《Fast Cars Are All You Need》Background Checks


The next morning I woke up feeling like crap. I had the hangover from hell, and no idea where I was. I stumbled out of bed and got dressed before heading downstairs. Walking into the kitchen I finally remembered where I was. I had never left Dom’s house last night, and here he was sitting in front of me shirtless. Needless to say that was a bit more than my sleep addled brain could process at the moment. As I stood there staring at his bare chest he got up and walked over to me. It took a minute for me to realize that he was holding something out to me. When I finally took notice he was holding a bottle of Advil and a glass of water.

“Thanks.” I said taking two of the pills out and swallowing them before downing the glass of water.

“No problem.” He said in a deep rumble that was his voice, and I felt heat shoot right through my body.

“I think I’m going to go get my things.” I said backing out of the kitchen, and then escaping back up the stairs to my bedroom. Sitting on the bed I tried to get my body back under control. As I was sitting there I heard other people in the house start to stir, and head downstairs until the upstairs was silent. Walking back down the stairs with my bag in had I paused just before walking into the kitchen.

“What did you find on her Jesse?” Dom asked with a serious tone in his voice.

“I’m not sure you’re gonna like it Dom. She’s been in and out of Juvie since she turned thirteen, and just recently got out of prison. I think her rap sheet is probably longer than yours.” I heard Jesse reply.


“Explain.” Was Dom’s reply.

“Looks like she was in and out of foster homes from the age of six until child services finally settled her into one house when she turned twelve. Shortly after that she has her first stay in juvie for running away and boosting a Camaro form a grocery store. She did three months and got out just to return a month later for being caught with drugs. She was also in and out repeatedly after that for thing like petty theft, fights, vandalism, and repeatedly for boosting cars. This stopped when she turned seventeen. Her record is clean for three years, and then she got hit with three charges, and did hard time. Looks like she got charged for illegal street racing, public endangerment and endangering the life of a passenger. She got six years in Sandstone for that, though it looks like she was later transferred to ADX Florence, with an additional six years tacked on for beating a prison guard half to death. While there she was moved in and out of the top to levels of security for multiple reasons including assault of guards and inmates alike. She also just got release seven days ago, and it says here when she was first taken in she was covered in bruises that she stated were from her boyfriend.” Jesse said reaching the end of the list.

Everything in the kitchen was quiet for a while so I walked into the kitchen. “I think it’s about time to head out.” I said looking around the kitchen. “Could whoever is parked behind me please move your car?” Vince nodded his head before getting up and walking out the back door. Giving no sign that I had heard them talking about me I walked to the back door, turning to look around the room before walking to the table where the computer was. I looked at Jesse and gestured to the computer as Vince walked back in. “May I?”


“Sure.” Jesse said turning the computer to me after closing the pages he had open. I tapped out a few things before turning it back to him.

“You missed a bit.” I said before walking out the door and jumping into my car. I pulled out of the driveway and was gone before anyone could follow me out.

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