《If We Were in The Cars Movie (COMPLETED)》Your Big Wreck in 54


Lightning and Sally approached the town then stopped "How great would it have been to see this place in its heyday!" Lightning said with a smile "Oh, I can't tell you how many times I've dreamed of that. But one of these days, we'll find a way to get it back on the map." Sally said putting on a smile "Yeah...Hey, listen, thanks for the drive. I had a great time. It's kinda nice to slow down every once in a while."

"You're welcome." Sally then drove over to the Cozy Cone as Lightning watched her "Hey, listen, listen! If anybody asks you, we was out smashing mailboxes, okay?!" Mater said driving up to him then after his sentence he drove off. Lightning chuckled "Wha... What?" He asked then he heard a slight rumbling from down the road making him turn down the road.

As he was watching out of nowhere a stampede of tractors is shown driving towards the town mooing. As the tractors get closer Lightning he finally swerves out of their way. The cars at Flo's watch the tractors drive down the road towards the end of the town. As Ramone was painting yellow stripes on the road he looked up at the tractors "Oh man! The paint's still wet!" Ramone yelled driving out of the tractors' way.

Red looked up at the tractors that were heading his way. He glanced at his flowers, not wanting them to get killed again he drove in front of them protectively then honked his horn. The tractors in the front were startled by the horn and they drove up onto their back tires. As the tractors in front of the stampede landed on their backs the ones in the back split up.

"No, no, no, no, get out of the store!" Luigi yelled at one of the tractors that entered his store. Guido followed the tractor that went into the store as Luigi turned to another one outside the store eating the tires on display "Hey! Here, take-a the snow tires." Luigi yelled pushing some tires over to the tractor.

Lightning watches the whole scene with a smile "MATER!" Sheriff yelled chasing one of the tractors "I WASN'T TRACTOR TIPPING!" Mater yelled back, also chasing a tractor "Sheriff yelled, making Lightning chuckle "WOAH BOY! WOAH!" Lightning notices the tractor driving away from the others "Hey! Hey, guys, There's one going this way! I got it!"


Lightning drives off the paved road after the tractor. As he was following the tractor they were far from the town and around Willy's Butte "Come here, little tractor, come here." Lightning said, making the tractor slow down and stop "That's a good tractor." The tractor started to move again "Come here, little tractor, come here! What are you doing? You're not supposed to go wandering off all-" Lightning glanced over down at the track to see Doc on the track with Grace and Ivy off to the side "Alone....."

A bit confused Lightning drove a bit closer then hid behind some bushes to stay out of sight. As Lightning looked at Doc he noticed his tires "What are you doing with those old racing tires?" Lightning asked himself with a smirk. Grace and Ivy watch Doc as he just stares down at the road. He traces his tire on the road then looks down the track with hope in his eyes only to let out a heavy sigh slumping down.

"Come on Doc...drive...." Lightning, Ivy, and Grace whispered. Doc looked down the track again for a few seconds then got into position. He revs his engine as he puts on a look filled with determination. He continues to rev it up as we get close ups of Doc "Finally." Ivy whispered making Grace chuckle. As he was revving he put on a smile before taking off down the track, Lightning put on a smile along with Grace and Ivy "There he goes!" Grace yelled slamming her tire down.

As Doc was racing down the track he had a wide smile on his fast "Fast as frick boiiii!" Ivy yelled, chuckling. When Doc started to approach the turn Lightning failed at turning, Lightning put on a slightly worried look but the girls kept their smiles. When Doc went a bit faster Lightning's mouth went agap. Doc then swerved his body to the left then turned his tires right to swerve across the dirt. When Doc swerved the turn perfectly he straightened back up then approached the starting point and swerved to stop.

Grace and Ivy drove into the little dirt cloud that Doc made when he stopped. They coughed a bit before the dirt slowly started to clear up, Doc looked over at the two then drove over "You okay?" He asked as the two stopped coughing "Yeah, we should've just waited for the dirt to clear up." Ivy snorted with one last cough. "Also that was cool Doc." Grace said with a little smile making Doc smile back "Wanna try now Gra-"


"Wow...." The three jumped then looked over at Lightning off to the side, the girls forgot about him lol. "You're amazing!" Lightning exclaimed as Doc glared at him then swerved making dust fly everywhere. Grace, Ivy, and Lightning coughed as Doc drove off "Doc where are you going?" Ivy asked even though she knew where he was going "Doc wait!" Lightning yelled then drove after him with the other two.

Doc bust into his garage as Lightning and the other two also drove inside "Doc, hold it! Seriously, your driving's incredible!" Lightning exclaimed as Doc faced away from them "I mean he ain't lying." Ivy commented "Wonderful, now go away!" Doc said a bit annoyed "Hey, I mean it. You've still got it!" Lightning exclaimed driving up next to him as the other two stayed off to the side "I'm asking you to leave." Doc said, keeping his eyes on the wall.

"Come on. I'm a race car, you're a much older race car, but under the hood you and I are the same." Lightning said making Doc flinch "WE ARE NOT THE SAME! UNDERSTAND? NOW GET OUT!" Doc scolded as he backed up outside and Lightning and the girls turned to him "How could a car like you quit at the top of your game?" Lightning asked making Grace and Ivy tense up "Um....Lightning...it's not like that." Grace said as Doc just stared at him "You think I quit?...."

Doc drove back inside then hit a button on the ground making a light shine on the framed newspaper on the wall. The three of them turned to the framed newspaper to see a picture of Doc all beat up 'Crash! Hudson Hornet out for season' Is what it read. "Right...your big wreck in 54..." Lightning said, coming to a realization as Ivy looked at him with a face saying "Really bruh?"

"They quit on me, when I finally got put together, I went back expecting a big welcome, you know what they said? "You're history", moved right on to the next rookie standing in line...." Doc's stern look softened "There was a lot left in me....I never got a chance to show em'..." His stern look returns "I keep that, to remind me never to go back, I just never expected that that world would....would find me here."

Lightning and the girls glance up at the newspaper then back at Doc "Hey look, Doc. I'm not them." Lightning said as the girls stared at him with a bit of disbelief "Oh yeah?" Doc asked "No I'm not." Lightning said in defence "When is the last time you cared about something except yourself, hot rod? You name me one time. And I will take it all back." Doc said making Lightning think for a moment only to look down at the ground in shame. The girls' looks softened "Uh huh. I didn't think so...These are good folk around here, who care about one another. I don't want 'em depending on someone they can't count on."

Grace and Ivy looked at each other with a sigh "Oh, like you? You've been here how long and only two of your friends know who you are?" Lightning asked, making Doc back up a bit hurt at the fact "Who's caring about only himself?" Lightning asked as Grace and Ivy turned to Doc "Just finish that road and get outta here!" Doc scolded then drove off offended. Grace and Ivy sighed as Lightning just looked over at them "I mean I'm right aren't I?" Lightning asked as the two looked at each other nervously "I mean...." Ivy trailed off "I guess.."

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