《help wanted - Harry Styles au》Chapter 38
The rest of the week went by fairly quickly, nothing exciting really happened.
"Anaaaaa, another gift from the mister." Tina called from the front door, singing my name. I rolled my eyes and laughed. I guess there's that, every day this week something has been delivered to me. Cute little things like pastries, edible arrangements, each gift was accompanied by a cute note.
"Ooo, a necklace." Tina eyeballed the gift that I pulled from the box. A beautiful gold necklace displayed perfectly in the box, a tiny moon pendant attached to it. Huh, I wonder why he chose a moon.
Can't wait to see you soon. xx
I smiled putting the necklace around my neck. Harry is set to come back this afternoon and I couldn't be more excited.
"You headed out soon?" I asked Tina, who was packing the rest of her stuff in her backpack, she nodded with a pout.
"Sadly, I've got to go help mom out with some stuff. But this was great, it's like living together again, except with two spawns running around." She laughed, pointing to the two kids at the kitchen table.
"Thank you for coming to help out, I really needed it." I hugged her tightly. "I love you, let me know when you're home, yeah?" I asked, she nodded her head and squeezed me tight before heading out. Penelope screamed out bye, mouth full of chicken nuggets.
The kids were excited to see Harry, I don't know when's the last time they've been away from him for this long. It was quite tiresome, the repetition of asking where Daddy was and when he was going to come back. I don't blame them though, I felt the same way.
The house was in desperate need of a deep cleaning, the kids toys were scattered in every room of the house, laundry still hasn't been done and the two full trash bags still sat by the garage door waiting to be taken out.
The kids settled in the living room once they were done eating, giving me the chance to load the laundry and wipe down the kitchen a bit. I mentally scolded myself for putting some chores off for this long.
I poked my head into the living room to make sure they're okay before grabbing the two trash bags and leaving out the garage. I shivered as the air met my skin, the temperature has definitely dropped significantly and I ran to the garbage cans to throw in the bags.
"Hi, Anastasia!" Mrs.Linda waved from her front porch, I smiled at her and gave her a wave. "How's the two knuckleheads?" She asked.
"Exactly, that." I laughed.
"Bring them over sometime, I'll bake some pie for them!" She nodded. I agreed and waved goodbye, as I was closing the garage door something caught my eye.
Light reflected into my eyes for a brief moment, my eyes squinted trying to find the source. A black sedan was parked across the street, a few houses down. I rolled my eyes, probably some teenagers having a kick at messing with the neighbors. I locked the door and made my way back into the kitchen.
"Okay my loves, let's clean a little bit before Daddy gets home okay?" I smiled at them, Pen groaned quietly before grudgingly putting away some of her toys.
"Dada?" Danny said. I nodded my head with a smile.
"Yeah, baby. Daddy's gonna be home very soon." I smiled.
There was a loud knock at the door, causing me to jump in my place. I furrowed my eyebrows, shushing the kids before quietly making my way to the door. I looked through the peephole but nobody was there.
Okay, now I don't feel too good. I made sure all the doors were locked around the house, closing all the blinds as well.
"Hey, Anastasia. What do I owe the pleasure?" Louis answered the phone rather quickly, thankfully.
"Louis? I'm so sorry to bother you, but can you please come over?" I panted into the phone, feeling my chest start to tighten, now is not the time to have a panic attack Anastasia.
"What's wrong? Are you okay?" He asked immediately. I took a deep breathe trying to compose myself.
"Yeah, I'm okay. I just, I don't know. I feel like something's off, someone banged on the door but nobody was there. I'm sure it's nothing but I just. I'm freaking out Lou." I said softly, not wanting to frighten the kids.
"I'll be there in 10 minutes. Don't open the door for anyone. I have a key, I'll let myself in. Sit tight." Louis said quickly. "Keep your phone next to you. I'll see you soon." Louis said before hanging up the phone.
The kids played with their race track set in the living room, completely oblivious to my sudden change of demeanor. I took a deep breathe, counting backwards from 20, pinching my thumb to each finger softy. Harry taught me some small tips and tricks to calm myself down.
Just like he said, Louis was here in 10 minutes. He locked the door behind him before approaching me with open arms, allowing me to hug him. I had calmed down by now but his comfort was much needed.
"Thank you for coming so fast. I'm sorry to have taken away some of your day. I just didn't know what to do." I said into his shoulder, he shushed me quickly, stroking the back of my head softly.
"You're fine. I'm always here for you guys if you need anything at all." Louis pulled away, "I scoped the area a little bit, there's nothing suspicious that I noticed but that doesn't mean you were overreacting at all." Louis interjected.
