《If We Were in The Cars Movie (COMPLETED)》Turn Right to go Left


Sally drove out of her office and Ivy drove out of her cone to hear Mater chuckling and laughing, and the reason why made them both gasp "Wow.." Sally drove down the road to the freshly paved part of the road with Ivy following her. Ivy knew the road would look nice but in reality it was satisfying to look at "Mornin', Girls! Hey, look at this here fancy new road that Lightnin' McQueen done just made!" Mater yelled driving around on the road. "Yes! A-Amazing!" Sally yelled as some of the other residents approached the road "It looks noice." Ivy said driving onto the road with a smile "Yey."

"Oh ho, Yeah..." Ramone drove onto the road then lowered himself with a sigh "Oh, Ramone, Mama ain't seen you that low in years." Flo said driving up to Ramone "I haven't seen a road like this in years." Ramone said "Well then let's cruise, baby!" Flo said driving up next to Ramone "Low and slow..." Ramone said as they began to cruise "E Bellissima! It's beautiful! Guido, look, it's a like it was paved by angels. Oh!!"

"Oh, I tell you what. I bet even the roads on the moon ain't this smooth." Mater said cruising around as Doc approached the end of the pavement where Sally and Ivy were "Doc, look at this! Should've tossed him into the cactus a lot sooner, huh?" Sally asked making Ivy chuckle , remembering when Lightning drifted into the cactus.

"Well, he ain't finished yet. Still got a long way to go." Doc said as they turned to look down the road "At least he took Grace's words for granet." Ivy said, rolling her eyes with a smile "GUIDO LOOK AT LUIGI!" They look back at the road to see Luigi get flung by Mater who held him by the tow cable "That looks like fun! Mater, I got dibs, next turn!" Sally yelled driving over to Mater.


"Hey, Luigi, this new road makes your place look like a dump." Lizzie said, making Luigi gasp, offended "That crazy old devil woman." Luigi said then looked at his store with a sigh "She's right! GUIDO!"

"Huh, that kid actually did a good job." Doc said with a smile then glanced over at Bessie parked off to the side "Guess he finally found out what patience is." Doc glanced over at Ivy to see Grace wasn't with her. Which seemed off since the two were always together "Where even is the kid, and where's Grace?" Doc asked making Ivy look over at him.

"Oh she woke up early and went to Willy's Butte. She left a little note saying so. I was barely able to read it." Ivy mumbled the last part with a chuckle. Grace must've written the note with her mouth because the writing was terrible lol. Doc decided to ignore Ivy's last sentence which he didn't understand. "Want to come with me to see if the kid's also at Willy's Butte?" Doc asked "Sure, let's go."

When the two got closer to Willy's Butte they saw Grace talking to Sheriff as they looked down the cliff they were resting on "So you pretty much were always able to do that?" Sheriff asked as Ivy stopped Doc from approaching, then began to slowly drive up to the two "Yeah, ever since I found out I could pitch my voice pretty high I always did it." Grace said in a high pitch voice "BOOGITY!"

Sheriff and Grace both jump making Ivy and Doc laugh but then Doc put on a serious face "Sheriff! Is he making another run for it?" Doc asked driving up next to Grace as Ivy drove up next to Sheriff. "No, no. He ran outta asphalt in the middle of the night, asked me if he could come down here. All he's trying to do is make that there turn." Sheriff said as they watched Lightning swerve on the shard turn "NO NO NO NO! Aw, great! Perfect turns on every track I've ever raced on."


Doc glanced over at Sheriff then his smile faded "Sheriff, why don't you go get yourself a quart of oil at Flo's. I'll keep an eye on him." Doc said, making Sheriff perk up "Well, thanks, Doc. I've been feeling a quart low." Sheriff said driving off as Doc smiled "That was nice for a grumpy ol' grandpa car." Grace said, making Doc tense up "Grandpa?" Doc asked as Grace and Ivy laughed hard.

"I'm kidding!" Grace chuckled, nudging Doc with her tire making him roll his eyes "Okay silly ol' grandma car." Doc said making Grace's expression go blank "WOT?" Grace asked in her high pitched voice as Ivy laughed harder and wheezed like mad. "Oh be quiet." Grace groaned but Ivy continued to wheeze.

Doc chuckled "Crazy kid..." He said, making Ivy chuckle some more, "Yeah you right." Ivy said, continuing to laugh as Grace rolled her eyes "He is now shut up." Grace said then started to laugh as Doc smiled at her "You're both crazy." Doc said looking back down at Lightning approaching the turn only to drift off the track "AHHHHHH!"

When the dust cleared up Lightning was seen wearing a tumbleweed and Doc, Grace, and Ivy appeared in front of him "This ain't asphalt, son. This is dirt." Doc said as Lightning got back on his tires making the tumbleweed fall off his head "Oh, great. What do you want? You here to gloat?" Lightning asked as he drove past the three "Yeah lol." Ivy said as they followed Lightning.

"You don't have three-wheel brakes, so you got to pitch it hard, break it loose and then just drive it with the throttle. Give it too much, you'll be outta the dirt and into the tulips." Doc said, making Lightning turn to them "So you're a judge, doctor, and a racing expert." Lightning said with a smirk "Yeah it's obvious." Ivy said with a blank expression.

"I'll put it simple. If you goin' hard enough left, you'll find yourself turnin' right." Doc said turning his tires during his sentence "Ooh, right, that makes perfect sense. Turn right to go left! Yes! Thank you!" Doc puts on a frown as the girls shake their front sides with disappointment "Or should I say, "No thank you"? Because in Opposite World, maybe that really means, "Thank you"!" Lightning drove off making dust fly in their faces "Crazy grandpa car! What an idiot!"

When the dust cleared up Doc groaned "What an idiot lol. Wanna hang out of something?" Grace asked, looking over at Doc making him look at her "Sure why not." Doc answered "Yey." Ivy cheered as they drove off with Ivy and Grace giggling to themselves.

As Lightning was approaching the turn he looked over at the three leaving "Turn right to go left..." Lightning slowly put on a smile before turning right onto the drive right off the cliff and into the cacti "Oww!..."


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