrified, had no idea who he was at all.'
Blair and Hailey were laughing now, this was gold.
'Not satisfied with just telling her his feelings, he decides to do a strip show on her porch!' Sara exclaimed in laughter. 'The poor woman calls the police and Cade is arrested for indecent exposure! ... Never drank again!'
'Oh my God,' Blair shook her head at him. 'I can't believe that's the story behind it, the way you dodged my questions in the past you'd think it was something serious!'
'I'm so over your visit already Mum,' he shook his head at her but he was smiling.
Blair locked eyes with Cade over the table smirking at him, 'Dishes?'
He rolled his eyes and stood up with her clearing the table. Blair wanted to get him alone to tease him, she felt kind of bad doing it in front of everyone. Only once they were alone in the kitchen did she properly laugh, 'You're so embarrassed, it's adorable.'
'Shut up,' he frowned dumping the plates in the sink.
Blair slid up behind him wrapping her arms around his waist. 'How the tables have turned, usually it's me doing the embarrassing things.'
'I was sixteen, it hardly counts.'
Blair grinned, 'Shut up and kiss me. I'm oddly jealous you stripped for your elderly neighbour and you haven't for me.'
'Yet,' Cade winked as he leant down pressing his lips to hers in a slow, longing kiss.
'That sounds promising,' Blair groaned into his mouth. They hadn't really had a moment to themselves since Sara had arrived and she was loving the feeling of having his strong arms around her.
'It seems you've mistaken the kitchen for a bedroom,' Sara's amused voice was heard from the doorway and Blair stepped back from Cade quickly bumping into the counter top hard.
Blair could feel her cheeks tinge red as Cade chuckled turning back to the dishes. Their relationship was a series of embarrassing moments from the get go, but as Blair turned to help Cade by the sink, bumping his shoulder affectionately... She wouldn't wish it any other way.
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