"I'm happy to stay here till Harry gets back." Louis offered and I nodded my head gratefully.
"Please." I smiled. "Would you like anything to eat or drink? Coffee? Tea?" I asked.
"Tea sounds lovely." He smiled. I fetched his tea, hearing him greet the kids in the living room, the squeals of the kids indicating their excitement to see their Uncle Louis.
"You hungry? We have leftovers from lunch, chicken nuggets?" I asked, waving a box of McDonald's nuggets into the air.
"I'm good, Ana. Thank you though." He laughed, "Have you been okay? How was this week without Harry here?" He asked, taking the cup of tea from my hand.
"It's been okay, Tina was here to help with the kids so I wouldn't lose my sanity." I laughed. "I didn't think I'd miss him as much as I did though. Don't tell him I said that, it'll go straight to his head." We chuckled.
"Well the house isn't burned down and the kids are in one piece so I call that a success." Louis raised his mug up slightly. "When's he supposed to come back anyways?" He asked.
I checked my phone to see what time it was.
1:42 PM
"Sometime around 3." I shrugged, but on the inside I was giddy and excited to see Harry. Yuck I felt like a middle school girl who hugged her crush for the first time.
After watching a few episodes of a cartoon with the kids we put both of them down for their naps, giving us time to finish cleaning the house before Harry gets home.
"Thank you for helping, you really didn't have to." I thanked Louis who was now helping me fold the laundry.
"Ana, please stop apologizing." He shook his head softly. "I'm here to help." He smiled.
The sound of the garage door opening caught my attention and my eyes widened, a smile forming on my face. Sure enough Harry opened the door, eyes instantly on mine.
I let out a high pitched squeal and ran into his arms. He dropped his bags and caught me, scooping me up into his arms.
"Hey, angel." He sighed happily into my ears. I pulled back and planted my lips onto his, a huge smile on my face.
"God, I spent all week thinking about this moment. " I whispered against his lips. "Missed you so much." I wrapped my arms around him tightly.
"Get a room." Louis gagged behind us, causing us to laugh.
"Hey mate, what are you doing here?" Harry asked giving Louis a hug.
"Uhh- Anastasia asked me to come over. I think some kids were ding dong ditching and it spooked her a bit." He said, not wanting to cause any alarm to Harry. Harry furrowed his eyebrows at Louis' words. He glanced at me, and then to my necklace tilting his head.
"That's new. Where'd you get it?" He asked. This time it was my eyebrows that scrunched together, my hand touching the necklace around my neck.
"What do you mean?" I asked. "Weren't you the one that had it delivered?" I said, starting to feel my chest tighten.
"No.. Anastasia, I didn't buy that." Harry said. "What do you mean delivered??" He asked.
"This whole week.. things have been getting delivered." I said, my eyes widening. I ran to the kitchen to grab the bouquet that was delivered on Monday.
"This, some pastries, fruit, this necklace.. They all had these notes.." I showed him the notes. "Harry, you didn't send any of these??" I asked, starting to panic. Harry and Louis stood in front of me completely dumbfounded.
"Anastasia, it wasn't me. Fuck." Harry groaned, running a hand through his hair. "You ate the food?" Harry asked, I nodded my head instantly feeling sick to my stomach.
"If it wasn't you then who sent it?!" I said, my hands scrunched together in a fist.
"I-" Harry's mouth opened briefly before closing again. He looked at Louis, they made weird faces to each other. Louis shook his head, raising his eyebrows at Harry.
"Okay, what the fuck are you two doing?" I glared at them.
"What if it's Scott? Dylan. Whatever." Louis asked, biting his lip slightly. My heart dropped, I thought we already fixed this. I thought this wasn't a problem anymore. I grabbed the vase and threw it in the trash, grabbing the notes to do the same. "Ana don't! It's evidence." Louis stopped me.
I fell to my knees, screaming and yanking the necklace off of my neck. I didn't hold it in anymore, Harry's arms were instantly wrapped around me.
"Ana.." He whispered into my ear, "It's okay.. He can't touch you." He said.
"But he already did! He sent these stupid gifts to me. I ate the food! It could have been poisoned or something." I shouted.
"You didn't know. It's not your fault baby. Please." He rubbed my back softly.
Louis took pictures of all the stuff that was now scattered on the kitchen table, the three of us surrounded the table, staring at the items spread out. Louis and Harry talked amongst themselves, I sighed and grabbed some water to drink.
I had to constantly tell myself not to get worked up, don't stress too much. Don't get overwhelmed. Don't let it hurt you. I squeezed my eyes shut, already feeling a major head ache coming.
