《Cars Humanized Boyfriend Scenarios!》Stargazing



"Thanks for bringing us out here tonight, Lightning." I thanked him. We were stood in front of his racing car late at night near the dirt track outside Radiator Springs, and we were spending the time watching the stars together.

"No problem, [your name]! I saw it was a beautiful night tonight, so I thought I'd treat you to a nice view!" Lightning answered me. "What's that constellation there?" He asked, and pointed up towards a segment of the sky which I recognised immediately.

"That's Scorpio, and there's Sagittarius right next to it." I replied, and pointed up to where Lightning had asked me about.

"Wait, gimme a second. I recognise that one. Don't tell me, is it... Orion?" Lightning also said.

"Yeah. That's right!" I answered.

"Yes!" Lightning exclaimed. "Recognised a constellation on the first try!"

"You were right, Lightning." I commented. "It is beautiful."

"Yeah. It is." He agreed, and we snuggled together while he kissed me on the forehead.


"Hey look! It's the Big Dipper!" Mater exclaimed one night, when we were laid down on our backs on the cool grass in one of the fields near Radiator Springs, stargazing. He pointed up to where he saw it.

"Oh yeah! You're right!" I agreed after seeing where he was pointing. "That one over there, that's called Leo, the lion." I pointed up at another part of the sky.


"Right over there, almost next to the trees."

"Dad gum, you're right! It actually does kinda look like a lion." But suddenly he saw something appear in the sky, just for a second. "Quick, [your name], look! Up there!" And he pointed towards a shooting star, which I only just managed to see. "I heard somewhere that when you see a shootin' star, you have to make a wish!" Mater also said, and then closed his eyes and thought about what wish he'd make. I so did the same, until I smiled to myself, knowing that what I'd wish for was the best thing I could ever wish for.


A few seconds passed, then I opened my eyes, and I saw Mater do the same.

"What did you wish for?" Mater asked me.

"I can't tell you. If you tell anyone about your wish, it won't come true."

"Okay. Well, can you at least gimme a hint?"

"Yeah." I replied. "It's the best thing I could ever wish for, and I have no doubt it'll last forever." I smiled, and then we sat up, and snuggled under the moonlight.

I'd wished that me and Mater would always stay together for as long as we lived, and that nothing in this world, or maybe even the next, could tear us apart.


Finn and I were stood together one clear night on a hillside, leaning against the front of his Aston Martin DB5 hybrid car, gazing up at the beautiful night sky. We'd decided to use this chance tonight, because there wasn't a single cloud in sight.

"That one there, I think that's Pegasus." I pointed at one segment of the sky as I snuggled close to Finn.

"You're probably right. And that one's Casseopeia." Finn pointed to another segment of the sky that was close to Pegasus. But I suddenly saw 2 streaks of light in the sky, which turned out to be shooting stars.

"Finn, look!" I pointed at them.

"Where? What is it?"

"Over there!"

And he managed to see the twin shooting stars streak through the sky together. "It's beautiful." I commented.

"It is a beautiful sight. The twin shooting stars look almost as they're taking an endless journey across the galaxy together." Finn agreed. "A thousand of our lifetimes. But there's someone else in this world who's even more beautiful than the stars." He looked at me and smiled that mysterious smile I'd known for over a year now. And we shared a long, passionate kiss under the light of the stars and the moon.



"How long until the meteor shower arrives?" Siddeley asked me.

"Technically, they don't arrive. The Earth moves into their path, but to answer your question, just another few seconds or so I think." I replied. Sid and I were sat down on the cool grass in the empty field near my house one clear night to watch the Perseid Meteor Shower. As we snuggled closer and closer to each other, I pointed quickly when I saw some of the meteors streaking across the night sky. "Quick, look! Up there!" And Sid looked in the direction I was pointing in.

"The Perseid Meteor shower! It's beautiful!" Sid exclaimed. "But they're nowhere near as gorgeous as you, [your name]." He added as he stroked my cheek, to which I giggled a little bit.

"You are right, though, Sid. It is a pretty sight." I agreed with him. "It's a weird and wonderful galaxy we live in." And he planted an affectionate kiss in my cheek as we continued to gaze up towards the streaks of light in the moonlit sky, and afterwards played a game where the person who named the most constellations they could see won. We both ended up tying neck-and-neck with 3 named constellations on that glorious night together.

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