Harry walked over to me while Louis made a phone call. He stood behind me, wrapping his arms around me and letting his hands settle on my stomach. Harry peppered my head with kisses, hugging me snug to his chest.
"How's the little bean?" He asked, I turned my body slightly and pointed at the sonogram the I put on the fridge. A gasp escaped his lips as he let go of me to grab the picture from the fridge.
"Oh my gosh.. There he is." He grinned, his fingers grazing over the picture. This moment alone put a smile on my face, almost letting me forget the new situation we were in.
"Oh it's a he, now?" I laughed. "I think it's a girl." I smiled.
"Whatever it may be.. I love them already." He smiled at me, wrapping an arm around my shoulder and planting a big kiss to my temple. "Still can't believe that we're having a baby together." He whispered.
"Mm. It's crazy, huh.. I'm gonna birth a whole human." Was I ready to be a mom? I'm not sure, in a way I already am a mom. I treat Pen and Danny as my own, caring for them, protecting them as my own. Child birth has always been something that terrified me, at one point in my life I swore I would never have kids. But here I am.
"Alright, I just got off the phone with Niall," Louis popped back into the kitchen, Harry tucking the picture into his back pocket. "We don't have a solid case right now, so I hate to say it... but it's a waiting game now." He sighed, sadly.
"Is there anything else you can think of that happened this week??" Harry asked me, I furrowed my eyebrows thinking. Wait, the pizza parlor... but no, that was couldn't be related right?
"Well.. I'm not sure if this has anything to do with this. But this one couple caught my eye at the pizza shop. They weren't doing anything out of the ordinary, but they caught my attention. I didn't get a look at their face though." I shrugged, not sure if this was viable information at all.
"Oh my gosh, Harry you got a package too." My eyes widened, remembering the package that Tina brought into the house. "Here, I didn't open it. I have no idea what it is?" I grabbed the box off the counter and handing it to him.
"I wasn't expecting anything.." He said slowly, eyebrows furrowed as he stared at the box in his hands. We watched carefully as he opened the box.
"Huh?" Louis said, clearly confused at the contents of the box. "A baby rattle?" Both Harry and I froze at the sight.
"I'm gonna kill him." Harry said lowly, his fists turning white from clenching so hard. I pulled the note from the box and reading it out loud.
So silly of you to leave mama bird and the little ones all alone, Harry... Oh, not to mention the egg in the nest. A gift, from me to you.
He knows. He knows I'm pregnant. He's been watching me, how the fuck does he know?!
"Fuck, you're pregnant?" Louis gasped. We both nodded at him and he wrapped his arms around us. "Well congrats guys, I'm happy for you.. But this is serious. Look I gotta go, I took pictures of everything, I'll talk about it with my boss and have Niall look over everything as well. I love you both, please keep me updated on everything." Louis said his goodbyes, taking a picture of the box before leaving.
"I'm sorry." I said, frowning at Harry. "I'm sorry I've brought this mess into your life." I sighed, if it weren't for me, Scott wouldn't be watching all of us like this. He wouldn't be trying to ruin their lives. Just mine,
"Please, don't apologize angel. Like I said it's not your fault. We're gonna catch this sick fuck, okay?" He said reaching for my hand. I sighed and nodded my head.
"I missed you." Harry smiled, pulling me into his arms once again. "I hate not sleeping with you in my arms, God it's good to be back home. How were the kids?" He asked.
"They were good, they love Tina." I smiled, "They're both taking a nap right now but I'm sure they'll be ecstatic that you're home. They wouldn't stop asking about you." I rolled my eyes playfully at him.
"What can I say, they love me." Harry shrugged, smirk playing on his lips. "C'mon, I want to take a shower. Join me." He whispered tugging my hand and leading me into our bathroom.
We stripped from our clothes and stepped into the hot shower, the water ran down my hair and onto my skin. Harry cupped my face and kissed me, I let myself sink into the kiss, opening my mouth to let him take control. He hummed in approval, his tongue rubbing against mine instantly.
"I love you." He said, pulling away from me.
Our little kiss didn't go any further than that, Harry washed my hair and body and I did the same for him. It was nice to enjoy each other's presence and company after a week of being apart.
Once we were done Harry got out the bathroom first, deciding it would be a sweet surprise if he were the one to wake up the kids from their nap.
I stood in front of the mirror in my bra and underwear, turning to the side to see my tiny belly bump. I smiled, rubbing over my stomach softly.
"Can't wait to meet you, little one. Mommy will keep you safe, I promise."
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